humble-prelude: the worst prelude alternative ==== [![Build Status](]( [![Hackage](]( [![Discord](]( This library aims to be an intersection of the current prelude ands "how it should be in the future". Unlike many other prelude alternatives, this package __does not__: * Introduce any new abstraction * Provide new functions * Reexport a bunch of other libraries Instead it's a subset of Prelude. Any Haskell source based on `HumblePrelude` should also be buildable with `Prelude`. For those who want more convenience, `HumblePrelude.Extras` reexports things that are frequently imported only for one or two symbols (e.g. Generic for deriving). But __nothing else__. Plugin ---- One of the well-known problems of Prelude alternatives is the tempo loss of importing the module itself. humble-prelude offers a GHC plugin that imports any module specified in the flag. Add the following lines into your cabal file: ``` ghc-options: -fplugin=HumblePrelude.Extras default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude ``` Recommended libraries to complement this package ---- * Transmit byte sequence efficiently into a handle or a socket, or a new ByteString: [mason]( * Print something in a human-readable format: [prettyprinter]( * Concurrency, exceptions, process handling and file operations: [unliftio]( * Safely obtain minimum/maximum values: [lens:Control.Lens.Fold]( * Parsing: [attoparsec]( * Manipulating non-empty structures: [semigroupoids]( * Generic filters: [witherable](