http-kinder- Generic kinds and types for working with HTTP

Safe HaskellNone




A request can be thought of as having a query component which is a mapping from a set of query keys (which are just strings) to values of QueryKeyState Text.

This module provides tools for extracting information from this mapping or constructing them.


Classes for encoding and decoding

class QueryEncode s a where Source

Determines a representation of a query value for a given query key.


queryEncode :: sing s -> a -> QueryKeyState Text Source

class QueryDecode s a where Source

Attempts to parse a representation of a query value at a given query key.


QueryDecode s Flag Source

This instance act "strictly" in that if the key is present but given a value then it will fail to parse for this type. To be lenient use QueryKeyState directly.

QueryDecode s a => QueryDecode s (Maybe a) Source 
QueryDecode s (Raw Text) Source 
QueryDecode s a => QueryDecode s (QueryKeyState a) Source 

Listing constraints to type-level lists

type family AllQueryEncodes hs :: Constraint Source

For a given concrete type a, a list of pairs ts satisfies AllQueryEncode a ts if each (n, a) in ts has QueryEncode n a.


AllQueryEncodes `[]` = () 
AllQueryEncodes (`(s, a)` : hs) = (QueryEncode s a, AllQueryEncodes hs) 

type family AllQueryDecodes hs :: Constraint Source

For a given concrete type a, a list of pairs ts satisfies AllQueryDecode a ts if each (n, a) in ts has QueryDecode n a.


AllQueryDecodes `[]` = () 
AllQueryDecodes (`(s, a)` : hs) = (QueryDecode s a, AllQueryDecodes hs) 

Types for encoding/decoding request queries

data QueryKeyState a Source

QueryKeyState describes the state of a given key within a query-map. The key may be complete absent, it may exist without a value, or it may exist with some value at a given type.

data Flag Source

Flag provides semantics for query parameters which may merely exist without actually storing a value---"flag" semantics.




QueryDecode s Flag Source

This instance act "strictly" in that if the key is present but given a value then it will fail to parse for this type. To be lenient use QueryKeyState directly.

QueryEncode s Flag Source 

Extra serialization utilities

queryEncodePair :: (KnownSymbol n, QueryEncode n a) => Sing n -> a -> Maybe (Text, Maybe Text) Source

Produces a pair of (name, representation) from a given query encoding.