-- |
-- XML editing filters
-- Version : $Id: EditFilters.hs,v 1.5 2006/11/12 14:52:59 hxml Exp $

module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.EditFilters
    ( canonicalizeTree
    , canonicalizeAllNodes
    , canonicalizeForXPath

    , collapseXText
    , collapseAllXText

    , indentDoc

    , removeWhiteSpace
    , removeAllWhiteSpace
    , removeDocWhiteSpace

    , removeComment
    , removeAllComment

    , transfCdata		, transfAllCdata	-- CDATA to text
    , transfCdataEscaped	, transfAllCdataEscaped	-- CDATA to text
    , transfCharRef		, transfAllCharRef	-- &#nnn; to text

    , escapeXmlDoc
    , escapeXmlText
    , escapeXmlAttrValue

    , unparseXmlDoc
    , numberLinesInXmlDoc	, numberLines
    , treeRepOfXmlDoc
    , haskellRepOfXmlDoc
    , addHeadlineToXmlDoc
    , addXmlPiToDoc

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTree

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Unicode
    ( getOutputEncodingFct)

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.FormatXmlTree
    ( formatXmlContents )

import Data.Maybe

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- remove Comments

removeComment		:: XmlFilter
removeComment		= none `when` isXCmt

-- |
-- remove all Comments recursively

removeAllComment	:: XmlFilter
removeAllComment	= processBottomUp removeComment

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- simple filter for removing whitespace.
-- no check on sigificant whitespace is done.
-- see also : 'removeAllWhiteSpace', 'removeDocWhiteSpace'

removeWhiteSpace	:: XmlFilter
removeWhiteSpace	= none `when` isWhiteSpace

-- |
-- simple recursive filter for removing all whitespace.
-- removes all text nodes in a tree that consist only of whitespace.
-- see also : 'removeWhiteSpace', 'removeDocWhiteSpace'

removeAllWhiteSpace	:: XmlFilter
removeAllWhiteSpace	= processBottomUp removeWhiteSpace

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- |
-- converts CDATA sections in whole document tree into normal text nodes

transfAllCdataEscaped	:: XmlFilter
transfAllCdataEscaped	= processBottomUp transfCdataEscaped

-- |
-- converts CDATA section in normal text nodes

transfCdataEscaped	:: XmlFilter
transfCdataEscaped (NTree (XCdata str) _)
    = xtext str

transfCdataEscaped n
    = [n]

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- |
-- converts CDATA sections in whole document tree

transfAllCdata		:: XmlFilter
transfAllCdata		= processBottomUp transfCdata

-- |
-- converts CDATA section in normal text sections

transfCdata		:: XmlFilter
transfCdata (NTree (XCdata str) _)
    = xtext str

transfCdata n
    = [n]

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- |
-- converts character references to normal text

transfCharRef		:: XmlFilter
transfCharRef (NTree (XCharRef i) _)
    = xtext $ [toEnum i]

transfCharRef n
    = [n]

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- |
-- recursively converts all character references to normal text

transfAllCharRef	:: XmlFilter
transfAllCharRef	= processBottomUp transfCharRef

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- Applies some "Canonical XML" rules to the nodes of a tree.
-- The rule differ slightly for canonical XML and XPath in handling of comments
-- Note: This is not the whole canonicalization as it is specified by the W3C
-- Recommendation. Adding attribute defaults or sorting attributes in lexicographic
-- order is done by the @transform@ function of module @Text.XML.HXT.Validator.Validation@.
-- Replacing entities or line feed normalization is done by the parser.
-- Not implemented yet:
--  - Whitespace within start and end tags is normalized
--  - Special characters in attribute values and character content are replaced by character references
-- see 'canonicalizeAllNodes' and 'canonicalizeForXPath'

canonicalizeTree	:: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
canonicalizeTree toBeRemoved
    = processChildren (none `when` isXText)
      processBottomUp canonicalize1Node
      canonicalize1Node	:: XmlFilter
	  = (deep isXPi `when` isXDTD)		-- remove DTD parts, except PIs
	    (none `when` toBeRemoved)		-- remove unintersting nodes
	    ( processAttr ( processChildren transfCharRef
			  ) `when` isXTag)
	    transfCdata				-- CDATA -> text
	    transfCharRef			-- Char refs -> text
	    collapseXText			-- combine text

-- |
-- canonicalize tree and remove comments and \<?xml ... ?> declarations
-- see 'canonicalizeTree'

canonicalizeAllNodes	:: XmlFilter
    = canonicalizeTree (isXCmt		-- remove comment
			isPi t_xml	-- remove xml declaration

-- |
-- Canonicalize a tree for XPath
-- Comment nodes are not removed
-- see 'canonicalizeTree'

canonicalizeForXPath	:: XmlFilter
    = canonicalizeTree (isPi t_xml)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- Collects sequences of child XText nodes into one XText node.

collapseXText		:: XmlFilter
collapseXText n
    = replaceChildren (collapseXText' $ getChildren n) n
    collapseXText' :: XmlSFilter
    collapseXText' ((NTree (XText t1) _) : (NTree (XText t2) _):zs)
        = collapseXText' $ (xtext (t1++t2)) ++ zs

    collapseXText' (x:xs)
        = x : (collapseXText' xs)

    collapseXText' []
        = []

-- |
-- Applies collapseXText recursively.
-- see also : 'collapseXText'

collapseAllXText	:: XmlFilter
collapseAllXText	= processBottomUp collapseXText

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- filter for indenting a document tree for pretty printing.
-- the tree is traversed for inserting whitespace for tag indentation.
-- whitespace is only inserted or changed at places, where it isn't significant,
-- is's not inserted between tags and text containing non whitespace chars.
-- whitespace is only inserted or changed at places, where it's not significant.
-- preserving whitespace may be controlled in a document tree
-- by a tag attribute @xml:space@
-- allowed values for this attribute are @default | preserve@.
-- input is a complete document tree.
-- result the semantically equivalent formatted tree.
-- see also : 'removeDocWhiteSpace'

indentDoc	:: XmlFilter
    = modifyChildren (indentRootChildren $$)
      indentRootChildren	:: XmlFilter
	  = insertNL `o` indentChild `o` removeText
		= none `when` isXText
		= this +++ txt "\n"
		= modifyChildren (indentTrees (insertIndentation 2) False 1)
		  isXDTD		-- DTD elements are not indented

-- |
-- filter for removing all not significant whitespace.
-- the tree traversed for removing whitespace between tags,
-- that was inserted for indentation and readability.
-- whitespace is only removed at places, where it's not significat
-- preserving whitespace may be controlled in a document tree
-- by a tag attribute @xml:space@
-- allowed values for this attribute are @default | preserve@
-- input is root node of the document to be cleaned up
-- output the semantically equivalent simplified tree
-- see also : 'indentDoc', 'removeAllWhiteSpace'

removeDocWhiteSpace	:: XmlFilter
    =  processChildren processRootElement
      processRootElement	:: XmlFilter
	  = removeText .> processChild
		= none `when` isWhiteSpace
		= choice [ isXDTD
			   :-> removeAllWhiteSpace			-- whitespace in DTD is redundant
			 , this
			   :-> modifyChildren				-- same strategie as for indentation
			         (indentTrees insertNothing False 1)

indentTrees	:: (Int -> XmlFilter) -> Bool -> Int -> XmlTrees -> XmlTrees
indentTrees _ _ _ []
    = []
indentTrees indentFilter preserveSpace level ts
    = (lsf $$ ls) ++ indentRest rs
      (ls, rs)
	  = break (satisfies isXTag) ts

      isSignificant	:: Bool
	  = preserveSpace
	    any (satisfies isSignificantPart) ls

      isSignificantPart	:: XmlFilter
	  = cat [ isXText `guards` neg isWhiteSpace
		, isXCdata
		, isXCharRef
		, isXEntityRef

      lsf	:: XmlFilter
	  | isSignificant
	      = this
	  | otherwise
	      = (none `when` isWhiteSpace)
                (indentFilter level +++ this)

      indentRest	:: XmlSFilter

      indentRest []
	  | isSignificant
	      = []
	  | otherwise
	      = indentFilter (level - 1) (mkXTextTree "")

      indentRest (t':ts')
	      = ( (modifyChildren indentChildren .> lsf)
		  $ t'
		( if null ts'
		  then indentRest ts'
		  else indentTrees indentFilter preserveSpace level ts'
		xmlSpaceAttrName  = "xml:space"
		xmlSpaceAttrValue = valueOf xmlSpaceAttrName t'
		    = fromMaybe preserveSpace
		      lookup xmlSpaceAttrValue
                      $ [ ("preserve", True)
			, ("default",  False)
		    | all (satisfies isWhiteSpace) $ getChildren t'
			= (none $$)
		    | otherwise
			= indentTrees indentFilter preserveSpace' (level + 1)

-- filter for indenting tags

insertIndentation	:: Int -> Int -> XmlFilter
insertIndentation indentWidth level
    = txt ('\n' : replicate (level * indentWidth) ' ')

-- filter for removing all whitespace

insertNothing		:: Int -> XmlFilter
insertNothing _		= none

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- escape XmlText,
-- transform all special XML chars into CharRefs

escapeString	:: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> XmlTrees
escapeString _isEsc []
    = []
escapeString isEsc (c:s1)
    | isEsc c
	= mkXCharRefTree (fromEnum c) : escapeString isEsc s1
escapeString isEsc s
    = mkXTextTree s1 : escapeString isEsc s2
      (s1, s2) = break isEsc s

escapeText		:: (Char -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
escapeText isEsc (NTree (XText str) _)
    = escapeString isEsc str

escapeText isEsc (NTree (XCmt c) _)
    = xcmt (xshow . escapeString isEsc $ c)

escapeText _ t
    = [t]

-- |
-- convert the special XML chars in a text or comment node
-- into character references
-- see also 'escapeXmlDoc'
escapeXmlText		:: XmlFilter
escapeXmlText		= escapeText (`elem` "<&")	-- no escape for ", ' and > required: XML standard 2.4

-- |
-- convert the special XML chars in an attribute value into
-- charachter references. Not only the XML specials but also \\n, \\r and \\t are converted
-- see also: 'escapeXmlDoc', 'escapeXmlText'

escapeXmlAttrValue	:: XmlFilter
escapeXmlAttrValue	= escapeText (`elem` "<>\"\'&\n\r\t")

-- |
-- convert the special XML chars \", \<, \>, & and \' in a document to char references,
-- attribute values are converted with 'escapeXmlAttrValue'
-- see also: 'escapeXmlText', 'escapeXmlAttrValue'

escapeXmlDoc		:: XmlFilter
    = choice [ isXTag  :-> (processChildren (escapeXmlDoc)
			    processAttr escVal
	     , isXText :-> escapeXmlText
	     -- , isXCmt  :-> escapeXmlText -- no escape in comments reqired: XML standard 2.4
	     , isXDTD  :-> processTopDown escDTD
	     , this    :-> this
      escVal   = processChildren escapeXmlAttrValue
      escDTD   = escVal `when` (isEntity +++ isParameterEntity)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- convert a document tree into an output string representation
-- with respect to the output encoding.
-- The children of the document root are stubstituted by
-- a single text node for the text representation of the document.
-- Encoding of the document is performed with respect
-- to the @output-encoding@ attribute in the root node, or if not present,
-- of the @encoding@ attribute for the original input encoding.
-- If the encoding is not specified or not supported, UTF-8 is taken.

unparseXmlDoc	:: XmlFilter
unparseXmlDoc n
    = modifyChildren ((modifyText encFct $$) . xmlTreesToText) n
    encFct = fromMaybe id (getOutputEncodingFct (encSpec n))

encSpec :: XmlTree -> String
encSpec n
    = head . filter (not . null)
      $ [ valueOf a_output_encoding n
	, valueOf a_encoding n
	, utf8

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- add or modify a XML directive for a document
-- for specifying the encoding scheme

addXmlPiToDoc		:: XmlFilter
addXmlPiToDoc n
    = ( modifyChildren addX				-- add <?xml ...>, if neccessary
	(getChildren .> isPi t_xml)
      processChildren ( addAttr a_encoding enc		-- set or replace encoding="..."
			isPi t_xml
      $ n
    enc = encSpec n
    addX cs = mkXmlDeclTree (xattr a_version "1.0") : xtext "\n" ++ cs

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- convert a document into a text and add line numbers to the text representation.
-- Result is a root node with a single text node as child.
-- Useful for debugging and trace output.
-- see also : 'haskellRepOfXmlDoc', 'treeRepOfXmlDoc'

numberLinesInXmlDoc	:: XmlFilter
    = modifyChildren ((modifyText numberLines $$) . xmlTreesToText)

numberLines	:: String -> String
numberLines str
    = concat $
      zipWith (\ n l -> lineNr n ++ l ++ "\n") [1..] (lines str)
      lineNr	:: Int -> String
      lineNr n	= (reverse (take 6(reverse (show n) ++ replicate 6 ' '))) ++ "  "

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- convert a document into a text representation in tree form.
-- Useful for debugging and trace output.
-- see also : 'haskellRepOfXmlDoc', 'numberLinesInXmlDoc'

treeRepOfXmlDoc		:: XmlFilter
    = rootTag [getAttrl] [formatXmlContents]

-- |
-- convert a document into a Haskell representation (with show).
-- Useful for debugging and trace output.
-- see also : 'treeRepOfXmlDoc', 'numberLinesInXmlDoc'

haskellRepOfXmlDoc	:: XmlFilter
haskellRepOfXmlDoc n
    = rootTag [getAttrl] [txt $ show n] n

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

addHeadlineToXmlDoc	:: XmlFilter
addHeadlineToXmlDoc n
    = replaceChildren (xtext title ++ getChildren n ++ xtext "\n") n
      headline  = "content of: " ++ valueOf a_source n
      underline = map (\_ -> '=') headline
      title     = "\n" ++ headline ++ "\n" ++ underline ++ "\n\n"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------