# Hubigraph http://ooxo.org/hubigraph/ ## DESCRIPTION a Haskell wrap for Ubigraph (http://www.ubietylab.net/ubigraph) ## FEATURES/PROBLEMS It provides a shortcut to draw a graph in ubigraph (by calling XML-RPC internally.) ## SYNOPSIS Make sure Ubigraph server is started before using this library. import Graphics.Ubigraph u x = initHubigraph "http://localhost:20738/RPC2" >>= runHubigraph x main = u $ mkRing 10 mkRing n = do mapM_ (newVertexWithID) [0..(n-1)] mapM_ (newEdge') [0..(n-1)] sid <- newVStyle 0 setVStyleAttr (VColor "#ff0000") sid setVStyleAttr (VShape Sphere) sid mapM_ (changeVStyle sid) [0..(n-1)] where newEdge' e = newEdge (e, (e+1) `mod` n) ## REQUIREMENTS Ubigraph (http://www.ubietylab.net/ubigraph). ## INSTALL $ cabal install hubigraph ## LICENSE The BSD3 License