module Facter where import Data.Char import Data.List import Text.Printf import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import Puppet.Interpreter.Types import Puppet.Init import PuppetDB.Rest import System.Info import qualified Data.Text as T import Control.Arrow (first,second) import Data.Monoid storageunits = [ ("", 0), ("K", 1), ("M", 2), ("G", 3), ("T", 4) ] getPrefix :: Int -> String getPrefix n | null fltr = error $ "Could not get unit prefix for order " ++ (show n) | otherwise = fst $ head fltr where fltr = filter (\(_, x) -> x == n) storageunits getOrder :: String -> Int getOrder n | null fltr = error $ "Could not get order for unit prefix " ++ (show n) | otherwise = snd $ head fltr where nu = map toUpper n fltr = filter (\(x, _) -> x == nu) storageunits normalizeUnit :: (Double, Int) -> Double -> (Double, Int) normalizeUnit (unit, order) base | unit > base = normalizeUnit (unit/base, order + 1) base | otherwise = (unit, order) storagedesc :: (String, String) -> String storagedesc (ssize, unit) = let size = (read ssize) :: Double uprefix | unit == "B" = "" | otherwise = [head unit] uorder = getOrder uprefix (osize, oorder) = normalizeUnit (size, uorder) 1024 in printf "%.2f %sB" osize (getPrefix oorder) factRAM = do meminfo <- readFile "/proc/meminfo" >>= return . map words . lines let memtotal = ginfo "MemTotal:" memfree = ginfo "MemFree:" swapfree = ginfo "SwapFree:" swaptotal = ginfo "SwapTotal:" ginfo st = sdesc $ head $ filter (\(x:xs) -> x == st) meminfo sdesc [_, size, unit] = storagedesc (size, unit) return [("memorysize", memtotal), ("memoryfree", memfree), ("swapfree", swapfree), ("swapsize", swaptotal)] factNET = do return [("ipaddress", "")] factOS :: IO [(String, String)] factOS = do lsb <- readFile "/etc/lsb-release" >>= return . map (break (== '=')) . lines hostname <- readFile "/proc/sys/kernel/hostname" >>= return . head . lines let getval st | null filtered = "?" | otherwise = rvalue where filtered = filter (\(k,_) -> k == st) lsb value = (tail . snd . head) filtered rvalue | head value == '"' = read value | otherwise = value release = getval "DISTRIB_RELEASE" distid = getval "DISTRIB_ID" maj | release == "?" = "?" | otherwise = fst $ break (== '.') release osfam | distid == "Ubuntu" = "Debian" | otherwise = distid return [ ("lsbdistid" , distid) , ("operatingsystem" , distid) , ("lsbdistrelease" , release) , ("operatingsystemrelease" , release) , ("lsbmajdistrelease" , maj) , ("osfamily" , osfam) , ("hostname" , hostname) , ("lsbdistcodename" , getval "DISTRIB_CODENAME") , ("lsbdistdescription" , getval "DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION") , ("hardwaremodel" , arch) , ("architecture" , arch) ] factMountPoints :: IO [(String, String)] factMountPoints = do mountinfo <- readFile "/proc/mounts" >>= return . map words . lines let ignorefs = Set.fromList ["NFS", "nfs", "nfs4", "nfsd", "afs", "binfmt_misc", "proc", "smbfs", "autofs", "iso9660", "ncpfs", "coda", "devpts", "ftpfs", "devfs", "mfs", "shfs", "sysfs", "cifs", "lustre_lite", "tmpfs", "usbfs", "udf", "fusectl", "fuse.snapshotfs", "rpc_pipefs", "configfs", "devtmpfs", "debugfs", "securityfs", "ecryptfs", "fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon", "rootfs" ] goodlines = filter (\x -> not $ Set.member (x !! 2) ignorefs) mountinfo goodfs = map (\x -> x !! 1) goodlines return [("mountpoints", intercalate " " goodfs)] version = return [("facterversion", "0.1"),("environment","test")] allFacts :: T.Text -> IO (Map.Map T.Text ResolvedValue) allFacts nodename = puppetDBFacts (T.unpack nodename) "http://localhost:8080" puppetDBFacts :: String -> String -> IO (Map.Map T.Text ResolvedValue) puppetDBFacts nodename url = do puppetDBFacts <- rawRequest (T.pack url) "facts" (T.pack nodename) case puppetDBFacts of Right (ResolvedHash xs) -> let myhash = case (filter ((=="facts") . fst) xs) of [(_, ResolvedHash pfacts)] -> Map.fromList $ concatMap (\(a,b) -> [(a,b), ("::" <> a, b)]) pfacts _ -> error $ "Bad facts format: " ++ show xs in return myhash _ -> do rawFacts <- mapM id [factNET, factRAM, factOS, version, factMountPoints, factOS] >>= return . concat let ofacts = genFacts $ map (second T.pack . first T.pack) rawFacts (hostname, ddomainname) = break (== '.') nodename domainname = if null ddomainname then [] else tail $ ddomainname nfacts = genFacts $ map (second T.pack) [ ("fqdn", nodename) , ("hostname", hostname) , ("domain", domainname) , ("rootrsa", "xxx") , ("operatingsystem", "Ubuntu") , ("puppetversion", "language-puppet") , ("virtual", "xenu") , ("clientcert", nodename) ] allfacts = Map.union nfacts ofacts return allfacts