{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ParallelListComp #-} import Graphics.Gloss import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Animate import Data.Complex import Data.IORef import Math.FFT import Data.Array.CArray import GHC.Float ( double2Float ) import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Data.Char ( toUpper ) import Data.List ( sortBy ) import Sound.ALSA.PCM ( SoundFmt(SoundFmt), sampleFreq, soundSourceRead, SoundSource, alsaSoundSource, withSoundSource ) import Foreign ( allocaArray, peekArray, Storable, Ptr, castPtr ) import Data.Int ( Int16 ) -- analyzer parameters fftSize, bufSize, rate :: Int fftSize = 16 * 1024 winSize = 2 * fftSize bufSize = 2048 rate = 44100 fftDuration = fromIntegral winSize / fromIntegral rate -- seconds fftBin = fromIntegral rate / fromIntegral winSize -- hz fftLimits = (start, end) where start :: Int = head $ dropWhile (cutoff $ fst $ head notecents) [1..] end :: Int = head $ dropWhile (cutoff $ fst $ last notecents) [1..] cutoff n = ( Double cents x = 100 * logBase (2**(1/12)) x uncent x = 2**(x/1200.0) shift :: (RealFrac a) => a -> Float shift x = (realToFrac x - realToFrac a55) / 2 hz :: Double -> Double hz x = fftBin * x centscale :: Double -> Float centscale = shift . cents . hz a55, a3520 :: Double a55 = cents 55.25 a3520 = cents 3520 -- array twiddling mapArray f a = array (bounds a) $ map (\(i, v) -> (i, f i v)) $ assocs a shiftArray size old new = array (0, size' - 1) $ (zip [0..] $ drop remove $ elems old) ++ zip [retain..] (elems new) where remove = dim old - retain retain = minimum [ size - dim new, dim old ] size' = retain + dim new dim x = 1 + snd (bounds x) - fst (bounds x) quadEst :: Complex Double -> Complex Double -> Complex Double -> Double quadEst a x c = (y3 - y1) / ( 2 * ( 2 * y2 - y1 - y3 ) ) where y1 = magnitude a y2 = magnitude x y3 = magnitude c quinnEst :: Complex Double -> Complex Double -> Complex Double -> Double quinnEst a x c = 0.5 * (dp + dm) + tau (dp * dp) - tau (dm * dm) where ap = (r c * r x + i c * i x) / (magnitude x ^ 2) dp = (-ap) / (1 - ap) am = (r a * r x + i a * i x) / (magnitude x ^ 2) dm = am / (1 - am) tau t = 0.25 * log (3 * t * t + 6 * t + 1) - sqrt 6 / 24 * log ((t + 1 - bit) / (t + 1 + bit)) where bit = sqrt (2/3) i = imagPart r = realPart peaks spd fft = map quinn $ sortBy (\x y -> compare (snd y) (snd x)) $ peaks' padded where peaks' l | (length $ take window l) < window = [] | maximum (map snd $ take window l) == snd (l !! center) = (l !! center) : (peaks' $ drop 1 l) | otherwise = peaks' $ drop 1 l padded = assocs spd window = 15 center = 1 + window `div` 2 quinn (x, y) = (fromIntegral x + quinnEst (fft ! (x - 1)) (fft ! x) (fft ! (x + 1)), y) -- y is somewhat wrong maxPeak p [] = p maxPeak (mx, my) ((x, y):l) | y > my = maxPeak (x, y) l | otherwise = maxPeak (mx, my) l -- friendly names octave = [ "c", "cis", "d", "es", "e", "f", "fis", "g", "gis", "a", "b", "h" ] bass = let m (x:r) = toUpper x : r in map m octave decorate y = map (\x -> x ++ y) treble y = decorate y octave notenames = drop 9 $ decorate "," bass ++ bass ++ octave ++ treble "'" ++ treble "''" ++ treble "'''" ++ treble "''''" ++ treble "'''''" notecents :: [(Double, String)] notecents = [ (x, y) | x <- [ a55, (a55+100) .. ] | y <- notenames ] showsign n = (if n >= 0 then "+" else "") ++ show n fancy :: Int -> ((Double, String), Int) fancy x = (notecents !! n, off) where (n', off) | x' `mod` 100 > 50 = (x' `div` 100 + 1, x' `mod` 100 - 100) | otherwise = (x' `div` 100, x' `mod` 100) n = maximum [0, n'] x' = x - round a55 -- FFT twiddling hamming n i v = v * (0.53836 - 0.46164 * cos((2.0 * pi * fromIntegral i) / (fromIntegral n - 1))); spd x y = (1 / (fromIntegral fftSize ** 2)) * (x * x + y * y) spl x = case 100 * logBase 10 x of y | y < 100 -> 0 | otherwise -> y - 100 normalize = id notebg ('a':_) = background 100 notebg ('A':_) = background 100 notebg _ = background 50 -- UI bits draw = return . Translate (-640) (-280) background l = Color $ makeColor8 l l l 256 guides = Pictures [ notebg y $ mark x y | (x, y) <- notecents ] where mark x y = Pictures [ Line [ (shift x, 0), (shift x, 500) ] , Translate (shift x - 4) (-5) $ Rotate 90 $ Scale 0.25 0.25 $ Text y ] dbguides = background 100 $ Pictures $ concat markers where markers = [ [ Line [ (0, y), (shift $ fst $ last notecents, y) ] , Translate (-30) y $ Scale 0.1 0.1 $ Text $ show (floor y) ] | y <- [50, 100 .. 450] ] drawfft bits = Line $ [ (centscale $ fromIntegral x, double2Float $ y) | (x, y) <- assocs bits ] drawpeaks spd fft = Pictures $ [ draw (centscale x) (round . cents $ hz x) i | (x, y) <- take 10 $ takeWhile ((> 150) . snd) $ peaks spd fft | i <- [10,9..1] ] where draw x c i = color c [ color' c (1 - fromIntegral (abs $ offset c) / 50) $ [ Polygon [ (x, 0), (x, 500), (snap c, 500), (snap c, 0) ] ] , color' c 0.9 $ [ Line [ (snap c, 0), (snap c, 500) ] ] , Translate (maximum [snap c + 5, x + 5]) (200 + 25 * i) $ Scale 0.2 0.2 $ Text $ name c ++ showsign (offset c) ] snap = shift . fst . fst . fancy name = snd . fst . fancy offset = snd . fancy color c = color' c 1 color' c t = case abs $ snd $ fancy c of x | x < 10 -> Color (makeColor 0 1 0 t) . Pictures | x < 20 -> Color (makeColor 1 1 0 t) . Pictures | otherwise -> Color (makeColor 1 0 0 t) . Pictures analyze bits = draw $ Pictures [ guides , dbguides , Color white $ drawfft bufSPD , drawpeaks bufSPD bufFFT ] where bufFloat = mapArray (\i v -> hamming winSize i $ normalize $ fromIntegral v) bits bufFFT = array (start, end) $ drop start $ take end $ assocs $ dft bufFloat bufSPD :: CArray Int Double = liftArray (\(a :+ b) -> spl $ spd a b) $ bufFFT start = fst fftLimits end = snd fftLimits -- ALSA inputFormat :: SoundFmt Int16 inputFormat = SoundFmt { sampleFreq = rate } main :: IO () main = let source = alsaSoundSource "default" inputFormat in allocaArray bufSize $ \buf -> withSoundSource source $ \from -> do win <- newIORef $ array (0, 0) [] animateIO (InWindow "DFT" (1280,960) (0,0)) black (loop source from buf win) soundToArray src h buf size = do n' <- soundSourceRead src h (castPtr buf) size buf' <- newForeignPtr_ buf unsafeForeignPtrToCArray buf' (0, n' - 1) loop :: SoundSource h Int16 -> h Int16 -> Ptr Int16 -> IORef (CArray Int Int16) -> Float -> IO Picture loop src h buf win time = do new <- soundToArray src h buf bufSize old <- readIORef win let combined = shiftArray winSize old new writeIORef win combined case bounds combined of (_, cwin) | cwin < winSize - 1 -> draw $ Pictures [ guides, dbguides ] | otherwise -> analyze combined