-- |
-- The module contains the core-functions of the XPath function library.
-- All functions are implemented as XFct. Each XFct contains the evaluation context,
-- the variable environment and the function arguments.

module Text.XML.HXT.XPath.XPathFct
    ( XFct
    , evalFct
    , toXValue
    , xnumber
    , xboolean
    , xstring
    , getConvFct
    , stringValue
    , remDups
    , isNotInNodeList
    , createDocumentOrder
    , createDocumentOrderReverse
    , getVarTab
    , getKeyTab

import Text.XML.HXT.XPath.XPathDataTypes
import Text.XML.HXT.XPath.XPathParser
      ( parseNumber
      --, parseStr     Tim Walkenhorst: Whatever it does parseStr is not useful for normalize-space
import Text.XML.HXT.XPath.XPathArithmetic
      ( xPathAdd )

import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ReadDocument (readDocument)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlIOStateArrow (runX)

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTree
      hiding (mkNode)

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Maybe
      ( fromJust )      

import Data.Char
import Data.List
    ( sortBy )

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- added by Tim Walkenhorst to fix Pos0 vs. Float 0.0 problems...
int2XPNumber :: Int -> XPNumber
int2XPNumber 0 = Pos0
int2XPNumber i = Float $ fromIntegral i

-- |
-- Type signature for all functions which can be used in the XPath module.
type XFct = (Context -> Env -> [XPathValue] -> XPathValue)

-- |
-- All functions are stored in a function table.
type FctTable = [(FctName, FctTableElem)]

-- |
-- Each table entry consists of the function and the expected function arguments.
type FctTableElem = (XFct, CheckArgCount)

-- |
-- Tests whether the number of current function arguments is correct
type CheckArgCount = ([XPathValue] -> Bool)

zero, zeroOrOne, one, two, twoOrM, twoOrThree, three :: CheckArgCount
zero ex       = length ex == 0
zeroOrOne ex  = length ex == 0 || length ex == 1
one ex        = length ex == 1
two ex        = length ex == 2
twoOrM ex     = length ex >= 2
twoOrThree ex = length ex == 2 || length ex == 3
three ex      = length ex == 3

-- |
-- The core-functions library
fctTable :: FctTable
fctTable = [
            ("last", (xlast, zero)), -- nodeset functions
            ("position",(xposition, zero)),
            ("count",(xcount, one)),
            ("id", (xid, one)),
            ("local-name", (xlocalName, zeroOrOne)),
            ("namespace-uri", (xnamespaceUri, zeroOrOne)),
            ("name", (xname, zeroOrOne)),

            ("string", (xstring, zeroOrOne)), -- string functions
            ("concat", (xconcat, twoOrM)),
            ("starts-with",(xstartsWith, two)),
            ("contains", (xcontains, two)),
            ("substring-before", (xsubstringBefore, two)),
            ("substring-after", (xsubstringAfter, two)),
            ("substring", (xsubstring, twoOrThree)),
            ("string-length", (xstringLength, zeroOrOne)),
            ("normalize-space", (xnormalizeSpace, zeroOrOne)),
            ("translate", (xtranslate, three)),

            ("boolean", (xboolean, one)), -- boolean functions
            ("not", (xnot, one)),
            ("true", (xtrue, zero)),
            ("false",(xfalse, zero)),
            ("lang", (xlang, one)),

            ("number",(xnumber, zeroOrOne)), -- number functions
            ("sum",(xsum, one)),
            ("floor",(xfloor, one)),
            ("ceiling",(xceiling, one)),
            ("round",(xround, one)),
            ("key",(xkey, two)),
            ("format-number",(xformatNumber, twoOrThree)),
            ("document", (xdocument, one)),-- extension functions for xslt 1.0
            ("generate-id", (xgenerateId, zeroOrOne))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- some helper functions

-- |
-- Returns the table of keys, needed by xslt, from the environment
getKeyTab :: Env -> KeyTab
getKeyTab (_, keyTab) = keyTab

-- |
-- Returns the table of variables from the environment
getVarTab :: Env -> VarTab
getVarTab (varTab, _) = varTab

-- |
-- Returns the conversion function for the XPath results: string, boolean and number
-- A nodeset can not be converted.
getConvFct :: XPathValue -> Maybe XFct
getConvFct (XPVNumber _) = Just xnumber
getConvFct (XPVString _) = Just xstring
getConvFct (XPVBool _)   = Just xboolean
getConvFct _             = Nothing

-- |
-- Filter for ordering a list of Nodes in document order
createDocumentOrder :: XPathFilter
createDocumentOrder (XPVNode n) = XPVNode (sortBy documentOrder n)
      documentOrder :: NavXmlTree -> NavXmlTree -> Ordering
      documentOrder a b = compare (documentPos a) (documentPos b)

createDocumentOrder e@(XPVError _) = e
createDocumentOrder _ = XPVError "Call to createDocumentOrder without a nodeset"

-- |
-- Filter for ordering a list of Nodes in reverse document order
createDocumentOrderReverse :: XPathFilter
createDocumentOrderReverse (XPVNode n) = XPVNode (sortBy documentOrderReverse n)
      documentOrderReverse :: NavXmlTree -> NavXmlTree -> Ordering
      documentOrderReverse a b = compare (documentPos b) (documentPos a)

createDocumentOrderReverse e@(XPVError _) = e
createDocumentOrderReverse _ = XPVError "Call to createDocumentOrderReverse without a nodeset"

-- |
-- Filter for removing identical fragment trees in a nodeset
remDups :: XPathFilter
remDups e@(XPVError _) = e
remDups (XPVNode []) = XPVNode []
remDups (XPVNode (x:xs))
    | isNotInNodeList x xs = XPVNode (x : y)
    | otherwise            = remDups (XPVNode xs)
      (XPVNode y) = remDups (XPVNode xs)
remDups _ = XPVError "Call to remDups without a nodeset"

-- |
-- Check whether a node is not a part of a node list. Needed to implement matching & testing in xslt.
isNotInNodeList :: NavXmlTree -> [NavXmlTree] -> Bool
isNotInNodeList n xs' = nodeID (Just n) `notElem` map (nodeID . Just) xs'

-- |
-- calculate an ID for a NODE
--    - returns : a list of numbers, one number for each level of the tree

-- Tim Walkenhorst:
--   - Attributes are identified by their QName (they do not have previous siblings)
--   - Elemts are identified by their relative position (# of previous siblings)

data IdPathStep = IdRoot String | IdPos Int | IdAttr QName deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

nodeID :: Maybe (NavXmlTree) -> [IdPathStep]
nodeID Nothing = []
nodeID (Just t@(NT (NTree (XAttr qn) _)  _ _ _)) = IdAttr qn : nodeID (upNT t)
nodeID (Just t@(NT node _ prev _))               
   | isRootNode $ getNode node = return $ IdRoot (getText $ getValue "rootId" node) 
   | otherwise       = IdPos (length prev) : nodeID (upNT t)
   where getText ((NTree (XText t') _):_) = t'
         getText _         = ""

-- |
-- Calculates the position of a node in a tree (in document order)
documentPos :: NavXmlTree -> [IdPathStep]
documentPos tree = reverse $ nodeID (Just tree)

-- |
-- Evaluates a function.
-- Calculation of the function value is done by looking up the function name in the function table,
-- check the number of arguments and calculate the funtion, if no
-- argument evaluation returns an error.
--    - returns : the function value as 'XPathValue'
evalFct :: FctName -> Env -> Context -> [XPathValue] -> XPathValue
evalFct name env cont args
    = case (lookup name fctTable) of
        Nothing -> XPVError ("Call to undefined function "++ name)
        Just (fct, checkArgCount) ->
          if not (checkArgCount args)
            then XPVError ("Call to function "++ name ++ " with wrong arguments")
            else case (checkArgErrors args) of
                   Just e  -> e
                   Nothing -> fct cont env args
      checkArgErrors [] = Nothing
      checkArgErrors ((XPVError r):_) = Just (XPVError r)
      checkArgErrors (_:xs) = checkArgErrors xs

-- |
-- Converts a list of different 'XPathValue' types in a list of one 'XPathValue' type.
--    * 1.parameter fct :  the conversion function
toXValue :: XFct -> Context -> Env -> [XPathValue] -> [XPathValue]
toXValue fct c env args = [fct c env [x] | x <- args]

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- core-funktions library

-- nodeset functions

-- |
-- number last(): returns a number equal to the context size from the expression evaluation context
xlast :: XFct
xlast (_, len , _) _ _ = XPVNumber $ int2XPNumber len

-- |
-- number position(): returns a number equal to the context position from the expression evaluation context
xposition :: XFct
xposition (pos, _ , _) _ _ = XPVNumber $ int2XPNumber pos

-- |
-- number count(node-set): returns the number of nodes in the argument node-set
xcount :: XFct
xcount _ _ [XPVNode ns] = XPVNumber $ int2XPNumber $ length ns
xcount _ _ _ = XPVError "Call to function count with wrong arguments"

-- |
-- node-set id(object): selects elements by their unique ID 
xid :: XFct
xid (_, _, cn) env [XPVNode ns]
    = isInId  (getIds env) (strValues ns) [cn]
      strValues = map ((\ (XPVString str) -> str) . stringValue)

xid c@(_, _, cn) env arg
    = isInId (getIds env) ( (\(XPVString s) -> words s) (xstring c env arg)) [cn]

-- |
-- returns all IDs from the variable environment as a list of strings.
-- the IDs are stored in the variable: idAttr
getIds :: Env -> [String]
getIds env
-- hier muss noch auf prefix getestet werden
    = words $ (\ (XPVString str) -> str) . fromJust $ lookup ("", "idAttr") $ getVarTab env 

isInId :: [String] -> [String] -> NavXmlTrees -> XPathValue
isInId ids str ns
    = remDups (XPVNode (concat $ map (filterNS ids str . descendantOrSelfAxis) ns))

filterNS :: [String] -> [String] -> NavXmlTrees -> NavXmlTrees
filterNS ids str ns
    = [ n | n@(NT a@(NTree _ _) _ _ _) <- ns, or $ map (idInIdList a str) ids]
      idInIdList :: XmlTree -> [String] -> String -> Bool
      idInIdList al str' b = (xshow $ getValue b al) `elem` str'

-- |
-- string local-name(node-set?):
-- returns the local part of the expanded-name of the node in the argument node-set that is first in document order. 
-- If the argument node-set is empty or the first node has no expanded-name, an empty string is returned. 
-- If the argument is omitted, it defaults to a node-set with the context node as its only member

--   Bugfix: name(\/) is "" not "\/"!

xlocalName :: XFct
xlocalName (_, _, cn) _ [] = XPVString (xpLocalPartOf $ subtreeNT cn)
xlocalName _ _ [XPVNode []] = XPVString ""
xlocalName _ _ [XPVNode ns] = XPVString (xpLocalPartOf $ subtreeNT $ head $ ns)
xlocalName _ _ _ = XPVError "Call to function local-name with wrong arguments"

xpLocalPartOf :: XmlTree -> String
xpLocalPartOf n = if isRootNode (getNode n)
                    then ""
                    else localPartOf n

-- |
-- string namespace-uri(node-set?):
-- returns the namespace URI of the expanded-name of the node in the argument node-set that is first in document order.
-- If the argument node-set is empty, the first node has no expanded-name, or the namespace URI of the expanded-name
-- is null, an empty string is returned. If the argument is omitted, it defaults to a node-set with the context node as its only member
xnamespaceUri :: XFct
xnamespaceUri (_, _, cn) _ [] = XPVString (namespaceOf $ subtreeNT cn)
xnamespaceUri _ _ [XPVNode []] = XPVString ""
xnamespaceUri _ _ [XPVNode ns] = XPVString (namespaceOf $ subtreeNT $ head $ ns)
xnamespaceUri _ _ _ = XPVError "Call to function namespace-uri with wrong arguments"

-- |
-- string name(node-set?): 
-- returns a string containing a QName representing the expanded-name of the node in the argument node-set 
-- that is first in document order. If the argument node-set is empty or the first node has no expanded-name, 
-- an empty string is returned. If the argument it omitted, it defaults to a node-set with the context node as its only member.
-- Tim Walkenhorst: 

--   Bugfix: name(\/) is "" not "\/"!

xname :: XFct
xname (_, _, cn) _ [] =  XPVString (xpNameOf $ subtreeNT cn)
xname _ _ [XPVNode []] = XPVString ""
xname _ _ [XPVNode ns] = XPVString (xpNameOf $ subtreeNT $ head $ ns)
xname _ _ _ = XPVError "Call to function name with wrong arguments"

xpNameOf :: XmlTree -> String 
xpNameOf n = if isRootNode (getNode n) 
               then "" 
               else nameOf n

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- string functions

-- |
-- some helper functions
getFirstPos :: String -> String -> Int
getFirstPos s sub
    = if (getFirstPos' s sub) > length s
        then -1
        else getFirstPos' s sub

getFirstPos' :: String -> String -> Int
getFirstPos' [] _ = 2
getFirstPos' (x:xs) sub
    = if strStartsWith (x:xs) sub
      then 0
      else 1 + getFirstPos' xs sub

strStartsWith :: String -> String -> Bool
strStartsWith a b
    = take (length b) a == b

-- |
-- Returns the string-value of a node,
-- the value of a namespace node is not supported
stringValue :: NavXmlTree -> XPathValue
stringValue (NT a _ _ _)
    = XPVString $ xshow . textFilter $ a
        = getXCmt `orElse`
--        getXNamespace `orElse`
          multi isXText
--        = (isXTag `guards` multi isXText) `orElse`
--          (isXPi `guards` multi isXText) `orElse`
--          (isXAttr `guards` multi isXText) `orElse`          
--          (isXText `guards` multi isXText) `orElse`
--          getXCmt

-- |
-- string string(object?): converts an object to a string
xstring :: XFct
xstring _ _ [XPVNode []]           = XPVString ""
xstring _ _ [XPVNode (x:_)]        = stringValue x
xstring (_, _, cn) _ []            = stringValue cn

xstring _ _ [XPVNumber (Float a)]
    | a == (fromInteger $ round a) = XPVString (show ((round a)::Integer))
    | otherwise                    = XPVString (show a)
xstring _ _ [XPVNumber s]          = XPVString (show s)

xstring _ _ [XPVBool True]         = XPVString "true"
xstring _ _ [XPVBool False]        = XPVString "false"

xstring _ _ [XPVString s]          = XPVString s
xstring _ _ [XPVError e]           = XPVError e
xstring _ _ _                      = XPVError "Call to xstring with a wrong argument"

-- |
-- string concat(string, string, string*): returns the concatenation of its arguments
xconcat :: XFct
xconcat c env args 
    = XPVString (foldr (\ (XPVString s) -> (s ++)) "" (toXValue xstring c env args))

-- |
-- boolean starts-with(string, string): 
-- returns true if the first argument string starts 
-- with the second argument string, and otherwise returns false
xstartsWith :: XFct
xstartsWith c env args
    = XPVBool ( (\ ((XPVString a):[XPVString b]) -> strStartsWith a b) (toXValue xstring c env args))

-- |
-- boolean contains(string, string):
-- returns true if the first argument string contains the second argument string, and otherwise returns false
xcontains :: XFct
xcontains c env args
    = XPVBool ( (\ ((XPVString s):[XPVString sub]) -> getFirstPos s sub /= -1) (toXValue xstring c env args))

-- |
-- string substring-before(string, string):
-- returns the substring of the first argument string that precedes the first occurrence of the second argument string 
-- in the first argument string, or the empty string if the first argument string does not contain the second argument string
xsubstringBefore :: XFct
xsubstringBefore c env args
    = xsubstringBefore' c env (toXValue xstring c env args)

xsubstringBefore' :: XFct
xsubstringBefore' _ _ ((XPVString _):[XPVString []]) = XPVString ""
xsubstringBefore' _ _ ((XPVString s):[XPVString sub]) = XPVString (take (getFirstPos s sub) s)
xsubstringBefore' _ _ _ = XPVError "Call to xsubstringBefore' with a wrong argument"

-- |
-- string substring-after(string, string):
-- returns the substring of the first argument string that follows the first occurrence of the second argument string 
-- in the first argument string, or the empty string if the first argument string does not contain the second argument string
xsubstringAfter :: XFct
xsubstringAfter c env args
    = xsubstringAfter' c env (toXValue xstring c env args)

xsubstringAfter' :: XFct
xsubstringAfter' _ _ ((XPVString s):[XPVString []])
    = XPVString s
xsubstringAfter' _ _ ((XPVString s):[XPVString sub])
    = if getFirstPos s sub == -1
        then (XPVString "")
        else XPVString (drop ((getFirstPos s sub)+length sub) s)
xsubstringAfter' _ _ _ 
    = XPVError "Call to xsubstringAfter' with a wrong argument"

-- |
-- string substring(string, number, number?):
-- returns the substring of the first argument starting at the position specified in the second argument 
-- with length specified in the third argument. If the third argument is not specified, it returns the substring 
-- starting at the position specified in the second argument and continuing to the end of the string.
xsubstring :: XFct
xsubstring c env (x:xs)
    = xsubstring' c env ((toXValue xstring c env [x])++(toXValue xnumber c env xs))
xsubstring _ _ _
    = XPVError "Call to xsubstring with a wrong argument"

xsubstring' :: XFct
xsubstring' c env ((XPVString s):start:[])
    = case xround c env [start] of
        XPVNumber NaN       -> XPVString ""
        XPVNumber PosInf    -> XPVString ""
        XPVNumber (Float f) -> XPVString (drop ((round f)-1) s)
        XPVNumber _         -> XPVString s
        _                   -> XPVError "Call to xsubstring' with a wrong argument"

xsubstring' c env ((XPVString s):start:[end])
    = case xPathAdd Plus (xround c env [start]) (xround c env [end]) of
        XPVNumber (Float f) -> xsubstring' c env ( (XPVString (take ((round f) -1) s)):[start])
        XPVNumber PosInf    -> xsubstring' c env ( (XPVString s):[start])
        XPVNumber _         -> XPVString ""
        _                   -> XPVError "Call to xsubstring' with a wrong argument"
xsubstring' _ _ _
    = XPVError "Call to xsubstring' with a wrong argument"

-- |
-- number string-length(string?):
-- returns the number of characters in the string. If the argument is omitted, it defaults to the context node 
-- converted to a string, in other words the string-value of the context node.
xstringLength :: XFct
xstringLength c@(_, _, cn) env []
    = XPVNumber (Float (fromIntegral $ length s))
      where (XPVString s) = xstring c env [XPVNode [cn]]
xstringLength c env args
    = XPVNumber $ (\[XPVString s] -> int2XPNumber $ length s) (toXValue xstring c env args)

-- |
-- string normalize-space(string?):
-- returns the argument string with whitespace normalized by stripping leading and trailing whitespace and replacing sequences 
-- of whitespace characters by a single space. If the argument is omitted, it defaults to the context node converted to a string, 
-- in other words the string-value of the context node.
-- The string is parsed by a function parseStr from XPathParser module. <-- No longer! Tim Walkenhorst
xnormalizeSpace :: XFct
xnormalizeSpace c@(_, _, cn) env []
    = (\(XPVString s) -> XPVString $ normStr s) (xstring c env [XPVNode [cn]])
xnormalizeSpace c env args
    = (\ [XPVString s] -> XPVString $ normStr s) (toXValue xstring c env args)

-- Tim Walkenhorst normStr replaces the use of parseStr...
normStr :: String -> String
normStr = unwords . words

-- |
-- string translate(string, string, string):
-- returns the first argument string with occurrences of characters in the second argument string replaced by the character at 
-- the corresponding position in the third argument string
xtranslate :: XFct
xtranslate c env args
    = xtranslate' c env (toXValue xstring c env args)

xtranslate' :: XFct
xtranslate' _ _ ((XPVString a):(XPVString b):[XPVString c])
    = XPVString (replace a b c)
xtranslate' _ _ _
    = XPVError "Call to xtranslate' with a wrong argument"

replace :: String -> String -> String -> String
replace str [] _ = str

-- remove all characters, if there is no corresponding character in the third argument
replace str (x:xs) []
    = replace [ s | s <- str, x /= s] xs []

replace str (x:xs) (y:ys)
    = replace (rep x y str) xs ys
      where -- replace all characters in the first argument
      rep :: Char -> Char -> String -> String
      rep a b = foldr (\c -> if c == a then (b:) else (c:)) ""

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- boolean functions

-- |
-- boolean boolean(object): converts its argument to a boolean value
xboolean :: XFct
xboolean _ _ [XPVNumber a] = XPVBool (a/= NaN && a/= Neg0 && a/= Pos0)
xboolean _ _ [XPVString s] = XPVBool (length s /= 0)
xboolean _ _ [XPVBool b]   = XPVBool b
xboolean _ _ [XPVNode ns]  = XPVBool (length ns > 0)
xboolean _ _ [XPVError e]  = XPVError e
xboolean _ _ _             = XPVError "Call to xboolean with a wrong argument"

-- |
-- boolean not(boolean): returns true if its argument is false, and false otherwise
xnot :: XFct
xnot c env args
    = XPVBool ( (\ (XPVBool b) -> not b) (xboolean c env args) )

-- |
-- boolean true(): returns true
xtrue :: XFct
xtrue _ _ _ = XPVBool True

-- |
-- boolean false(): returns false
xfalse :: XFct
xfalse _ _ _ = XPVBool False

-- |
-- boolean lang(string):
-- returns true or false depending on whether the language of the context node as specified by xml:lang attributes 
-- is the same as or is a sublanguage of the language specified by the argument string

-- function needs namespaces which are not supported by the toolbox
xlang :: XFct
xlang _ _ _
    = XPVError "namespaces are not supported"

-- xlang c env args
--    = (\ (_, _, cn) [XPVString s] -> ...) c (toXValue xstring c env args)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- number functions

-- |
-- number number(object?): converts its argument to a number
xnumber :: XFct
xnumber c@(_, _, cn) env []
    = (\(XPVString s) -> parseNumber s) (xstring c env [XPVNode [cn]])
xnumber c env [n@(XPVNode _)]
    = (\(XPVString s) -> parseNumber s) (xstring c env [n])

xnumber _ _ [XPVBool b]
    | b                   = XPVNumber (Float 1)
    | otherwise           = XPVNumber Pos0

xnumber _ _ [XPVString s] = parseNumber s
xnumber _ _ [XPVNumber a] = XPVNumber a
xnumber _ _ [XPVError e]  = XPVError e
xnumber _ _ _             = XPVError "Call to xnumber with a wrong argument"

-- |
-- number sum(node-set): 
-- returns the sum, for each node in the argument node-set, of the result of 
-- converting the string-values of the node to a number
xsum :: XFct
xsum _ _ [XPVNode []] = XPVNumber NaN
xsum c env [XPVNode ns]
    = foldr1 (\ a b -> (xPathAdd Plus a b)) (getValues ns)
      getValues :: NodeSet -> [XPathValue]
      getValues = foldr (\ n -> ([xnumber c env $ [stringValue n] ] ++) ) []

xsum _ _ _
    = XPVError "The value of the function sum is not a nodeset"

-- |
-- number floor(number): returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) number that is not greater 
-- than the argument and that is an integer
xfloor :: XFct
xfloor c env args
    = xfloor' (toXValue xnumber c env args)
      xfloor' [XPVNumber (Float f)]
        | f > 0 && f < 1    = XPVNumber Pos0
        | otherwise         = XPVNumber (Float (fromInteger $ floor f))
      xfloor' [XPVNumber a] = XPVNumber a
      xfloor' _             = XPVError "Call to xfloor' without a number"

-- |
-- number ceiling(number): returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) number that is not less 
-- than the argument and that is an integer
xceiling  :: XFct
xceiling c env args
    = xceiling' (toXValue xnumber c env args)
      xceiling' [XPVNumber (Float f)]
        | f < 0 && f > -1     = XPVNumber Pos0
        | otherwise           = XPVNumber (Float (fromInteger $ ceiling f))
      xceiling' [XPVNumber a] = XPVNumber a
      xceiling' _             = XPVError "Call to xceiling' without a number"

-- |
-- number round(number):
-- returns the number that is closest to the argument and that is an integer. 
-- If there are two such numbers, then the one that is closest to positive infinity is returned.
xround :: XFct
xround c env args
    = xround' c env (toXValue xnumber c env args)

xround' :: XFct
xround' _ _ [XPVNumber (Float f)]
    | f < 0 && f >= -0.5  = XPVNumber Neg0
    | f >= 0 && f < 0.5   = XPVNumber Pos0
    | otherwise           = XPVNumber (Float (fromInteger $ xPathRound f))
      xPathRound a 
        = if a - (fromInteger $ floor a) < 0.5
            then floor a
            else floor (a+1)

xround' _ _ [XPVNumber a] = XPVNumber a
xround' _ _ _             = XPVError "Call to xround' without a number"

-- |
-- node-set key(string, object):
-- does for keys what the id function does for IDs
-- The first argument specifies the name of the key.
-- When the second argument is of type node-set, then the result is the
-- union of the result of applying the key function to the string value
-- of each of the nodes in the argument node-set.
-- When the second argument is of any other type, the argument is
-- converted to a string 
xkey :: XFct
xkey _ env ((XPVString s) : [XPVNode ns])
    = isInKey (getKeyTab env) s (strValues ns)
      strValues = map ((\ (XPVString str) -> str) . stringValue)

xkey c env ((XPVString s) : arg)
    -- = isInKey (getKeyTab env) s  ( (\(XPVString s) -> words s) (xstring c env arg))
    = isInKey (getKeyTab env) s [str]
        (XPVString str) = xstring c env arg

xkey _ _ _ = XPVError "Call to xkey with a wrong argument"

isInKey :: KeyTab -> String -> [String] -> XPathValue
isInKey kt kn kv
    -- = remDups (XPVNode (map ntree ts) )
    = XPVNode ts --(map ntree ts)
        (_, _, ts) = unzip3 $ concat $ map (isKeyVal (isKeyName kt kn)) kv

isKeyName :: KeyTab -> String -> KeyTab
isKeyName kt kn = filter (isOfKeyName kn) kt

isKeyVal :: KeyTab -> String -> KeyTab
isKeyVal kt kv = filter (isOfKeyValue kv) kt

isOfKeyName :: String -> (QName, String, NavXmlTree) -> Bool
isOfKeyName kn (qn, _, _) = (localPart qn) == kn

isOfKeyValue :: String -> (QName, String, NavXmlTree) -> Bool
isOfKeyValue kv (_, v, _)   = v == kv

-- |
-- string format-number(number, string, string?):
-- converts its first argument to a string using the format pattern string
-- specified by the second argument and the decimal-format named by the
-- third argument, or the default decimal-format, if there is no third argument
xformatNumber :: XFct
xformatNumber c env (x:xs)
    = xsubstring' c env ((toXValue xstring c env [x])++(toXValue xnumber c env xs))
xformatNumber _ _ _
    = XPVError "Call to xformatNumber with a wrong argument"

-- Poor man's document(...) function. Opens exactly one document. 
-- Does not support "fragment identifiers". "Base-URI" is always current directory.
-- Should still be good enough for home use.
xdocument :: XFct
xdocument c e val = XPVNode $ (\(XPVString s) -> xdocument' s) $ xstring c e val

xdocument' :: String -> [NavXmlTree]
xdocument' uri = map ntree $ concatMap (addAttr "rootId" ("doc " ++ uri)) $ unsafePerformIO $ runX $ readDocument [(a_validate, v_0)] uri

-- generate-id, should be fully compliant with XSLT specification.
xgenerateId :: XFct
xgenerateId _            _ [XPVNode (node:_)] = xgenerateId' node
xgenerateId (_, _, node) _ []                 = xgenerateId' node
xgenerateId _            _ _                  = error "illegal arguments in xgenerateId"

xgenerateId' :: NavXmlTree -> XPathValue
xgenerateId' = XPVString . ("id_"++) . str2XmlId . show . nodeID . Just

str2XmlId :: String -> String
str2XmlId = concatMap convert
    where convert c = if isAscii c && (isUpper c || isLower c || isDigit c)
                      then [c]
                      else "_" ++ (show $ ord c) ++ "_"