Name: hslogger Version: 1.0.12 x-revision: 1 License: LGPL Maintainer: John Goerzen Author: John Goerzen Stability: Stable Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2010 John Goerzen license-file: COPYRIGHT build-type: Simple Homepage: Synopsis: Versatile logging framework Description: hslogger is a logging framework for Haskell, roughly similar to Python's logging module. . hslogger lets each log message have a priority and source be associated with it. The programmer can then define global handlers that route or filter messages based on the priority and source. hslogger also has a syslog handler built in. Category: Interfaces extra-source-files: COPYING, contrib/java/build.xml, contrib/java/hslogger4j.jar, contrib/java/hslogger4j-plugins.xml, contrib/java/org/haskell/hslogger/, contrib/java/org/haskell/hslogger/, contrib/java/org/haskell/hslogger/, testsrc/Tests.hs, testsrc/runtests.hs, winbuild.bat Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 flag small_base description: choose the new smaller, split-up base package. flag buildtests description: Build the executable to run unit tests default: False Library Exposed-Modules: System.Log, System.Log.Handler, System.Log.Handler.Simple, System.Log.Handler.Syslog, System.Log.Handler.Growl, System.Log.Handler.Log4jXML, System.Log.Logger Extensions: CPP, ExistentialQuantification Build-Depends: network, mtl if !os(windows) Build-Depends: unix if flag(small_base) build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, containers < 0.6, directory, process, time < 1.5, old-locale else build-depends: base < 3, time GHC-Options: -O2 Hs-Source-Dirs: src Executable runtests if flag(buildtests) Buildable: True else Buildable: False Main-Is: runtests.hs HS-Source-Dirs: testsrc, . Extensions: ExistentialQuantification, OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances, CPP