cabal-version: 2.0 name: hsimport version: 0.10.0 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE maintainer: author: Daniel Trstenjak tested-with: ghc ==7.6.2 ghc ==7.6.3 ghc ==7.8.3 ghc ==7.10.1 ghc ==7.10.2 ghc ==8.0.1 ghc ==8.2.1 ghc ==8.4.2 ghc ==8.6.3 synopsis: Extend the import list of a Haskell source file description: A command line program for extending the import list of a Haskell source file. category: Utils, Development build-type: Simple extra-source-files: CHANGELOG tests/inputFiles/*.hs tests/goldenFiles/*.hs tests/outputFiles/.gitignore source-repository head type: git location: library exposed-modules: HsImport HsImport.Main HsImport.Config HsImport.Args HsImport.ImportPos cpp-options: -DCABAL hs-source-dirs: lib other-modules: HsImport.HsImportSpec HsImport.ModuleImport HsImport.SymbolImport HsImport.ImportChange HsImport.PrettyPrint HsImport.Utils HsImport.Types HsImport.Parse Paths_hsimport default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -W build-depends: base >=3 && <5, cmdargs >=0.10.5 && <0.11, haskell-src-exts >=1.18.0 && <1.22, ilist >=0.1 && <0.4, microlens ==0.4.*, mtl >=2.1.2 && <2.3, text >= && <1.3, split >=0.2.2 && <0.3, attoparsec >= && <0.14, directory >= && <1.4, dyre ==0.8.* library library-internal exposed-modules: HsImport HsImport.Main HsImport.Config HsImport.Args HsImport.ImportPos HsImport.HsImportSpec HsImport.ModuleImport HsImport.SymbolImport HsImport.ImportChange HsImport.PrettyPrint HsImport.Utils HsImport.Types HsImport.Parse Paths_hsimport autogen-modules: Paths_hsimport cpp-options: -DCABAL hs-source-dirs: lib default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -W build-depends: base -any, cmdargs -any, haskell-src-exts -any, ilist -any, microlens -any, mtl -any, text -any, split -any, attoparsec -any, directory -any, dyre -any executable hsimport main-is: Main.hs cpp-options: -DCABAL hs-source-dirs: exe default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -W build-depends: base >=3 && <5, hsimport -any test-suite tests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: tests default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -W build-depends: base >=3 && <5, tasty >= && <1.2, tasty-golden >= && <2.4, filepath >= && <1.5, haskell-src-exts >=1.18.0 && <1.22, library-internal -any