module Specs where import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Runner (hHspecWithFormat, toExitCode) import Test.Hspec.Core (Spec(..),Result(..),quantify,failedCount) import Test.Hspec.Formatters (specdoc) import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.Hspec.HUnit () import System.IO import System.IO.Silently import System.Environment import System.Exit (exitWith) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit main :: IO () main = do ar <- getArgs ss <- case ar of ["README"] -> withFile "README" WriteMode (\ h -> hPutStrLn h preamble >> hHspec h specs) [filename] -> withFile filename WriteMode (\ h -> hHspec h specs) _ -> hspec specs exitWith $ toExitCode (failedCount ss == 0) preamble :: String preamble = unlines [ "hspec aims to be a simple, extendable, and useful tool for Behavior Driven Development in Haskell.", "", "", "Step 1, write descriptions and examples of your desired behavior", "> specs = describe \"myabs\" [", "> it \"returns the original number when given a positive input\"", "> (myabs 1 == 1),", "> ", "> it \"returns a positive number when given a negative input\"", "> (myabs (-1) == 1),", "> ", "> it \"returns zero when given zero\"", "> (myabs 0 == 0)", "> ]", "", "Step 2, write whatever you are describing", "> myabs n = undefined", "", "Step 3, watch your examples fail with red text", "> hspec specs", "myabs", " x returns the original number when given a positive input FAILED [1]", " x returns a positive number when given a negative input FAILED [2]", " x returns zero when given zero FAILED [3]", "", "1) myabs returns the original number when given a positive input FAILED", "Prelude.undefined", "", "2) myabs returns a positive number when given a negative input FAILED", "Prelude.undefined", "", "3) myabs returns zero when given zero FAILED", "Prelude.undefined", "", "Finished in 0.0002 seconds", "", "3 examples, 3 failures", "", "Step 4, implement your desired behavior", "> myabs n = if n < 0 then negate n else n", "", "Step 5, watch your examples pass with green text", "> hspec specs", "myabs", " - returns the original number when given a positive input", " - returns a positive number when given a negative input", " - returns zero when given zero", "", "Finished in 0.0000 seconds", "", "3 examples, 0 failures", "", "", "", "", "Here's the report of hspec's behavior:" ] specs :: IO Specs specs = do let testSpecs = describe "Example" [ it "pass" (Success), it "fail 1" (Fail "fail message"), it "pending" (Pending "pending message"), it "fail 2" (HUnit.assertEqual "assertEqual test" 1 (2::Int)), it "exceptions" (undefined :: Bool), it "quickcheck" (property $ \ i -> i == (i+1::Integer))] (reportContents, exampleSpecs) <- capture $ hHspecWithFormat (specdoc False) stdout testSpecs let report = lines reportContents descriptions [ describe "the \"describe\" function" [ it "takes a description of what the behavior is for" ((=="Example") . name . head $ exampleSpecs), it "groups behaviors for what's being described" (all ((=="Example").name) exampleSpecs) ], describe "the \"it\" function" [ it "takes a description of a desired behavior" (requirement (Spec "Example" "whatever" Success) == "whatever" ), it "takes an example of that behavior" (result (Spec "Example" "whatever" Success) == Success), it "can use a Bool, HUnit Test, QuickCheck property, or \"pending\" as an example" (True), it "will treat exceptions as failures" (any (==" x exceptions FAILED [3]") report) ], describe "the \"hspec\" function" [ it "displays a header for each thing being described" (any (=="Example") report), it "displays one row for each behavior" (HUnit.assertEqual "" 29 (length report)), it "displays a '-' for successfull examples" (any (==" - pass") report), it "displays an 'x' for failed examples" (any (==" x fail 1 FAILED [1]") report), it "displays a detailed list of failed examples" (any (=="1) Example fail 1 FAILED") report), it "displays a '-' for pending examples" (any (==" - pending") report ), it "displays a '#' and an additional message for pending examples" (any (==" # pending message") report ), it "summarizes the time it takes to finish" (any ("Finished in " `isPrefixOf`) report), it "summarizes the number of examples and failures" (any (=="6 examples, 4 failures") report), it "outputs failed examples in red, pending in yellow, and passing in green" (True) ], describe "Bool as an example" [ it "is just an expression that evaluates to a Bool" (True) ], describe "HUnit TestCase as an example" [ it "is specified with the HUnit \"TestCase\" data constructor" (HUnit.TestCase $ HUnit.assertBool "example" True), it "is the assumed example for IO() actions" (HUnit.assertBool "example" True), it "will show the failed assertion text if available (e.g. assertBool)" (HUnit.TestCase $ do (innerReport, _) <- capture $ hspec $ describe "" [ it "" (HUnit.assertBool "trivial" False)] HUnit.assertBool "should find assertion text" $ any (=="trivial") (lines innerReport)), it "will show the failed assertion expected and actual values if available (e.g. assertEqual)" (HUnit.TestCase $ do (innerReportContents, _) <- capture $ hspec $ describe "" [ it "" (HUnit.assertEqual "trivial" (1::Int) 2)] let innerReport = lines innerReportContents HUnit.assertBool "should find assertion text" $ any (=="trivial") innerReport HUnit.assertBool "should find 'expected: 1'" $ any (=="expected: 1") innerReport HUnit.assertBool "should find ' but got: 2'" $ any (==" but got: 2") innerReport) ], describe "QuickCheck property as an example" [ it "is specified with the \"property\" function" (property $ \ b -> b || True), it "will show what falsified it" (any (=="0") report) ], describe "pending as an example" [ it "is specified with the \"pending\" function and an explanation" (pending "message" == Pending "message"), it "accepts a message to display in the report" (any (== " # pending message") report) ], describe "quantify (an internal function)" [ it "returns an amount and a word given an amount and word" (quantify (1::Int) "thing" == "1 thing"), it "returns a singular word given the number 1" (quantify (1::Int) "thing" == "1 thing"), it "returns a plural word given a number greater than 1" (quantify (2::Int) "thing" == "2 things"), it "returns a plural word given the number 0" (quantify (0::Int) "thing" == "0 things") ]]