{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-| Module : Main Copyright : © 2021-2024 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Stability : stable Portability : Requires language extensions ForeignFunctionInterface, OverloadedStrings. Tests for the `path` Lua module. -} module Main (main) where import Control.Monad (void) import HsLua.Core (Lua, top) import HsLua.Packaging ( preloadModule, preloadModuleWithName, pushModule , registerModule) import HsLua.Module.Path (documentedModule) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase) import Test.Tasty.Lua (translateResultsFromFile) import qualified HsLua.Core as Lua main :: IO () main = do luaTestResults <- Lua.run @Lua.Exception $ do Lua.openlibs registerModule documentedModule Lua.pop 1 translateResultsFromFile "test/test-path.lua" defaultMain $ testGroup "hslua-module-path" [tests, luaTestResults] -- | HSpec tests for the Lua 'system' module tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "HsLua path module" [ testCase "path module can be pushed to the stack" $ Lua.run (void (pushModule documentedModule) :: Lua ()) , testCase "path module can be added to the preloader" . Lua.run $ do Lua.openlibs preloadModule documentedModule assertEqual' "function not added to preloader" Lua.TypeFunction =<< do void $ Lua.getglobal "package" *> Lua.getfield top "preload" *> Lua.getfield top "path" Lua.ltype (-1) , testCase "path module can be loaded as hspath" . Lua.run $ do Lua.openlibs preloadModuleWithName documentedModule "hspath" assertEqual' "loading the module fails " Lua.OK =<< Lua.dostring "require 'hspath'" ] assertEqual' :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> a -> a -> Lua () assertEqual' msg expected = Lua.liftIO . assertEqual msg expected