-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
   Module     : Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Validation
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2008 Torben Kuseler, Uwe Schmidt
   License    : MIT

   Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
   Stability  : stable
   Portability: portable

   Validation of a XML document with respect to a valid Relax NG schema in simple form.
   Copied and modified from \"An algorithm for RELAX NG validation\" by James Clark


-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Validation
    ( validateWithRelaxAndHandleErrors
    , validateDocWithRelax
    , validateRelax
    , validateXMLDoc
    , readForRelax
    , normalizeForRelaxValidation
    , contains

import Control.Arrow.ListArrows

import           Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Interface
import qualified Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlNode as XN
import           Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Unicode
    ( isXmlSpaceChar

import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlIOStateArrow

import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Edit
    ( canonicalizeAllNodes
    , collapseAllXText

import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ProcessDocument
    ( propagateAndValidateNamespaces
    , getDocumentContents
    , parseXmlDocument

import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.DataTypes
import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.CreatePattern
import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.PatternToString
import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.DataTypeLibraries
import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Utils
    ( formatStringListQuot
    , compareURI

import Data.Maybe
    ( fromJust

import qualified Debug.Trace as T

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

validateWithRelaxAndHandleErrors	:: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
validateWithRelaxAndHandleErrors theSchema
    = validateWithRelax theSchema

validateWithRelax	:: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
validateWithRelax theSchema
    = traceMsg 2 "validate with Relax NG schema"
      ( ( normalizeForRelaxValidation		-- prepare the document for validation
	  isElem				-- and select the root element
      arr2A validateRelax			-- compute vaidation errors as a document

handleErrors	:: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
    = traceDoc "error found when validating with Relax NG schema"
      ( getChildren				-- prepare error format
	arr ("Relax NG validation: " ++)
	mkError c_err
      filterErrorMsg				-- issue errors and set system status

{- |
   normalize a document for validation with Relax NG: remove all namespace declaration attributes,
   remove all processing instructions and merge all sequences of text nodes into a single text node

normalizeForRelaxValidation :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree
  = processTopDownWithAttrl
     ( none `when`			-- remove all namespace attributes
       ( isAttr
         isA (compareURI xmlnsNamespace)
     (none `when` isPi)			-- processing instructions
    collapseAllXText			-- all text node sequences are merged into a single text node

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- | Validates a xml document with respect to a Relax NG schema

   * 1.parameter  :  the arrow for computing the Relax NG schema

   - 2.parameter  :  list of options for reading and validating
   - 3.parameter  :  XML document URI

   - arrow-input  :  ignored
   - arrow-output :  list of errors or 'none'

validateDocWithRelax :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> Attributes -> String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
validateDocWithRelax theSchema al doc
  = ( if null doc
      then root [] []
      else readForRelax al doc
    validateWithRelax theSchema
    perform handleErrors

{- | Validates a xml document with respect to a Relax NG schema

   * 1.parameter  :  XML document

   - arrow-input  :  Relax NG schema
   - arrow-output :  list of errors or 'none'

validateRelax :: XmlTree -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
validateRelax xmlDoc
  = fromLA
    ( createPatternFromXmlTree
      arr (\p -> childDeriv ("",[]) p xmlDoc)
      ( (not . nullable)
        root [] [ (take 1024 . show) ^>> mkText ]	-- pattern may be recursive, so the string representation
	                                                -- is truncated to 1024 chars to assure termination

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

readForRelax	:: Attributes -> String -> IOSArrow b XmlTree
readForRelax options schema
    = getDocumentContents options schema
      parseXmlDocument False

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- old stuff -}

validateXMLDoc :: Attributes -> String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
validateXMLDoc al xmlDoc
  = validateRelax
    ( readForRelax al xmlDoc

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | tests whether a 'NameClass' contains a particular 'QName'

contains :: NameClass -> QName -> Bool
contains AnyName _			= True
contains (AnyNameExcept nc)    n	= not (contains nc n)
contains (NsName ns1)          qn	= ns1 == namespaceUri qn
contains (NsNameExcept ns1 nc) qn	= ns1 == namespaceUri qn && not (contains nc qn)
contains (Name ns1 ln1)        qn	= (ns1 == namespaceUri qn) && (ln1 == localPart qn)
contains (NameClassChoice nc1 nc2) n 	= (contains nc1 n) || (contains nc2 n)
contains (NCError _) _ 			= False

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | tests whether a pattern matches the empty sequence
nullable:: Pattern -> Bool
nullable (Group p1 p2)		= nullable p1 && nullable p2
nullable (Interleave p1 p2)	= nullable p1 && nullable p2
nullable (Choice p1 p2)		= nullable p1 || nullable p2
nullable (OneOrMore p)		= nullable p
nullable (Element _ _)		= False
nullable (Attribute _ _)	= False
nullable (List _)		= False
nullable (Value _ _ _)		= False
nullable (Data _ _)		= False
nullable (DataExcept _ _ _)	= False
nullable (NotAllowed _)		= False
nullable Empty			= True
nullable Text			= True
nullable (After _ _)		= False

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | computes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a XML-Child and a 'Context'

childDeriv :: Context -> Pattern -> XmlTree -> Pattern

childDeriv cx p t
    | XN.isText t	= textDeriv cx p . fromJust . XN.getText $ t
    | XN.isElem t	= endTagDeriv p4
    | otherwise		= notAllowed "Call to childDeriv with wrong arguments"
    children	=            XN.getChildren $ t
    qn		= fromJust . XN.getElemName $ t 
    atts	= fromJust . XN.getAttrl    $ t
    cx1		= ("",[])
    p1		= startTagOpenDeriv p qn
    p2		= attsDeriv cx1 p1 atts
    p3		= startTagCloseDeriv p2
    p4		= childrenDeriv cx1 p3 children

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | computes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a text node

textDeriv :: Context -> Pattern -> String -> Pattern

textDeriv cx (Choice p1 p2) s
    = choice (textDeriv cx p1 s) (textDeriv cx p2 s)

textDeriv cx (Interleave p1 p2) s
    = choice
      (interleave (textDeriv cx p1 s) p2)
      (interleave p1 (textDeriv cx p2 s))

textDeriv cx (Group p1 p2) s
    = let
      p = group (textDeriv cx p1 s) p2
      if nullable p1
      then choice p (textDeriv cx p2 s)
      else p

textDeriv cx (After p1 p2) s
    = after (textDeriv cx p1 s) p2

textDeriv cx (OneOrMore p) s
    = group (textDeriv cx p s) (choice (OneOrMore p) Empty)

textDeriv _ Text _
    = Text

textDeriv cx1 (Value (uri, s) value cx2) s1
    = case datatypeEqual uri s value cx2 s1 cx1
      Nothing     -> Empty 
      Just errStr -> notAllowed errStr

textDeriv cx (Data (uri, s) params) s1
    = case datatypeAllows uri s params s1 cx
      Nothing     -> Empty 
      Just errStr -> notAllowed2 errStr

textDeriv cx (DataExcept (uri, s) params p) s1
    = case (datatypeAllows uri s params s1 cx)
      Nothing     -> if not $ nullable $ textDeriv cx p s1 
                     then Empty 
		     else notAllowed
			      ( "Any value except " ++
				show (show p) ++ 
				" expected, but value " ++
				show (show s1) ++
				" found"
      Just errStr -> notAllowed errStr

textDeriv cx (List p) s
    = if nullable (listDeriv cx p (words s)) 
      then Empty
      else notAllowed
	       ( "List with value(s) " ++
		 show p ++ 
		 " expected, but value(s) " ++ 
		 formatStringListQuot (words s) ++
		 " found"

textDeriv _ n@(NotAllowed _) _
    = n

textDeriv _ p s
    = notAllowed
      ( "Pattern " ++ show (getPatternName p) ++
	" expected, but text " ++ show s ++ " found"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | To compute the derivative of a pattern with respect to a list of strings, 
-- simply compute the derivative with respect to each member of the list in turn.

listDeriv :: Context -> Pattern -> [String] -> Pattern

listDeriv _ p []
    = p

listDeriv cx p (x:xs)
    = listDeriv cx (textDeriv cx p x) xs

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | computes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a start tag open

startTagOpenDeriv :: Pattern -> QName -> Pattern

startTagOpenDeriv (Choice p1 p2) qn
    = choice (startTagOpenDeriv p1 qn) (startTagOpenDeriv p2 qn)

startTagOpenDeriv (Element nc p) qn
    | contains nc qn
	= after p Empty
    | otherwise
	= notAllowed $
	  "Element with name " ++ nameClassToString nc ++ 
	    " expected, but " ++ universalName qn ++ " found"

startTagOpenDeriv (Interleave p1 p2) qn
    = choice
      (applyAfter (flip interleave p2) (startTagOpenDeriv p1 qn))
      (applyAfter (interleave p1) (startTagOpenDeriv p2 qn))

startTagOpenDeriv (OneOrMore p) qn
    = applyAfter
      (flip group (choice (OneOrMore p) Empty))
      (startTagOpenDeriv p qn)

startTagOpenDeriv (Group p1 p2) qn
    = let
      x = applyAfter (flip group p2) (startTagOpenDeriv p1 qn)
      if nullable p1 
      then choice x (startTagOpenDeriv p2 qn)
      else x

startTagOpenDeriv (After p1 p2) qn
    = applyAfter (flip after p2) (startTagOpenDeriv p1 qn)

startTagOpenDeriv n@(NotAllowed _) _
    = n

startTagOpenDeriv p qn
    = notAllowed ( show p ++ " expected, but Element " ++ universalName qn ++ " found" )

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- auxiliary functions for tracing
attsDeriv' cx p ts
    = T.trace ("attsDeriv: p=" ++ (take 1000 . show) p ++ ", t=" ++ showXts ts) $
      T.trace ("res= " ++ (take 1000 . show) res) res
    res = attsDeriv cx p ts

attDeriv' cx p t
    = T.trace ("attDeriv: p=" ++ (take 1000 . show) p ++ ", t=" ++ showXts [t]) $
      T.trace ("res= " ++ (take 1000 . show) res) res
    res = attDeriv cx p t

-- | To compute the derivative of a pattern with respect to a sequence of attributes, 
-- simply compute the derivative with respect to each attribute in turn.

attsDeriv :: Context -> Pattern -> XmlTrees -> Pattern

attsDeriv _ p []
    = p
attsDeriv cx p (t : ts)
    | XN.isAttr t
	= attsDeriv cx (attDeriv cx p t) ts
    | otherwise
	= notAllowed "Call to attsDeriv with wrong arguments"

attDeriv :: Context -> Pattern -> XmlTree -> Pattern

attDeriv cx (After p1 p2) att
    = after (attDeriv cx p1 att) p2

attDeriv cx (Choice p1 p2) att
    = choice (attDeriv cx p1 att) (attDeriv cx p2 att)

attDeriv cx (Group p1 p2) att
    = choice
      (group (attDeriv cx p1 att) p2)
      (group p1 (attDeriv cx p2 att))

attDeriv cx (Interleave p1 p2) att
    = choice
      (interleave (attDeriv cx p1 att) p2)
      (interleave p1 (attDeriv cx p2 att))

attDeriv cx (OneOrMore p) att
    = group
      (attDeriv cx p att)
      (choice (OneOrMore p) Empty)

attDeriv cx (Attribute nc p) att
    | isa
      not (contains nc qn)
	= notAllowed1 $
	  "Attribute with name " ++ nameClassToString nc
          ++ " expected, but " ++ universalName qn ++ " found"
    | isa
      ( ( nullable p
	  whitespace val
	|| nullable p'
	= Empty
    | isa
	= err' p'
    isa =            XN.isAttr      $ att
    qn  = fromJust . XN.getAttrName $ att
    av  =            XN.getChildren $ att
    val = showXts av
    p'  = textDeriv cx p val

    err' (NotAllowed (ErrMsg _l es))
	= err'' (": " ++ head es)
    err' _
	= err'' ""
    err'' e
	= notAllowed2 $
	  "Attribute value \"" ++ val ++
	  "\" does not match datatype spec " ++ show p ++ e

attDeriv _ n@(NotAllowed _) _
    = n

attDeriv _ _p att
    = notAllowed $
      "No matching pattern for attribute '" ++  showXts [att] ++ "' found"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | computes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a start tag close

startTagCloseDeriv :: Pattern -> Pattern

startTagCloseDeriv (After p1 p2)
    = after (startTagCloseDeriv p1) p2

startTagCloseDeriv (Choice p1 p2)
    = choice
      (startTagCloseDeriv p1)
      (startTagCloseDeriv p2)

startTagCloseDeriv (Group p1 p2)
    = group
      (startTagCloseDeriv p1)
      (startTagCloseDeriv p2)

startTagCloseDeriv (Interleave p1 p2)
    = interleave
      (startTagCloseDeriv p1)
      (startTagCloseDeriv p2)

startTagCloseDeriv (OneOrMore p)
    = oneOrMore (startTagCloseDeriv p)

startTagCloseDeriv (Attribute nc _)
    = notAllowed1 $
      "Attribut with name, " ++ show nc ++ 
      " expected, but no more attributes found"

startTagCloseDeriv p
    = p

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Computing the derivative of a pattern with respect to a list of children involves 
-- computing the derivative with respect to each pattern in turn, except
-- that whitespace requires special treatment.

childrenDeriv :: Context -> Pattern -> XmlTrees -> Pattern
childrenDeriv _cx p@(NotAllowed _) _
    = p

childrenDeriv cx p []
    = childrenDeriv cx p [XN.mkText ""]

childrenDeriv cx p [tt]
    | ist
      whitespace s
	= choice p p1
    | ist
	= p1
    ist =            XN.isText    tt
    s   = fromJust . XN.getText $ tt
    p1  = childDeriv cx p tt

childrenDeriv cx p children
    = stripChildrenDeriv cx p children    

stripChildrenDeriv :: Context -> Pattern -> XmlTrees -> Pattern
stripChildrenDeriv _ p []
    = p

stripChildrenDeriv cx p (h:t)
    = stripChildrenDeriv cx
      ( if strip h
	then p
	else (childDeriv cx p h)
      ) t

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | computes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a end tag

endTagDeriv :: Pattern -> Pattern
endTagDeriv (Choice p1 p2)
    = choice (endTagDeriv p1) (endTagDeriv p2)

endTagDeriv (After p1 p2)
    | nullable p1 
	= p2 
    | otherwise
	= notAllowed $
	  show p1 ++ " expected"

endTagDeriv n@(NotAllowed _)
    = n

endTagDeriv _
    = notAllowed "Call to endTagDeriv with wrong arguments"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | applies a function (first parameter) to the second part of a after pattern

applyAfter :: (Pattern -> Pattern) -> Pattern -> Pattern

applyAfter f (After p1 p2)	= after p1 (f p2)
applyAfter f (Choice p1 p2)	= choice (applyAfter f p1) (applyAfter f p2)
applyAfter _ n@(NotAllowed _)	= n
applyAfter _ _			= notAllowed "Call to applyAfter with wrong arguments"

-- --------------------

-- mothers little helpers

strip		:: XmlTree -> Bool
strip		= maybe False whitespace . XN.getText

whitespace 	:: String -> Bool
whitespace	= all isXmlSpaceChar

showXts		:: XmlTrees -> String
showXts		= concat . runLA (xshow $ arrL id)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------