{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-}

module Network.HTTP2.Decode (
  -- * Decoding
  , decodeFrameHeader
  , checkFrameHeader
  -- * Decoding payload
  , decodeFramePayload
  , FramePayloadDecoder
  , decodeDataFrame
  , decodeHeadersFrame
  , decodePriorityFrame
  , decoderstStreamFrame
  , decodeSettingsFrame
  , decodePushPromiseFrame
  , decodePingFrame
  , decodeGoAwayFrame
  , decodeWindowUpdateFrame
  , decodeContinuationFrame
  ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Array (Array, listArray, (!))
import Data.Bits (clearBit, shiftL, (.|.))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..))
import Data.Word
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, plusPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)

import Network.HTTP2.Types


-- | Decoding an HTTP/2 frame to 'ByteString'.
-- The second argument must be include the entire of frame.
-- So, this function is not useful for real applications
-- but useful for testing.
decodeFrame :: Settings    -- ^ HTTP/2 settings
            -> ByteString  -- ^ Input byte-stream
            -> Either HTTP2Error Frame -- ^ Decoded frame
decodeFrame settings bs = checkFrameHeader settings (decodeFrameHeader bs0)
                      >>= \(typ,header) -> decodeFramePayload typ header bs1
                      >>= \payload -> return $ Frame header payload
    (bs0,bs1) = BS.splitAt 9 bs


-- | Decoding an HTTP/2 frame header.
--   Must supply 9 bytes.
decodeFrameHeader :: ByteString -> (FrameTypeId, FrameHeader)
decodeFrameHeader (PS fptr off _) = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
    let p = ptr +. off
    l0 <- fromIntegral <$> peek p
    l1 <- fromIntegral <$> peek (p +. 1)
    l2 <- fromIntegral <$> peek (p +. 2)
    typ <- toFrameTypeId <$> peek (p +. 3)
    flg <-                 peek (p +. 4)
    w32 <- word32' (p +. 5)
    let !len = (l0 `shiftL` 16) .|. (l1 `shiftL` 8) .|. l2
        !sid = streamIdentifier w32
    return (typ, FrameHeader len flg sid)

(+.) :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Ptr Word8
(+.) = plusPtr


-- | Checking a frame header and reporting an error if any.
-- >>> checkFrameHeader defaultSettings (FrameData,(FrameHeader 100 0 0))
-- Left (ConnectionError ProtocolError "cannot used in control stream")
checkFrameHeader :: Settings
                 -> (FrameTypeId, FrameHeader)
                 -> Either HTTP2Error (FrameTypeId, FrameHeader)
checkFrameHeader Settings {..} typfrm@(typ,FrameHeader {..})
  | payloadLength > maxFrameSize =
      Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "exceeds maximum frame size"
  | typ `elem` nonZeroFrameTypes && isControl streamId =
      Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "cannot used in control stream"
  | typ `elem` zeroFrameTypes && not (isControl streamId) =
      Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "cannot used in non-zero stream"
  | otherwise = checkType typ
    checkType FramePriority | payloadLength /= 5 =
        Left $ StreamError FrameSizeError streamId
    checkType FrameRSTStream | payloadLength /= 4 =
        Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length is not 4 in rst stream frame"
    checkType FrameSettings
      | payloadLength `mod` 6 /= 0 =
        Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length is not multiple of 6 in settings frame"
      | testAck flags && payloadLength /= 0 =
        Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length must be 0 if ack flag is set"
    checkType FramePushPromise
      | not enablePush =
        Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "push not enabled" -- checkme
      | not (isResponse streamId) =
        Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "push promise must be used with even stream identifier"
    checkType FramePing | payloadLength /= 8 =
        Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length is 8 in ping frame"
    checkType FrameGoAway | payloadLength < 8 =
        Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "goaway body must be 8 bytes or larger"
    checkType FrameWindowUpdate | payloadLength /= 4 =
        Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length is 4 in window update frame"
    checkType _ = Right typfrm

zeroFrameTypes :: [FrameTypeId]
zeroFrameTypes = [
  , FramePing
  , FrameGoAway

nonZeroFrameTypes :: [FrameTypeId]
nonZeroFrameTypes = [
  , FrameHeaders
  , FramePriority
  , FrameRSTStream
  , FramePushPromise
  , FrameContinuation


type FramePayloadDecoder = FrameHeader -> ByteString
                        -> Either HTTP2Error FramePayload

payloadDecoders :: Array Word8 FramePayloadDecoder
payloadDecoders = listArray (minFrameType, maxFrameType)
    [ decodeDataFrame
    , decodeHeadersFrame
    , decodePriorityFrame
    , decoderstStreamFrame
    , decodeSettingsFrame
    , decodePushPromiseFrame
    , decodePingFrame
    , decodeGoAwayFrame
    , decodeWindowUpdateFrame
    , decodeContinuationFrame

-- | Decoding an HTTP/2 frame payload.
decodeFramePayload :: FrameTypeId -> FramePayloadDecoder
decodeFramePayload (FrameUnknown typ) = checkFrameSize $ decodeUnknownFrame typ
decodeFramePayload ftyp               = checkFrameSize decoder
    decoder = payloadDecoders ! fromFrameTypeId ftyp


decodeDataFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeDataFrame header bs = decodeWithPadding header bs DataFrame

decodeHeadersFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeHeadersFrame header bs = decodeWithPadding header bs $ \bs' ->
    if hasPriority then
        let (bs0,bs1) = BS.splitAt 5 bs'
            p = priority bs0
        in HeadersFrame (Just p) bs1
        HeadersFrame Nothing bs'
    hasPriority = testPriority $ flags header

decodePriorityFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodePriorityFrame _ bs = Right $ PriorityFrame $ priority bs

decoderstStreamFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decoderstStreamFrame _ bs = Right $ RSTStreamFrame $ toErrorCodeId (word32 bs)

decodeSettingsFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeSettingsFrame FrameHeader{..} (PS fptr off _) = Right $ SettingsFrame alist
    num = payloadLength `div` 6
    alist = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
        let p = ptr +. off
        settings num p id
    settings 0 _ builder = return $ builder []
    settings n p builder = do
        rawSetting <- word16' p
        let msettings = toSettingsKeyId rawSetting
            n' = n - 1
        case msettings of
            Nothing -> settings n' (p +. 6) builder -- ignoring unknown one (Section 6.5.2)
            Just k  -> do
                w32 <- word32' (p +. 2)
                let v = fromIntegral w32
                settings n' (p +. 6) (builder. ((k,v):))

decodePushPromiseFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodePushPromiseFrame header bs = decodeWithPadding header bs $ \bs' ->
    let (bs0,bs1) = BS.splitAt 4 bs'
        sid = streamIdentifier (word32 bs0)
    in PushPromiseFrame sid bs1

decodePingFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodePingFrame _ bs = Right $ PingFrame bs

decodeGoAwayFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeGoAwayFrame _ bs = Right $ GoAwayFrame sid ecid bs2
    (bs0,bs1') = BS.splitAt 4 bs
    (bs1,bs2)  = BS.splitAt 4 bs1'
    sid = streamIdentifier (word32 bs0)
    ecid = toErrorCodeId (word32 bs1)

decodeWindowUpdateFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeWindowUpdateFrame _ bs
  | wsi == 0  = Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "window update must not be 0"
  | otherwise = Right $ WindowUpdateFrame wsi
    !wsi = fromIntegral (word32 bs `clearBit` 31)

decodeContinuationFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeContinuationFrame _ bs = Right $ ContinuationFrame bs

decodeUnknownFrame :: FrameType -> FramePayloadDecoder
decodeUnknownFrame typ _ bs = Right $ UnknownFrame typ bs


checkFrameSize :: FramePayloadDecoder -> FramePayloadDecoder
checkFrameSize func header@FrameHeader{..} body
  | payloadLength > BS.length body =
      Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload is too short"
  | otherwise = func header body

-- | Helper function to pull off the padding if its there, and will
-- eat up the trailing padding automatically. Calls the decoder func
-- passed in with the length of the unpadded portion between the
-- padding octet and the actual padding
decodeWithPadding :: FrameHeader -> ByteString -> (ByteString -> FramePayload) -> Either HTTP2Error FramePayload
decodeWithPadding FrameHeader{..} bs body
  | padded = let Just (w8,rest) = BS.uncons bs
                 padlen = intFromWord8 w8
                 bodylen = payloadLength - padlen - 1
             in if bodylen < 0 then
                    Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "padding is not enough"
                    Right . body $ BS.take bodylen rest
  | otherwise = Right $ body bs
    padded = testPadded flags

streamIdentifier :: Word32 -> StreamId
streamIdentifier w32 = clearExclusive $ fromIntegral w32

priority :: ByteString -> Priority
priority (PS fptr off _) = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
    let p = ptr +. off
    w32 <- word32' p
    let !streamdId = streamIdentifier w32
        !exclusive = testExclusive (fromIntegral w32) -- fixme
    w8 <- peek (p +. 4)
    let weight = intFromWord8 w8 + 1
    return $ Priority exclusive streamdId weight

intFromWord8 :: Word8 -> Int
intFromWord8 = fromIntegral

word32 :: ByteString -> Word32
word32 (PS fptr off _) = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
    let p = ptr +. off
    word32' p
{-# INLINE word32 #-}

word32' :: Ptr Word8 -> IO Word32
word32' p = do
    w0 <- fromIntegral <$> peek p
    w1 <- fromIntegral <$> peek (p +. 1)
    w2 <- fromIntegral <$> peek (p +. 2)
    w3 <- fromIntegral <$> peek (p +. 3)
    let !w32 = (w0 `shiftL` 24) .|. (w1 `shiftL` 16) .|. (w2 `shiftL` 8) .|. w3
    return w32
{-# INLINE word32' #-}

word16' :: Ptr Word8 -> IO Word16
word16' p = do
    w0 <- fromIntegral <$> peek p
    w1 <- fromIntegral <$> peek (p +. 1)
    let !w16 = (w0 `shiftL` 8) .|. w1
    return w16
{-# INLINE word16' #-}