{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{- |
  Basic \"low-level\" commands that are directly interpreted.

  "Hunt.Interpreter.Command" defines the \"high-level\" commands accepted by the (JSON) API.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

module Hunt.Interpreter.BasicCommand
  ( BasicCommand (..)
  , StatusCmd (..)

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad               (mzero)

import           Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson                  as JS (Value (..))
import           Data.Set                    (Set)
import           Data.Text                   (Text)

import           Hunt.Common.ApiDocument
import           Hunt.Common.BasicTypes
import           Hunt.Index.Schema
import           Hunt.Query.Language.Grammar (Query (..))

import           Hunt.Utility.Log

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The \"low-level\" commands that are actually interpreted.
data BasicCommand
  -- | Search query with pagination.
  = Search        { icQuery    :: Query
                  , icOffsetSR :: Int
                  , icMaxSR    :: Int
                  , icWeight   :: Bool
                  , icFields   :: Maybe [Text]

  -- | Auto-completion query with a limit.
  | Completion    { icPrefixCR :: Query
                  , icMaxCR    :: Int

  -- | Raw query without any ranking, scoring and ordering
  | Select        { icQuery :: Query }

  -- | Insert documents.
  | InsertList    { icDocs :: [ApiDocument] }

  -- | Update the document description.
  | Update        { icDoc :: ApiDocument }

  -- | Delete documents by 'URI'.
  | DeleteDocs   { icUris :: Set URI }

  -- | Delete all documents of the query result.
  | DeleteByQuery { icQueryD :: Query }

  -- | Insert a context and the associated schema.
  | InsertContext { icICon   :: Context
                  , icSchema :: ContextSchema
  -- | Delete a context.
  | DeleteContext { icDCon :: Context }

  -- | Deserialize the index.
  | LoadIx        { icPath :: FilePath }
  -- | Serialize the index.
  | StoreIx       { icPath :: FilePath }

  -- | Query general information about the server/index.
  | Status        { icStatus :: StatusCmd }

  -- | Sequence commands.
  | Sequence      { icCmdSeq :: [BasicCommand] }
  -- | No operation. Can be used in control flow and as an alive test.
  | NOOP
  deriving (Show)

-- | Available status commands.
data StatusCmd
  = StatusGC              -- ^ Garbage collection statistics.
  | StatusDocTable        -- ^ Document table JSON dump.
  | StatusIndex           -- ^ Index JSON dump.
  | StatusContext Context -- ^ Index context dump
    deriving (Show)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- XXX: maybe duplicate StatusCmd to keep this module clean

instance ToJSON StatusCmd where
  toJSON StatusGC          = JS.String "gc"
  toJSON StatusDocTable    = JS.String "doctable"
  toJSON StatusIndex       = JS.String "index"
  toJSON (StatusContext c) = object ["context" .= c] -- JS.String $ "context/" `T.append` c

instance FromJSON StatusCmd where
  parseJSON (Object o)             = StatusContext <$> o .: "context"
  parseJSON (JS.String "gc"      ) = return StatusGC
  parseJSON (JS.String "doctable") = return StatusDocTable
  parseJSON (JS.String "index"   ) = return StatusIndex
  parseJSON _                      = mzero

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

instance LogShow BasicCommand where
  logShow (InsertList docs) = "InsertList " ++ show (map adUri docs)
  logShow (Update doc) = "Update {icDoc = " ++ logShow doc ++ "\", ..}"
  logShow (Sequence _) = "Sequence"
  logShow o = show o

-- ------------------------------------------------------------