{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-} ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright : Erik de Castro Lopo -- License : BSD3 ------------------------------------------------------------ module Test.Util where import Blaze.ByteString.Builder import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Exception hiding (assert) import Control.Monad (forM_, when, unless) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Conduit (ConduitT, Flush (..), SealedConduitT) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Maybe import Data.String (fromString) import Network.Socket import Network.Connection import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import qualified Data.Conduit as DC import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as HC import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import Network.HTTP.Proxy.Request dumpWaiRequest :: Wai.Request -> IO () dumpWaiRequest req = mapM_ BS.putStrLn [ "------- Wai Request --------------------------------------------------------------" , "Method : " , Wai.requestMethod req , "HTTP Version : " , fromString (show (Wai.httpVersion req)) , "Path Info : " , Wai.rawPathInfo req , "Query String : " , Wai.rawQueryString req , "Server : " , waiRequestHost req , "Secure (SSL) : " , fromString (show (Wai.isSecure req)) , "Remote Host : " , fromString (show (Wai.remoteHost req)) , "Request Headers :" , headerShow (Wai.requestHeaders req) ] dumpHttpConduitRequest :: HC.Request -> IO () dumpHttpConduitRequest req = mapM_ BS.putStrLn [ "------- HttpConduit Request ------------------------------------------------------" , "Method : " , HC.method req , "Secure (SSL) : " , fromString (show (HC.secure req)) , "Host Name : " , HC.host req , "Host Port : " , fromString (show (HC.port req)) , "Path : " , HC.path req , "Query String : " , HT.urlDecode False (HC.queryString req) , "Request Headers :" , headerShow (HC.requestHeaders req) ] dumpHttpResponse :: HT.Status -> HT.ResponseHeaders -> IO () dumpHttpResponse s rh = do mapM_ BS.putStrLn [ "------- Response from upsteam ----------------------------------------------------" , "HTTP/1.0 ", BS.pack (show (HT.statusCode s)), " ", HT.statusMessage s ] BS.putStr . BS.concat $ map (\ (f, v) -> BS.concat [ " ", CI.original f, ": ", v, "\n" ]) rh headerShow :: [HT.Header] -> ByteString headerShow headers = BS.concat $ map hdrShow headers where hdrShow (f, v) = BS.concat [ " ", CI.original f , ": " , v, "\n" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- simpleResponse :: HT.Status -> ByteString -> Wai.Response simpleResponse status text = do let respHeaders = [ (HT.hContentType, "text/plain") , (HT.hContentLength, fromString . show $ BS.length text) ] responseBS status respHeaders text responseBS :: HT.Status -> HT.ResponseHeaders -> ByteString -> Wai.Response responseBS status headers text = Wai.responseLBS status headers$ LBS.fromChunks [text] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Result = Result { resultSecure :: Bool , resultStatus :: Int , resultHeaders :: [HT.Header] , resultBS :: ByteString } printResult :: Result -> IO () printResult (Result _ status headers body) = do putStrLn $ "Response status : " ++ show status putStrLn "Response headers :" BS.putStr $ headerShow headers putStrLn "Response body :" BS.putStrLn body -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Compare results and error out if they're different. compareResult :: Result -> Result -> IO () compareResult (Result secure sa ha ba) (Result _ sb hb bb) = do assert (sa == sb) $ "HTTP status codes don't match : " ++ show sa ++ " /= " ++ show sb forM_ [ "server", "content-type", "content-length" ] $ \v -> assertMaybe (lookup v ha) (lookup v hb) $ \ ja jb -> "Header field '" ++ show v ++ "' doesn't match : '" ++ show ja ++ "' /= '" ++ show jb assert (ba == bb) $ "HTTP response bodies are different :\n" ++ BS.unpack ba ++ "\n-----------\n" ++ BS.unpack bb when (not secure && isJust (lookup "X-Via-Proxy" ha)) $ error "Error: Direct connection should not contain 'X-Via-Proxy' header." when (not secure && isNothing (lookup "X-Via-Proxy" hb)) $ error "Error: Direct connection should not contain 'X-Via-Proxy' header." where assert :: Bool -> String -> IO () assert b = unless b . error assertMaybe :: Eq a => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> (a -> a -> String) -> IO () assertMaybe Nothing _ _ = return () assertMaybe _ Nothing _ = return () assertMaybe (Just a) (Just b) fmsg = unless (a == b) . error $ fmsg a b testSingleUrl :: Bool -> Int -> HC.Request -> IO () testSingleUrl debug testProxyPort request = do direct <- httpRun request proxy <- httpRun $ addTestProxy testProxyPort request when debug $ do printResult direct printResult proxy compareResult direct proxy addTestProxy :: Int -> HC.Request -> HC.Request addTestProxy = HC.addProxy "localhost" -- | Use HC.http to fullfil a HC.Request. We need to wrap it because the -- Response contains a Source which we need to read to generate our result. httpRun :: HC.Request -> IO Result httpRun req = do mgr <- HC.newManager $ HC.mkManagerSettings (TLSSettingsSimple True False False) Nothing runResourceT $ do resp <- HC.http (modifyRequest req) mgr let contentLen = readInt64 <$> lookup HT.hContentLength (HC.responseHeaders resp) bodyText <- checkBodySize (DC.sealConduitT $ HC.responseBody resp) contentLen return $ Result (HC.secure req) (HT.statusCode $ HC.responseStatus resp) (HC.responseHeaders resp) bodyText where modifyRequest r = r { HC.redirectCount = 0 } checkBodySize :: Monad f => SealedConduitT () ByteString f () -> Maybe Int64 -> f ByteString checkBodySize bodySrc Nothing = fmap (BS.concat . LBS.toChunks) $ bodySrc DC.$$+- CB.take 1000 checkBodySize bodySrc (Just len) = do let blockSize = 1000 if len <= blockSize then checkBodySize bodySrc Nothing else fromMaybe "Success" <$> (bodySrc DC.$$+- byteSink len) byteSink :: Monad m => Int64 -> ConduitT ByteString a m (Maybe ByteString) byteSink bytes = sink 0 where sink :: Monad m => Int64 -> ConduitT ByteString a m (Maybe ByteString) sink !count = DC.await >>= maybe (closeSink count) (sinkBlock count) sinkBlock :: Monad m => Int64 -> ByteString -> ConduitT ByteString a m (Maybe ByteString) sinkBlock !count bs = sink (count + fromIntegral (BS.length bs)) closeSink :: Monad m => Int64 -> m (Maybe ByteString) closeSink !count = return $ if count == bytes then Nothing else Just . BS.pack $ "Error : Body length " ++ show count ++ " should have been " ++ show bytes ++ "." builderSource :: Monad m => Int64 -> ConduitT () (Flush Builder) m () builderSource = DC.mapOutput (Chunk . fromByteString) . byteSource byteSource :: Monad m => Int64 -> ConduitT i ByteString m () byteSource bytes = loop 0 where loop :: Monad m => Int64 -> ConduitT i ByteString m () loop !count | count >= bytes = return () | count + blockSize64 < bytes = do DC.yield bsbytes loop $ count + blockSize64 | otherwise = do let n = fromIntegral $ bytes - count DC.yield $ BS.take n bsbytes pure () blockSize = 8192 :: Int blockSize64 = fromIntegral blockSize :: Int64 bsbytes = BS.replicate blockSize '?' readInt64 :: ByteString -> Int64 readInt64 = read . BS.unpack catchAny :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a catchAny action onE = withAsync action waitCatch >>= either onE return openLocalhostListenSocket :: IO (Socket, Port) openLocalhostListenSocket = do sock <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol addr:_ <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just "") Nothing bind sock (addrAddress addr) listen sock 10 port <- fromIntegral <$> socketPort sock return (sock, port)