{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module HaskellWorks.Data.Streams.Vector.Storable
  ( stream
  , unstream

  , map
  , zipWith

  , enumFromStepN
  , foldl

  , dotp
  , sum
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Vector.Storable               (Storable)
import HaskellWorks.Data.Streams.Internal (inplace)
import HaskellWorks.Data.Streams.Size
import HaskellWorks.Data.Streams.Stream   (Step (..), Stream (..))
import Prelude                            hiding (foldl, map, sum, zipWith)

import qualified Data.Vector.Storable             as DVS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable     as DVSM
import qualified HaskellWorks.Data.Streams.Stream as S

unstream :: forall a. Storable a => S.Stream a -> DVS.Vector a
unstream (S.Stream step initialState size) = runST $ do
  v <- case size of
    Exact n -> DVSM.unsafeNew n
    Max   n -> DVSM.unsafeNew n
    Unknown -> DVSM.unsafeNew (32 * 1024)
  loop step v 0 initialState
  where loop :: (s -> Step s a) -> DVSM.MVector t a -> Int -> s -> ST t (DVS.Vector a)
        loop g v i s = case g s of
            Yield a s' -> do
              when (i >= DVSM.length v) $ void $ DVSM.unsafeGrow v (i * 2)
              DVSM.unsafeWrite v i a
              loop g v (i + 1) s'
            Skip s0 -> loop g v i s0
            Done -> DVS.freeze v
{-# INLINE [1] unstream #-}

stream :: forall a. Storable a => DVS.Vector a -> Stream a
stream v = Stream step 0 (Exact len)
  where len = DVS.length v
        step i = if i >= len
          then Done
          else Yield (DVS.unsafeIndex v i) (i + 1)
{-# INLINE [1] stream #-}

map :: (Storable a, Storable b)
  => (a -> b)
  -> DVS.Vector a
  -> DVS.Vector b
map f = unstream . inplace (fmap f) . stream
{-# INLINE map #-}

zipWith :: (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c)
  => (a -> b -> c)
  -> DVS.Vector a
  -> DVS.Vector b
  -> DVS.Vector c
zipWith f v w = unstream (S.zipWith f (stream v) (stream w))

enumFromStepN :: (Num a, Storable a) => a -> a -> Int -> DVS.Vector a
enumFromStepN x y = unstream . inplace (S.enumFromStepN x y)
{-# INLINE [1] enumFromStepN #-}

foldl :: Storable b => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> DVS.Vector b -> a
foldl f z = inplace (S.foldl f z) . stream
{-# INLINE [1] foldl #-}

sum :: (Storable a, Num a) => DVS.Vector a -> a
sum = foldl (+) 0

dotp :: (Storable a, Num a) => DVS.Vector a -> DVS.Vector a -> a
dotp v w = sum (zipWith (*) v w)

  "stream/unstream" forall f. stream (unstream f) = f