{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  HSP.HTML4
-- Copyright   :  (c) Niklas Broberg, Jeremy Shaw 2008-2012
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
-- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, niklas.broberg@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  Haskell 98
-- Attempt to render XHTML as well-formed HTML 4.01:
--  1. no short tags are used, e.g., \<script\>\<\/script\> instead of \<script \/\>
--  2. the end tag is forbidden for some elements, for these we:
--    * render only the open tag, e.g., \<br\>
--    * throw an error if the tag contains children
--  3. optional end tags are always rendered
-- Currently no validation is performed.
module HSP.HTML4
    ( -- * Functions
    , htmlEscapeChars
    -- * Predefined XMLMetaData
    , html4Strict
    , html4StrictFrag
    ) where

import Data.List                (intersperse)
import Data.Monoid              ((<>), mconcat)
import Data.String              (fromString)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder   (Builder, fromLazyText, singleton, toLazyText)
import Data.Text.Lazy           (Text)
import HSP.XML                  ( Attribute(..), Attributes, AttrValue(..), Children
                                , Name, XML(..), XMLMetaData(..))
import HSP.XML.PCDATA           (escaper)

data TagType = Open | Close

-- This list should be extended.
htmlEscapeChars :: [(Char, Builder)]
htmlEscapeChars = [
	('&',	fromString "amp"  ),
	('\"',	fromString "quot" ),
	('<',	fromString "lt"	  ),
	('>',	fromString "gt"	  )

renderTag :: TagType -> Int -> Name -> Attributes -> Builder
renderTag typ n name attrs =
        let (start,end) = case typ of
                           Open   -> (singleton '<', singleton '>')
                           Close  -> (fromString "</", singleton '>')
            nam = showName name
            as  = renderAttrs attrs
         in mconcat [start, nam, as, end]

  where renderAttrs :: Attributes -> Builder
        renderAttrs [] = nl
        renderAttrs attrs' = singleton ' ' <> mconcat ats  <> nl
          where ats = intersperse (singleton ' ') $ fmap renderAttr attrs'

        renderAttr :: Attribute -> Builder
        renderAttr (MkAttr (nam, (Value needsEscape val))) =
            showName nam <> singleton '=' <> renderAttrVal (if needsEscape then (escaper htmlEscapeChars val) else fromLazyText val)

        renderAttrVal :: Builder -> Builder
        renderAttrVal s = singleton '\"' <> s <> singleton '\"'

        showName (Nothing, s) = fromLazyText s
        showName (Just d, s)  = fromLazyText d <> singleton ':' <> fromLazyText s

        nl = singleton '\n' <> fromString (replicate n ' ')

renderElement :: Int -> XML -> Builder
renderElement n (Element name attrs children) =
        let open  = renderTag Open n name attrs
            cs    = renderChildren n children
            close = renderTag Close n name []
         in open <> cs <> close
  where renderChildren :: Int -> Children -> Builder
        renderChildren n' cs = mconcat $ map (renderAsHTML' (n'+2)) cs
renderElement _ _ = error "internal error: renderElement only suports the Element constructor."

renderAsHTML' :: Int -> XML -> Builder
renderAsHTML' _ (CDATA needsEscape cd) = if needsEscape then (escaper htmlEscapeChars cd) else fromLazyText cd
renderAsHTML' n elm@(Element name@(Nothing,nm) attrs children)
    | nm == "area"	= renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "base"	= renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "br"        = renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "col"       = renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "hr"        = renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "img"       = renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "input"     = renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "link"      = renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "meta"      = renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "param"     = renderTagEmpty children
    | nm == "script"    = renderElement n (Element name attrs (map asCDATA children))
    | nm == "style"     = renderElement n (Element name attrs (map asCDATA children))
      renderTagEmpty [] = renderTag Open n name attrs
      renderTagEmpty _ = renderElement n elm -- this case should not happen in valid HTML
      -- for and script\/style, render text in element as CDATA not PCDATA
      asCDATA :: XML -> XML
      asCDATA (CDATA _ cd) = (CDATA False cd)
      asCDATA o = o -- this case should not happen in valid HTML
renderAsHTML' n e = renderElement n e

-- | Pretty-prints HTML values.
-- Error Handling:
-- Some tags (such as img) can not contain children in HTML. However,
-- there is nothing to stop the caller from passing in XML which
-- contains an img tag with children. There are three basic ways to
-- handle this:
--  1. drop the bogus children silently
--  2. call 'error' \/ raise an exception
--  3. render the img tag with children -- even though it is invalid
-- Currently we are taking approach #3, since no other attempts to
-- validate the data are made in this function. Instead, you can run
-- the output through a full HTML validator to detect the errors.
-- #1 seems like a poor choice, since it makes is easy to overlook the
-- fact that data went missing.
-- We could raising errors, but you have to be in the IO monad to
-- catch them. Also, you have to use evaluate if you want to check for
-- errors. This means you can not start sending the page until the
-- whole page has been rendered. And you have to store the whole page
-- in RAM at once. Similar problems occur if we return Either
-- instead. We mostly care about catching errors and showing them in
-- the browser during testing, so perhaps this can be configurable.
-- Another solution would be a compile time error if an empty-only
-- tag contained children.
-- FIXME: also verify that the domain is correct
-- FIXME: what to do if a namespace is encountered
renderAsHTML :: XML -> Text
renderAsHTML xml = toLazyText $ renderAsHTML' 0 xml

-- * Pre-defined XMLMetaData

html4Strict :: Maybe XMLMetaData
html4Strict = Just $
    XMLMetaData { doctype = (True, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">\n")
                , contentType = "text/html;charset=utf-8"
                , preferredRenderer = renderAsHTML' 0

html4StrictFrag :: Maybe XMLMetaData
html4StrictFrag = Just $
    XMLMetaData { doctype = (False, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">\n")
                , contentType = "text/html;charset=utf-8"
                , preferredRenderer = renderAsHTML' 0