{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, 
      FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, 
      TypeSynonymInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  HSX.XMLGenerator
-- Copyright   :  (c) Niklas Broberg 2008
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
-- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, niklas.broberg@chalmers.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  requires newtype deriving and MPTCs with fundeps
-- The class and monad transformer that forms the basis of the literal XML
-- syntax translation. Literal tags will be translated into functions of
-- the GenerateXML class, and any instantiating monads with associated XML
-- types can benefit from that syntax.
module HSX.XMLGenerator where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative, Alternative)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans(lift), MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Cont  (MonadCont)
import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError)
import Control.Monad.Reader(MonadReader)
import Control.Monad.Writer(MonadWriter)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState)
import Control.Monad.RWS   (MonadRWS)
import Control.Monad       (MonadPlus(..),liftM)

-- General XML Generation

-- | The monad transformer that allows a monad to generate XML values.
newtype XMLGenT m a = XMLGenT (m a)
  deriving (Applicative, Alternative, Monad, Functor, MonadIO, MonadPlus, MonadWriter w, MonadReader r,
            MonadState s, MonadRWS r w s, MonadCont, MonadError e)

-- | un-lift.
unXMLGenT :: XMLGenT m a -> m a
unXMLGenT   (XMLGenT ma) =  ma

-- | map the inner monad
mapXMLGenT :: (m a -> n b) -> XMLGenT m a -> XMLGenT n b
mapXMLGenT f (XMLGenT m) = XMLGenT (f m)

instance MonadTrans XMLGenT where
 lift = XMLGenT

type Name = (Maybe String, String)

-- | Generate XML values in some XMLGenerator monad.
class Monad m => XMLGen m where
 type XMLType m
 data ChildType m
 data AttributeType m
 genElement  :: Name -> [XMLGenT m [AttributeType m]] -> [XMLGenT m [ChildType m]] -> XMLGenT m (XMLType m)
 genEElement :: Name -> [XMLGenT m [AttributeType m]]                              -> XMLGenT m (XMLType m)
 genEElement n ats = genElement n ats []
 xmlToChild :: XMLType m -> ChildType m
 pcdataToChild :: String -> ChildType m

-- | Type synonyms to avoid writing out the XMLnGenT all the time
type GenXML m           = XMLGenT m (XMLType m)
type GenXMLList m       = XMLGenT m [XMLType m]
type GenChild m         = XMLGenT m (ChildType m)
type GenChildList m     = XMLGenT m [ChildType m]
type GenAttribute m     = XMLGenT m (AttributeType m)
type GenAttributeList m = XMLGenT m [AttributeType m]

-- | Embed values as child nodes of an XML element. The parent type will be clear
-- from the context so it is not mentioned.
class XMLGen m => EmbedAsChild m c where
 asChild :: c -> GenChildList m

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 610
instance (EmbedAsChild m c, m ~ n) => EmbedAsChild m (XMLGenT n c) where
 asChild m = asChild =<< m
instance (EmbedAsChild m c, TypeCastM m1 m) => EmbedAsChild m (XMLGenT m1 c) where
 asChild (XMLGenT m1a) = do
            a <- XMLGenT $ typeCastM m1a
            asChild a

instance EmbedAsChild m c => EmbedAsChild m [c] where
 asChild = liftM concat . mapM asChild

instance XMLGen m => EmbedAsChild m (ChildType m) where
 asChild = return . return

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 610
instance (XMLGen m,  XMLType m ~ x) => EmbedAsChild m x where
instance (XMLGen m) => EmbedAsChild m (XMLType m) where
 asChild = return . return . xmlToChild

instance XMLGen m => EmbedAsChild m String where
 asChild = return . return . pcdataToChild

instance XMLGen m => EmbedAsChild m () where
 asChild _ = return []

-- | Similarly embed values as attributes of an XML element.
class XMLGen m => EmbedAsAttr m a where
 asAttr :: a -> GenAttributeList m

instance (XMLGen m, EmbedAsAttr m a) => EmbedAsAttr m (XMLGenT m a) where
 asAttr ma = ma >>= asAttr

instance (EmbedAsAttr m (Attr a v), TypeCastM m1 m) => EmbedAsAttr m (Attr a (XMLGenT m1 v)) where
 asAttr (a := (XMLGenT m1a)) = do
            v <- XMLGenT $ typeCastM m1a
            asAttr (a := v)

instance XMLGen m => EmbedAsAttr m (AttributeType m) where
 asAttr = return . return

instance EmbedAsAttr m a => EmbedAsAttr m [a] where
 asAttr = liftM concat . mapM asAttr

class (XMLGen m,
       SetAttr m (XMLType m),
       AppendChild m (XMLType m),
       EmbedAsChild m (XMLType m),
       EmbedAsChild m [XMLType m],
       EmbedAsChild m String,
       EmbedAsChild m Char, -- for overlap purposes
       EmbedAsChild m (),
       EmbedAsAttr m (Attr String String),
       EmbedAsAttr m (Attr String Int),
       EmbedAsAttr m (Attr String Bool)
       ) => XMLGenerator m

-- This is certainly true, but we want the various generators to explicitly state it,
-- in order to get the error messages right.
instance (XMLGen m,
       SetAttr m (XMLType m),
       AppendChild m (XMLType m),
       EmbedAsChild m (XMLType m),
       EmbedAsChild m [XMLType m],
       EmbedAsChild m String,
       EmbedAsChild m Char,
       EmbedAsChild m (),
       EmbedAsAttr m (Attr String String),
       EmbedAsAttr m (Attr String Int),
       EmbedAsAttr m (Attr String Bool)
       ) => XMLGenerator m

data Attr n a = n := a
  deriving Show

-- Setting attributes

-- | Set attributes on XML elements
class XMLGen m => SetAttr m elem where
 setAttr :: elem -> GenAttribute m     -> GenXML m
 setAll  :: elem -> GenAttributeList m -> GenXML m
 setAttr e a = setAll e $ liftM return a

(<@), set :: (SetAttr m elem, EmbedAsAttr m attr) => elem -> attr -> GenXML m
set xml attr = setAll xml (asAttr attr)
(<@) = set

(<<@) :: (SetAttr m elem, EmbedAsAttr m a) => elem -> [a] -> GenXML m
xml <<@ ats = setAll xml (liftM concat $ mapM asAttr ats)

instance (TypeCastM m1 m, SetAttr m x) => 
        SetAttr m (XMLGenT m1 x) where
 setAll (XMLGenT m1x) ats = (XMLGenT $ typeCastM m1x) >>= (flip setAll) ats

-- Appending children

class XMLGen m => AppendChild m elem where
 appChild :: elem -> GenChild m     -> GenXML m
 appAll   :: elem -> GenChildList m -> GenXML m
 appChild e c = appAll e $ liftM return c

(<:), app :: (AppendChild m elem, EmbedAsChild m c) => elem -> c -> GenXML m
app xml c = appAll xml $ asChild c
(<:) = app

(<<:) :: (AppendChild m elem, EmbedAsChild m c) => elem -> [c] -> GenXML m
xml <<: chs = appAll xml (liftM concat $ mapM asChild chs)

instance (AppendChild m x, TypeCastM m1 m) =>
        AppendChild m (XMLGenT m1 x) where
 appAll (XMLGenT m1x) chs = (XMLGenT $ typeCastM m1x) >>= (flip appAll) chs

-- Names

-- | Names can be simple or qualified with a domain. We want to conveniently
-- use both simple strings or pairs wherever a Name is expected.
class Show n => IsName n where
 toName :: n -> Name

-- | Names can represent names, of course.
instance IsName Name where
 toName = id

-- | Strings can represent names, meaning a simple name with no domain.
instance IsName String where
 toName s = (Nothing, s)

-- | Pairs of strings can represent names, meaning a name qualified with a domain.
instance IsName (String, String) where
 toName (ns, s) = (Just ns, s)

-- TypeCast, in lieu of ~ constraints

-- literally lifted from the HList library
class TypeCast   a b   | a -> b, b -> a      where typeCast   :: a -> b
class TypeCast'  t a b | t a -> b, t b -> a  where typeCast'  :: t->a->b
class TypeCast'' t a b | t a -> b, t b -> a  where typeCast'' :: t->a->b
instance TypeCast'  () a b => TypeCast a b   where typeCast x = typeCast' () x
instance TypeCast'' t a b => TypeCast' t a b where typeCast' = typeCast''
instance TypeCast'' () a a where typeCast'' _ x  = x

class TypeCastM   ma mb   | ma -> mb, mb -> ma      where typeCastM   :: ma x -> mb x
class TypeCastM'  t ma mb | t ma -> mb, t mb -> ma  where typeCastM'  :: t -> ma x -> mb x
class TypeCastM'' t ma mb | t ma -> mb, t mb -> ma  where typeCastM'' :: t -> ma x -> mb x
instance TypeCastM'  () ma mb => TypeCastM ma mb   where typeCastM mx = typeCastM' () mx
instance TypeCastM'' t ma mb => TypeCastM' t ma mb where typeCastM' = typeCastM''
instance TypeCastM'' () ma ma where typeCastM'' _ x  = x