-- |
-- Module: Network.Shed.Httpd 
-- Copyright: Andy Gill
-- License: BSD3
-- Maintainer: Andy Gill <andygill@ku.edu>
-- Stability: unstable
-- Portability: GHC
-- A trivial web server.
-- This web server promotes a Request to IO Response function
-- into a local web server. The user can decide how to interpret
-- the requests, and the library is intended for implementing Ajax APIs.
-- initServerLazy (and assocated refactorings) was written by Henning Thielemann. 

module Network.Shed.Httpd 
    ( Server
    , initServer
    , initServerLazy
    , Request(..)
    , Response(..)
    , queryToArguments
    , addCache
    , noCache
    , contentType
    ) where

--import System.Posix
--import System.Posix.Signals
import Network.URI
import Network
import System.IO 
import Control.Monad 
import Control.Concurrent 
import Control.Exception as Exc
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Numeric (showHex)

type Server = () -- later, you might have a handle for shutting down a server.

{- |
This server transfers documents as one parcel, using the content-length header.

   :: Int 			-- ^ The port number
   -> (Request -> IO Response) 	-- ^ The functionality of the Sever
   -> IO Server			-- ^ A token for the Server
initServer =
     (\body -> ([("Content-Length", show (length body))], body))

{- |
This server transfers documents in chunked mode
and without content-length header.
This way you can ship infinitely big documents.
It inserts the transfer encoding header for you.
   :: Int 			-- ^ Chunk size
   -> Int 			-- ^ The port number
   -> (Request -> IO Response) 	-- ^ The functionality of the Sever
   -> IO Server			-- ^ A token for the Server
initServerLazy chunkSize =
     (\body ->
        ([("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")],
         concatMap (\str -> showHex (length str) $ showString "\r\n" $ str) $
         slice chunkSize body ++ [[]]))

-- cf. Data.List.HT.sliceVertical
slice :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
slice n =
  map (take n) . takeWhile (not . null) . iterate (drop n)

   :: (String -> ([(String, String)], String))
   -> Int
   -> (Request -> IO Response)
   -> IO Server
initServerMain processBody portNo callOut = do
--        installHandler sigPIPE Ignore Nothing    
        sock  <- listenOn (PortNumber $ fromIntegral portNo)
           (do (h,_nm,_port) <- accept sock
	       forkIO $ do 
                 ln <- hGetLine h
                 case words ln of
                   [mode,uri,"HTTP/1.1"]  -> 
                       case parseURIReference uri of
                         Just uri' -> readHeaders h mode uri' []
                         _ -> do print uri 
                                 hClose h
                   _                      -> hClose h
                 return ()
           ) `finally` sClose sock
      loopIO m          = do m
                             loopIO m

      readHeaders h mode uri hds = do
        line <- hGetLine h
        case span (/= ':') line of
          ("\r","") -> sendRequest h mode uri hds
          (name,':':rest) -> readHeaders h mode uri (hds ++ [(name,dropWhile Char.isSpace rest)])
          _ -> hClose h	-- strange format

      message code = show code ++ " " ++ 
                     case lookup code longMessages of
                       Just msg -> msg
                       Nothing -> "-"
      sendRequest h mode uri hds = do
          resp <- callOut $ Request { reqMethod = mode
                                    , reqURI    = uri
                                    , reqHeaders = hds
                                    , reqBody   = ""
          let (additionalHeaders, body) =
                processBody $ resBody resp
          writeLines h $
            ("HTTP/1.1 " ++ message (resCode resp)) :
            ("Connection: close") :
            (map (\(hdr,val) -> hdr ++ ": " ++ val) $
                resHeaders resp ++ additionalHeaders) ++
            "" :
          hPutStr h body
          hClose h

writeLines :: Handle -> [String] -> IO ()
writeLines h =
  hPutStr h . concatMap (++"\r\n")

-- | Takes an escaped query, optionally starting with '?', and returns an unescaped index-value list.
queryToArguments :: String -> [(String,String)]
queryToArguments ('?':rest) = queryToArguments rest
queryToArguments input = findIx input
     findIx = findIx' . span (/= '=') 
     findIx' (index,'=':rest) = findVal (unEscapeString index) rest
     findIx' _ = []

     findVal index = findVal' index . span (/= '&')
     findVal' index (value,'&':rest) = (index,unEscapeString value) : findIx rest
     findVal' index (value,[])       = [(index,unEscapeString value)]
     findVal' _ _ = []

data Request = Request 
     { reqMethod  :: String	
     , reqURI     :: URI
     , reqHeaders :: [(String,String)]
     , reqBody    :: String
     deriving Show

data Response = Response
    { resCode	 :: Int
    , resHeaders :: [(String,String)]
    , resBody    :: String
     deriving Show

addCache :: Int -> (String,String)
addCache n = ("Cache-Control","max-age=" ++ show n)

noCache :: (String,String)
noCache = ("Cache-Control","no-cache")

-- examples include "text/html" and "text/plain"

contentType :: String -> (String,String)
contentType msg = ("Content-Type",msg)

longMessages :: [(Int,String)]
longMessages = 
    [ (200,"OK")
    , (404,"Not Found")