{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ExistentialQuantification, CPP #-}

-- Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Stefan Wehr - http://www.stefanwehr.de
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

module UI.HSCurses.Widgets where

import Control.Exception (assert)
#if MIN_VERSION_exceptions(0,6,0)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
#define MonadMask MonadCatch
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

import UI.HSCurses.Logging
import qualified UI.HSCurses.Curses as Curses
import qualified UI.HSCurses.CursesHelper as CursesH

type Pos = (Int, Int)
type Offset = (Int, Int)

type Size = (Int, -- height
             Int  -- width

getHeight :: Size -> Int
getHeight = fst

getWidth :: Size -> Int
getWidth = snd

getYOffset :: Offset -> Int
getYOffset = fst

getXOffset :: Offset -> Int
getXOffset = snd

getYPos :: Pos -> Int
getYPos = fst

getXPos :: Pos -> Int
getXPos = snd

data Direction = DirLeft | DirRight | DirUp | DirDown
               deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

data HAlignment = AlignLeft | AlignCenter | AlignRight
               deriving (Eq, Show)

data Cont a = Cont a | Done a

class Widget a where
    draw      :: Pos -> Size -> DrawingHint -> a -> IO ()
    minSize   :: a -> Size

class Widget a => ActiveWidget a where
    activate  :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m () -> Pos -> Size -> a ->
                 m (a, String)

type KeyHandler a = Pos -> Size -> a -> IO (Cont a)

mkKeyHandler :: (Pos -> Size -> a -> a)
                -> KeyHandler a
mkKeyHandler f pos sz w = return (Cont (f pos sz w))

-- Drawing

data DrawingHint = DHNormal
                 | DHFocus
                 | DHActive
                   deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

data DrawingStyle = DStyle
    { dstyle_normal      :: CursesH.CursesStyle
    , dstyle_focus       :: CursesH.CursesStyle
    , dstyle_active      :: CursesH.CursesStyle
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

mkDrawingStyle :: CursesH.CursesStyle -> DrawingStyle
mkDrawingStyle defStyle =
    let revStyle = CursesH.changeCursesStyle defStyle [CursesH.Reverse]
        in DStyle { dstyle_normal = defStyle
                  , dstyle_focus = revStyle
                  , dstyle_active = revStyle

defaultDrawingStyle :: DrawingStyle
defaultDrawingStyle = mkDrawingStyle CursesH.defaultCursesStyle
_draw :: DrawingHint -> DrawingStyle -> IO a -> IO a
_draw DHActive sty io = CursesH.withStyle (dstyle_active sty) io
_draw DHNormal sty io = CursesH.withStyle (dstyle_normal sty) io
_draw DHFocus sty io = CursesH.withStyle (dstyle_focus sty) io

-- Helper functions for scrolling

scrollFactor :: Double
scrollFactor = 0.8

scrollBy :: Int -> Int
scrollBy displayLen =
    let amount = floor ((fromInteger . toInteger) displayLen * scrollFactor)
    in max (displayLen - 1) (min 1 amount)

-- returns the new offset for scrolling in forward direction
-- dataLen: total number of data items
-- offset: the index of the first data item shown on the current page
-- displayLen: the number of data items that is shown in one page
scrollForward :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
scrollForward dataLen offset displayLen =
    if offset + displayLen >= dataLen
       then offset
       else min (offset + scrollBy displayLen) (dataLen - displayLen)

-- returns the new offset for scrolling in backward direction.
-- parameters as for scrollForward
scrollBackward :: t -> Int -> Int -> Int
scrollBackward _ offset displayLen =
    if offset == 0
       then offset
       else max (offset - scrollBy displayLen) 0

-- EmptyWidget

data EmptyWidget = EmptyWidget Size

instance Widget EmptyWidget where
    draw _ _ _ _ = return ()
    minSize (EmptyWidget sz) = sz

-- An opaque widget

data OpaqueWidget = OpaqueWidget Size

instance Widget OpaqueWidget where
    draw (y,x) (h,w) _ _ =
        let draw' n =
                do Curses.wMove Curses.stdScr (y+n) x
                   CursesH.drawLine w ""
        in do mapM draw' (take h [0..])
    minSize (OpaqueWidget sz) = sz

-- Widget for text input

data EditWidget = EditWidget
    { ew_content       :: String,
      ew_xoffset       :: Int, -- content!!xoffset is the 1st char shown
      ew_xcursor       :: Int, -- cursor position
      ew_history       :: [String],
      ew_historyIndex  :: Int,
      ew_historySavedContent :: Maybe String,
      ew_options       :: EditWidgetOptions

ew_contentPos :: EditWidget -> Int
ew_contentPos ew = ew_xcursor ew + ew_xoffset ew

instance Widget EditWidget where
    draw = drawEditWidget
    minSize ew = (1, ewopt_minWidth $ ew_options ew)

instance ActiveWidget EditWidget where
    activate = activateEditWidget

data EditWidgetOptions = EWOptions
    { ewopt_keyHandlers    :: [(Curses.Key, KeyHandler EditWidget)],
      ewopt_minWidth       :: Int,
      ewopt_style          :: DrawingStyle

defaultEWOptions :: EditWidgetOptions
defaultEWOptions = EWOptions
                   { ewopt_keyHandlers = editWidgetKeyHandlers,
                     ewopt_minWidth = 8,
                     ewopt_style = defaultDrawingStyle

newEditWidget :: EditWidgetOptions -> String -> EditWidget
newEditWidget opts =
       { ew_content = "",
         ew_xoffset = 0,
         ew_xcursor = 0,
         ew_history = [],
         ew_historyIndex = -1,
         ew_historySavedContent = Nothing,
         ew_options = opts

editWidgetGoLeft :: Pos
                                                -> Size
                                                -> EditWidget
                                                -> IO (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetGoLeft = mkKeyHandler editWidgetGoLeft'
editWidgetGoRight :: Pos
                                                 -> Size
                                                 -> EditWidget
                                                 -> IO (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetGoRight = mkKeyHandler editWidgetGoRight'
editWidgetDeleteLeft :: Pos
                                                    -> Size
                                                    -> EditWidget
                                                    -> IO (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetDeleteLeft = mkKeyHandler editWidgetDeleteLeft'
editWidgetDeleteUnderCursor :: Pos
                                                           -> Size
                                                           -> EditWidget
                                                           -> IO (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetDeleteUnderCursor = mkKeyHandler editWidgetDeleteUnderCursor'
editWidgetDeleteToEnd :: Pos
                                                     -> Size
                                                     -> EditWidget
                                                     -> IO (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetDeleteToEnd = mkKeyHandler editWidgetDeleteToEnd'
editWidgetGoHome :: Pos
                                                -> Size
                                                -> EditWidget
                                                -> IO (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetGoHome = mkKeyHandler editWidgetGoHome'
editWidgetGoEnd :: Pos
                                               -> Size
                                               -> EditWidget
                                               -> IO (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetGoEnd = mkKeyHandler editWidgetGoEnd'
editWidgetHistoryUp :: Pos
                                                   -> Size
                                                   -> EditWidget
                                                   -> IO (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetHistoryUp = mkKeyHandler editWidgetHistoryUp'
editWidgetHistoryDown :: Pos
                                                     -> Size
                                                     -> EditWidget
                                                     -> IO (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetHistoryDown = mkKeyHandler editWidgetHistoryDown'

editWidgetKeyHandlers :: [(Curses.Key,
                                                       -> Size
                                                       -> EditWidget
                                                       -> IO (Cont EditWidget))]
editWidgetKeyHandlers =
    [(Curses.KeyLeft, editWidgetGoLeft),
     (Curses.KeyRight, editWidgetGoRight),
     (Curses.KeyBackspace, editWidgetDeleteLeft),
     (Curses.KeyChar '\^D', editWidgetDeleteUnderCursor),
     (Curses.KeyDC, editWidgetDeleteUnderCursor),
     (Curses.KeyChar '\^K', editWidgetDeleteToEnd),
     (Curses.KeyHome, editWidgetGoHome),
     (Curses.KeyChar '\^A', editWidgetGoHome),
     (Curses.KeyEnd, editWidgetGoEnd),
     (Curses.KeyChar '\^E', editWidgetGoEnd),
     (Curses.KeyChar '\r', editWidgetFinish),
     (Curses.KeyChar '\t', editWidgetFinish),
     (Curses.KeyUp, editWidgetHistoryUp),
     (Curses.KeyDown, editWidgetHistoryDown)

editWidgetGetContent :: EditWidget -> String
editWidgetGetContent ew = ew_content ew
editWidgetSetContent :: EditWidget
                                                    -> String
                                                    -> EditWidget
editWidgetSetContent ew s =
    addToHistory (ew { ew_content = s, ew_xoffset = 0, ew_xcursor = 0 }) s

editWidgetGetOptions :: EditWidget
                                                    -> EditWidgetOptions
editWidgetGetOptions ew = ew_options ew
editWidgetSetOptions :: EditWidget
                                                    -> EditWidgetOptions
                                                    -> EditWidget
editWidgetSetOptions ew opts = ew { ew_options = opts }

drawEditWidget :: Pos -> Size -> DrawingHint -> EditWidget -> IO ()
drawEditWidget (y, x) (_, width) hint ew =
    _draw hint (ewopt_style . ew_options $ ew) $
    do Curses.wMove Curses.stdScr y x
       CursesH.drawLine width (drop (ew_xoffset ew) $ ew_content ew)

activateEditWidget :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m () -> Pos -> Size
                   -> EditWidget -> m (EditWidget, String)
activateEditWidget refresh pos@(y, x) sz@(_, width) ew =
    CursesH.withCursor Curses.CursorVisible $ processKey ew
    processKey ex =
        do liftIO $ drawLocal ex
           k <- CursesH.getKey refresh
           case lookup k (ewopt_keyHandlers $ ew_options ex) of
             Nothing ->
                 case k of
                   Curses.KeyChar c | isAscii c && isPrint c
                       -> processKey $ insertChar ex c
                   _   -> processKey ex
             Just f  ->
                 do x' <- liftIO $ f pos sz ex
                    case x' of
                      Cont ex' -> processKey ex'
                      Done ex' -> do liftIO $ drawEditWidget pos sz DHActive ex'
                                     return (ex', editWidgetGetContent ex')
    insertChar ew' c =
        let pos' = ew_contentPos ew'
            oldContent = ew_content ew'
            newContent = take pos' oldContent ++ (c : drop pos' oldContent)
            in editWidgetGoRight' pos' sz (ew' { ew_content = newContent })
    drawLocal ew' = _draw DHActive  (ewopt_style . ew_options $ ew') $
        do Curses.wMove Curses.stdScr y x
           CursesH.drawLine width (drop (ew_xoffset ew') $ ew_content ew')
           Curses.wMove Curses.stdScr y (x + ew_xcursor ew')

editWidgetGoLeft' :: t -> t1 -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetGoLeft' _ _ ew =
    let newXcursor = max (ew_xcursor ew - 1) 0
        newXoffset = if ew_xcursor ew == 0
                        then max (ew_xoffset ew - 1) 0
                        else ew_xoffset ew
        in ew { ew_xoffset = newXoffset,
                ew_xcursor = newXcursor }

editWidgetGoRight' :: t -> (t1, Int) -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetGoRight' _ (_, width) ew =
    let len = length (ew_content ew)
        lastChar = len - ew_xoffset ew - 1
        newXcursor = minimum [ew_xcursor ew + 1, lastChar + 1, width - 1]
        newXoffset = if ew_xcursor ew == width - 1
                        then min (ew_xoffset ew + 1) (len - width + 1)
                        else ew_xoffset ew
        in ew { ew_xoffset = newXoffset,
                ew_xcursor = newXcursor }

editWidgetDeleteLeft' :: Pos -> Size -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetDeleteLeft' pos sz ew =
    let cpos = ew_contentPos ew - 1
        oldContent = ew_content ew
        newContent = take cpos oldContent ++ drop (cpos+1) oldContent
        ew' = editWidgetGoLeft' pos sz (ew { ew_content = newContent })
        in if ew_xcursor ew == 0 && ew_xoffset ew /= 0
              then editWidgetGoRight' pos sz (editWidgetGoLeft' pos sz ew')
              else ew'

editWidgetDeleteUnderCursor' :: t -> t1 -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetDeleteUnderCursor' _ _ ew =
    let pos = ew_contentPos ew
        oldContent = ew_content ew
        newContent = take pos oldContent ++ drop (pos+1) oldContent
        in ew { ew_content = newContent }

editWidgetDeleteToEnd' :: t -> t1 -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetDeleteToEnd' _ _ ew =
    let pos = ew_contentPos ew
        oldContent = ew_content ew
        newContent = take pos oldContent
        in ew { ew_content = newContent }

editWidgetGoHome' :: t -> t1 -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetGoHome' _ _ ew =
    ew { ew_xcursor = 0,
         ew_xoffset = 0 }

editWidgetGoEnd' :: Pos -> Size -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetGoEnd' pos sz ew =
    let cpos = ew_contentPos ew
        len = length (ew_content ew)
        in if cpos == len
              then ew
              else editWidgetGoEnd' pos sz (editWidgetGoRight' pos sz ew)

editWidgetFinish :: (Monad m) => t -> t1 -> EditWidget -> m (Cont EditWidget)
editWidgetFinish _ _ ew =  return (Done (addToHistory ew (ew_content ew)))

maxHistoryLength :: Int
maxHistoryLength = 50

addToHistory :: EditWidget -> [Char] -> EditWidget
addToHistory ew s =
    let newHist = if not (null s)
                     then take maxHistoryLength (s : ew_history ew)
                     else ew_history ew
        in ew { ew_history = newHist, ew_historyIndex = -1,
                ew_historySavedContent = Nothing }

editWidgetHistoryUp' :: t -> t1 -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetHistoryUp' _ _ ew = editWidgetHistory (+) ew

editWidgetHistoryDown' :: t -> t1 -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetHistoryDown' _ _ ew = editWidgetHistory (-) ew

-- ew_historyList: list of history items, i.e. non-null strings which were
--   entered into the widget and confirmed with ENTER or which were added
--   via editWidgetSetContent.
-- ew_historyIndex: the index of the history item shown in the widget. The
--   value -1 means that the value saved in ew_historySavedContent should
--   be shown.
editWidgetHistory :: (Num t) => (Int -> t -> Int) -> EditWidget -> EditWidget
editWidgetHistory op ew =
    let i = ew_historyIndex ew
        l = ew_history ew
        j =  i `op` 1
        in if j >= 0 && j < length l
              then let savedContent =
                           case ew_historySavedContent ew of
                             Nothing -> Just (ew_content ew)
                             x -> x
                       in ew { ew_historyIndex = j, ew_content = l!!j,
                               ew_historySavedContent = savedContent,
                               ew_xcursor = 0, ew_xoffset = 0 }
              else if j == -1
                      then case ew_historySavedContent ew of
                             Nothing -> ew
                             Just x -> ew { ew_content = x,
                                            ew_historyIndex = j,
                                            ew_xcursor = 0,
                                            ew_xoffset = 0  }
                   else ew

-- Text widget

data TextWidget = TextWidget
    { tw_text           :: String,
      tw_yoffset        :: Int,
      tw_xoffset        :: Int,
      tw_options        :: TextWidgetOptions
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Widget TextWidget where
    draw = drawTextWidget
    minSize tw =
        case twopt_size $ tw_options tw of
          TWSizeDefault -> let l = lines (tw_text tw)
                           in (length l, if null l then 0 else maximum (map length l))
          TWSizeFixed sz -> sz

data TextWidgetSize = TWSizeDefault    -- minimal size determined by content
                    | TWSizeFixed Size -- minimal size is fixed, content is
                                       -- possibly cut off
                      deriving (Eq, Show)
                    | Autowrap   -- minimal width determined by content,
                                 -- but lines are wrapped if necessary

data TextWidgetOptions = TWOptions
    { twopt_size   :: TextWidgetSize,
      twopt_style  :: DrawingStyle,
      twopt_halign :: HAlignment }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

defaultTWOptions :: TextWidgetOptions
defaultTWOptions = TWOptions
                { twopt_size = TWSizeDefault,
                  twopt_style = defaultDrawingStyle,
                  twopt_halign = AlignLeft }

newTextWidget :: TextWidgetOptions -> String -> TextWidget
newTextWidget opts s = TextWidget
                       { tw_text = s,
                         tw_yoffset = 0,
                         tw_xoffset = 0,
                         tw_options = opts

drawTextWidget :: Pos -> Size -> DrawingHint -> TextWidget -> IO ()
drawTextWidget (y, x) (height, width) hint tw =
    let ly = take height $ drop (tw_yoffset tw) (lines (tw_text tw))
        l = take height $ (map (drop (tw_xoffset tw)) ly ++ repeat [])
        l' = map (align (twopt_halign $ tw_options tw) width ' ') l
    in --trace ("drawing text widget at " ++ show pos ++ " with size " ++ show sz) $
       do _draw hint (twopt_style . tw_options $ tw)
                      (mapM drawLine $ zip l' [0..])
    where drawLine (s, i) =
              do Curses.wMove Curses.stdScr (y + i) x
                 CursesH.drawLine width s

textWidgetGetText :: TextWidget -> String
textWidgetGetText = tw_text

textWidgetSetText :: TextWidget -> String -> TextWidget
textWidgetSetText tw s = tw { tw_text = s }

textWidgetScrollDown :: Size -> TextWidget -> TextWidget
textWidgetScrollDown (h, _) tw =
    let dataLen = length $ lines (tw_text tw)
        offset = tw_yoffset tw
        in tw { tw_yoffset = scrollForward dataLen offset h }

textWidgetScrollUp :: Size -> TextWidget -> TextWidget
textWidgetScrollUp (h, _) tw =
    let dataLen = length $ lines (tw_text tw)
        offset = tw_yoffset tw
        in tw { tw_yoffset = scrollBackward dataLen offset h }

textWidgetScrollLeft :: Size -> TextWidget -> TextWidget
textWidgetScrollLeft (_, w) tw =
    let dataLen = length $ lines (tw_text tw)
        offset = tw_xoffset tw
        in tw { tw_xoffset = scrollBackward dataLen offset w }

textWidgetScrollRight :: Size -> TextWidget -> TextWidget
textWidgetScrollRight (_, w) tw =
    let dataLen = length $ lines (tw_text tw)
        offset = tw_xoffset tw
        in tw { tw_xoffset = scrollForward dataLen offset w }

-- Table widget

data TableCell = forall w. Widget w => TableCell w
               | forall w. ActiveWidget w => ActiveTableCell w

isActive :: TableCell -> Bool
isActive (TableCell _) = False
isActive (ActiveTableCell _) = True

instance Widget TableCell where
    draw pos sz hint (TableCell w) = draw pos sz hint w
    draw pos sz hint (ActiveTableCell w) = draw pos sz hint w
    minSize (TableCell w) = minSize w
    minSize (ActiveTableCell w) = minSize w

_activateTableCell :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m () -> Pos -> Size
                   -> TableCell -> m (TableCell, String)
_activateTableCell _ _ _ (TableCell _) =
    error "_activateTableCell: cannot activate non-active cell!"
_activateTableCell refresh pos sz (ActiveTableCell w) =
    do (new, res) <- activate refresh pos sz w
       return (ActiveTableCell new, res)

type Row = [TableCell]

singletonRow :: TableCell -> Row
singletonRow tc = [tc]

getCellWidget :: TableWidget -> (Int, Int) -> TableCell
getCellWidget tbw (row, col) = (tbw_rows tbw) !! row !! col

setCellWidget :: TableWidget -> (Int, Int) -> TableCell -> TableWidget
setCellWidget tbw (rowIndex, colIndex) w =
    let rows = tbw_rows tbw
        row = rows !! rowIndex
        newRow = listReplace row w colIndex
        newRows = listReplace rows newRow rowIndex
        in tbw { tbw_rows = newRows }

data TableWidget = TableWidget
    { tbw_rows     :: [Row],
      tbw_colOffset  :: Int,
      tbw_pos      :: Maybe Pos,
      tbw_options  :: TableWidgetOptions }

data FillRow = First | Last | None deriving (Eq,Show)

data TableWidgetOptions = TBWOptions
    { tbwopt_fillCol    :: Maybe Int,
      tbwopt_fillRow    :: FillRow,
      tbwopt_activeCols :: [Int],
      tbwopt_minSize    :: Size }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

defaultTBWOptions :: TableWidgetOptions
defaultTBWOptions = TBWOptions
                    { tbwopt_fillCol = Nothing,
                      tbwopt_fillRow = None,
                      tbwopt_activeCols = [],
                      tbwopt_minSize = (4, 10) }

instance Widget TableWidget where
    draw      = drawTableWidget
    minSize   = tbwopt_minSize . tbw_options

newTableWidget :: TableWidgetOptions -> [Row] -> TableWidget
newTableWidget opts rows = TableWidget
                              { tbw_rows = rows,
                                tbw_colOffset = 0,
                                tbw_pos = findFirstActiveCell rows opts,
                                tbw_options = opts }

data TableWidgetDisplayInfo =
    { tbwdisp_height     :: Int   -- height of the display area
    , tbwdisp_width      :: Int   -- width of the display area
    , tbwdisp_firstVis   :: Int   -- index of the first row visible
    , tbwdisp_lastVis    :: Int   -- index of the last row visible
    , tbwdisp_rows       :: [Row] -- the rows which are visible
    , tbwdisp_nrows      :: Int   -- the number of rows visible
    , tbwdisp_heights    :: [Int] -- the heights of the visible rows
    , tbwdisp_widths     :: [Int] -- the widths of the visible rows
      -- free space at the right side (xoffset, size)
    , tbwdisp_rightMargin :: Maybe (Int, Size)

tableWidgetDisplayInfo :: Size -> TableWidget -> TableWidgetDisplayInfo
tableWidgetDisplayInfo (height, width) tbw =
    assert (isQuadratic (tbw_rows tbw)) $
    let allRows = tbw_rows tbw
        ncols = length (allRows!!0)
        colOffset = tbw_colOffset tbw
        allHeights = minSpaces getHeight allRows
        heights' = drop colOffset allHeights
        nrows = getNRows heights' 0 0
        rows = take nrows $ drop colOffset allRows
        (heights, heightDummy) =
            let hs = take nrows heights'
                s = sum hs
                d = height - s
                in case tbwopt_fillRow $ tbw_options tbw of
                     First -> (applyToFirst (+d) hs, 0)
                     Last -> (applyToLast (+d) hs, 0)
                     None -> (hs, d)
        widths' = minSpaces getWidth (transpose $ tbw_rows tbw)
        (widths, rightMargin) =
            if sum widths' > width
               then error ("table to wide: width=" ++ show (sum widths') ++
                           ", available width=" ++ show width)
               else case tbwopt_fillCol $ tbw_options tbw of
                      Just i | i >= 0 && i < ncols
                                 -> (take i widths' ++
                                     let rest = drop i widths'
                                     in (head rest + width - sum widths') : tail rest
                                    , Nothing)
                      _ -> let diff = width - sum widths'
                               msz = (height, diff)
                               m = if diff > 0 then Just (sum widths', msz)
                                   else Nothing
                           in (widths', m)
        dummyHeights = if heightDummy == 0 then [] else [heightDummy]
        dummyRows = if heightDummy == 0 then []
                    else [map (\w -> TableCell (OpaqueWidget (heightDummy, w)))
        in TBWDisplayInfo
               { tbwdisp_height = height
               , tbwdisp_width = width
               , tbwdisp_firstVis = colOffset
               , tbwdisp_lastVis = colOffset + nrows - 1
               , tbwdisp_rows = rows ++ dummyRows
               , tbwdisp_nrows = nrows + length dummyRows
               , tbwdisp_heights = heights ++ dummyHeights
               , tbwdisp_widths = widths
               , tbwdisp_rightMargin = rightMargin
        minSpaces f ls =
            snd $ mapAccumL
                    (\acc ws ->
                       (acc, acc + maximum (map (f . minSize) ws)))
                    0 ls
        getNRows (h:hs) n acc | h + n <= height = getNRows hs (h+n) (acc+1)
        getNRows _ _ acc = acc
        isQuadratic [] = True
        isQuadratic (x:xs) = isQuadratic' xs (length x)
        isQuadratic' (x:xs) n = length x == n && isQuadratic' xs n
        isQuadratic' [] _ = True
        applyToFirst _ [] = []
        applyToFirst f (x:xs) = f x : xs
        applyToLast _ [] = []
        applyToLast f l =
            let (h, t) = (head $ reverse l, tail $ reverse l)
                in reverse $ f h : t

getCellInfo :: Pos -> Size -> TableWidget -> (Int,Int) -> (Pos, Size)
getCellInfo (y,x) sz tbw (row, col) =
    let info = tableWidgetDisplayInfo sz tbw
        heights = tbwdisp_heights info
        widths = tbwdisp_widths info
        h = heights !! row
        w = widths !! col
        yoff = sum $ take row heights
        xoff = sum $ take col widths
        in ((y+yoff, x+xoff), (h, w))

drawTableWidget :: Pos -> Size -> DrawingHint -> TableWidget -> IO ()
drawTableWidget (y, x) sz hint tbw =
    let info = tableWidgetDisplayInfo sz tbw
        heights = tbwdisp_heights info
        widths = tbwdisp_widths info
        firstVis = tbwdisp_firstVis info
        rows = tbwdisp_rows info
        rightMargin = tbwdisp_rightMargin info
        in do drawRows rows heights widths 0 firstVis hint
              case rightMargin of
                Nothing -> return ()
                Just (xoff,s) -> draw (y,x+xoff) s hint (OpaqueWidget s)
    where drawRows :: [Row] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int
                   -> DrawingHint -> IO ()
          drawRows [] _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
          drawRows (r:rs) (h:hs) widths yoffset rowIndex hint' =
            do drawCols r h widths yoffset 0 (rowIndex, 0) hint'
               drawRows rs hs widths (yoffset + h) (rowIndex + 1) hint'
          drawCols :: Row -> Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
                   -> DrawingHint -> IO ()
          drawCols [] _ _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
          drawCols (c:cs) h (w:ws) yoffset xoffset (rowIndex, colIndex) hint' =
            let hint'' = case tbw_pos tbw of
                           Just (z, a) | z == rowIndex && a == colIndex
                               -> DHFocus
                           _ -> hint'
            in do draw (y+yoffset, x+xoffset) (h,w) hint'' c
                  drawCols cs h ws yoffset (xoffset + w)
                           (rowIndex, colIndex+1) hint'

tableWidgetScrollDown :: Size -> TableWidget -> TableWidget
tableWidgetScrollDown (h, _) tbw =
    let dataLen = length $ tbw_rows tbw
        offset = tbw_colOffset tbw
        newOffset = scrollForward dataLen offset h
        newTbw = tbw { tbw_colOffset = newOffset }
        in case tbw_pos newTbw of
             Nothing -> newTbw
             Just (y,x) -> newTbw { tbw_pos = Just (max newOffset y, x) }

tableWidgetScrollUp :: Size -> TableWidget -> TableWidget
tableWidgetScrollUp sz@(h,_) tbw =
    let dataLen = length $ tbw_rows tbw
        offset = tbw_colOffset tbw
        newOffset = scrollBackward dataLen offset h
        newTbw = tbw { tbw_colOffset = newOffset }
        newLastVis = tbwdisp_lastVis (tableWidgetDisplayInfo sz newTbw)
        in case tbw_pos newTbw of
             Nothing -> newTbw
             Just (y,x) ->
                 newTbw { tbw_pos = Just (min newLastVis y, x) }

tableWidgetActivateCurrent :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m () -> Pos -> Size
                           -> DrawingHint -> TableWidget
                           -> m (TableWidget, Maybe String)
tableWidgetActivateCurrent refresh (y, x) sz _ tbw =
    case tbw_pos tbw of
      Nothing -> do debug "tableWidgetActivateCurrent: pos=Nothing"
                    return (tbw, Nothing)
      Just p -> let w = getCellWidget tbw p
                    in if not $ isActive w
                       then do debug "tableWidgetActivateCurrent: not active"
                               return (tbw, Nothing)
                       else activate' w p
    activate' widget colyx@(coly, colx) =
        let info = tableWidgetDisplayInfo sz tbw
            vcol = colx
            vrow = coly - tbwdisp_firstVis info
            heights = tbwdisp_heights info
            widths = tbwdisp_widths info
            h = heights !! vrow
            w = widths !! vcol
            yoffset = sum (take vrow heights)
            xoffset = sum (take vcol widths)
        in do (new, res) <- _activateTableCell refresh (y+yoffset, x+xoffset)
                              (h, w) widget
              return (setCellWidget tbw colyx new, Just res)

tableWidgetGoLeft :: Size -> TableWidget -> TableWidget
tableWidgetGoLeft =  tableWidgetMove DirLeft

tableWidgetGoRight :: Size -> TableWidget -> TableWidget
tableWidgetGoRight =  tableWidgetMove DirRight

tableWidgetGoUp :: Size -> TableWidget -> TableWidget
tableWidgetGoUp =  tableWidgetMove DirUp

tableWidgetGoDown :: Size -> TableWidget -> TableWidget
tableWidgetGoDown =  tableWidgetMove DirDown

tableWidgetMove :: Direction
                -> (Int, Int)
                -> TableWidget
                -> TableWidget
tableWidgetMove dir sz tbw =
    let pos = tbw_pos tbw
        opts = tbw_options tbw
        nrows = length (tbw_rows tbw)
        in case pos of
             Nothing -> tbw
             Just p -> case findNextActiveCell opts nrows p dir of
                         Nothing -> tbw
                         newP@(Just (y, _)) ->
                             tableWidgetMakeVisible (tbw {tbw_pos=newP}) sz y

tableWidgetMakeVisible :: TableWidget
                       -> (Int, Int)
                       -> Int
                       -> TableWidget
tableWidgetMakeVisible tbw sz@(_,_) y =
    let info = tableWidgetDisplayInfo sz tbw
        firstVis = tbwdisp_firstVis info
        lastVis = tbwdisp_lastVis info
        in if y < firstVis
              then tableWidgetMakeVisible (tableWidgetScrollUp sz tbw) sz y
              else if y > lastVis
                      then tableWidgetMakeVisible
                               (tableWidgetScrollDown sz tbw) sz y
                      else tbw

findFirstActiveCell :: [Row] -> TableWidgetOptions -> Maybe Pos
findFirstActiveCell rows opts =
    let nrows = length rows
        firstActiveCells = map (\y -> findNextActiveCell opts nrows
                                                         (y, -1) DirRight)
        in case catMaybes firstActiveCells of
             [] -> Nothing
             (x:_) -> Just x

findNextActiveCell :: TableWidgetOptions -> Int  -> Pos -> Direction
                   -> Maybe Pos
findNextActiveCell opts nrows (y,x) dir =
--    trace ("findNextActiveCell (opts=" ++ show opts ++ ", nrows=" ++ show nrows
--           ++ ", pos=" ++ show pos ++ ", dir=" ++ show dir) $
    let rows = [0..(nrows - 1)]
        cols = sort (tbwopt_activeCols opts)
        horiz f = case f cols x rows y of
                    Nothing -> Nothing
                    Just z -> Just (y, z)
        vert f = case f rows y cols x of
                   Nothing -> Nothing
                   Just z -> Just (z, x)
        res = case dir of
                DirLeft-> horiz goLeft
                DirRight -> horiz goRight
                DirUp -> vert goLeft
                DirDown -> vert goRight
        in --trace ("result of findNextActiveCell: " ++ show res)
    where goLeft _ _ rows a | not (a `elem` rows) = Nothing
          goLeft cols b _ _ =
              case reverse (takeWhile (<b) cols) of
                [] -> Nothing
                (c:_) -> Just c
          goRight _ _ rows a | not (a `elem` rows) = Nothing
          goRight cols a _ _ =
              case dropWhile (a>=) cols of
                [] -> Nothing
                (b:_) -> Just b

tableWidgetDeleteRow :: Int -> TableWidget -> TableWidget
tableWidgetDeleteRow n tbw =
    let rows = tbw_rows tbw
        rows' = deleteAt n rows
        pos' =
           case tbw_pos tbw of
             Nothing -> Nothing
             Just (row,col) ->
                 let row' = min row (length rows' - 1)
                     in if row' >= 0 then Just (row', col)
                        else Nothing
        in tbw { tbw_rows = rows', tbw_pos = pos' }

-- BorderWidget

-- Selection Widget

-- Utility functions

-- | Join a list by some delimiter
joinLists :: [[a]] -> [a] -> [a]
joinLists l s = if (null l) then [] else foldr1 (\x -> \y -> x ++ s ++ y) l

-- | Split a list by some delimiter
splitList :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitList d l =
    unfoldr (\x -> if (null x)
                      then Nothing
                      else Just $ nextToken d [] (snd $ splitAt (length d) x))
  where nextToken _ r [] = (r, [])
        nextToken e r m@(h:t) | (e `isPrefixOf` m) = (r, m)
                              | otherwise = nextToken e (r++[h]) t

listReplace :: [a] -> a -> Int -> [a]
listReplace l a i =
    case splitAt i l of
      (_, []) -> error ("listReplace: index to large. index="++show i++
                        ", length="++show (length l))
      ([], _) | i < 0 -> error ("listReplace: negative index. index="++
                                show i)
      (xs,(_:ys)) -> xs ++ (a:ys)

--alignRows :: [[String]] -> Char -> String -> [String]
alignRows :: [[[a]]] -> a -> [a] -> [[a]]
alignRows rows fill delim =
    let widths = foldr maxWidths (repeat 0) rows
        in map (alignRow widths) rows
    maxWidths ::  [[a]] -> [Int] -> [Int]
    maxWidths row acc = map (uncurry max) (zip acc (map length row))
    alignRow widths row = concatMap (uncurry alignCell) (zip widths row)
    alignCell width cell =
        let diff = width - length cell
            in cell ++ (take diff $ repeat fill) ++ delim

align :: HAlignment -> Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
align a w f l =
    let space = w - length l
        in case a of
             AlignLeft -> l ++ (fill space)
             AlignRight -> (fill space) ++ l
             AlignCenter ->
                 let left = space `div` 2
                     right = left + (space `mod` 2)
                     in fill left ++ l ++ fill right
    where fill n = take n (repeat f)

deleteAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
deleteAt n l = if n >= 0 && n < length l
                  then let (a,b) = splitAt n l in a ++ (tail b)
                  else error ("deleteAt: illegal index: " ++ show n)