Name: husk-scheme Version: 3.6 Synopsis: R5RS Scheme interpreter, compiler, and library. Description: A dialect of R5RS Scheme written in Haskell. Provides advanced features including continuations, hygienic macros, a Haskell FFI, and the full numeric tower. License: MIT License-file: LICENSE Author: Justin Ethier Maintainer: Justin Ethier Homepage: Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Build-Type: Simple Category: Compilers/Interpreters, Language Tested-with: GHC == 7.2.2, GHC == 7.0.2, GHC == 6.12.3, GHC == 6.10.4 Extra-Source-Files: README.markdown ChangeLog.markdown LICENSE AUTHORS Data-Files: stdlib.scm srfi/srfi-1.scm srfi/srfi-55.scm Source-Repository head Type: git Location: git:// flag useffi description: Turn off FFI to decrease build times and minimize executable sizes default: True flag useptrs description: Turn off pointers to increase performance at the expense of severely restricting the functionality of mutable variables. Setting this flag to false will revert back to the behavior from previous versions of husk. default: True Library Build-Depends: base >= 2.0 && < 5, array, containers, haskeline, transformers, mtl, parsec, directory Extensions: ExistentialQuantification Hs-Source-Dirs: hs-src Exposed-Modules: Language.Scheme.Core Language.Scheme.Types Language.Scheme.Variables Language.Scheme.Compiler Language.Scheme.Plugins.CPUTime -- Other-Modules: Language.Scheme.Macro Language.Scheme.Macro.ExplicitRenaming Language.Scheme.Macro.Matches Language.Scheme.Numerical Language.Scheme.Parser Language.Scheme.Primitives if flag(useffi) Build-Depends: ghc, ghc-paths Exposed-Modules: Language.Scheme.FFI cpp-options: -DUseFfi if flag(useptrs) cpp-options: -DUsePointers Executable huski Build-Depends: husk-scheme, base >= 2.0 && < 5, array, containers, haskeline, transformers, mtl, parsec, directory if flag(useffi) Build-Depends: ghc, ghc-paths cpp-options: -DUseFfi Extensions: ExistentialQuantification Main-is: shell.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: hs-src/Interpreter Executable huskc Build-Depends: husk-scheme, base >= 2.0 && < 5, array, containers, haskeline, transformers, mtl, parsec, directory, ghc-paths, process, filepath if flag(useffi) Build-Depends: ghc, ghc-paths cpp-options: -DUseFfi if flag(useptrs) cpp-options: -DUsePointers Extensions: ExistentialQuantification Main-is: huskc.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: hs-src/Compiler