-- |
-- Stability: provisional
module Test.Hspec.Core.Runner (
-- * Running a spec
, hspecWith
, hspecResult
, hspecWithResult

-- * Types
, Summary (..)
, Config (..)
, ColorMode (..)
, Path
, defaultConfig
, configAddFilter
) where

import           Prelude ()
import           Test.Hspec.Compat

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Maybe
import           System.IO
import           System.Environment (getProgName, getArgs, withArgs)
import           System.Exit
import qualified Control.Exception as E

import           System.Console.ANSI (hHideCursor, hShowCursor)
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)

import           Test.Hspec.Core.Util (Path)
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Spec
import           Test.Hspec.Config
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Formatters
import           Test.Hspec.Core.Formatters.Internal
import           Test.Hspec.FailureReport
import           Test.Hspec.Core.QuickCheckUtil

import           Test.Hspec.Core.Runner.Eval

-- | Filter specs by given predicate.
-- The predicate takes a list of "describe" labels and a "requirement".
filterSpecs :: Config -> [SpecTree a] -> [SpecTree a]
filterSpecs c = go []
    p :: Path -> Bool
    p path = (fromMaybe (const True) (configFilterPredicate c) path) &&
               not (fromMaybe (const False) (configSkipPredicate c) path)

    go :: [String] -> [SpecTree a] -> [SpecTree a]
    go groups = mapMaybe (goSpec groups)

    goSpecs :: [String] -> [SpecTree a] -> ([SpecTree a] -> b) -> Maybe b
    goSpecs groups specs ctor = case go groups specs of
      [] -> Nothing
      xs -> Just (ctor xs)

    goSpec :: [String] -> SpecTree a -> Maybe (SpecTree a)
    goSpec groups spec = case spec of
      Leaf item -> guard (p (groups, itemRequirement item)) >> return spec
      Node group specs -> goSpecs (groups ++ [group]) specs (Node group)
      NodeWithCleanup action specs -> goSpecs groups specs (NodeWithCleanup action)

applyDryRun :: Config -> [SpecTree ()] -> [SpecTree ()]
applyDryRun c
  | configDryRun c = map (removeCleanup . fmap markSuccess)
  | otherwise = id
    markSuccess :: Item () -> Item ()
    markSuccess item = item {itemExample = evaluateExample Success}

    removeCleanup :: SpecTree () -> SpecTree ()
    removeCleanup spec = case spec of
      Node x xs -> Node x (map removeCleanup xs)
      NodeWithCleanup _ xs -> NodeWithCleanup (\() -> return ()) (map removeCleanup xs)
      leaf@(Leaf _) -> leaf

-- | Run given spec and write a report to `stdout`.
-- Exit with `exitFailure` if at least one spec item fails.
hspec :: Spec -> IO ()
hspec = hspecWith defaultConfig

-- Add a seed to given config if there is none.  That way the same seed is used
-- for all properties.  This helps with --seed and --rerun.
ensureSeed :: Config -> IO Config
ensureSeed c = case configQuickCheckSeed c of
  Nothing -> do
    seed <- newSeed
    return c {configQuickCheckSeed = Just (fromIntegral seed)}
  _       -> return c

-- | Run given spec with custom options.
-- This is similar to `hspec`, but more flexible.
hspecWith :: Config -> Spec -> IO ()
hspecWith conf spec = do
  r <- hspecWithResult conf spec
  unless (summaryFailures r == 0) exitFailure

-- | Run given spec and returns a summary of the test run.
-- /Note/: `hspecResult` does not exit with `exitFailure` on failing spec
-- items.  If you need this, you have to check the `Summary` yourself and act
-- accordingly.
hspecResult :: Spec -> IO Summary
hspecResult = hspecWithResult defaultConfig

-- | Run given spec with custom options and returns a summary of the test run.
-- /Note/: `hspecWithResult` does not exit with `exitFailure` on failing spec
-- items.  If you need this, you have to check the `Summary` yourself and act
-- accordingly.
hspecWithResult :: Config -> Spec -> IO Summary
hspecWithResult conf spec = do
  prog <- getProgName
  args <- getArgs
  c <- getConfig conf prog args >>= ensureSeed
  withArgs [] {- do not leak command-line arguments to examples -} $ withHandle c $ \h -> do
    let formatter = fromMaybe specdoc (configFormatter c)
        seed = (fromJust . configQuickCheckSeed) c
        qcArgs = configQuickCheckArgs c

    useColor <- doesUseColor h c

    filteredSpec <- filterSpecs c . applyDryRun c <$> runSpecM spec

    withHiddenCursor useColor h $
      runFormatM useColor (configHtmlOutput c) (configPrintCpuTime c) seed h $ do
        runFormatter useColor h c formatter filteredSpec `finally_` do
          failedFormatter formatter

        footerFormatter formatter

        -- dump failure report
        xs <- map failureRecordPath <$> getFailMessages
        liftIO $ writeFailureReport FailureReport {
            failureReportSeed = seed
          , failureReportMaxSuccess = QC.maxSuccess qcArgs
          , failureReportMaxSize = QC.maxSize qcArgs
          , failureReportMaxDiscardRatio = QC.maxDiscardRatio qcArgs
          , failureReportPaths = xs

        Summary <$> getTotalCount <*> getFailCount
    withHiddenCursor :: Bool -> Handle -> IO a -> IO a
    withHiddenCursor useColor h
      | useColor  = E.bracket_ (hHideCursor h) (hShowCursor h)
      | otherwise = id

    doesUseColor :: Handle -> Config -> IO Bool
    doesUseColor h c = case configColorMode c of
      ColorAuto  -> (&&) <$> hIsTerminalDevice h <*> (not <$> isDumb)
      ColorNever -> return False
      ColorAlways -> return True

    withHandle :: Config -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
    withHandle c action = case configOutputFile c of
      Left h -> action h
      Right path -> withFile path WriteMode action

isDumb :: IO Bool
isDumb = maybe False (== "dumb") <$> lookupEnv "TERM"

-- | Summary of a test run.
data Summary = Summary {
  summaryExamples :: Int
, summaryFailures :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Monoid Summary where
  mempty = Summary 0 0
  (Summary x1 x2) `mappend` (Summary y1 y2) = Summary (x1 + y1) (x2 + y2)