{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-} module Language.Ruby.Hubris.LibraryBuilder (generateLib) where import Language.Ruby.Hubris.ZCode (zenc, zdec) import Language.Ruby.Hubris import Language.Haskell.Interpreter -- import Language.Haskell.Meta.QQ.HsHere import Language.Ruby.Hubris.GHCBuild import List(intersperse) import qualified Debug.Trace import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Error.Class import GHC(parseStaticFlags, noLoc) import System.IO(hPutStr, hClose, openTempFile) import System.Exit import Language.Ruby.Hubris.ZCode (zenc,zdec) type Filename = String trace a b = b -- argh, this is ugly. should be a withTempFile construct of some kind. genCFile :: String -> IO String genCFile code = do (name, handle) <- openTempFile "/tmp" "hubris_interface_XXXXX.c" hPutStr handle code hClose handle return name generateLib :: Filename -> [Filename] -> ModuleName -> [String] -> [String] -> IO (Either Filename String) generateLib libFile sources moduleName buildArgs packages = do -- set up the static args once -- GHC.parseStaticFlags $ map noLoc $ words $ "-dynamic -fPIC" ++ unwords (map ("-package "++) ("hubris":packages)) -- don't think i need dynamic or PIC - we're not generating machine code. GHC.parseStaticFlags $ map noLoc $ map ("-package "++) ("hubris":packages) s <- generateSource sources moduleName case s of Left s -> return $ Left ("HINT error: " ++ show s) Right Nothing -> return $ Left("no functions found!") Right (Just (c,mod)) -> do putStrLn mod putStrLn "C:" putStrLn c c_sources <- genCFile c -- should really delete afterwards. res <- ghcBuild libFile mod ("Language.Ruby.Hubris.Exports." ++ moduleName) sources [c_sources] buildArgs return (case res of Nothing -> Right libFile Just (code,str) -> Left $ "code: " ++ show code ++"\nerr:" ++ str) generateSource :: [Filename] -> -- optional haskell source to load into the interpreter ModuleName -> -- name of the module to build a wrapper for IO (Either InterpreterError (Maybe (String,String))) generateSource sources moduleName = runInterpreter $ do let zmoduleName = zenc moduleName loadModules sources setImportsQ $ map (\x->(x,Just x)) $ ("Language.Ruby.Hubris"):("Language.Ruby.Hubris.Binding"):moduleName:[] functions <- getFunctions moduleName say $ "Candidates: " ++ (show functions) -- ok, let's see if we can come up with an expression of the right type exportable <- filterM (\func -> do let rubyVal ="(fromIntegral $ fromEnum $ Language.Ruby.Hubris.Binding.RUBY_Qtrue)" let f = "Language.Ruby.Hubris.wrap " ++ moduleName ++"." ++func ++" " ++ rubyVal say f (typeOf f >>= \n -> say $ "type of wrap." ++ func ++ " is " ++ show n) `catchError` (say . show) typeChecks (f ++ "==" ++ rubyVal )) functions say $ "Exportable: " ++ (show exportable) return $ guard (not $ null exportable) >> return (genC exportable zmoduleName ,genHaskell exportable moduleName ) genC :: [String] -> String -> String genC exportable zmoduleName= unlines $ ["#include " ,"#include " ,"#define HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC 1" ,"#include " ,"#define DEBUG 1" ,"#ifdef DEBUG" ,"#define eprintf printf" ,"#else" ,"int eprintf(const char *f, ...){}" ,"#endif" ] ++ map forwardDecl exportable ++ map wrapper exportable ++ ["extern void safe_hs_init();" ,"extern VALUE Exports;" ,"void Init_" ++ zmoduleName ++ "(){" ," eprintf(\"loading\\n\");" ," VALUE Fake = Qnil;" ," safe_hs_init();" ," Fake = rb_define_module_under(Exports, \"" ++ zmoduleName ++ "\");" ," eprintf(\"defined module " ++ rubyName ++ ":%p\\n\", Fake);" ] ++ map def exportable ++ ["}"] where rubyName = "Hubris::Exports::" ++ zmoduleName genHaskell exportable moduleName = unlines $ ["{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, ScopedTypeVariables #-}", "module Language.Ruby.Hubris.Exports." ++ moduleName ++ " where", "import Language.Ruby.Hubris", "import qualified Prelude as P()", "import Language.Ruby.Hubris.Binding", "import qualified " ++ moduleName] ++ [fun ++ " :: Value -> Value" | fun <- exportable ] ++ [fun ++ " b = (Language.Ruby.Hubris.wrap " ++ moduleName ++ "." ++ fun ++ ") b"| fun <- exportable ] ++ ["foreign export ccall \"hubrish_" ++ fun ++ "\" " ++ fun ++ " :: Value -> Value" | fun <- exportable ] say = liftIO . putStrLn wrapper :: String -> String wrapper f = let res = unlines ["VALUE " ++ f ++ "(VALUE mod, VALUE v){" ," eprintf(\""++f++" has been called\\n\");" ," VALUE res = hubrish_" ++ f ++"(v);" ," eprintf(\"hubrish "++f++" has been called\\n\");" -- ," return res;" ," if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(res,rb_eException)) {" ," eprintf(\""++f++" has provoked an exception\\n\");" ," rb_exc_raise(res);" ," } else {" ," eprintf(\"returning from "++f++"\\n\");" ," return res;" ," }" ,"}"] in res def :: String -> String def f = " eprintf(\"Defining |" ++ f ++ "|\\n\");\n" ++ "rb_define_method(Fake, \"" ++ f ++"\","++ f++", 1);" forwardDecl::String->String forwardDecl f = "VALUE hubrish_" ++ f ++ "(VALUE);" getFunctions moduleName = do exports <- getModuleExports moduleName return $ map (\(Fun f) -> f) $ filter isFun exports isFun (Fun f) = True isFun _ = False