Name: hums Version: 0.3.2 Synopsis: Haskell UPnP Media Server Description: A simple UPnP Media Server. . Currently this has only been tested with a PlayStation 3 client. Any help/patches for getting it to work with other clients would be much appreciated. License: GPL License-file: COPYING.txt Category: Network Cabal-version: >= Build-type: Simple Author: Bardur Arantsson Maintainer: Bardur Arantsson data-dir: data data-files: hums.cfg www/images/hums.jpg www/services/ConnectionManager/description.xml www/services/ContentDirectory/description.xml Executable hums Build-Depends: base == 4.* , haskell98 , network == 2.3.* , HTTP == 4000.1.* , filepath >= , parsec >= && < 3.0 , unix >= , directory >= , containers >= , uuid >= 1.2.1 && < 1.3 , bytestring >= , MissingH >= 1.0.1 , hxt >= 9.0.1 , ConfigFile >= 1.0.5 , mtl == 2.0.* , transformers == 0.2.* , hashmap == 1.1.* , text == 0.10.* , HaXml == 1.20.* Extensions: Arrows GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-matches -threaded hs-source-dirs: src Main-is: Main.hs Other-modules: Action Configuration DirectoryUtils Handlers HttpExtra HttpMonad HttpServer MimeType Object Paths_hums SendFile Service SimpleServiceDiscoveryProtocol Soap StorableExtra URIExtra