{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ViewPatterns, OverloadedStrings, TupleSections, PatternGuards #-} {-| Caching asynchronous DNS resolver built on top of GNU ADNS . * Resolves several IP addresses for one host (if available) in round-robin fashion. * Limits number of parallel requests (so DNS resolving continues to work even under heavy load). * Errors are cached too (for one minute). * Handles CNAMEs (@hsdns@ returns error for them). You should link your program with the /threaded/ runtime-system when using this module. In GHC, this is accomplished by specifying @-threaded@ on the command-line. This cache is tested in a long running web-crawler (used in ) so it should be safe to use it in real world applications. -} module ADNS.Cache ( -- * DNS cache DnsCache , withDnsCache , stopDnsCache -- * DNS lookup , resolveA, resolveCachedA -- * Utils , showHostAddress ) where import ADNS hiding (HostName, HostAddress) import ADNS.Base import ADNS.Endian import Data.List import Data.Word import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Text as T import Control.Monad import Data.Bits import Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Concurrent.MSem as MSem import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Network.Socket (HostName, HostAddress, inet_ntoa) -- ^ just to make docs link to Network.Socket instead of ADNS -- | Asynchronous DNS cache. data DnsCache = DnsCache { resolver :: Resolver , sem :: MSem.MSem Int , cache :: MVar (HM.HashMap T.Text (POSIXTime, Either T.Text (Queue HostAddress))) , active :: MVar (HM.HashMap T.Text [MVar (Either String (POSIXTime, [RRAddr]))]) } data Queue a = Queue ![a] ![a] deriving Show listQ :: [a] -> Queue a listQ l = Queue l [] rotQ :: Queue a -> Maybe (a, Queue a) rotQ (Queue [] []) = Nothing rotQ (Queue (x:xs) ys) = Just (x, Queue xs (x:ys)) rotQ (Queue [] ys) = rotQ (Queue (reverse ys) []) -- not more than 30 simultaneous resolveA calls maxQueries :: Int maxQueries = 30 -- | Create cache and run action passed. withDnsCache :: (DnsCache -> IO a) -> IO a withDnsCache act = initResolver [NoErrPrint, NoServerWarn, NoSigPipe] $ \ r -> do -- ^ there was sigsegv in adns__lprintf when exiting using Ctrl+C -- so the warnings printing is suppressed c <- newMVar HM.empty a <- newMVar HM.empty s <- MSem.new maxQueries act (DnsCache r s c a) -- | Wait till all running resolvers are finished and block further resolvers. stopDnsCache :: DnsCache -> IO () stopDnsCache d = replicateM_ maxQueries $ MSem.wait (sem d) -- | Resolve A DNS record. resolveA :: DnsCache -> HostName -> IO (Either String HostAddress) resolveA d domain = do r <- tryResolveA' d domain either id return r -- | Resolve cached A DNS record. -- Returns Nothing if host name is not yet cached. resolveCachedA :: DnsCache -> HostName -> IO (Maybe (Either String HostAddress)) resolveCachedA d domain = do r <- tryResolveA' d domain return $ either (const Nothing) Just r type ResultA = Either String HostAddress -- | Returns action to resolve A or cached resolved action tryResolveA' :: DnsCache -> HostName -> IO (Either (IO ResultA) ResultA) tryResolveA' d@(DnsCache {..}) domain | any (`elem` ":/?") domain = return $ Right $ Left "Invalid domain name" | length domain > 253 = return $ Right $ Left "Domain name too long" | any (\ t -> T.length t > 63) (T.split (== '.') $ T.pack domain) = return $ Right $ Left "Domain name or component too long" | isIPAddr domain = return $ Right $ Right $ ipToWord32 domain | otherwise = do t <- getPOSIXTime mbr <- modifyMVar cache $ \ c -> case HM.lookup key c of Just (expT, a) | t < expT -> fmap (\(m,r) -> (m, Just r)) $ insRot False c expT a _ -> return (c, Nothing) case mbr of Just r -> return $ Right r _ -> return $ Left $ do res <- modifyMVar active $ \ a -> case HM.lookup key a of Just ws -> do w <- newEmptyMVar return (HM.insert key (w:ws) a, takeMVar w) Nothing -> return (HM.insert key [] a, do -- print ("resolve", domain) r <- MSem.with sem $ resolveA' d [] domain modifyMVar_ active $ \ a -> case HM.lookup key a of Just ws -> do mapM_ (\ w -> putMVar w r) ws return $ HM.delete key a Nothing -> return a -- ? return r) ra <- res modifyMVar cache $ \ m -> case ra of Left e -> insRot True m (t+600) $ Left $ T.pack e Right (max (t+600) -> et, rras) -> insRot True m et $ Right $ listQ [a | RRAddr a <- rras] where key = T.pack domain err False m _ e = return (m, Left $ T.unpack e) err True m t e = return (HM.insert key (t, Left e) m, Left $ T.unpack e) insRot f m t (Left e) = err f m t e insRot f m t (Right q) | Just (a, q') <- rotQ q = return (HM.insert key (t, Right q') m, Right a) | otherwise = err f m t "No RRAddr???" resolveA' :: DnsCache -> [HostName] -> HostName -> IO (Either String (POSIXTime, [RRAddr])) resolveA' d@(DnsCache {..}) parents x | length parents > 20 = return $ Left $ "Too many CNAMEs " ++ show (x : parents) | x `elem` parents = return $ Left $ "CNAME loop " ++ show x ++ " already in " ++ show parents | otherwise = do Answer {..} <- resolver x A [QuoteOk_Query, QuoteOk_AnsHost] >>= takeMVar case () of _ | status == sOK -> do -- print (posixSecondsToUTCTime (realToFrac expires :: POSIXTime)) return $ Right (realToFrac expires, [ a | RRA a <- rrs ]) | status == sPROHIBITEDCNAME , Just cn <- cname -> resolveA' d (x:parents) cn -- cycle when CNAME refers another CNAME _ -> do e <- adnsStrerror status s <- adnsErrAbbrev status return $ Left $ e ++ " (" ++ s ++ ")" isIPAddr :: HostName -> Bool isIPAddr hn = length groups == 4 && all ip groups where groups = splitPoints hn ip x = length x <= 3 && all (\ e -> e >= '0' && e <= '9') x && read x <= (255 :: Int) splitPoints :: HostName -> [String] splitPoints = filter (/= ".") . groupBy (\ a b -> a /= '.' && b /= '.') ipToWord32 :: String -> Word32 ipToWord32 ip = let [b4,b3,b2,b1] = (map read $ splitPoints ip) :: [Word32] mk x1 x2 x3 x4 = (x1 `shiftL` 24) + (x2 `shiftL` 16) + (x3 `shiftL` 8) + x4 in case endian of BigEndian -> mk b4 b3 b2 b1 LittleEndian -> mk b1 b2 b3 b4 PDPEndian -> mk b2 b1 b4 b3 -- | Show @HostAddress@ in standard format. -- -- Unlike 'inet_ntoa' this function is pure and thread-safe. showHostAddress :: HostAddress -> String showHostAddress = show . RRAddr _test :: IO () _test = withDnsCache $ \ c -> do let r hn = do h <- resolveA c hn putStrLn $ hn ++ ": " ++ either id showHostAddress h rn n = replicateM_ n . r r "" r "qwerqwer" r "qwer.google.com" rn 10 "www.huffingtonpost.com" rn 10 "twitter.com" rn 10 "wordpress.com" rn 10 "feedburner.com" rn 10 "feeds.feedburner.com" print =<< resolveCachedA c "feeds.feedburner.com" -- replicateM_ 1000 $ do -- resolveA c "www.blogger.com" -- resolveA c "google.com" s <- MSem.new 0 replicateM_ 1000 $ do forkIO $ void $ resolveA c "blog.bazqux.com" >> MSem.signal s -- forkIO $ void $ resolveA c "google.com" replicateM_ 1000 $ MSem.wait s print =<< resolveA c "blog.bazqux.com" print =<< resolveA c "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.b"