{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8 import Test.HUnit import Network.Wai hiding (requestBody) import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (runSettings, defaultSettings, settingsPort, settingsBeforeMainLoop) import Network.HTTP.Conduit hiding (port) import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as NHC import Network.HTTP.Conduit.MultipartFormData import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, putMVar, takeMVar, newEmptyMVar, threadDelay) import Network.HTTP.Types import Control.Exception.Lifted (try, SomeException, bracket, onException, IOException) import qualified Data.IORef as I import qualified Control.Exception as E (catch) import Network.HTTP.Conduit.ConnInfo import Network (withSocketsDo) import Network.Socket (sClose) import qualified Network.BSD import CookieTest (cookieTest) import Data.Conduit.Network (runTCPServer, serverSettings, HostPreference (..), appSink, appSource, bindPort, serverAfterBind, ServerSettings) import qualified Data.Conduit.Network import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Data.Conduit (($$), yield, Flush (Chunk, Flush), runResourceT, await) import Control.Monad (void, forever) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString) import Data.Conduit.List (sourceList) import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk) import Data.List (partition) import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString, toByteString) import System.IO import Data.Monoid (mconcat) import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Calendar past :: UTCTime past = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 56200) (secondsToDiffTime 0) future :: UTCTime future = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 562000) (secondsToDiffTime 0) cookie :: Cookie cookie = Cookie { cookie_name = "key" , cookie_value = "value" , cookie_expiry_time = future , cookie_domain = "" , cookie_path = "/dump_cookies" , cookie_creation_time = past , cookie_last_access_time = past , cookie_persistent = False , cookie_host_only = False , cookie_secure_only = False , cookie_http_only = False } cookie_jar :: CookieJar cookie_jar = createCookieJar [cookie] app :: Application app req = case pathInfo req of [] -> if maybe False ("example.com:" `S.isPrefixOf`) $ lookup "host" $ Wai.requestHeaders req then return $ responseLBS status200 [] "homepage for example.com" else return $ responseLBS status200 [] "homepage" ["cookies"] -> return $ responseLBS status200 [tastyCookie] "cookies" ["cookie_redir1"] -> return $ responseLBS status303 [tastyCookie, (hLocation, "/checkcookie")] "" ["checkcookie"] -> return $ case lookup hCookie $ Wai.requestHeaders req of Just "flavor=chocolate-chip" -> responseLBS status200 [] "nom-nom-nom" _ -> responseLBS status412 [] "Baaaw where's my chocolate?" ["infredir", i'] -> let i = read $ T.unpack i' :: Int in return $ responseLBS status303 [(hLocation, S.append "/infredir/" $ S8.pack $ show $ i+1)] (L8.pack $ show i) ["dump_cookies"] -> return $ responseLBS status200 [] $ L.fromChunks $ return $ maybe "" id $ lookup hCookie $ Wai.requestHeaders req ["delayed"] -> return $ ResponseSource status200 [("foo", "bar")] $ do yield Flush liftIO $ threadDelay 30000000 yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString "Hello World!" _ -> return $ responseLBS status404 [] "not found" where tastyCookie = (mk (fromString "Set-Cookie"), fromString "flavor=chocolate-chip;") nextPort :: I.IORef Int nextPort = unsafePerformIO $ I.newIORef 15452 getPort :: IO Int getPort = do port <- I.atomicModifyIORef nextPort $ \p -> (p + 1, p) esocket <- try $ bindPort port HostIPv4 case esocket of Left (_ :: IOException) -> getPort Right socket -> do sClose socket return port withApp :: Application -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () withApp app' f = withApp' (const app') f withApp' :: (Int -> Application) -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () withApp' app' f = do port <- getPort baton <- newEmptyMVar bracket (forkIO $ runSettings defaultSettings { settingsPort = port , settingsBeforeMainLoop = putMVar baton () } (app' port) `onException` putMVar baton ()) killThread (const $ takeMVar baton >> f port) main :: IO () main = withSocketsDo $ do mapM_ (`hSetBuffering` LineBuffering) [stdout, stderr] hspec $ do cookieTest describe "simpleHttp" $ do it "gets homepage" $ withApp app $ \port -> do lbs <- simpleHttp $ "" ++ show port lbs @?= "homepage" it "throws exception on 404" $ withApp app $ \port -> do elbs <- try $ simpleHttp $ concat ["", show port, "/404"] case elbs of Left (_ :: SomeException) -> return () Right _ -> error "Expected an exception" describe "httpLbs" $ do it "preserves 'set-cookie' headers" $ withApp app $ \port -> do request <- parseUrl $ concat ["", show port, "/cookies"] withManager $ \manager -> do response <- httpLbs request manager let setCookie = mk (fromString "Set-Cookie") (setCookieHeaders, _) = partition ((== setCookie) . fst) (responseHeaders response) liftIO $ assertBool "response contains a 'set-cookie' header" $ length setCookieHeaders > 0 it "redirects set cookies" $ withApp app $ \port -> do request <- parseUrl $ concat ["", show port, "/cookie_redir1"] withManager $ \manager -> do response <- httpLbs request manager liftIO $ (responseBody response) @?= "nom-nom-nom" it "user-defined cookie jar works" $ withApp app $ \port -> do request <- parseUrl $ concat ["", show port, "/dump_cookies"] withManager $ \manager -> do response <- httpLbs (request {redirectCount = 1, cookieJar = Just cookie_jar}) manager liftIO $ (responseBody response) @?= "key=value" it "user-defined cookie jar is not ignored when redirection is disabled" $ withApp app $ \port -> do request <- parseUrl $ concat ["", show port, "/dump_cookies"] withManager $ \manager -> do response <- httpLbs (request {redirectCount = 0, cookieJar = Just cookie_jar}) manager liftIO $ (responseBody response) @?= "key=value" it "cookie jar is available in response" $ withApp app $ \port -> do request <- parseUrl $ concat ["", show port, "/cookies"] withManager $ \manager -> do response <- httpLbs (request {cookieJar = Just def}) manager liftIO $ (length $ destroyCookieJar $ responseCookieJar response) @?= 1 it "Cookie header isn't touched when no cookie jar supplied" $ withApp app $ \port -> do request <- parseUrl $ concat ["", show port, "/dump_cookies"] withManager $ \manager -> do let request_headers = (mk "Cookie", "key2=value2") : filter ((/= mk "Cookie") . fst) (NHC.requestHeaders request) response <- httpLbs (request {NHC.requestHeaders = request_headers, cookieJar = Nothing}) manager liftIO $ (responseBody response) @?= "key2=value2" it "Response cookie jar is nothing when request cookie jar is nothing" $ withApp app $ \port -> do request <- parseUrl $ concat ["", show port, "/cookies"] withManager $ \manager -> do response <- httpLbs (request {cookieJar = Nothing}) manager liftIO $ (responseCookieJar response) @?= def describe "manager" $ do it "closes all connections" $ withApp app $ \port1 -> withApp app $ \port2 -> do clearSocketsList withManager $ \manager -> do let Just req1 = parseUrl $ "" ++ show port1 let Just req2 = parseUrl $ "" ++ show port2 _res1a <- http req1 manager _res1b <- http req1 manager _res2 <- http req2 manager return () requireAllSocketsClosed describe "DOS protection" $ do it "overlong headers" $ overLongHeaders $ \port -> do withManager $ \manager -> do let Just req1 = parseUrl $ "" ++ show port res1 <- try $ http req1 manager case res1 of Left e -> liftIO $ show (e :: SomeException) @?= show OverlongHeaders _ -> error "Shouldn't have worked" it "not overlong headers" $ notOverLongHeaders $ \port -> do withManager $ \manager -> do let Just req1 = parseUrl $ "" ++ show port _ <- httpLbs req1 manager return () describe "redirects" $ do it "doesn't double escape" $ redir $ \port -> do withManager $ \manager -> do let go (encoded, final) = do let Just req1 = parseUrl $ concat ["", show port, "/redir/", encoded] res <- httpLbs req1 manager liftIO $ Network.HTTP.Conduit.responseStatus res @?= status200 liftIO $ responseBody res @?= L.fromChunks [TE.encodeUtf8 final] mapM_ go [ ("hello world%2F", "hello world/") , ("%D7%A9%D7%9C%D7%95%D7%9D", "שלום") , ("simple", "simple") , ("hello%20world", "hello world") , ("hello%20world%3f%23", "hello world?#") ] it "TooManyRedirects: redirect request body is preserved" $ withApp app $ \port -> do let Just req = parseUrl $ concat ["", show port, "/infredir/0"] let go (res, i) = liftIO $ responseBody res @?= (L8.pack $ show i) E.catch (withManager $ \manager -> do void $ http req{redirectCount=5} manager) $ \(TooManyRedirects redirs) -> mapM_ go (zip redirs [5,4..0 :: Int]) describe "chunked request body" $ do it "works" $ echo $ \port -> do withManager $ \manager -> do let go bss = do let Just req1 = parseUrl $ "" ++ show port src = sourceList $ map fromByteString bss lbs = L.fromChunks bss res <- httpLbs req1 { method = "POST" , requestBody = RequestBodySourceChunked src } manager liftIO $ Network.HTTP.Conduit.responseStatus res @?= status200 let ts = S.concat . L.toChunks liftIO $ ts (responseBody res) @?= ts lbs mapM_ go [ ["hello", "world"] , replicate 500 "foo\003\n\r" ] describe "no status message" $ do it "works" $ noStatusMessage $ \port -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port withManager $ \manager -> do res <- httpLbs req manager liftIO $ do Network.HTTP.Conduit.responseStatus res `shouldBe` status200 responseBody res `shouldBe` "foo" describe "response body too short" $ do it "throws an exception" $ wrongLength $ \port -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port withManager $ \manager -> do eres <- try $ httpLbs req manager liftIO $ either (Left . (show :: HttpException -> String)) (Right . id) eres `shouldBe` Left (show $ ResponseBodyTooShort 50 18) describe "chunked response body" $ do it "no chunk terminator" $ wrongLengthChunk1 $ \port -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port withManager $ \manager -> do eres <- try $ httpLbs req manager liftIO $ either (Left . (show :: HttpException -> String)) (Right . id) eres `shouldBe` Left (show InvalidChunkHeaders) it "incomplete chunk" $ wrongLengthChunk2 $ \port -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port withManager $ \manager -> do eres <- try $ httpLbs req manager liftIO $ either (Left . (show :: HttpException -> String)) (Right . id) eres `shouldBe` Left (show InvalidChunkHeaders) it "invalid chunk" $ invalidChunk $ \port -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port withManager $ \manager -> do eres <- try $ httpLbs req manager liftIO $ either (Left . (show :: HttpException -> String)) (Right . id) eres `shouldBe` Left (show InvalidChunkHeaders) it "missing header" $ rawApp "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n4\r\nabcd\r\n\r\n\r\n" $ \port -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port withManager $ \manager -> do eres <- try $ httpLbs req manager liftIO $ either (Left . (show :: HttpException -> String)) (Right . id) eres `shouldBe` Left (show InvalidChunkHeaders) it "junk header" $ rawApp "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n4\r\nabcd\r\njunk\r\n\r\n" $ \port -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port withManager $ \manager -> do eres <- try $ httpLbs req manager liftIO $ either (Left . (show :: HttpException -> String)) (Right . id) eres `shouldBe` Left (show InvalidChunkHeaders) describe "redirect" $ do it "ignores large response bodies" $ do let app' port req = case pathInfo req of ["foo"] -> return $ responseLBS status200 [] "Hello World!" _ -> return $ ResponseSource status301 [("location", S8.pack $ "" ++ show port ++ "/foo")] $ forever $ yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString "hello\n" withApp' app' $ \port -> withManager $ \manager -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port res <- httpLbs req manager liftIO $ do Network.HTTP.Conduit.responseStatus res `shouldBe` status200 responseBody res `shouldBe` "Hello World!" describe "multipart/form-data" $ do it "formats correctly" $ do let bd = "---------------------------190723902820679116301912680260" (RequestBodySource _ src) <- renderParts bd [partBS "email" "" ,partBS "parent_id" "70488" ,partBS "captcha" "" ,partBS "homeboard" "0chan.hk" ,partBS "text" $ TE.encodeUtf8 ">>72127\r\nМы работаем над этим." ,partFileSource "upload" "nyan.gif" ] mfd <- fmap (toByteString . mconcat) $ runResourceT $ src $$ CL.consume exam <- S.readFile "multipart-example.bin" mfd @?= exam describe "HTTP/1.0" $ do it "BaseHTTP" $ do let baseHTTP app' = do _ <- appSource app' $$ await yield "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\nThis is it!" $$ appSink app' withCApp baseHTTP $ \port -> withManager $ \manager -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port res1 <- httpLbs req manager res2 <- httpLbs req manager liftIO $ res1 @?= res2 describe "hostAddress" $ do it "overrides host" $ withApp app $ \port -> do entry <- Network.BSD.getHostByName "" req' <- parseUrl $ "http://example.com:" ++ show port let req = req' { hostAddress = Just $ Network.BSD.hostAddress entry } res <- withManager $ httpLbs req responseBody res @?= "homepage for example.com" describe "managerResponseTimeout" $ do it "works" $ withApp app $ \port -> do req1 <- parseUrl $ "http://localhost:" ++ show port let req2 = req1 { responseTimeout = Just 5000000 } withManagerSettings def { managerResponseTimeout = Just 1 } $ \man -> do eres1 <- try $ httpLbs req1 man case eres1 of Left (FailedConnectionException _ _) -> return () _ -> error "Did not time out" _ <- httpLbs req2 man return () describe "delayed body" $ do it "works" $ withApp app $ \port -> do req <- parseUrl $ "http://localhost:" ++ show port ++ "/delayed" withManager $ \man -> do _ <- http req man return () withCApp :: Data.Conduit.Network.Application IO -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () withCApp app' f = do port <- getPort baton <- newEmptyMVar let start = putMVar baton () settings :: ServerSettings IO settings = (serverSettings port HostAny :: ServerSettings IO) { serverAfterBind = const start } bracket (forkIO $ runTCPServer settings app' `onException` start) killThread (const $ takeMVar baton >> f port) overLongHeaders :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () overLongHeaders = withCApp $ \app' -> src $$ appSink app' where src = sourceList $ "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nfoo: " : repeat "bar" notOverLongHeaders :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () notOverLongHeaders = withCApp $ \app' -> do appSource app' $$ CL.drop 1 src $$ appSink app' where src = sourceList $ [S.concat $ "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 16384\r\n\r\n" : ( take 16384 $ repeat "x")] redir :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () redir = withApp' redirApp where redirApp port req = case pathInfo req of ["redir", foo] -> return $ responseLBS status301 [ ("Location", S8.pack (concat ["", show port, "/content/"]) `S.append` escape foo) ] "" ["content", foo] -> return $ responseLBS status200 [] $ L.fromChunks [TE.encodeUtf8 foo] _ -> return $ responseLBS status404 [] "" escape = S8.concatMap (S8.pack . encodeUrlChar) . TE.encodeUtf8 encodeUrlChar :: Char -> String encodeUrlChar c -- List of unreserved characters per RFC 3986 -- Gleaned from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding | 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' = [c] | 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' = [c] | '0' <= c && c <= '9' = [c] encodeUrlChar c@'-' = [c] encodeUrlChar c@'_' = [c] encodeUrlChar c@'.' = [c] encodeUrlChar c@'~' = [c] encodeUrlChar y = let (a, c) = fromEnum y `divMod` 16 b = a `mod` 16 showHex' x | x < 10 = toEnum $ x + (fromEnum '0') | x < 16 = toEnum $ x - 10 + (fromEnum 'A') | otherwise = error $ "Invalid argument to showHex: " ++ show x in ['%', showHex' b, showHex' c] echo :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () echo = withApp $ \req -> do bss <- Wai.requestBody req $$ CL.consume return $ responseLBS status200 [] $ L.fromChunks bss noStatusMessage :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () noStatusMessage = withCApp $ \app' -> src $$ appSink app' where src = yield "HTTP/1.0 200\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\nfoo: barbazbin" wrongLength :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () wrongLength = withCApp $ \app' -> do _ <- appSource app' $$ await src $$ appSink app' where src = do yield "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 50\r\n\r\n" yield "Not quite 50 bytes" wrongLengthChunk1 :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () wrongLengthChunk1 = withCApp $ \app' -> do _ <- appSource app' $$ await src $$ appSink app' where src = yield "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n4\r\nWiki\r\n" wrongLengthChunk2 :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () wrongLengthChunk2 = withCApp $ \app' -> do _ <- appSource app' $$ await src $$ appSink app' where src = yield "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n4\r\nWiki\r\n5\r\npedia\r\nE\r\nin\r\n\r\nch\r\n" invalidChunk :: (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () invalidChunk = withCApp $ \app' -> do _ <- appSource app' $$ await src $$ appSink app' where src = yield "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n4\r\nabcd\r\ngarbage\r\nef\r\n0\r\n\r\n" rawApp :: S8.ByteString -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO () rawApp bs = withCApp $ \app' -> do _ <- appSource app' $$ await src $$ appSink app' where src = yield bs