-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
  Module     : Hunt.Index.Common.RawResult
  Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian M. Schlatt, Timo B. Huebel, Uwe Schmidt
  License    : MIT

  Maintainer : Timo B. Huebel (tbh@holumbus.org)
  Stability  : experimental
  Portability: none portable

  The raw result of index queries.

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

module Hunt.Common.RawResult

import           Data.Map                (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                as M

import           Hunt.Common.BasicTypes
import           Hunt.Common.DocIdMap    (DocIdMap)
import qualified Hunt.Common.DocIdMap    as DM
import           Hunt.Common.Occurrences
import           Hunt.Common.Positions

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The raw result returned when searching the index.
type RawResult = [(Word, Occurrences)]

type RawScoredResult = [(Word, (Score, Occurrences))]

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Transform the raw result into a tree structure ordered by word.
resultByWord :: Context -> RawResult -> Map Word (Map Context Occurrences)
resultByWord c
  = M.fromList . map (\ (w, o) -> (w, M.singleton c o))

-- | Transform the raw result into a tree structure ordered by document.
resultByDocument  :: Context -> RawResult -> DocIdMap (Map Context (Map Word Positions))
resultByDocument c os
  = DM.map transform $
        DM.unionsWith (flip $ (:) . head) (map insertWords os)
  insertWords (w, o) = DM.map (\p -> [(w, p)]) o
  transform w        = M.singleton c (M.fromList w)

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