Name: husk-scheme Version: 1.1 Synopsis: R5RS Scheme interpreter program and library. Description: Husk is a dialect of Scheme written in Haskell that implements a subset of the R5RS standard. Husk is not intended to be a highly optimized version of Scheme. Rather, the goal of the project is to provide a tight integration between Haskell and Scheme while at the same time providing a great opportunity for deeper understanding of both languages. In addition, by closely following the R5RS standard the intent is to develop a Scheme that is as compatible as possible with other R5RS Schemes. This package includes a stand-alone executable as well as a library that allows an interpreter to be embedded within an existing Haskell application. License: MIT License-file: LICENSE Author: Justin Ethier Maintainer: Justin Ethier Homepage: Cabal-Version: >= 1.4 Build-Type: Simple Category: Compilers/Interpreters, Language Extra-Source-Files: README.markdown LICENSE Data-Files: stdlib.scm Library Build-Depends: base >= 2.0 && < 5, array, containers, haskeline, haskell98, mtl, parsec Extensions: ExistentialQuantification Hs-Source-Dirs: hs-src Exposed-Modules: Scheme.Core Scheme.Types Scheme.Variables Other-Modules: Scheme.Macro Scheme.Numerical Scheme.Parser Executable huski Build-Depends: base >= 2.0 && < 5, array, containers, haskeline, haskell98, mtl, parsec Extensions: ExistentialQuantification Main-is: shell.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: hs-src Other-Modules: Scheme.Core Scheme.Types Scheme.Variables Scheme.Macro Scheme.Numerical Scheme.Parser