## Changelog ### 0.7.0 - Tuples from pairs to octuples have been made instances of `FromLuaStack` and `ToLuaStack`. - New functions `dostring` and `dofile` are provided to load and run strings and files in a single step. - `LuaStatus` was renamed to `Status`, the *Lua* prefix was removed from its type constructors. - The constructor `ErrFile` was added to `Status`. It is returned by `loadfile` if the file cannot be read. - Remove unused FFI bindings and unused types, including all functions unsafe to use from within Haskell and the library functions added with 0.5.0. Users with special requirements should define their own wrappers and raw bindings. - The module *Foreign.Lua.Api.SafeBindings* was merge into *Foreign.Lua.Api.RawBindings*. - FFI bindings are changed to use newtypes where sensible, most notably `StackIndex`, `NumArgs`, and `NumResults`, but also the newly introduced newtypes `StatusCode`, `TypeCode`, and `LuaBool`. - Add functions `tointegerx` and `tonumberx` which can be used to get and check values from the stack in a single step. - The signature of `concat` was changed from `Int -> Lua ()` to `NumArgs -> Lua ()`. - The signature of `loadfile` was changed from `String -> Lua Int` to `String -> Lua Status`. - The type `LTYPE` was renamed to `Type`, its constructors were renamed to follow the pattern `Type`. `LuaRelation` was renamed to `RelationalOperator`, the *Lua* prefix was removed from its constructors. - Add function `tolist` to allow getting a generic list from the stack without having to worry about the overlapping instance with `[Char]`. ### 0.6.0 * Supported Lua Versions now include Lua 5.2 and Lua 5.3. LuaJIT and Lua 5.1 remain supported as well. * Flag `use-pkgconfig` was added to allow discovery of library and include paths via pkg-config. Setting a specific Lua version flag now implies `system-lua`. (Sean Proctor) * The module was renamed from `Scripting.Lua` to `Foreign.Lua`. The code is now split over multiple sub-modules. Files processed with hsc2hs are restricted to Foreign.Lua.Api. * A `Lua` monad (reader monad over LuaState) is introduced. Functions which took a LuaState as their first argument are changed into monadic functions within that monad. * Error handling has been redesigned completely. A new LuaException was introduced and is thrown in unexpected situations. Errors in lua which are leading to a `longjmp` are now caught with the help of additional C wrapper functions. Those no longer lead to uncontrolled program termination but are converted into a LuaException. * `peek` no longer returns `Maybe a` but just `a`. A LuaException is thrown if an error occurs (i.e. in situtations where Nothing would have been returned previously). * The `StackValue` typeclass has been split into `FromLuaStack` and `ToLuaStack`. Instances not satisfying the law `x == push x *> peek (-1)` have been dropped. * Documentation of API functions was improved. Most docstrings have been copied from the official Lua manual, enriched with proper markup and links, and changed to properly describe hslua specifics when necessary. * Example programs have been moved to a separate repository. * Unused files were removed. (Sean Proctor) ### 0.5.0 * New raw functions for `luaopen_base`, `luaopen_package`, `luaopen_string`, `luaopen_table`, `luaopen_math`, `luaopen_io`, `luaopen_os`, `luaopen_debug` and their high-level wrappers (with names `openbase`, `opentable` etc.) implemented. * Remove custom versions of `loadfile` and `loadstring`. * Drop support for GHC versions < 7.8, avoid compiler warnings. * Ensure no symbols are stripped when linking the bundled lua interpreter. * Simplify `tostring` function definition. (Sean Proctor) * Explicitly deprecate `strlen`. (Sean Proctor) * Add links to lua documentation for functions wrapping the official lua C API. (Sean Proctor). ### 0.4.1 * Bugfix(#30): `tolist` wasn't popping elements of the list from stack. ### 0.4.0 * `pushstring` and `tostring` now uses `ByteString` instead of `[Char]`. * `StackValue [Char]` instance is removed, `StackValue ByteString` is added. * `StackValue a => StackValue [a]` instance is added. It pushes a Lua array to the stack. `pushlist`, `islist` and `tolist` functions are added. * Type errors in Haskell functions now propagated differently. See the `Scripting.Lua` documentation for detailed explanation. This should fix segfaults reported several times. * `lua_error` function is removed, it's never safe to call in Haskell. Related issues and pull requests: #12, #26, #24, #23, #18. ### 0.3.14 * Pkgconf-based setup removed. Cabal is now using `extra-libraries` to link with Lua. * `luajit` flag is added to link hslua with LuaJIT. ### 0.3.13 * Small bugfix related with GHCi running under Windows. ### 0.3.12 * `pushrawhsfunction` and `registerrawhsfunction` functions are added. * `apicheck` flag is added to Cabal package to enable Lua API checking. (useful for debugging) ### 0.3.11 * `luaL_ref` and `luaL_unref` functions are added.