-- | This modul exports the list of supported datatype libraries. -- It also exports the main functions to validate an XML instance value -- with respect to a datatype. module Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.DataTypeLibraries ( datatypeLibraries , datatypeEqual , datatypeAllows ) where import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DOMInterface ( relaxNamespace ) import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.DataTypeLibUtils import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.DataTypeLibMysql ( mysqlDatatypeLib ) import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.XmlSchema.DataTypeLibW3C ( w3cDatatypeLib ) import Data.Maybe ( fromJust ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | List of all supported datatype libraries which can be -- used within the Relax NG validator modul. datatypeLibraries :: DatatypeLibraries datatypeLibraries = [ relaxDatatypeLib , relaxDatatypeLib' , mysqlDatatypeLib , w3cDatatypeLib ] {- | Tests whether a XML instance value matches a value-pattern. The following tests are performed: * 1. : does the uri exist in the list of supported datatype libraries - 2. : does the library support the datatype - 3. : does the XML instance value match the value-pattern The hard work is done by the specialized 'DatatypeEqual' function (see also: 'DatatypeCheck') of the datatype library. -} datatypeEqual :: Uri -> DatatypeEqual datatypeEqual uri d s1 c1 s2 c2 = if elem uri (map fst datatypeLibraries) then dtEqFct d s1 c1 s2 c2 else Just ( "Unknown DatatypeLibrary " ++ show uri ) where DTC _ dtEqFct _ = fromJust $ lookup uri datatypeLibraries {- | Tests whether a XML instance value matches a data-pattern. The following tests are performed: * 1. : does the uri exist in the list of supported datatype libraries - 2. : does the library support the datatype - 3. : does the XML instance value match the data-pattern - 4. : does the XML instance value match all params The hard work is done by the specialized 'DatatypeAllows' function (see also: 'DatatypeCheck') of the datatype library. -} datatypeAllows :: Uri -> DatatypeAllows datatypeAllows uri d params s1 c1 = if elem uri (map fst datatypeLibraries) then dtAllowFct d params s1 c1 else Just ( "Unknown DatatypeLibrary " ++ show uri ) where DTC dtAllowFct _ _ = fromJust $ lookup uri datatypeLibraries -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Relax NG build in datatype library relaxDatatypeLib :: DatatypeLibrary relaxDatatypeLib = (relaxNamespace, DTC datatypeAllowsRelax datatypeEqualRelax relaxDatatypes) -- | if there is no datatype uri, the built in datatype library is used relaxDatatypeLib' :: DatatypeLibrary relaxDatatypeLib' = ("", DTC datatypeAllowsRelax datatypeEqualRelax relaxDatatypes) -- | The build in Relax NG datatype lib supportes only the token and string datatype, -- without any params. relaxDatatypes :: AllowedDatatypes relaxDatatypes = map ( (\ x -> (x, [])) . fst ) relaxDatatypeTable datatypeAllowsRelax :: DatatypeAllows datatypeAllowsRelax d p v _ = maybe notAllowed' allowed . lookup d $ relaxDatatypeTable where notAllowed' = Just $ errorMsgDataTypeNotAllowed relaxNamespace d p v allowed _ = Nothing -- | If the token datatype is used, the values have to be normalized -- (trailing and leading whitespaces are removed). -- token does not perform any changes to the values. datatypeEqualRelax :: DatatypeEqual datatypeEqualRelax d s1 _ s2 _ = maybe notAllowed' checkValues . lookup d $ relaxDatatypeTable where notAllowed' = Just $ errorMsgDataTypeNotAllowed2 relaxNamespace d s1 s2 checkValues predicate = if predicate s1 s2 then Nothing else Just $ errorMsgEqual d s1 s2 relaxDatatypeTable :: [(String, String -> String -> Bool)] relaxDatatypeTable = [ ("string", (==)) , ("token", \ s1 s2 -> normalizeWhitespace s1 == normalizeWhitespace s2 ) ] -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------