{- |
Module      : Language.Scheme.Plugins.JSON
Copyright   : Justin Ethier
Licence     : MIT (see LICENSE in the distribution)

Maintainer  : github.com/justinethier
Portability : portable

This file implements an interface to Text.JSON that may
be called directly from husk using the FFI.

module Language.Scheme.Plugins.JSON where 

import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Array
import Data.Ratio
import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.Generic
import qualified Language.Scheme.Numerical
import Language.Scheme.Types

-- ideas from http://therning.org/magnus/archives/719
instance JSON LispVal where
  showJSON (List []) = JSNull
  showJSON (String s) = JSString $ toJSString s
  showJSON (Atom s) = JSString $ toJSString s
  showJSON (Bool b) = JSBool b
  showJSON (Number n) = JSRational False $ fromIntegral n 
  showJSON (Float n) = JSRational False $ toRational n 
  showJSON (List l) = showJSONs l
  showJSON (Vector v) = do
    let ls = elems v
        f (List [Atom x, y]) = do
            (x, showJSON y)
    -- Take ls as an association list
    -- The alist is then changed into the form [(String, x)]
    -- and packaged into a JSObject
    JSObject $ toJSObject $ map f ls
  showJSON a = JSNull -- TODO (?): fail $ "Unable to convert to JSON: " ++ show a

  readJSON (JSNull) = return $ List []
  readJSON (JSString str) = return $ String $ fromJSString str
  readJSON (JSBool b) = return $ Bool b
  readJSON (JSRational _ num) = do
    let numer = abs $ numerator num
    let denom = abs $ denominator num
    case (numer >= denom) && ((mod numer denom) == 0) of
        True -> return $ Number $ round num
        _ -> return $ Float $ fromRational num
  readJSON (JSArray a) = do
    result <- mapM readJSON a
    return $ List $ result
  readJSON (JSObject o) = do
    let f (x,y) = do 
        y' <- readJSON y
        return $ List [Atom x, y']

    ls <- mapM f (fromJSObject o)
    return $ Vector $ (listArray (0, length ls - 1)) ls

-- |Wrapper for Text.JSON.decode
jsDecode :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
jsDecode [String json] = do
    let r = decode json :: Result LispVal
    case r of
        Ok result -> return result
        Error msg -> throwError $ Default msg
jsDecode invalid = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" $ List invalid

-- |Wrapper for Text.JSON.decodeStrict
jsDecodeStrict :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
jsDecodeStrict [String json] = do
    let r = decodeStrict json :: Result LispVal
    case r of
        Ok result -> return result
        Error msg -> throwError $ Default msg
jsDecodeStrict invalid = jsDecode invalid

-- |Wrapper for Text.JSON.encode
jsEncode :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
jsEncode [val] = return $ String $ encode val

-- |Wrapper for Text.JSON.encodeStrict
jsEncodeStrict :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
jsEncodeStrict [val] = return $ String $ encodeStrict val

_test :: IO ()
_test = do
    _testDecodeEncode "\"test\""
    _testDecodeEncode "true"
    _testDecodeEncode "null"
    _testDecodeEncode "1"
    _testDecodeEncode "1.5"
    _testDecodeEncode "[1.1, 2, 3, 1.5]"
    _testDecodeEncode "[1.1, 2, {\"a\": 3}, 1.5]"

_testDecodeEncode :: String -> IO ()
_testDecodeEncode str = do
    let x = decode  str :: Result LispVal
    case x of
        Ok x -> putStrLn $ encode x
        Error msg -> putStrLn $ "An error occurred: " ++ msg