{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{- |
  \"High-level\" commands that are accepted by the (JSON) API.

  These commands are translated with 'toBasicCommand' to 'BasicCommand's which can be interpreted.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

module Hunt.Interpreter.Command
  ( Command (..)
  , StatusCmd (..)
  , CmdResult (..)
  , CmdError (..)
  , CmdRes (..)
  , toBasicCommand

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad                 (mzero)
import           Control.Monad.Error           (Error (..))
import           Control.DeepSeq

import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Set                      as S
import           Data.Text                     (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                     as T

import           Hunt.Common.ApiDocument
import           Hunt.Common.BasicTypes
import           Hunt.Index.Schema
import           Hunt.Query.Language.Grammar   (Query (..))
import           Hunt.Query.Intermediate       (RankedDoc)

import           Hunt.Interpreter.BasicCommand (BasicCommand, StatusCmd (..))
import qualified Hunt.Interpreter.BasicCommand as Cmd

import           Hunt.Utility.Log

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The \"high-level\" commands accepted by the 'Interpreter' \/ JSON API.
--   These are translated to 'BasicCommand's.

data Command
  -- | Search query with pagination.
  = Search        { icQuery    :: Query
                  , icOffsetSR :: Int
                  , icMaxSR    :: Int
                  , icWeight   :: Bool
                  , icFields   :: Maybe [Text]
  -- | Auto-completion query with a limit.
  | Completion    { icPrefixCR :: Query
                  , icMaxCR    :: Int
  -- | Raw query without any ranking, scoring and ordering
  | Select        { icQuery :: Query }

  -- | Insert a document.
  | Insert        { icDoc :: ApiDocument }

  -- | Update a documents' description.
  | Update        { icDoc :: ApiDocument }

  -- | Delete a documents by 'URI'.
  | Delete        { icUri :: URI }

  -- | Delete all documents of the query result.
  | DeleteByQuery { icQueryD :: Query }

  -- | Insert a context and the associated schema.
  | InsertContext { icIContext :: Context
                  , icSchema   :: ContextSchema
  -- | Delete a context.
  | DeleteContext { icDContext :: Context }

  -- | Deserialize the index.
  | LoadIx        { icPath :: FilePath }

  -- | Serialize the index.
  | StoreIx       { icPath :: FilePath }

  -- | Query general information about the server/index.
  | Status        { icStatus :: StatusCmd }

  -- | Sequence commands.
  | Sequence      { icCmdSeq :: [Command] }

  -- | No operation. Can be used in control flow and as an alive test.
  | NOOP
  deriving (Show)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The result of an interpreted command.

data CmdResult
  -- | The command was processed successfully.
  = ResOK

  -- | The search results.
  | ResSearch       { crRes :: LimitedResult RankedDoc }

  -- | The auto-completion results.
  | ResCompletion   { crWords :: [(Text, [Text])] }

  -- | The simplified completion result

  | ResSuggestion   { crSugg :: [(Text, Score)] }

  -- | A generic JSON result.
  | ResGeneric      { crGen :: Value }
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance NFData CmdResult where
  rnf (ResSearch r)     = r `seq` ()
  rnf (ResCompletion c) = c `seq` ()
  rnf (ResSuggestion s) = s `seq` ()
  rnf _                 = ()

-- | An error during processing of the command.
--   This includes a error code and a message.

data CmdError
  = ResError
    { ceCode :: Int  -- ^ Error code.
    , ceMsg  :: Text -- ^ Message describing the error.
    } deriving (Show)

instance NFData CmdError where
  rnf (ResError i t) = t `seq` i `seq` ()

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | auxiliary type for parsing JSON CmdResult's of various kinds
-- usefull in hunt applications, not used within the hunt server

newtype CmdRes a = CmdRes { unCmdRes :: a }
    deriving (Show)

instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (CmdRes a) where
    parseJSON (Object o) = do
      c <- o .: "code"
      case (c :: Int) of
        0 -> CmdRes <$> o .: "msg"
        _ -> mzero
    parseJSON _ = mzero

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

instance LogShow Command where
  logShow (Insert doc) = "Insert {icDoc = " ++ logShow doc ++ "\", ..}"
  logShow (Update doc) = "Update {icDoc = " ++ logShow doc ++ "\", ..}"
  logShow (Sequence _) = "Sequence"
  logShow o = show o

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- JSON instances
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

instance ToJSON Command where
  toJSON o = case o of
    Search q ofs mx wght sel
                      -> object . cmd "search"         $
                         [ "query"  .= q
                         , "offset" .= ofs              -- the start of the result list
                         , "max"    .= mx               -- max length of result list
                         ( if wght                      -- doc weight included in result (yes/no)
                           then [ "weight" .= wght ]
                           else []
                         ++                             -- descr fields included in result
                         maybe [] (\ fs -> [ "fields" .= fs ]) sel

    Completion s mx   -> object . cmd "completion"     $ [ "text"     .= s, "max" .= mx ]
    Select q          -> object . cmd "select"         $ [ "query"    .= q ]
    Insert d          -> object . cmd "insert"         $ [ "document" .= d ]
    Update d          -> object . cmd "update"         $ [ "document" .= d ]
    Delete u          -> object . cmd "delete"         $ [ "uri"      .= u ]
    DeleteByQuery q   -> object . cmd "delete-by-query"$ [ "query"    .= q ]
    InsertContext c s -> object . cmd "insert-context" $ [ "context"  .= c, "schema" .= s ]
    DeleteContext c   -> object . cmd "delete-context" $ [ "context"  .= c ]
    LoadIx  f         -> object . cmd "load"           $ [ "path"     .= f ]
    StoreIx f         -> object . cmd "store"          $ [ "path"     .= f ]
    Status  sc        -> object . cmd "status"         $ [ "status"   .= sc ]
    NOOP              -> object . cmd "noop"           $ []
    Sequence cs       -> toJSON cs
    cmd c = (:) ("cmd" .= (c :: Text))

instance FromJSON Command where
  parseJSON (Object o) = do
    c <- o .: "cmd"
    case (c :: Text) of
      "search"         -> Search        <$> o .:  "query"
                                        <*> o .:? "offset" .!= 0
                                        <*> o .:? "max"    .!= (-1)
                                        <*> o .:? "weight" .!= False
                                        <*> o .:? "fields"

      "completion"     -> Completion    <$> o .: "text"
                                        <*> o .: "max"

      "select"         -> Select        <$> o .: "query"
      "insert"         -> Insert        <$> o .: "document"
      "update"         -> Update        <$> o .: "document"
      "delete"         -> Delete        <$> o .: "uri"
      "delete-by-query"-> DeleteByQuery <$> o .: "query"

      "insert-context" -> InsertContext <$> o .: "context"
                                        <*> o .: "schema"

      "delete-context" -> DeleteContext <$> o .: "context"
      "load"           -> LoadIx        <$> o .: "path"
      "store"          -> StoreIx       <$> o .: "path"
      "noop"           -> return NOOP
      "status"         -> Status        <$> o .: "status"
      _                -> mzero

  parseJSON v          =  Sequence      <$> parseJSON v

instance ToJSON CmdResult where
  toJSON o = case o of
    ResOK           -> object . code 0 $ []
    ResSearch r     -> object . code 0 $ [ "res" .= r ]
    ResCompletion w -> object . code 0 $ [ "res" .= w ]
    ResSuggestion r -> object . code 0 $ [ "res" .= r ]
    ResGeneric v    -> object . code 0 $ [ "res" .= v ]
    code i = (:) ("code" .= (i :: Int))

instance Error CmdError where
  strMsg s = ResError 500 . T.pack $ "internal server error: " ++ s

instance ToJSON CmdError where
  toJSON (ResError c m) = object
    [ "code" .= c
    , "msg"  .= m

instance FromJSON CmdError where
  parseJSON (Object o) = ResError <$> o .: "code"
                                  <*> o .: "msg"
  parseJSON _ = mzero

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: - flattening of 'Sequence's?

-- | Transform the supported input command into lower level commands which are actually interpreted.
--   Transformations:
--     - Multiple 'Cmd.Delete's into a single 'DeleteDocs'.
--     - Multiple 'Cmd.Insert's into a single or multiple 'InsertList's.
toBasicCommand :: Command -> BasicCommand
toBasicCommand (Sequence cs) = Cmd.Sequence $ opt cs
  opt :: [Command] -> [BasicCommand]
  opt cs' = concatMap optGroup $ groupBy equalHeads cs'
  -- requires the commands to be grouped by constructor
  optGroup :: [Command] -> [BasicCommand]
  -- groups of delete to DeleteDocs
  optGroup cs'@(Delete{}:_)
    = [foldl (\(Cmd.DeleteDocs us) (Delete u)
                -> Cmd.DeleteDocs (S.insert u us)) (Cmd.DeleteDocs S.empty) cs']
  -- groups of Insert to InsertList
  -- TODO: remove constant
  optGroup cs'@(Insert{}:_)
    = [splitBatch maxBound $ foldl (\(Cmd.InsertList us) (Insert u)
                -> Cmd.InsertList (u:us)) (Cmd.InsertList []) cs']
  optGroup cs'@(Sequence{}:_)
    = map toBasicCommand cs'
  optGroup cs'
    = map toBasicCommand cs'
  -- group by constructor
  -- NOTE: add constructors to use in optGroup
  equalHeads :: Command -> Command -> Bool
  equalHeads Delete{}   Delete{}   = True
  equalHeads Insert{}   Insert{}   = True
  equalHeads Sequence{} Sequence{} = True
  equalHeads _ _                   = False

toBasicCommand (Delete u)          = Cmd.DeleteDocs $ S.singleton u
toBasicCommand (DeleteByQuery q)   = Cmd.DeleteByQuery q
toBasicCommand (Search a b c d e)  = Cmd.Search a b c d e
toBasicCommand (Completion a b)    = Cmd.Completion a b
toBasicCommand (Select a)          = Cmd.Select a
toBasicCommand (Insert a)          = Cmd.InsertList [a]
toBasicCommand (Update a)          = Cmd.Update a
toBasicCommand (InsertContext a b) = Cmd.InsertContext a b
toBasicCommand (DeleteContext a)   = Cmd.DeleteContext a
toBasicCommand (LoadIx a)          = Cmd.LoadIx a
toBasicCommand (StoreIx a)         = Cmd.StoreIx a
toBasicCommand (Status a)          = Cmd.Status a
toBasicCommand (NOOP)              = Cmd.NOOP

-- | Splits big batch inserts to smaller ones with at most @n@ elements.
--   This can avoid running out of memory for large 'InsertList's.
splitBatch :: Int -> BasicCommand -> BasicCommand
splitBatch n (Cmd.InsertList xs)
    = Cmd.Sequence $ map Cmd.InsertList $ splitEvery n xs
splitBatch _ cmd
    = cmd

splitEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitEvery _ [] = []
splitEvery n list = first : splitEvery n rest
  (first,rest) = splitAt n list

-- ------------------------------------------------------------