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{- |
  Module     : Hunt.Common.Occurrences
  Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian M. Schlatt, Timo B. Huebel, Uwe Schmidt
  License    : MIT

  Maintainer : Timo B. Huebel (tbh@holumbus.org)
  Stability  : experimental
  Portability: none portable

  Occurrences of words within the index.
  A word occurs in document at specific locations.

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module Hunt.Common.Occurrences

import           Prelude                hiding (subtract)

import           Hunt.Common.BasicTypes
import           Hunt.Common.DocId
import           Hunt.Common.DocIdMap   (DocIdMap)
import           Hunt.Common.DocIdSet   (DocIdSet)
import qualified Hunt.Common.DocIdMap   as DM
import           Hunt.Common.Positions  (Positions)
import qualified Hunt.Common.Positions  as Pos

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-- | The occurrences of words in documents.
--   A mapping from document ids to the positions in the document.
type Occurrences        = DocIdMap Positions

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-- | Create an empty set of positions.
empty                   :: Occurrences
empty                   = DM.empty

-- | Create Occurrences from a 'DocIdSet'
--   Since the 'DocIdSet' contains no position information, we
--   assume position one for each 'DocId'
fromDocIdSet            :: DocIdSet -> Occurrences
fromDocIdSet s          = DM.fromDocIdSet (\_ -> Pos.singleton 1) s

-- | Create a single dcid set with a single position.
singleton               :: DocId -> Position -> Occurrences
singleton d p           = singleton' d [p]

-- | Create a single dcid set with a set of.
singleton'              :: DocId -> [Position] -> Occurrences
singleton' d ps         = DM.insert d (Pos.fromList ps) DM.empty

-- | Test on empty set of positions.
null                    :: Occurrences -> Bool
null                    = DM.null

-- | Determine the number of positions in a set of occurrences.
size                    :: Occurrences -> Int
size                    = DM.foldr ((+) . Pos.size) 0

-- | Add a position to occurrences.
insert                  :: DocId -> Position -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
insert d p              = DM.insertWith Pos.union d (Pos.singleton p)

-- | Add multiple positions to occurrences
insert'                 :: DocId -> Positions -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
insert' d ps occs       = Pos.foldr (insert d) occs ps

-- | Remove a position from occurrences.
deleteOccurrence        :: DocId -> Position -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
deleteOccurrence d p    = subtract (DM.singleton d (Pos.singleton p))

-- | Delete a document (by 'DocId') from occurrences.
delete                  :: DocId -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
delete                  = DM.delete

-- | Changes the DocIDs of the occurrences.
update                  :: (DocId -> DocId) -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
update f                = DM.foldrWithKey
                          (\ d ps res -> DM.insertWith Pos.union (f d) ps res) empty

-- | Merge two occurrences.
merge                   :: Occurrences -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
merge                   = DM.unionWith Pos.union

-- | Merge occurrences
merges                  :: [Occurrences] -> Occurrences
merges                  = DM.unionsWith Pos.union

-- | Difference of occurrences.
difference              :: Occurrences -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
difference              = DM.difference

-- | Remove Set of DocIds from Occurrences
diffWithSet             :: Occurrences -> DocIdSet -> Occurrences
diffWithSet             = DM.diffWithSet

-- | Subtract occurrences from some other occurrences.
subtract                :: Occurrences -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
subtract                = DM.differenceWith subtractPositions
  subtractPositions p1 p2
    = if Pos.null diffPos
        then Nothing
        else Just diffPos
    diffPos = Pos.difference p1 p2

intersectOccurrences    :: (Positions -> Positions -> Positions) ->
                           Occurrences -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
intersectOccurrences pf os1 os2
    = DM.filter (not . Pos.null) $ DM.intersectionWith pf os1 os2

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