-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.16.3 Crystal Seed, 24 Jan 2009 (Haskell)
-- Edit the ORIGNAL .chs file instead!

{-# LINE 1 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Sound.File.Sndfile.Interface where

import           Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import           Foreign
import           Foreign.C

import qualified Sound.File.Sndfile.Exception	as E

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-- ====================================================================
-- Utilities

-- | Convert a C enumeration to Haskell.
cToEnum :: (Integral i, Enum e) => i -> e
cToEnum  = toEnum . fromIntegral

-- | Convert a Haskell enumeration to C.
cFromEnum :: (Enum e, Integral i) => e -> i
cFromEnum  = fromIntegral . fromEnum

-- ====================================================================
-- Basic types

-- | Type for expressing sample counts.
type Count = Int

-- | Type for expressing sample indices.
type Index = Int

-- ====================================================================
-- Format

-- | Header format.
data HeaderFormat = HeaderFormatNone
                  | HeaderFormatWav
                  | HeaderFormatAiff
                  | HeaderFormatAu
                  | HeaderFormatRaw
                  | HeaderFormatPaf
                  | HeaderFormatSvx
                  | HeaderFormatNist
                  | HeaderFormatVoc
                  | HeaderFormatIrcam
                  | HeaderFormatW64
                  | HeaderFormatMat4
                  | HeaderFormatMat5
                  | HeaderFormatPvf
                  | HeaderFormatXi
                  | HeaderFormatHtk
                  | HeaderFormatSds
                  | HeaderFormatAvr
                  | HeaderFormatWavex
                  | HeaderFormatSd2
                  | HeaderFormatFlac
                  | HeaderFormatCaf
                  deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum HeaderFormat where
  fromEnum HeaderFormatNone = 0
  fromEnum HeaderFormatWav = 65536
  fromEnum HeaderFormatAiff = 131072
  fromEnum HeaderFormatAu = 196608
  fromEnum HeaderFormatRaw = 262144
  fromEnum HeaderFormatPaf = 327680
  fromEnum HeaderFormatSvx = 393216
  fromEnum HeaderFormatNist = 458752
  fromEnum HeaderFormatVoc = 524288
  fromEnum HeaderFormatIrcam = 655360
  fromEnum HeaderFormatW64 = 720896
  fromEnum HeaderFormatMat4 = 786432
  fromEnum HeaderFormatMat5 = 851968
  fromEnum HeaderFormatPvf = 917504
  fromEnum HeaderFormatXi = 983040
  fromEnum HeaderFormatHtk = 1048576
  fromEnum HeaderFormatSds = 1114112
  fromEnum HeaderFormatAvr = 1179648
  fromEnum HeaderFormatWavex = 1245184
  fromEnum HeaderFormatSd2 = 1441792
  fromEnum HeaderFormatFlac = 1507328
  fromEnum HeaderFormatCaf = 1572864

  toEnum 0 = HeaderFormatNone
  toEnum 65536 = HeaderFormatWav
  toEnum 131072 = HeaderFormatAiff
  toEnum 196608 = HeaderFormatAu
  toEnum 262144 = HeaderFormatRaw
  toEnum 327680 = HeaderFormatPaf
  toEnum 393216 = HeaderFormatSvx
  toEnum 458752 = HeaderFormatNist
  toEnum 524288 = HeaderFormatVoc
  toEnum 655360 = HeaderFormatIrcam
  toEnum 720896 = HeaderFormatW64
  toEnum 786432 = HeaderFormatMat4
  toEnum 851968 = HeaderFormatMat5
  toEnum 917504 = HeaderFormatPvf
  toEnum 983040 = HeaderFormatXi
  toEnum 1048576 = HeaderFormatHtk
  toEnum 1114112 = HeaderFormatSds
  toEnum 1179648 = HeaderFormatAvr
  toEnum 1245184 = HeaderFormatWavex
  toEnum 1441792 = HeaderFormatSd2
  toEnum 1507328 = HeaderFormatFlac
  toEnum 1572864 = HeaderFormatCaf
  toEnum unmatched = error ("HeaderFormat.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

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-- | Sample format.
data SampleFormat = SampleFormatNone
                  | SampleFormatPcmS8
                  | SampleFormatPcm16
                  | SampleFormatPcm24
                  | SampleFormatPcm32
                  | SampleFormatPcmU8
                  | SampleFormatFloat
                  | SampleFormatDouble
                  | SampleFormatUlaw
                  | SampleFormatAlaw
                  | SampleFormatImaAdpcm
                  | SampleFormatMsAdpcm
                  | SampleFormatGsm610
                  | SampleFormatVoxAdpcm
                  | SampleFormatG72132
                  | SampleFormatG72324
                  | SampleFormatG72340
                  | SampleFormatDwvw12
                  | SampleFormatDwvw16
                  | SampleFormatDwvw24
                  | SampleFormatDwvwN
                  | SampleFormatFormatDpcm8
                  | SampleFormatFormatDpcm16
                  deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum SampleFormat where
  fromEnum SampleFormatNone = 0
  fromEnum SampleFormatPcmS8 = 1
  fromEnum SampleFormatPcm16 = 2
  fromEnum SampleFormatPcm24 = 3
  fromEnum SampleFormatPcm32 = 4
  fromEnum SampleFormatPcmU8 = 5
  fromEnum SampleFormatFloat = 6
  fromEnum SampleFormatDouble = 7
  fromEnum SampleFormatUlaw = 16
  fromEnum SampleFormatAlaw = 17
  fromEnum SampleFormatImaAdpcm = 18
  fromEnum SampleFormatMsAdpcm = 19
  fromEnum SampleFormatGsm610 = 32
  fromEnum SampleFormatVoxAdpcm = 33
  fromEnum SampleFormatG72132 = 48
  fromEnum SampleFormatG72324 = 49
  fromEnum SampleFormatG72340 = 50
  fromEnum SampleFormatDwvw12 = 64
  fromEnum SampleFormatDwvw16 = 65
  fromEnum SampleFormatDwvw24 = 66
  fromEnum SampleFormatDwvwN = 67
  fromEnum SampleFormatFormatDpcm8 = 80
  fromEnum SampleFormatFormatDpcm16 = 81

  toEnum 0 = SampleFormatNone
  toEnum 1 = SampleFormatPcmS8
  toEnum 2 = SampleFormatPcm16
  toEnum 3 = SampleFormatPcm24
  toEnum 4 = SampleFormatPcm32
  toEnum 5 = SampleFormatPcmU8
  toEnum 6 = SampleFormatFloat
  toEnum 7 = SampleFormatDouble
  toEnum 16 = SampleFormatUlaw
  toEnum 17 = SampleFormatAlaw
  toEnum 18 = SampleFormatImaAdpcm
  toEnum 19 = SampleFormatMsAdpcm
  toEnum 32 = SampleFormatGsm610
  toEnum 33 = SampleFormatVoxAdpcm
  toEnum 48 = SampleFormatG72132
  toEnum 49 = SampleFormatG72324
  toEnum 50 = SampleFormatG72340
  toEnum 64 = SampleFormatDwvw12
  toEnum 65 = SampleFormatDwvw16
  toEnum 66 = SampleFormatDwvw24
  toEnum 67 = SampleFormatDwvwN
  toEnum 80 = SampleFormatFormatDpcm8
  toEnum 81 = SampleFormatFormatDpcm16
  toEnum unmatched = error ("SampleFormat.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

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-- | Endianness.
data EndianFormat = EndianFile
                  | EndianLittle
                  | EndianBig
                  | EndianCpu
                  deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum EndianFormat where
  fromEnum EndianFile = 0
  fromEnum EndianLittle = 268435456
  fromEnum EndianBig = 536870912
  fromEnum EndianCpu = 805306368

  toEnum 0 = EndianFile
  toEnum 268435456 = EndianLittle
  toEnum 536870912 = EndianBig
  toEnum 805306368 = EndianCpu
  toEnum unmatched = error ("EndianFormat.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 110 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}
-- only used internally
data FormatMask = FormatSubMask
                | FormatTypeMask
                | FormatEndMask
                deriving (Eq)
instance Enum FormatMask where
  fromEnum FormatSubMask = 65535
  fromEnum FormatTypeMask = 268369920
  fromEnum FormatEndMask = 805306368

  toEnum 65535 = FormatSubMask
  toEnum 268369920 = FormatTypeMask
  toEnum 805306368 = FormatEndMask
  toEnum unmatched = error ("FormatMask.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 122 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}
-- |Stream format specification, consisting of header, sample and endianness formats.
-- Not all combinations of header, sample and endianness formats are valid; valid combinations can be checked with the 'checkFormat' function.
data Format = Format {
    headerFormat :: HeaderFormat,
    sampleFormat :: SampleFormat,
    endianFormat :: EndianFormat
} deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Default \'empty\' format, useful when opening files for reading with 'ReadMode'.
defaultFormat :: Format
defaultFormat = Format HeaderFormatNone SampleFormatNone EndianFile

-- Convert CInt to Format
hsFormat :: CInt -> Format
hsFormat i =
   let hf = cToEnum (i .&. (cFromEnum FormatTypeMask) .&. complement (cFromEnum FormatEndMask))
       sf = cToEnum (i .&. (cFromEnum FormatSubMask))
       ef = cToEnum (i .&. (cFromEnum FormatEndMask))
       Format {
           headerFormat = hf,
           sampleFormat = sf,
           endianFormat = ef

-- Convert Format to CInt
cFormat :: Format -> CInt
cFormat (Format hf sf ef) = (cFromEnum hf) .|. (cFromEnum sf) .|. (cFromEnum ef)

-- ====================================================================
-- Info

-- |The 'Info' structure is for passing data between the calling function and the library when opening a stream for reading or writing.
data Info = Info {
    frames :: Count,    -- ^Number of frames in file
    samplerate :: Int,  -- ^Audio sample rate
    channels :: Int,    -- ^Number of channels
    format :: Format,   -- ^Header and sample format
    sections :: Int,    -- ^Number of sections
    seekable :: Bool    -- ^'True' when stream is seekable (e.g. local files)
} deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Return soundfile duration in seconds computed via the 'Info' fields 'frames' and 'samplerate'.
duration :: Info -> Double
duration info = (fromIntegral $ frames info) / (fromIntegral $ samplerate info)

-- |Default \'empty\' info, useful when opening files for reading with 'ReadMode'.
defaultInfo :: Info
defaultInfo   = Info 0 0 0 defaultFormat 0 False

-- |This function allows the caller to check if a set of parameters in the 'Info' struct is valid before calling 'openFile' ('WriteMode').
-- 'checkFormat' returns 'True' if the parameters are valid and 'False' otherwise.

{-# NOINLINE checkFormat #-}
checkFormat :: Info -> Bool
checkFormat info =
    unsafePerformIO (with info (liftM toBool . sf_format_check . castPtr))

-- Storable instance for Info
instance Storable (Info) where
    sizeOf _ = 28
{-# LINE 193 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}
    alignment _ = 4
{-# LINE 194 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}
    -- Unmarshall Info from C representation
    peek ptr = do
        frames     <- liftM fromIntegral $ (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 0 ::IO CLLong}) ptr
        samplerate <- liftM fromIntegral $ (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 8 ::IO CInt}) ptr
        channels   <- liftM fromIntegral $ (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 12 ::IO CInt}) ptr
        format     <- liftM hsFormat     $ (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 16 ::IO CInt}) ptr
        sections   <- liftM fromIntegral $ (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 20 ::IO CInt}) ptr
        seekable   <- liftM toBool       $ (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 24 ::IO CInt}) ptr
        return $ Info {
            frames = frames,
            samplerate = samplerate,
            channels = channels,
            format = format,
            sections = sections,
            seekable = seekable
    -- Marshall Info to C representation
    poke ptr info =
            (\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 0 (val::CLLong)}) ptr     $ fromIntegral $ frames info
            (\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 8 (val::CInt)}) ptr $ fromIntegral $ samplerate info
            (\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 12 (val::CInt)}) ptr   $ fromIntegral $ channels info
            (\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 16 (val::CInt)}) ptr     $ cFormat      $ format info
            (\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 20 (val::CInt)}) ptr   $ fromIntegral $ sections info
            (\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 24 (val::CInt)}) ptr   $ fromBool     $ seekable info

-- ====================================================================
-- Exceptions

checkHandle :: HandlePtr -> IO ()
checkHandle handle = do
    code <- liftM fromIntegral $ sf_error handle
    when (code /= 0) $
        peekCString (sf_strerror handle) >>= E.throw code

-- ====================================================================
-- Handle operations

-- | Abstract file handle.
data Handle = Handle {
    hInfo :: Info,      -- ^Return the stream 'Info' associated with the 'Handle'.
    hPtr :: HandlePtr
type HandlePtr = Ptr ()

-- | I\/O mode.
data IOMode = ReadMode
            | WriteMode
            | ReadWriteMode
            deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum IOMode where
  fromEnum ReadMode = 16
  fromEnum WriteMode = 32
  fromEnum ReadWriteMode = 48

  toEnum 16 = ReadMode
  toEnum 32 = WriteMode
  toEnum 48 = ReadWriteMode
  toEnum unmatched = error ("IOMode.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 242 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}
-- |When opening a file for read ('ReadMode'), the format field should be set to 'defaultFormat' before calling 'openFile'. The only exception to this is the case of RAW files, where the caller has to set the samplerate, channels and format fields to valid values. All other fields of the structure are filled in by the library.
-- When opening a file for write ('WriteMode'), the caller must fill in the structure members samplerate, channels, and format.
-- Every call to 'openFile' should be matched with a call to 'hClose' to free up memory allocated during the call to 'openFile'.
-- On success, the 'openFile' function returns a 'Handle' which should be passed as the first parameter to all subsequent libsndfile calls dealing with that audio stream. On fail, the 'openFile' function signals an 'Exception'.
openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> Info -> IO Handle
openFile filePath ioMode info =
    withCString filePath (\cFilePath ->
        with info (\cInfo -> do
            cHandle <- sf_open
{-# LINE 262 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}
                            cFilePath (cFromEnum ioMode) (castPtr cInfo)
            checkHandle cHandle
            newInfo <- peek cInfo
            return $ Handle newInfo cHandle))

-- | The 'hClose' function closes the stream, deallocates its internal buffers and returns () on success or signals an 'Exception' otherwise.
hClose :: Handle -> IO ()
hClose handle = do
    _ <- sf_close $ hPtr handle
    checkHandle nullPtr
    return ()

-- | If the stream is opened with 'WriteMode' or 'ReadWriteMode', call the operating system\'s function to force the writing of all file cache buffers to disk. If the file is opened with 'ReadMode' no action is taken.
hFlush :: Handle -> IO ()
hFlush (Handle _ handle) = sf_write_sync handle

-- |Get header format information associated with file.
getFileInfo :: FilePath -> IO Info
getFileInfo filePath = do
    h <- openFile filePath ReadMode defaultInfo
    let info = hInfo h
    hClose h
    return info

-- ====================================================================
-- seeking

hIsSeekable :: Handle -> IO Bool
hIsSeekable = return . seekable . hInfo

data SeekMode = AbsoluteSeek
              | RelativeSeek
              | SeekFromEnd
              deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum SeekMode where
  fromEnum AbsoluteSeek = 0
  fromEnum RelativeSeek = 1
  fromEnum SeekFromEnd = 2

  toEnum 0 = AbsoluteSeek
  toEnum 1 = RelativeSeek
  toEnum 2 = SeekFromEnd
  toEnum unmatched = error ("SeekMode.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 294 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}
-- Helper function for seeking, modifying either the read pointer, the write pointer, or both.
{-# INLINE hSeek' #-}
hSeek' :: Maybe IOMode -> Handle -> SeekMode -> Count -> IO Count
hSeek' ioMode (Handle _ handle) seekMode frames = do
    n <- liftM fromIntegral $
{-# LINE 308 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}
                (fromIntegral frames)
                ((cFromEnum seekMode) .|. (case ioMode of
                                                Nothing -> 0
                                                Just m -> cFromEnum m))
    checkHandle handle
    return n

-- |The file seek functions work much like 'System.IO.hseek' with the exception that the non-audio data is ignored and the seek only moves within the audio data section of the file. In addition, seeks are defined in number of (multichannel) frames. Therefore, a seek in a stereo file from the current position forward with an offset of 1 would skip forward by one sample of both channels.
-- like lseek(), the whence parameter can be any one of the following three values:
-- * 'AbsoluteSeek' - The offset is set to the start of the audio data plus offset (multichannel) frames.
-- * 'RelativeSeek' - The offset is set to its current location plus offset (multichannel) frames.
-- * 'SeekFromEnd' - The offset is set to the end of the data plus offset (multichannel) frames.
-- Internally, libsndfile keeps track of the read and write locations using separate read and write pointers. If a file has been opened with a mode of 'ReadWriteMode', calling either 'hSeekRead' or 'hSeekWrite' allows the read and write pointers to be modified separately. 'hSeek' modifies both the read and the write pointer.
-- Note that the frames offset can be negative and in fact should be when SeekFromEnd is used for the whence parameter.
-- 'hSeek' will return the offset in (multichannel) frames from the start of the audio data, or signal an error when an attempt is made to seek beyond the start or end of the file.

hSeek :: Handle -> SeekMode -> Count -> IO Count
hSeek = hSeek' Nothing

--hSeek (Handle _ handle) seekMode frames = do
--    n <- liftM fromIntegral $ {#call unsafe sf_seek#} handle (cIntConv frames) (cFromEnum seekMode)
--    checkHandle handle
--    return n

-- |Like 'hSeek', but only the read pointer is modified.
hSeekRead :: Handle -> SeekMode -> Count -> IO Count
hSeekRead = hSeek' (Just ReadMode)

-- |Like 'hSeek', but only the write pointer is modified.
hSeekWrite :: Handle -> SeekMode -> Count -> IO Count
hSeekWrite = hSeek' (Just WriteMode)

-- ====================================================================
-- string access

-- |Header string field types.
data StringType = StrTitle
                | StrCopyright
                | StrSoftware
                | StrArtist
                | StrComment
                | StrDate
                deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum StringType where
  fromEnum StrTitle = 1
  fromEnum StrCopyright = 2
  fromEnum StrSoftware = 3
  fromEnum StrArtist = 4
  fromEnum StrComment = 5
  fromEnum StrDate = 6

  toEnum 1 = StrTitle
  toEnum 2 = StrCopyright
  toEnum 3 = StrSoftware
  toEnum 4 = StrArtist
  toEnum 5 = StrComment
  toEnum 6 = StrDate
  toEnum unmatched = error ("StringType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 354 "./Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs" #-}
-- |The 'getString' function returns the specified string from the stream header in the 'Maybe' monad if it exists and 'Nothing' otherwise.
getString :: Handle -> StringType -> IO (Maybe String)
getString (Handle _ handle) t = do
    ptr <- sf_get_string handle (cFromEnum t)
    if ptr == (nullPtr :: Ptr CChar)
        then return Nothing
        else liftM Just $ peekCString =<< (return ptr)

-- |The 'setString' function sets the string data associated with the respective 'StringType'.
setString :: Handle -> StringType -> String -> IO ()
setString (Handle _ handle) t s =
    withCString s (\cs -> do
        _ <- sf_set_string handle (cFromEnum t) cs
        checkHandle handle
        return ())

foreign import ccall unsafe "Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs.h sf_format_check"
  sf_format_check :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs.h sf_error"
  sf_error :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall safe "Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs.h sf_strerror"
  sf_strerror :: ((Ptr ()) -> (Ptr CChar))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs.h sf_open"
  sf_open :: ((Ptr CChar) -> (CInt -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO (Ptr ())))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs.h sf_close"
  sf_close :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs.h sf_write_sync"
  sf_write_sync :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ()))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs.h sf_seek"
  sf_seek :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CLLong -> (CInt -> (IO CLLong))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs.h sf_get_string"
  sf_get_string :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (IO (Ptr CChar))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Sound/File/Sndfile/Interface.chs.h sf_set_string"
  sf_set_string :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> ((Ptr CChar) -> (IO CInt))))