D      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABC D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)"*"+","-"."/"0"1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8$9$:$;$<$=$>$?$@$A$B$C$D$E$F$G$H$I$J$K$L$M$N$O$P$Q$R$S$T$U$V$W$X$Y$Z%[%\%]%^%_%`%a&b'c'd'e'f'g'h'i'j'k'l'm'n(o(p(q(r(s(t(u(v(w(x(y(z){)|)})~))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))))))))))* *!*"*#*$+%+&+'+(+)+*,+-,---.-/-0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-:-;-<-=->-?-@-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W.X.Y.Z.[.\.].^._.`.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t/u/v0w0x0y0z0{0|0}0~0000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112222222222222222222223334444444444444444455667777778889999999999999999 9 9 9 9 99999999::::::::::: :!:":#:$:%:&:':(:):*:+:,:-:.:/:0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:::;:<:=;>;?;@;A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T<U<V<W<X=Y=Z=[=\>]>^>_>`>a>b>c>d?e?f?g@h@i@j@k@lAmAnAoApAqArAsAtAuAvAwAxAyAzA{A|A}A~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A!A"A#A$A%A&A'A(A)A*A+A,A-A.A/A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9A:A;A<A=A>A?A@AAABACADAEAFAGAHAIAJAKALAMANAOAPAQARASATAUAVAWAXAYAZA[A\A]A^A_A`AaAbAcAdAeAfBgBhBiBjBkBlBmBnBoBpBqBrBsBtBuBvBwBxByBzB{B|B}B~BBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEFFGHIJKKKKKKLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N N N N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N!N"N#N$N%N&N'N(N)N*N+N,N-N.N/N0N1N2N3N4N5N6N7N8N9N:N;O<O=O>O?P@PAPBPCPDPEQFQGRHRISJSKSLSMSNSOSPSQSRSSSTSUSVSWSXSYSZS[S\S]S^S_S`SaSbScSdSeSfSgShSiSjSkSlSmSnSoSpSqSrSsStSuSvSwSxSySzS{S|S}S~SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTUVVVVVWXXXXXYYYZZZZZZZ[[\\\\\\\]]]]]]^^^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_________``` ` ` ` ` ```````aaaaaaabbbbb b!b"b#b$b%b&c'c(c)c*c+c,c-c.c/c0c1c2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9c:c;c<c=c>c?c@cAcBcCcDcEcFcGcHcIcJcKcLcMcNcOcPcQcRcScTcUcVdWdXdYdZd[d\d]d^d_d`dadbdcdddedfdgdhdidjdkdldmdndodpdqdrdsdtdudvdwdxdydzd{d|d}d~ddeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffggghhiiiinportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)-enumerate all chars specified by a predicate ?this function is expensive, it should only be used for testing   portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)$ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=$ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)>>?=list of predefined XML entity names and their unicode values ??@Btable with all XHTML entity refs and corresponding unicode values @@portablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)ABAB portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)C#Data type for regular expressions. M2Constructs a regular expression for an empty set. % 1.parameter errMsg : error message / returns : regular expression for an empty set N7Constructs a regular expression for an empty sequence. 4 returns : regular expression for an empty sequence O7Constructs a regular expression for accepting a symbol . 1.parameter sym : the symbol to be accepted 5 returns : regular expression for accepting a symbol P@Constructs a regular expression for accepting any singel symbol > returns : regular expression for accepting any singel symbol Q>Constructs an optional repetition (*) of a regular expression 6 1.parameter re_a : regular expression to be repeted " returns : new regular expression remove redundant nested *'s in RE % theoretically this is unneccessary, G but without this simplification the runtime can increase exponentally L when computing deltas, e.g. for a** or (a|b*)* which is the same as (a|b)* R4Constructs a repetition (+) of a regular expression 6 1.parameter re_a : regular expression to be repeted " returns : new regular expression S1Constructs an option (?) of a regular expression 7 1.parameter re_a : regular expression to be optional " returns : new regular expression T5Constructs a sequence (,) of two regular expressions : 1.parameter re_a : first regular expression in sequence ; 2.parameter re_b : second regular expression in sequence " returns : new regular expression U9Constructs an alternative (|) of two regular expressions = 1.parameter re_a : first regular expression of alternative > 2.parameter re_b : second regular expression of alternative " returns : new regular expression V;Checks if a regular expression matches the empty sequence. nullable e == [] `in` L(e) HThis check indicates if a regular expression fits to a sentence or not. 4 1.parameter re : regular expression to be checked B returns : true if regular expression matches the empty sequence,  otherwise false 9Derives a regular expression with respect to one symbol. L(delta e x) = x  L(e) 4 1.parameter re : regular expression to be derived J 2.parameter sym : the symbol on which the regular expression is applied * returns : the derived regular expression W9Derives a regular expression with respect to a sentence. & 1.parameter re : regular expression F 2.parameter s : sentence to which the regular expression is applied * returns : the derived regular expression XHChecks if an input matched a regular expression. The function should be  called after matches. Was the sentence used in matches, in the language of the regular expression?  -> matches e s == s `in` L(e)? 2 1.parameter re : the derived regular expression K returns : empty String if input matched the regular expression, otherwise , an error message is returned Y<Constructs a string representation of a regular expression. ( 1.parameter re : a regular expression ? returns : the string representation of the regular expression CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYCDEFGHIJKLNMOQRSTUPXWVY portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)b&the predefined namespace uri for xml: "http:// www.w3.org/XML/1998/ namespace" c(the predefined namespace uri for xmlns: "http:// www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" dRelax NG namespace Z[ \    ] !"#$%&'()*+,^-./0123_`4a56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIbcdJeKLMNOPQ Z[\]^_`abcde fOremove leading and trailing whitespace with standard Haskell predicate isSpace gBconvert string to upercase with standard Haskell toUpper function hRemoves leading /( trailing whitespaces and leading zeros i3Reduce whitespace sequences to a single whitespace j'replace all whitespace chars by blanks k)Escape all disallowed characters in URI  references (see  )http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/#link-locators) lescape XML chars &lt;, &gt;, &Equot;, and ampercent by transforming them into character references  see also : n  mescape XML chars &`lt; and ampercent by transforming them into character references, used for escaping text nodes  see also : n  nYescape XML chars in attribute values, same as stringEscapeXml, but none blank whitespace  is also escaped  see also : l  p3convert a string of hexadecimal digits into an Int q'convert a string of digits into an Int rDconvert a string into a hexadecimal string applying charToHexString  see also : s  s8convert a char (byte) into a 2-digit hexadecimal string  see also : r , t  t6convert a none negative Int into a hexadecimal string  see also : s  u]take all elements of a list which occur more than once. The result does not contain doubles.  (doubles . doubles == doubles) v:drop all elements from a list which occur more than once. wremove duplicates from list {)mothers little helpers for to much curry fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|fghijkmlnorstpquvwxyz{| }} ~Cthe table with the mapping from file name extensions to mime types ~~portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)RSTUVWportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)The interface for trees Xtree construction: a new tree is constructed by a node attribute and a list of children leaf construction: leafs don't have any children  definition:  mkLeaf n = mkTree n []  #leaf test: list of children empty? innner node test:  not . isLeaf  select node attribute select children edit node attribute edit children substitute node: " setNode n = changeNode (const n)  substitute children: , setChildren cl = changeChildren (const cl)  fold for trees all nodes of a tree depth of a tree number of nodes in a tree &format tree for readable trace output a  graphical+ representation of the tree in text format portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)'shortcut for a sequence of n-ary trees  n-ary ordered tree (rose trees) Aa tree consists of a node and a possible empty list of children. > If the list of children is empty, the node is a leaf, else it's  an inner node. (NTree implements Eq, Ord, Show and Read <convert a tree into a pseudo graphical string reprsentation  'navigable tree with nodes of type node Ia navigable tree consists of a n-ary tree for the current fragment tree, = a navigable tree for all ancestors, and two n-ary trees for & the previous- and following siblings *converts a n-ary tree in a navigable tree *converts a navigable tree in a n-ary tree >function for selecting the value of the current fragment tree Kleisli composition: #portablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)calls Data.Char.UTF8.decode for parsing and decoding UTF-8 portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)/PDecoding function where decoding errors are interleaved with decoded characters cDecoding function with a pair containing the result string and a list of decoding errors as result 1UTF-8 strings are implemented as Haskell strings 3UTF-8 charachters are represented by the Char type the type for Unicode strings (Unicode is represented as the Char type C Precondition for this is the support of Unicode character range + in the compiler (e.g. ghc but not hugs) X!test for a legal 1 byte XML char !test for a legal latin1 XML char Cconversion from Unicode strings (UString) to UTF8 encoded strings. 9conversion from Unicode (Char) to a UTF8 encoded string. "checking for valid XML characters "checking for XML space character: \n, \r, \t and " " Fchecking for XML1.1 space character: additional space 0x85 and 0x2028  see also :   checking for XML name character &checking for XML name start character  see also :  &checking for XML NCName character: no ":" allowed  see also :  ,checking for XML NCName start character: no ":" allowed  see also : ,  %checking for XML public id character checking for XML letter checking for XML base charater &checking for XML ideographic charater $checking for XML combining charater checking for XML digit checking for XML extender 9checking for XML control or permanently discouraged char see Errata to XML1.0 (http:// www.w3.org/XML/xml-V10-2e-errata) No 46 )Document authors are encouraged to avoid compatibility characters, & as defined in section 6.8 of [Unicode]* (see also D21 in section 3.6 of [Unicode3]). F The characters defined in the following ranges are also discouraged. Q They are either control characters or permanently undefined Unicode characters: 'code conversion from latin1 to Unicode YEconversion from ASCII to unicode with check for legal ASCII char set +Structure of decoding function copied from Data.Char.UTF8.decode. 'UCS-2 big endian to Unicode conversion *UCS-2 little endian to Unicode conversion 8UCS-2 to UTF-8 conversion with byte order mark analysis gUTF-8 to Unicode conversion with deletion of leading byte order mark, as described in XML standard F.1 FUTF-16 big endian to UTF-8 conversion with removal of byte order mark IUTF-16 little endian to UTF-8 conversion with removal of byte order mark =substitute all Unicode characters, that are not legal 1-byte 0 UTF-8 XML characters by a character reference. :This function can be used to translate all text nodes and # attribute values into pure ascii.  see also :  =substitute all Unicode characters, that are not legal latin1 0 UTF-8 XML characters by a character reference. :This function can be used to translate all text nodes and # attribute values into ISO latin1.  see also :  Zsubstitute selected characters  The check function returns [jk, whenever a character needs to substitution  The function esc computes a substitute. 6removes all non ascii chars, may be used to transform 9 a document into a pure ascii representation by removing 1 all non ascii chars from tag and attibute names  see also : ,  7removes all non latin1 chars, may be used to transform 9 a document into a pure ascii representation by removing 1 all non ascii chars from tag and attibute names  see also : ,  3convert an Unicode into a XML character reference.  see also :  ?convert an Unicode into a XML hexadecimal character reference.  see also:  #White Space (XML Standard 2.3) and  end of line handling (2.11) #x0D and #x0D#x0A are mapped to #x0A \Ethe table of supported character encoding schemes and the associated % conversion functions into Unicode:q 8the lookup function for selecting the decoding function ] Similar to \ but it embeds errors & in the string of decoded characters. 8the lookup function for selecting the decoding function ^Bthe table of supported output encoding schemes and the associated # conversion functions from Unicode 8the lookup function for selecting the encoding function ,,!parse a single Unicode character parse a XML name character !parse a XML name start character parse a XML NCName character #parse a XML NCName start character parse a XML letter character White Space (2.3) end of line handling (2.11)  #x0D and #x0D#x0A are mapped to #x0A $ is done in XmlInput before parsing  otherwise #<x0D in internal parsing, e.g. for entities would normalize,  would be transformed portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)  portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)  Jsplit a string by taking the longest prefix matching a regular expression Nothing; is returned in case of a syntactically wrong regex string V or in case there is no matching prefix, else the pair of prefix and rest is returned  examples: ' splitRE "a*b" "abc" = Just ("ab","c") ' splitRE "a*" "bc" = Just ("", "bc")  splitRE "a+" "bc" = Nothing  splitRE "[" "abc" = Nothing   convenient function for splitRE Bsyntax errors in R.E. are interpreted as no matching prefix found  Bsplit a string into tokens (words) by giving a regular expression  which all tokens must match (This can be used for simple tokenizers. 9 The words in the result list contain at least one char. S All none matching chars are discarded. If the given regex contains syntax errors,  Nothing is returned  examples: ' tokenizeRE "a*b" "" = Just [] + tokenizeRE "a*b" "abc" = Just ["ab"] 6 tokenizeRE "a*b" "abaab ab" = Just ["ab","aab","ab"]  C tokenizeRE "[a-z]{2,}|[0-9]{2,}|[0-9]+[.][0-9]+" "ab123 456.7abc" B = Just ["ab","123","456.7","abc"]  A tokenizeRE "[a-z]*|[0-9]{2,}|[0-9]+[.][0-9]+" "cab123 456.7abc" C = Just ["cab","123","456.7","abc"]  - tokenizeRE "[^ \t\n\r]*" "abc def\t\n\rxyz" ; = Just ["abc","def","xyz"]  % tokenizeRE "[^ \t\n\r]*" = words  ,convenient function for tokenizeRE a string .syntax errors in R.E. result in an empty list Jsplit a string into tokens and delimierter by giving a regular expression  wich all tokens must match &This is a generalisation of the above   functions. 2 The none matching char sequences are marked with Left$, the matching ones are marked with Right 1If the regular expression contains syntax errors Nothing is returned The following Law holds: ? concat . map (either id id) . fromJust . tokenizeRE' re == id "convenient function for tokenizeRE' ,When the regular expression contains errors  [Left input]* is returned, that means tokens are found sed like editing function IAll matching tokens are edited by the 1. argument, the editing function, $ all other chars remain as they are  examples: 4 sedRE (const "b") "a" "xaxax" = Just "xbxbx" 3 sedRE (\ x -> x ++ x) "a" "xax" = Just "xaax" / sedRE undefined "[" undefined = Nothing convenient function for sedRE GWhen the regular expression contains errors, sed is the identity, else  the funtionality is like   sed undefined "[" == id )match a string with a regular expression 6First argument is the regex, second the input string, " if the regex is not well formed, Nothing is returned,  else Just the match result  Examples:  matchRE "x*" "xxx" = Just True ! matchRE "x" "xxx" = Just False  matchRE "[" "xxx" = Nothing  convenient function for matchRE 8syntax errors in R.E. are interpreted as no match found           non-portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)_#the internal cache for the strings `(insert a bytestring into the atom cache creation of an Atom from a String a/The internal operation running in the IO monad  Insert a String6 into the atom cache and convert the atom back into a String.  locically  share == id< holds, but internally equal strings share the same memory. lookup with default value 7lookup with empty list (empty string) as default value test for existence of a key ladd an entry, remove an existing entry before adding the new one at the top of the list, addEntry is strict !add a whole list of entries with  $delete an entry, delEntry is strict delete a list of entries with  portablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)"MType for the namespace association list, used when propagating namespaces by  modifying the   values in a tree  3Namespace support for element and attribute names. 9A qualified name consists of a name prefix, a local name  and a namespace uri. : All modules, which are not namespace aware, use only the ) component. F When dealing with namespaces, the document tree must be processed by propagateNamespaces  to split names of structure "prefix:localPart"6 and label the name with the apropriate namespace uri ![XML names are represented by Strings, but these strings do not mix up with normal strings. Y Names are always reduced to normal form, and they are stored internally in a name cache 4 for sharing equal names by the same data structure %access name prefix &access local part 'access namespace uri +set name prefix ,set local part -set name prefix .builds the full name "prefix:localPart";, if prefix is not null, else the local part is the result / builds the " universal"1 name, that is the namespace uri surrounded with "{" and "}" followed by the local part  (specialisation of 1) 0 builds an " universal"b uri, that is the namespace uri followed by the local part. This is usefull for RDF applications, b where the subject, predicate and object often are concatenated from namespace uri and local part  (specialisation of 1) 1{builds a string from the namespace uri and the local part. If the namespace uri is empty, the local part is returned, else d namespace uri and local part are combined with the combining function given by the first parameter 3Qconstructs a simple name, with prefix and localPart but without a namespace uri.  see also 5, 4 4-constructs a simple, namespace unaware name.  If the name is in prefix:localpart" form and the prefix is not empty # the name is split internally into  a prefix and a local part. 5*constructs a complete qualified name with (, ) and *. K This function can be used to build not wellformed prefix:localpart names. + The XPath module uses wildcard names like xxx:*. These must be build with 5  and not with mkName. 6 old name for 4 7Uconstructs a simple, namespace aware name, with prefix:localPart as first parameter,  namspace uri as second.  see also 4, 3 8UEquivalent QNames are defined as follows: The URIs are normalized before comparison.  Comparison is done with : and 9 9.Comparison of normalized namespace URIs using ; :*Sometimes a weaker equality relation than  equalQName8 is appropriate, e.g no case significance in names, ... Y a name normalization function can be applied to the strings before comparing. Called by  equalQName and  8 ;^Normalization of URIs: Normalization is done by conversion into lowercase letters. A trailing "/" is ignored <DCompute the name prefix and the namespace uri for a qualified name. MThis function does not test whether the name is a wellformed qualified name.  see Namespaces in XML Rule [6] to [8]2. Error checking is done with separate functions,  see D and C for error checking. B#test for wellformed NCName, rule [4] XML Namespaces C"test for wellformed QName, rule [6] XML Namespaces  predicate is used in filter valdateNamespaces. D"test for wellformed QName values. g A QName is wellformed, if the local part is a NCName, the namePrefix, if not empty, is also a NCName.  predicate is used in filter valdateNamespaces. E@test whether an attribute name is a namesapce declaration name. 2 If this is not the case True is the result, else 0 the name must be a well formed namespace name: & All namespace prefixes starting with "xml"+ are reserved for XML related definitions.  predicate is used in filter valdateNamespaces. F,test for a namespace name to be well formed G>test whether a name is a namespace declaration attribute name Hpredicate is used in filter valdateNamespaces. b#the internal cache for the strings c(insert a bytestring into the atom cache dcreation of an Atom from a String e/The internal operation running in the IO monad + !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHI+ !5476389:()*"$#2%&'-,+./01;<BCDEFGH@A=>?IportablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) K>data type for representing a set of nodes as a tree structure Ethis structure is e.g. used to repesent the result of an XPath query D such that the selected nodes can be processed or selected later in  processing a document tree Mis this node part of the set ? Nthe set of attribute nodes O?the set of child nodes, a list of pairs of index and node set PAttribute list 8used for storing option lists and features of DTD parts QRepresents a DTD element \Represents elements g)List of nodes of xml tree representation h Node of xml tree representation ino error, everything is ok j%Error level for XError, type warning k#Error level for XError, type error l)Error level for XError, type fatal error V !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklGJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ &commonly useful options for XML input 6can be used for option definition with haskell getopt defines options: , , , , , ,  , , , ,  , ,  , , , , , &available Relax NG validation options defines options  K, M, O, e ,  L, N 'commonly useful options for XML output defines options: , , ,  commonly useful options defines options: ,  defines  option debug output options <select options from a predefined list of option desciptions check whether an option is set Jreads the value of an attribute, usually applied to a document root node, P and checks if the value represents True. The following strings are interpreted  as true: "1", "True", "true", "yes", "Yes". 'check whether a string represents True  definition: < isTrueValue = (`elem` ["1", "True", "true", "Yes", "yes"])  lportablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)Z[ \    ] !"#$%&'()*+,^-./0123_`4a56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIbcdJeKLMNOPQfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|RSTUVW !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklportablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)UUportablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)-convert the result of a filter into a string  see also : xmlTreesToText for filter version, #Text.XML.HXT.Parser.XmlParsec.xread for the inverse operation  portablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)!portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)5      !"#$%&'(5      !"#%&'($"portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de))*+,-./0)*+,-./0#portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)7=parse a tokenized DTD declaration represented by a DTD tree. b The content is represented by the children containing text and parameter entity reference nodes. c The parameter entity reference nodes contain their value in the children list, consisting of text f and possibly again parameter entity reference nodes. This structure is build by the parameter entity  substitution. n Output is again a DTD declaration node, but this time completely parsed and ready for further DTD processing f7collect the tokens of a DTD declaration body and build J a string ready for parsing. The structure of the parameter entity values N is stll stored in this string for checking the scope of the parameter values 12345677651234$portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) Lthe inverse function to , (for XML content). <the string parameter is parsed with the XML content parser. S result is the list of trees or in case of an error a single element list with the D error message as node. No entity or character subtitution is done.  see also: M$ Mthe filter version of L$ Na more general version of M$. ; The parser to be used and the context are extra parameter Q<general parser for parsing arbitray parts of a XML document RParser for parts of a DTD SParser for general entites TParser for attribute values UParser for NMTOKENs VParser for XML names W"try to parse a xml encoding spec. : 1.parameter encParse : the parser for the encoding decl % 2.parameter root : a document root 1 returns : the same tree, but with an additional  attribute encoding in the root node & in case of a valid encoding spec  else the unchanged tree "89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY"89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLTMYORWXSQNUVP%portablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)Z[\]^_`Z[\]_`^&portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)g4Turns all element and attribute names to lower case E even !DOCTYPE stuff. But this is discarded when parsing the tagsoup aa'portablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)b7Tests whether a URI matches the Relax NG anyURI symbol c'Tests whether two URIs are equal after d' is performed d=Converts all letters to the corresponding lower-case letter  and removes a trailing "/" e*Tests whether a string matches a number [-](0-9)* h0Formats a list of strings into a single string. =The first parameter formats the elements, the 2. is inserted between two elements.  example: I formatStringList show ", " ["foo", "bar", "baz"] -> "foo", "bar", "baz" bcdefghijklm bcdefgmhkjil(/nopqrstuvwxy nopqrstuvwxy)portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)|XPath environment -All variables are stored in the environment, ) each variable name is bound to a value. }AA functions that takes a XPath result and returns a XPath result ~9Type synonym for a list of navigable tree representation /List of nodes of navigable tree representation &Node of navigable tree representation Represents XPath results  Context node Context length Context position Evaluation context Function arguments Function name  a string Variable name Represents nodetype-tests Represents XPath node-tests Represents XPath axis Represents location step NA location step consists of an axis, a node-test and zero or more predicates. :A location path is either a relative or an absolute path. Represents location path FA location path consists of a sequence of one or more location steps. CRepresents a floating-point number according the IEEE 754 standard :The standard includes a special Not-a-Number (NaN) value, = positive and negative infinity, positive and negative zero. Represents XPath operators Represents expression nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ϥz{|}~     *Unary minus: the value )- is not calculatable and returned unchanged, ! all other values can be denied.  Multiplication !Modulo "GDivision: the divison-operator is not according the IEEE 754 standard, A it calculates the same as the % operator in Java and ECMAScript #Plus and minus *1.parameter op : plus or minus operation h9Identically results of the operators are combined to get < as few as possible combinations of the special IEEE values  !"# !"#+portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)$'Convert an navigable tree in a xmltree %/Format a XPath-value in string representation.  Text output is done by   for node-sets (trees), . all other values are represented as strings. &'Convert a a XPath-value into XmlTrees. '9Format a parsed XPath-expression in tree representation.  Text output is done by   $%&'()'%&()$,**-+.Possible content types of a Relax NG pattern. 2 (see also chapter 7.2 in Relax NG specification) .*Represents a pattern after simplification /Represents a name class 0NA Datatype identifies a datatype by a datatype library name and a local name. 15A Context represents the context of an XML element. J It consists of a base URI and a mapping from prefixes to namespace URIs. 3UList of parameters; each parameter is a pair consisting of a local name and a value. 6GThe Constructor exports the list of supported datatypes for a library. I It also exports the specialized datatype library functions to validate 2 a XML instance value with respect to a datatype. 78function to test whether a value matches a data-pattern 89function to test whether a value matches a value-pattern 9,list of all supported params for a datatype :9List of all supported datatypes and there allowed params ;,List of all supported params for a datatype >.Each datatype library is identified by a URI. ?)List of all supported datatype libraries @=Type of all datatype libraries functions that tests whether . a XML instance value matches a data-pattern.  Returns Just " errorMessage"# in case of an error else Nothing. A=Type of all datatype libraries functions that tests whether / a XML instance value matches a value-pattern.  Returns Just " errorMessage"# in case of an error else Nothing. J$Start of a context attribute value  (see also: 7Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Simplification.simplificationStep1) FThe value is always followed by the original attribute name and value K#Start of base uri attribute value  (see also: simplificationStep1 in #Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Simplification) M!smart constructor for NotAllowed Qmerge error messages <If error levels are different, the more important is taken, 9 if level is 2 (max level) both error messages are taken # else the 1. error mesage is taken Rsmart constructor for Choice Ssmart constructor for Group T smart constructor for OneOrMore U!smart constructor for Interleave Vsmart constructor for After I+ijkl,-m.nopqrstuvwxyz{/|}~0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV,+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV.WFunction table type [9run a check and deliver Just an error message or Nothing \always failure ]every thing is fine ^+perform a simple check with a predicate p, 6 when the predicate holds, assert acts as identity, & else an error message is generated _Fperform a simple check with a Maybe function, Nothing indicates error `7perform a check, but convert the value before checking "Function table for numeric tests, : XML document value is first operand, schema value second h!Function table for string tests, : XML document value is first operand, schema value second iFunction table for list tests, : XML document value is first operand, schema value second j5tests whether a string value matches a numeric param valid example:  > <data type="CHAR"> <param name="maxLength">5</param> </data> invalid example: @ <data type="CHAR"> <param name="minLength">foo</param> </data> 7tests whether a list value matches a length constraint valid example:  @ <data type="IDREFS"> <param name="maxLength">5</param> </data> invalid example: B <data type="IDREFS"> <param name="minLength">foo</param> </data> kTests whether a "string"* datatype value is between the lower and 8upper bound of the datatype and matches all parameters. -All tests are performed on the string value.  1.parameter : datatype 3 2.parameter : lower bound of the datatype range J 3.parameter : upper bound of the datatype range (-1 = no upper bound) $ 4.parameter : list of parameters . 5.parameter : datatype value to be checked  return : Just " Errormessage"# in case of an error, else Nothing mTests whether a "numeric"0 datatype value is between the lower and upper 2bound of the datatype and matches all parameters. AFirst, the string value is parsed into a numeric representation. KIf no error occur, all following tests are performed on the numeric value.  1.parameter : datatype 3 2.parameter : lower bound of the datatype range J 3.parameter : upper bound of the datatype range (-1 = no upper bound) $ 4.parameter : list of parameters . 5.parameter : datatype value to be checked  return : Just " Errormessage"# in case of an error, else Nothing n;Error Message for the equality test of two datatype values  1.parameter : datatype  2.parameter : datatype value  3.parameter : datatype value  example: ` errorMsgEqual "Int" "21" "42" -> "Datatype Int with value = 21 expected, but value = 42 found" fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|bcdefghijklm+ijkl,-m.nopqrstuvwxyz{/|}~0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrsopqrsnabcdefgWlhikmjZYX[]\^_`/ t(Namespace of the MySQL datatype library u4The main entry point to the MySQL datatype library. The A constructor exports the list of supported datatypes and params. Q It also exports the specialized functions to validate a XML instance value with  respect to a datatype. 'All supported datatypes of the library #List of supported string datatypes $List of supported numeric datatypes 1List of allowed params for the numeric datatypes 0List of allowed params for the string datatypes ;Tests whether a XML instance value matches a data-pattern. <Tests whether a XML instance value matches a value-pattern. tutu0portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) v1Namespace of the W3C XML schema datatype library =The main entry point to the W3C XML schema datatype library. The A constructor exports the list of supported datatypes and params. Q It also exports the specialized functions to validate a XML instance value with  respect to a datatype. 'All supported datatypes of the library 0List of allowed params for the string datatypes 1List of allowed params for the decimal datatypes =List of allowed params for the decimal and integer datatypes .List of allowed params for the list datatypes ;Tests whether a XML instance value matches a data-pattern.  (see also: k.) <Tests whether a XML instance value matches a value-pattern. vwxyz{|}~ vwxyz{|}~1portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)/The datatype for modelling the structure of an -test: is schema a simple XML Schema datatype +test: is type a fixed value attribute type 1access an attribute of a descr of an atomic type 6-2portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)"convert a DTD descr into XmlTrees *convert a pickler schema into a DTD descr 37List of all supported datatype libraries which can be + used within the Relax NG validator modul. <Tests whether a XML instance value matches a value-pattern. #The following tests are performed: F 1. : does the uri exist in the list of supported datatype libraries - 2. : does the library support the datatype ; 3. : does the XML instance value match the value-pattern )The hard work is done by the specialized A- function  (see also: 6-) of the datatype library. ;Tests whether a XML instance value matches a data-pattern. #The following tests are performed: F 1. : does the uri exist in the list of supported datatype libraries - 2. : does the library support the datatype : 3. : does the XML instance value match the data-pattern 4 4. : does the XML instance value match all params )The hard work is done by the specialized @- function  (see also: 6-) of the datatype library. Cif there is no datatype uri, the built in datatype library is used QThe build in Relax NG datatype lib supportes only the token and string datatype,  without any params. @If the token datatype is used, the values have to be normalized 1 (trailing and leading whitespaces are removed). 3 token does not perform any changes to the values. 46Returns a list of children pattern for each pattern,  e.g. (Choice p1 p2) = [p1, p2] :Returns the nameclass of a element- or attribute pattern.  Otherwise | is returned. 4Returns a string representation of the pattern name 5portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de))parsing a number, parseNumber is used in XPathFct  by the number function  returns : the parsed number as ) float  or ) ) in case of error the main entry point:  parsing a XPath expression 6JConvert a a XPath-value into a XmlNodeSet represented by a tree structure =The XmlNodeSet can be used to traverse a tree an process all  marked nodes. 7=multy parameter classes and functional depenedencies required experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)>The interface for accessing and changing the state component. BMulti parameter classes and functional dependencies are required. 9change the state of a state arrow by applying a function = for computing a new state from the old and the arrow input.  Result is the arrow input 7access the state with a function using the arrow input ) as data for selecting state components. ,read the complete state, ignore arrow input  definition:  getState = accessState (\ s x -> s)  overwrite the old state  definition:  setState = changeState (\ s x -> x)  5change state (and ignore input) and return new state convenience function, 1 usefull for generating e.g. unique identifiers: #example with SLA state list arrows  newId :: SLA Int b String  newId = nextState (+1)  >>>  arr (('#':) . show)  0 runSLA 0 (newId <+> newId <+> newId) undefined  = ["#1", "#2", "#3"] 8 non-portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)-complete evaluation of an arrow result using mn Nthis is sometimes useful for preventing space leaks, especially after reading M and validation of a document, all DTD stuff is not longer in use and can be  recycled by the GC. 9portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)The interface for list arrows Only mkA, 9, 9 '(>>.)' don't have default implementations :construction of a 2 argument arrow from a binary function  |  | example:  a1 &&& a2 >>> arr2 f  9construction of a 3 argument arrow from a 3-ary function  |  | example:  a1 &&& a2 &&& a3 >>> arr3 f  9construction of a 4 argument arrow from a 4-ary function  |  | example:  a1 &&& a2 &&& a3 &&& a4 >>> arr4 f  ?construction of a 2 argument arrow from a singe argument arrow Cconstructor for a list arrow from a function with a list as result .constructor for a list arrow with 2 arguments constructor for a const arrow:  constA = arr . const  constructor for a const arrow:  constL = arrL . const  "builds an arrow from a predicate. _ If the predicate holds, the single list containing the input is returned, else the empty list Gcombinator for converting the result of a list arrow into another list  example:  foo >>. reverse  reverses the the result of foo  example:  foo >>. take 1 K constructs a deterministic version of foo by deleting all further results Ncombinator for converting the result of an arrow into a single element result scombinator for converting an arrow into a determinstic version with all results collected in a single element list   listA af = af >>. (:[])_this is useful when the list of results computed by an arrow must be manipulated (e.g. sorted) ,example for sorting the results of a filter * collectAndSort :: a b c -> a b c  6 collectAndSort collect = listA collect >>> arrL sort the inverse of 9   listA af >>> unlistA = afunlistA is defined as  arrL id  &the identity arrow, alias for returnA $the zero arrow, alias for zeroArrow  Econverts an arrow, that may fail, into an arrow that always succeeds  example:  withDefault none "abc"  is equivalent to  constA "abc"   Emakes a list arrow deterministic, the number of results is at most 1  definition   single f = f >>. take 1 examples with strings: ! runLA ( single none ) "x" == [] $ runLA ( single this ) "x" == ["x"]  runLA ( single  (constA "y" $ <+> this ) ) "x" == ["y"]  Bcompute an arrow from the input and apply the arrow to this input  definition:  (f &&& this) >>> app  Gin a point free style, there is no way to use an argument in 2 places, [ this is a combinator for simulating this. first the argument is used to compute an arrow, - then this new arrow is applied to the input applyA coresponds to:  apply f x = let g = f x in g x   see also:  9,  9, 9, 9, 9  Hcompute the parameter for an arrow with extra parameters from the input ; and apply the arrow for all parameter values to the input  a kind of " function call"' for arrows, useful for joining arrows   infixl 2 ($<)  definition:   g $< f = applyA (f >>> arr g) if f$ fails, the whole arrow fails, e.g.  g $< none == none  if f computes n values and g5 is deterministic, the whole arrow computes n values .examples with simple list arrows with strings  - prefixString :: String -> a String String  prefixString s = arr (s++)  4 runLA ( prefixString $< none ) "x" == [] 8 runLA ( prefixString $< constA "y" ) "x" == ["yx"] 8 runLA ( prefixString $< this ) "x" == ["xx"] $ runLA ( prefixString $< constA "y" = <+> constA "z" ) "x" == ["yx","zx"] $ runLA ( prefixString $< constA "y" " <+> this B <+> constA "z" ) "x" == ["yx","xx","zx"]  see also:  9,  9, 9, 9, 9  binary version of  9 -example with simple list arrows with strings 7 infixString :: String -> String -> a String String  infixString s1 s2 - = arr (\ s -> s1 ++ s ++ s2)  C runLA ( infixString $<< constA "y" &&& constA "z" ) "x" = ["yxz"] C runLA ( infixString $<< this &&& this ) "x" = ["xxx"] $ runLA ( infixString $<< constA "y" J &&& (constA "z" <+> this) ) "x" = ["yxz", "yxx"]  version of  9$ for arrows with 3 extra parameters typical usage  f $<<< g1 &&& g2 &&& g3  version of  9$ for arrows with 4 extra parameters typical usage ! f $<<<< g1 &&& g2 &&& g3 &&& g4 #compute the parameter for an arrow f% with an extra parameter by an arrow g  and apply all the results from g sequentially to the input   infixl 2 ($<$) typical usage:   g :: a b c  g = ...   f :: c -> a b b  f x = ... x ...   f $<$ g f# computes the extra parameters for g from the input of type b and g is applied with this J parameter to the input. This allows programming in a point wise style in g, which becomes 4 neccessary, when a value is needed more than once. Uthis combinator is useful, when transforming a single value (document) step by step,  with g, for collecting the data for all steps, and f) for transforming the input step by step if g1 is deterministic (computes exactly one result),   g $< $ f == g $< f  holds if g fails,  f $< $ g == this  if g computes more than one result, f< is applied sequentially to the input for every result from g .examples with simple list arrows with strings  - prefixString :: String -> a String String  prefixString s = arr (s++)  C runLA ( prefixString $<$ none ) "x" == ["x"] D runLA ( prefixString $<$ constA "y" ) "x" == ["yx"] E runLA ( prefixString $<$ constA "y" <+> constA "z" ) "x" == ["zyx"] . runLA ( prefixString $<$ constA "y" <+> this F <+> constA "z" ) "x" == ["zxyx"] !example with two extra parameter   g1 :: a b c1  g2 :: a b c2  ! f :: (c1, c2) -> a b b " f (x1, x2) = ... x1 ... x2 ...   f $<$ g1 &&& g2  see also:  9,  9 -merge the result pairs of an arrow with type  a a1 (b1, b2) , by combining the tuple components with the op arrow Aexamples with simple list arrows working on strings and XmlTrees  ' a1 :: a String (XmlTree, XmlTree) ( a1 = selem "foo" [this >>> mkText]  &&& ) selem "bar" [arr (++"0") >>> mkText]  [ runLA (a1 >>> mergeA (<+>) >>> xshow this) "42" == ["<foo>42</foo>","<bar>420</bar>"] X runLA (a1 >>> mergeA (+=) >>> xshow this) "42" == ["<foo>42<bar>420</bar></foo>"]  see also:  9,  9 and += in class Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ArrowXml Puseful only for arrows with side effects: perform applies an arrow to the input * ignores the result and returns the input  example: ( ... >>> perform someTraceArrow >>> ...  #generalization of arrow combinator op  definition:  catA = foldl ( +) none  #generalization of arrow combinator oq  definition:  seqA = foldl (>>>) this            :portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)an auxiliary data type for %: *The interface for arrows as conditionals. [Requires list arrows because False is represented as empty list, True as none empty lists. Only : and $: don't have default implementations if lifted to arrows  shortcut:  ifP p = ifA (isA p)   negation:  neg f = ifA f none this   f `when` g K : when the predicate g holds, f is applied, else the identity filter this  shortcut:  f `whenP` p = f `when` (isA p)   f `whenNot` g S : when the predicate g does not hold, f is applied, else the identity filter this like :  g `guards` f 7 : when the predicate g holds, f is applied, else none  like : ! shortcut for  f : this  " f ` containing` g 4 : keep only those results from f for which g holds  definition:  f ` containing` g = f >>> g `guards` this  # f ` notContaining` g < : keep only those results from f for which g does not hold  definition:  f ` notContaining` g = f >>> ifA g none this  $ f `orElse` g W : directional choice: if f succeeds, the result of f is the result, else g is applied %generalisation of $:2 for multi way branches like in case expressions. An auxiliary data type : with an infix constructor ':->'( is used for writing multi way branches  example: 2 choiceA [ p1 :-> e1, p2 :-> e2, this :-> default ]  &atag a value with Left or Right, if arrow has success, input is tagged with Left, else with Right '>split a list value with an arrow and returns a pair of lists.  This is the arrow version of or. The arrow is deterministic.  example:  runLA (spanA (isA (/= '-'))) "abc-def"  gives  [("abc","-def")]  as result (0partition a list of values into a pair of lists This is the arrow Version of or  !"#$%&'(( !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<;portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)=The interface for tree arrows +all functions have default implementations >construct a leaf ?construct an inner node @*select the children of the root of a tree A+select the attribute of the root of a tree B.substitute the children of the root of a tree C/substitute the attribute of the root of a tree D(edit the children of the root of a tree E)edit the attribute of the root of a tree FBapply an arrow element wise to all children of the root of a tree D collect these results and substitute the children with this result  example:  processChildren isText 6 deletes all subtrees, for which isText does not hold  example:  processChildren (none `when` isCmt) - removes all children, for which isCmt holds GLsimilar to processChildren, but the new children are computed by processing  the whole input tree  example:  replaceChildren (deep isText) - selects all subtrees for which isText holds H and substitutes the children component of the root node with this list H pronounced "slash", meaning g inside f  defined as  f /> g = f >>> getChildren >>> g   example:  hasName "html" / > hasName "body" / > hasName "h1"  This expression selects  all "h1" elements in the "body" element of an "html" element, an expression, that - corresponds 1-1 to the XPath selection path "html/body/h1" I pronounced "outside" meaning f containing g  defined as  f </ g = f ` containing` (getChildren >>> g)  JMrecursively searches a whole tree for subtrees, for which a predicate holds. _ The search is performed top down. When a tree is found, this becomes an element of the result i list. The tree found is not further examined for any subtress, for which the predicate also could hold.  See L; for this kind of search.  example:  deep isHtmlTable 4 selects all top level table elements in a document ^ (with an appropriate definition for isHtmlTable) but no tables occuring within a table cell. KLrecursively searches a whole tree for subrees, for which a predicate holds. $ The search is performed bottom up.  example:  deepest isHtmlTable 4 selects all innermost table elements in a document . but no table elements containing tables. See J; and L; for other search strategies. LMrecursively searches a whole tree for subtrees, for which a predicate holds. W The search is performed top down. All nodes of the tree are searched, even within the 2 subtrees of trees for which the predicate holds.  example:  multy isHtmlTable / selects all table elements, even nested ones. MJrecursively transforms a whole tree by applying an arrow to all subtrees, E this is done bottom up depth first, leaves first, root as last tree  example:  processBottomUp (getChildren `when` isHtmlFont) < removes all font tags in a HTML document, even nested ones 0 (with an appropriate definition of isHtmlFont) N similar to M;O, but recursively transforms a whole tree by applying an arrow to all subtrees @ with a top down depth first traversal strategie. In many cases M; and N;  give same results. OJrecursively transforms a whole tree by applying an arrow to all subtrees, G but transformation stops when a predicte does not hold for a subtree,  leaves are transformed first PJrecursively transforms a whole tree by applying an arrow to all subtrees, C but transformation stops when a tree is successfully transformed. % the transformation is done top down  example: " processTopDownUntil (isHtmlTable `guards` tranformTable)  ` transforms all top level table elements into something else, but inner tables remain unchanged Q;computes a list of trees by applying an arrow to the input C and inserts this list in front of index i in the list of children  example: ! insertChildrenAt 0 (deep isCmt) , selects all subtrees for which isCmt holds 5 and copies theses in front of the existing children R similar to Q;:, but the insertion position is searched with a predicate SJan arrow for inserting a whole subtree with some holes in it (a template) H into a document. The holes can be filled with contents from the input. Example  5 insertTreeTemplateTest :: ArrowXml a => a b XmlTree  insertTreeTemplateTest  = doc  >>> ' insertTemplate template pattern  where " doc -- the input data 7 = constA "<x><y>The Title</y><z>The content</z></x>"  >>> xread F template -- the output template with 2 holes: xxx and yyy S = constA "<html><head><title>xxx</title></head><body><h1>yyy</h1></body></html>"  >>> xread  pattern ^ = [ hasText (== "xxx") -- fill the xxx hole with the input contents from element "x/y" : :-> ( getChildren >>> hasName "y" >>> deep isText )  ^ , hasText (== "yyy") -- fill the yyy hole with the input contents from element "x/z" : :-> ( getChildren >>> hasName "z" >>> getChildren )  ] 1computes the XML tree for the following document W "<html><head><title>The Title</title></head><body><h1>The content</h1></body></html>" =>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS<portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)Tpure list arrow data type W@conversion of pure list arrows into other possibly more complex  list arrows TUVWTUVW=portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)X!list arrow combined with a state [4conversion of state list arrows into arbitray other  list arrows. 8allows running a state list arrow within another arrow:  example:  < ... >>> fromSLA 0 (... setState ... getState ... ) >>> ... >runs a state arrow with initial state 0 (e..g. an Int) within  another arrow sequence XYZ[XYZ[>portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)\?the interface for converting an IO predicate into a list arrow ]%builds an arrow from an IO predicate _if the predicate holds, the single list containing the input is returned, else the empty list,  similar to Control.Arrow.ArrowList.isA ^8the interface for converting an IO action into an arrow _%construct an arrow from an IO action `;construct an arrow from an IO action without any parameter a;construction of a 2 argument arrow from a binary IO action  |  | example:  a1 &&& a2 >>> arr2 f  b:construction of a 3 argument arrow from a 3-ary IO action  |  | example:  a1 &&& a2 &&& a3 >>> arr3 f  c:construction of a 4 argument arrow from a 4-ary IO action  |  | example:  a1 &&& a2 &&& a3 &&& a4 >>> arr4 f  \]^_`abc^_`abc\]?portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)d"list arrow combined with IO monad defdef@portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)g2list arrow combined with a state and the IO monad jJlift the state of an IOSLA arrow to a state with an additional component. LThis is uesful, when running predefined IO arrows, e.g. for document input, 3 in a context with a more complex state component. kJrun an arrow with augmented state in the context of a simple state arrow. 9 An initial value for the new state component is needed. PThis is useful, when running an arrow with an extra environment component, e.g.  for namespace handling in XML. ghijkghijkAportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)cl Document Type Definition arrows JThese are separated, because they are not needed for document processing, Ronly when processing the DTD, e.g. for generating access funtions for the toolbox ?from a DTD (se example DTDtoHaskell in the examples directory) Arrows for processing !Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs.XmlTrees XThese arrows can be grouped into predicates, selectors, constructors, and transformers.  All predicates (tests) act like Control.Arrow.ArrowIf.none for failure and Control.Arrow.ArrowIf.this for success. A logical and can be formed by  a1 >>> a2 , a locical or by  a1 <+> a2 . _Selector arrows will fail, when applied to wrong input, e.g. selecting the text of a node with A ,will fail when applied to a none text node. uEdit arrows will remain the input unchanged, when applied to wrong argument, e.g. editing the content of a text node with AD applied to an element node will return the unchanged element node. test for text nodes -test for char reference, used during parsing /test for entity reference, used during parsing test for comment ,test for CDATA section, used during parsing  test for processing instruction  test for processing instruction <?xml ...> test for element 'test for DTD part, used during parsing test for attribute tree test for error message &test for root node (element with name "/") ;test for text nodes with text, for which a predicate holds  example: hasText (all (`elem` " \t\n"))3 check for text nodes with only whitespace content *test for text nodes with only white space implemented with hasTest Ptest whether a node (element, attribute, pi) has a name with a special property Ktest whether a node (element, attribute, pi) has a specific qualified name ) useful only after namespace propagation Jtest whether a node has a specific name (prefix:localPart ore localPart), 3 generally useful, even without namespace handling 7test whether a node has a specific name as local part, ) useful only after namespace propagation 0test whether a node has a specific name prefix, ) useful only after namespace propagation 1test whether a node has a specific namespace URI ) useful only after namespace propagation Htest whether an element node has an attribute node with a specific name Rtest whether an element node has an attribute node with a specific qualified name Dtest whether an element node has an attribute with a specific value Ytest whether an element node has an attribute with a qualified name and a specific value text node construction arrow >char reference construction arrow, useful for document output @entity reference construction arrow, useful for document output 6comment node construction, useful for document output /CDATA construction, useful for document output 0error node construction, useful only internally element construction: Q | the attributes and the content of the element are computed by applying arrows  to the input attribute node construction: E | the attribute value is computed by applying an arrow to the input %processing instruction construction: [ | the content of the processing instruction is computed by applying an arrow to the input Gconvenient arrow for element construction, more comfortable variant of A example for simplifying A :  6 mkElement qn (a1 <+> ... <+> ai) (c1 <+> ... <+> cj) equals $ mkqelem qn [a1,...,ai] [c1,...,cj] mconvenient arrow for element construction with strings instead of qualified names as element names, see also A and A `convenient arrow for element constrution with attributes but without content, simple variant of A and A Vconvenient arrow for simple element constrution without attributes, simple variant of A and A Yconvenient arrow for constrution of empty elements without attributes, simple variant of A and A *construction of an element node with name "/" for document roots  alias for A >convenient arrow for attribute constrution, simple variant of A constant arrow for text nodes (constant arrow for char reference nodes *constant arrow for entity reference nodes constant arrow for comment constant arrow for warning constant arrow for errors  constant arrow for fatal errors 7constant arrow for simple processing instructions, see A \constant arrow for attribute nodes, attribute name is a qualified name and value is a text,  | see also A, A, A Aconstant arrow for attribute nodes, attribute name and value are  | given by parameters, see A select the text of a text node %select the value of a char reference +select the name of a entity reference node %select the comment of a comment node #select the content of a CDATA node ,select the name of a processing instruction /select the content of a processing instruction #select the name of an element node -select the attribute list of an element node "select the DTD type of a DTD node (select the DTD attributes of a DTD node  select the name of an attribute Cselect the error level (c_warn, c_err, c_fatal) from an error node ,select the error message from an error node ;select the qualified name from an element, attribute or pi Jselect the prefix:localPart or localPart from an element, attribute or pi 8select the univeral name ({namespace URI} ++ localPart) 6select the univeral name (namespace URI ++ localPart) select the local part select the name prefix select the namespace URI 5select the value of an attribute of an element node, 4 always succeeds with empty string as default value "" like A,, but fails if the attribute does not exist like AB, but select the value of an attribute given by a qualified name, 4 always succeeds with empty string as default value "" like A(, but fails if attribute does not exist edit the string of a text node *edit the comment string of a comment node )edit an element-, attribute- or pi- name edit an element name edit an attribute name edit a pi name edit an attribute value *edit an attribute list of an element node )replace an element, attribute or pi name replace an element name replace an attribute name replace an element name ,replace an atribute list of an element node ,add a list of attributes list to an element add (or replace) an attribute remove an attribute *remove an attribute with a qualified name 8process the attributes of an element node with an arrow ?process a whole tree inclusive attribute list of element nodes  see also: N; :convenient op for adding attributes or children to a node usage:  tf += cf  the tf; arrow computes an element node, and all trees computed by cf are U added to this node, if a tree is an attribute, it is inserted in the attribute list * else it is appended to the content list. ;attention: do not build long content list this way because A is implemented by ++  examples:   eelem "a"  += sattr "href" "page.html"  += sattr "name" "here"  += txt "look here" is the same as  # mkelem [ sattr "href" "page.html"  , sattr "name" "here"  ]  [ txt "look here" ] !and results in the XML fragment: <a href=" page.html" name="here"> look here</a> advantage of the A7 operator is, that attributes and content can be added  any time step by step.  if tf0 computes a whole list of trees, e.g. a list of "td" or "tr" elements, D the attributes or content is added to all trees. useful for adding "class" or "style" attributes  to table elements. ]apply an arrow to the input and convert the resulting XML trees into a string representation ulmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~lmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeBportablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)escape XmlText, < transform all special XML chars into char- or entity- refs  Applies some  Canonical XML rules to a document tree. MThe rule differ slightly for canonical XML and XPath in handling of comments KNote: This is not the whole canonicalization as it is specified by the W3C R Recommendation. Adding attribute defaults or sorting attributes in lexicographic  order is done by the  transform function of module !Text.XML.HXT.Validator.Validation. F Replacing entities or line feed normalization is done by the parser. Not implemented yet: 4 Whitespace within start and end tags is normalized c Special characters in attribute values and character content are replaced by character references see fB and gB f Applies some  Canonical XML rules to a document tree. MThe rule differ slightly for canonical XML and XPath in handling of comments KNote: This is not the whole canonicalization as it is specified by the W3C R Recommendation. Adding attribute defaults or sorting attributes in lexicographic  order is done by the  transform function of module !Text.XML.HXT.Validator.Validation. F Replacing entities or line feed normalization is done by the parser. aRules: remove DTD parts, processing instructions, comments and substitute char refs in attribute  values and text Not implemented yet: 4 Whitespace within start and end tags is normalized c Special characters in attribute values and character content are replaced by character references gCanonicalize a tree for XPath  Like fB# but comment nodes are not removed see fB h(Canonicalize the contents of a document 8substitutes all char refs in text and attribute values, D removes CDATA section and combines all sequences of resulting text  nodes into a single text node see fB i^Collects sequences of text nodes in the list of children of a node into one single text node. C This is useful, e.g. after char and entity reference substitution j#Applies collapseXText recursively.  see also : iB k[apply an arrow to the input and convert the resulting XML trees into an XML escaped string eThis is a save variant for converting a tree into an XML string representation that is parsable with Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ReadDocument.  It is implemented with A@, but xshow does no XML escaping. The XML escaping is done with  lB before xshow is applied. So the following law holds  xshowEscape f >>> xread == f lKescape all special XML chars into XML entity references or char references convert the special XML chars < and &7 in text nodes into prefefiened XML entity references,  in attribute values also ', ", >, \n, \r and \0t are converted into entity or char references, V in comments nothing is converted (see XML standard 2.4, useful e.g. for JavaScript). mNescape all special HTML chars into XHTML entity references or char references convert the special XML chars < and &Y and all none ASCII chars in text nodes into prefefiened XML or XHTML entity references,  in attribute values also ', ", >, \n, \r and \0t are converted into entity or char references, " in comments nothing is converted o>convert a document into a Haskell representation (with show). 'Useful for debugging and trace output.  see also : qB, pB pPconvert a document into a text and add line numbers to the text representation. 8Result is a root node with a single text node as child. ( Useful for debugging and trace output.  see also : oB, qB q<convert a document into a text representation in tree form. 'Useful for debugging and trace output.  see also : oB, pB sremove Comments: none : isCmt t remove all comments recursively u'simple filter for removing whitespace. 0no check on sigificant whitespace, e.g. in HTML <pre>-elements, is done.  see also : vB, wB v5simple recursive filter for removing all whitespace. Bremoves all text nodes in a tree that consist only of whitespace.  see also : uB, wB w4filter for removing all not significant whitespace. =the tree traversed for removing whitespace between elements, 4 that was inserted for indentation and readability. / whitespace is only removed at places, where it's not significat < preserving whitespace may be controlled in a document tree  by a tag attribute  xml:space &allowed values for this attribute are default | preserve 5input is root node of the document to be cleaned up, 4 output the semantically equivalent simplified tree  see also : xB, vB x:filter for indenting a document tree for pretty printing. Dthe tree is traversed for inserting whitespace for tag indentation. >whitespace is only inserted or changed at places, where it isn't significant,  is'Fs not inserted between tags and text containing non whitespace chars. :whitespace is only inserted or changed at places, where it's not significant. < preserving whitespace may be controlled in a document tree  by a tag attribute  xml:space &allowed values for this attribute are default | preserve. 9input is a complete document tree or a document fragment 7 result is the semantically equivalent formatted tree.  see also : wB y6converts a CDATA section node into a normal text node zFconverts CDATA sections in whole document tree into normal text nodes {-converts character references to normal text |=recursively converts all character references to normal text ~add an < ?xml version="1.0"?> processing instruction  if it's not already there add an encoding spec to the < ?xml version="1.0"?> processing instruction 6add an XHTML strict doctype declaration to a document 6add an XHTML strict doctype declaration to a document <add an XHTML transitional doctype declaration to a document 8add an XHTML frameset doctype declaration to a document (add a doctype declaration to a document IThe arguments are the root element name, the PUBLIC id and the SYSTEM id fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~fghjiklmoqrxpnstuvwyz{|}~Cportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)Etest whether an attribute node contains an XML Namespace declaration 6get the namespace prefix and the namespace URI out of 5 an attribute tree with a namespace declaration (see C) & for all other nodes this arrow fails ;collect all namespace declarations contained in a document apply C to a whole XmlTree 9collect all (namePrefix, namespaceUri) pairs from a tree Gall qualified names are inspected, whether a namespace uri is defined, I for these uris the prefix and uri is returned. This arrow is useful for K namespace cleanup, e.g. for documents generated with XSLT. It can be used  together with C to C Rgenerate unique namespaces and add all namespace declarations to the root element Calls C with C ngenerate unique namespaces and add all namespace declarations for all prefix-uri pairs in all qualified names 9useful for cleanup of namespaces in generated documents.  Calls C with  collectNamespaceDecl  + collectPrefixUriPairs  *does the real work for namespace cleanup. UThe parameter is used for collecting namespace uris and prefixes from the input tree <auxiliary arrow for processing with a namespace environment =process a document tree with an arrow, containing always the 1 valid namespace environment as extra parameter. / The namespace environment is implemented as a Data.AssocList.AssocList. C Processing of attributes can be controlled by a boolean parameter =process a document tree with an arrow, containing always the 1 valid namespace environment as extra parameter. .The namespace environment is implemented as a Data.AssocList.AssocList Rprocess all element nodes of a document tree with an arrow, containing always the T valid namespace environment as extra parameter. Attribute lists are not processed.  See also: C Pattach all valid namespace declarations to the attribute list of element nodes. TThis arrow is useful for document processing, that requires access to all namespace J declarations at any element node, but which cannot be done with a simple C. %propagate all namespace declarations " xmlns:ns=..."3 to all element and attribute nodes of a document. 9This arrow does not check for illegal use of namespaces.  The real work is done by . 3The arrow may be applied repeatedly if neccessary. 9attaches the namespace info given by the namespace table 0 to a tag node and its attributes and children. 4validate the namespace constraints in a whole tree. 4Result is the list of errors concerning namespaces.  Predicates D, C, H  and E9 are applied to the appropriate elements and attributes. (a single node for namespace constrains.  Dportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)8infix operator for applying an arrow to a list of trees  1.parameter f : the arrow % 2.parameter ts : the list of trees  returns : list of results create an error message %Z[ \    ] !"#$%&'()*+,^-./0123_`4a56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIbcdJeKLMNOPQfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|RSTUVW !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkl      !"#$%&'(=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[lmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~!Eportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)IChecks if the attribute value meets the lexical constraints of its type. , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node G 2.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD E returns : a function which takes an element (XTag or XDTD ATTLIST), P checks if the attribute value meets the lexical constraints = of its type and returns a list of errors 5Dispatches the attibute check by the attribute type. ' 1.parameter typ : the attribute type , 2.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node G 3.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked G 4.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD F returns : a functions which takes an element (XTag or XDTD ATTLIST), T checks if the attribute value meets the lexical constraints A of its type and returns a list of errors 8Checks the value of Enumeration attribute types. (3.3.1 / p.27 in Spec) G 1.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD G 2.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked 3Checks the value of ENTITY attribute types. (3.3.1 / p.26 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node, to get the 1 unparsed entity declarations G 2.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD G 3.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked 5Checks the value of ENTITIES attribute types. (3.3.1 / p.26 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node, to get the 1 unparsed entity declarations G 2.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD G 3.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked 4Checks the value of NMTOKEN attribute types. (3.3.1 / p.26 in Spec) G 1.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD G 2.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked 5Checks the value of NMTOKENS attribute types. (3.3.1 / p.26 in Spec) G 1.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD G 2.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked /Checks the value of ID attribute types. (3.3.1 / p.25 in Spec) G 1.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD G 2.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked 2Checks the value of IDREF attribute types. (3.3.1 / p.26 in Spec) G 1.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD G 2.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked 3Checks the value of IDREFS attribute types. (3.3.1 / p.26 in Spec) G 1.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD G 2.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked /Checks if the value of an attribute is a name. - 1.parameter msg : error message, should be Entity or Attribute value G 2.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD G 3.parameter attrValue : the normalized attribute value to be checked ?Normalizes an attribute value with respect to its type. (3.3.3 / p.29 in Spec) Q 1.parameter attrDecl : the declaration of the attribute from the DTD. Expected K is a list. If the list is empty, no declaration exists. ; 2.parameter value : the attribute value to be normalized  returns : the normalized value )Normalization of CDATA attribute values.  is already done when parsing 0 during entity substituion for attribute values 4Normalization of attribute values other than CDATA. 4Reduce whitespace sequences to a single whitespace. Fportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)Validate a DTD. I returns : a functions which takes the DTD subset of the XmlTree, checks C if the DTD is valid and returns a list of errors BValidation of Notations, checks if all notation names are unique. 0 Validity constraint: Unique Notation Name (4.7 / p.44 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node  returns : a list of errors Validation of Entities. =1. Issues a warning if entities are declared multiple times. Optional warning: (4.2 / p.35 in Spec) A2. Validates that a notation is declared for an unparsed entity. .Validity constraint: Notation Declared (4.2.2 / p.36 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node M 2.parameter notationNames : list of all notation names declared in the DTD  returns : a list of errors $Validation of Element declarations. =1. Validates that an element is not declared multiple times. :Validity constraint: Unique Element Type Declaration (3.2 / p.21 in Spec) T2. Validates that an element name only appears once in a mixed-content declaration. -Validity constraint: No Duplicate Types (3.2 / p.21 in Spec) V3. Issues a warning if an element mentioned in a content model is not declared in the  DTD. Optional warning: (3.2 / p.21 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node H 2.parameter elemNames : list of all element names declared in the DTD  returns : a list of errors &Validation of Attribute declarations.  M Issues a warning if an attribute is declared for an element type not itself  decared. Optinal warning: (3.3 / p. 24 in Spec) I2. Issues a warning if more than one definition is provided for the same J attribute of a given element type. Fist declaration is binding, later  definitions are ignored. Optional warning: (3.3 / p.24 in Spec) M3. Issues a warning if the same Nmtoken occures more than once in enumerated . attribute types of a single element type. Optional warning: (3.3.1 / p.27 in Spec) N4. Validates that an element type has not more than one ID attribute defined. 4Validity constraint: One ID per Element Type (3.3.1 / p.26 in Spec) T5. Validates that an element type has not more than one NOTATION attribute defined. :Validity constraint: One Notation per Element Type (3.3.1 / p.27 in Spec) 06. Validates that an ID attributes has the type  IMPLIED or  REQUIRED. 1Validity constraint: ID Attribute Default (3.3.1 / p.26 in Spec) 97. Validates that all referenced notations are declared. 0Validity constraint: Notation Attributes (3.3.1 / p.27 in Spec) A8. Validates that notations are not declared for EMPTY elements. 9Validity constraint: No Notation on Empty Element (3.3.1 /p.27 in Spec) I9. Validates that the default value matches the lexical constraints of it's type. 4Validity constraint: Attribute default legal (3.3.2 / p.28 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node H 2.parameter elemNames : list of all element names declared in the DTD M 3.parameter notationNames : list of all notation names declared in the DTD  returns : a list of errors IRemoves doublicate declarations from the DTD, which first declaration is @ binding. This is the case for ATTLIST and ENTITY declarations. L returns : A function that replaces the children of DOCTYPE nodes by a list < where all multiple declarations are removed. Gportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)MLookup-table which maps element names to their transformation functions. The ) transformation functions are XmlArrows. &filter for transforming the document. - 1.parameter dtdPart : the DTD subset (Node DOCTYPE) of the XmlTree 7 2.parameter doc : the document subset of the XmlTree  returns : a list of errors "Traverse the XmlTree in preorder. a 1.parameter transEnv : lookup-table which maps element names to their transformation functions * returns : the whole transformed document $Build all transformation functions. D 1.parameter dtdPart : the DTD subset, root node should be of type DOCTYPE S returns : lookup-table which maps element names to their transformation functions /Build transformation functions for an element. , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node R 1.parameter nd : element declaration for which the transformation functions are  created & returns : entry for the lookup-table :Sort the attributes of an element in lexicographic order. ? returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), sorts its T attributes in lexicographic order and returns the changed element Normalize attribute values. D returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), normalizes its C attribute values and returns the changed element 2Set default attribute values if they are not set. L returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), adds missing attribute ; defaults and returns the changed element Hportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)ILookup-table which maps element names to their validation functions. The & validation functions are XmlFilters.  Perform the validation of the IDIDREFIDREFS constraints. - 1.parameter dtdPart : the DTD subset (Node DOCTYPE) of the XmlTree 7 2.parameter doc : the document subset of the XmlTree  returns : a list of errors "Traverse the XmlTree in preorder. Z 1.parameter idEnv : lookup-table which maps element names to their validation functions  returns : list of errors Returns the value of an element'-s ID attribute. The attribute name has to be  retrieved first from the DTD. F 1.parameter dtdPart : list of ID attribute definitions from the DTD F 2.parameter n : element which ID attribute value should be returned 0 returns : normalized value of the ID attribute JBuild collector functions which return XTag nodes with ID attributes from  a document. , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node M returns : lookup-table which maps element names to their collector function 0Build validation functions for checking if IDREF/IDREFS values match a value  of some ID attributes. , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node E 2.parameter idNodeList : list of all XTag nodes with ID attributes N returns : lookup-table which maps element names to their validation function :Validate that all ID values are unique within a document.  Validity constraint: ID (3.3.1 /p. 25 in Spec) E 1.parameter idNodeList : list of all XTag nodes with ID attributes , 2.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node  returns : a list of errors Validate that all IDREF/4IDREFS values match the value of some ID attribute. # Validity constraint: IDREF (3.3.1 / p.26 in Spec) \ 1.parameter idRefEnv : lookup-table which maps element names to their validation function - 2.parameter doc : the document to validate  returns : a list of errors Iportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)ADerives a regular expression with respect to a list of elements. & 1.parameter re : regular expression Q 2.parameter list : list of elements to which the regular expression is applied * returns : the derived regular expression :Derives a regular expression with respect to one element. L(delta e x) = x  L(e) 4 1.parameter re : regular expression to be derived J 2.parameter el : the element on which the regular expression is applied * returns : the derived regular expression CMNOPQRSTUXY CXYNMOQRSTUPJportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)ILookup-table which maps element names to their validation functions. The % validation functions are XmlArrows. Validate a document. - 1.parameter dtdPart : the DTD subset (Node DOCTYPE) of the XmlTree 7 2.parameter doc : the document subset of the XmlTree  returns : a list of errors "Traverse the XmlTree in preorder. \ 1.parameter valiEnv : lookup-table which maps element names to their validation functions  returns : list of errors  Build all validation functions. @ 1.parameter dtdPart : DTD subset, root node should be of type DOCTYPE O returns : lookup-table which maps element names to their validation functions @Build a validation function for the document root. By root node / = is meant, which is the topmost dummy created by the parser. @ 1.parameter dtdPart : DTD subset, root node should be of type DOCTYPE & returns : entry for the lookup-table +Build validation functions for an element. , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node N 2.parameter nd : element declaration for which the validation functions are  created & returns : entry for the lookup-table @Build validation functions for the content model of an element. ' Validity constraint: Element Valid (3 / p.18 in Spec) R 1.parameter nd : element declaration for which the content validation functions  are built C returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), checks if its P children match its content model and returns a list of errors JBuild a regular expression from the content model. The regular expression " is provided by the module XmlRE. 8 1.parameter nd : node of the content model. Expected: CONTENT or  NAME 3 returns : regular expression of the content model =Build validation functions for the attributes of an element. , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node T 2.parameter nd : element declaration for which the attribute validation functions  are created C returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), checks if its D attributes are valid and returns a list of errors 7Validate that all attributes of an element are unique. 0 Well-formdness constraint: Unique AttSpec (3.1 / p.19 in Spec) C returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), checks if its E attributes are unique and returns a list of errors Validate that all #"REQUIRED attributes are provided. 1 Validity constraint: Required Attributes (3.3.2 / p.28 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node K 2.parameter nd : element declaration which attributes have to be checked C returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), checks if all P required attributes are provided and returns a list of errors Validate that #*FIXED attributes match the default value. 5 Validity constraint: Fixed Attribute Default (3.3.2 / p.28 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node K 2.parameter nd : element declaration which attributes have to be checked C returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), checks if all X fixed attributes match the default value and returns a list of errors CValidate that an element has no attributes which are not declared. 0 Validity constraint: Attribute Value Type (3.1 / p.19 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node K 2.parameter nd : element declaration which attributes have to be checked C returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), checks if all G attributes are declared and returns a list of errors MValidate that the attribute value meets the lexical constraints of its type. / Validity constaint: Attribute Value Type (3.1 / p.19 in Spec) , 1.parameter dtdPart : the children of the DOCTYPE node K 2.parameter nd : element declaration which attributes have to be checked C returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), checks if all W attributes meet the lexical constraints and returns a list of errors Kportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)EMain validation filter. Check if the DTD and the document are valid. I returns : a function which expects a complete document as XmlTree input = and returns a list of all errors found. Check if the DTD is valid. H returns : a function which expects an XmlTree from the parser as input H and returns a list of all errors found in the DTD. 4Check if the document corresponds to the given DTD. I returns : a function which expects a complete document as XmlTree input Q and returns a list of all errors found in the content part. Bfilter for transforming a document with respect to the given DTD. Validating parsers E are expected to normalize attribute values and add default values. ? This function should be called after a successful validation. A returns : a function which expects a complete XML document tree 4 and returns the transformed XmlTree HRemoves doublicate declarations from the DTD which first declaration is @ binding. This is the case for ATTLIST and ENTITY declarations. L returns : A function that replaces the children of DOCTYPE nodes by a list < where all multiple declarations are removed. LCsubstitution of all predefined XHTMT entities for none ASCII chars AThis arrow recurses through a whole XML tree and substitutes all C entity refs within text nodes and attribute values by a text node ; containing of a single char corresponding to this entity. %Unknown entity refs remain unchanged =substitution of the five predefined XMT entities, works like L *the entity substitution arrow called from L and L sportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)      !"#$%&'(=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkMportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)Echeck whether a sequence of XmlTrees match an Xml regular expression The arrow for M. BThe expession is build up from simple arrows acting as predicate (M) for 6 an XmlTree and of the usual cobinators for sequence (M), repetition  (M, mkRep', M) and choice (M, M) :split the sequence of trees computed by the filter a into The arrow for M. ,a first part matching the regex and a rest, M if a prefix of the input sequence does not match the regex, the arrow fails 7 else the pair containing the result lists is returned Zscan the input sequence with a regex and give the result as a list of lists of trees back ` the regex must at least match one input tree, so the empty sequence should not match the regex The arrow for M. Cmatch a sequence of XML trees with a regular expression over trees TIf the input matches, the result is Nothing, else Just an error message is returned Lsplit a sequence of XML trees into a pair of a a matching prefix and a rest 4If there is no matching prefix, Nothing is returned Nscan a sequence of XML trees and split it into parts matching the given regex KIf the parts cannot be split because of a missing match, or because of the . empty sequence as match, Nothing is returned Nportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)U      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:U      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:O; Creates the .-2 datastructure from a simplified Relax NG schema. 9Transforms each XML-element to the corresponding pattern Transforms a ref-element. G The value of the name-attribute is looked up in the environment list - to find the corresponding define-pattern. E Haskells lazy-evaluation is used to transform circular structures. !Transforms a notAllowed-element. Creates an error message. Transforms a choice-element. !Transforms a interleave-element. Transforms a group-element.  Transforms a oneOrMore-element. Transforms a list-element. *Transforms a data- or dataExcept-element. Transforms a value-element.  Transforms a attribute-element.  The first child is a /-', the second (the last) one a pattern. Transforms a element-element.  The first child is a /-', the second (the last) one a pattern. < Creates a /- from an "anyName"-, "nsName"- or "name" -Pattern, =Simple access arrows ;<=>;<=>P?:Returns a string representation of the pattern structure.  (see also: ;O)  Example:  9 Element {}foo (Choice (Choice (Value ("","token") "abc" B ("foo","www.bar.baz")]))(Data ("http://www.mysql.com","VARCHAR") K [("length","2"),("maxLength","5")])) (Element {}bar (Group (Element {}baz The function can not5 be used to display circular ref-pattern structures. @0Returns a string representation of a nameclass. A8Returns a tree representation of the pattern structure. The hard work is done by .  Example:   +---element {}bar  |  +---group  |  +---oneOrMore  | | # | +---attribute AnyName  | |  | +---text  |  +---text EThe function can be used to display circular ref-pattern structures.  Example:  <define name="baz">  <element name="baz">  ... <ref name="baz"/> ...  </element>  </define> B8Returns a tree representation of the pattern structure.  (see also: ;O and AP) CCReturns a formated string representation of the pattern structure.  (see also: ;O and DP) DCReturns a formated string representation of the pattern structure.  Example:  / Element {}foo (Choice (Choice ( Value = abc, G datatypelibrary = http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0, type = token, & context (base-uri =file://test.rng, N parameter: xml = http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespaces, foo = www.bar.baz), EThe function can be used to display circular ref-pattern structures. ?@ABCDADBC?@QEFFERGHHGSportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)DI9The arrow for stateful arrows with no user defined state J#The arrow type for stateful arrows K;state datatype consists of a system state and a user state  the user state is not fixed O>predefined system state data type with all components for the 3 system functions, like trace, error handling, ... [@the default global state, used as initial state when running an IS with i@ or  ]S ] apply an IS to an empty root node with [S () as initial state 7the main entry point for running a state arrow with IO  when running  runX f& an empty XML root node is applied to f.  usually f? will start with a constant arrow (ignoring the input), e.g. a ,Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ReadDocument.readDocument arrow. for usage see examples with .Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.WriteDocument.writeDocument +if input has to be feed into the arrow use i@ like in  runIOSLA f emptyX inputDoc  ^(read the user defined part of the state _*change the user defined part of the state `'set the user defined part of the state aextend user state FRun an arrow with an extended user state component, The old component N is stored together with a new one in a pair, the arrow is executed with this M extended state, and the augmented state component is removed form the state + when the arrow has finished its execution bchange the type of user state CThis conversion is useful, when running a state arrow with another I structure of the user state, e.g. with () when executing some IO arrows eEstore a single XML tree in global state under a given attribute name fNstore a list of XML trees in global system state under a given attribute name g?remove an entry in global state, arrow input remains unchanged h*read an attribute value from global state i&read all attributes from global state j&read all attributes from global state # and convert the values to strings l'read a string value from global state,  if parameter not set "" is returned m#store an int value in global state n$read an int value from global state  getParamInt 0 myIntAttr reset global error variable pset global error variable q!read current global error status r>raise the global error status level to that of the input tree sEset the error message handler and the flag for collecting the errors +error message handler for output to stderr t:the default error message handler: error output to stderr u,error message handler for collecting errors v:error message handler for output to stderr and collecting w*error message handler for ignoring errors x9if error messages are collected by the error handler for 7 processing these messages by the calling application, I this arrow reads the stored messages and clears the error message store y8filter error messages from input trees and issue errors zgenerate a warnig message {generate an error message |8generate a fatal error message, e.g. document not found };add the error level and the module where the error occured e to the attributes of a document root node and remove the children when level is greater or equal to k.  called by ~S* when the system state indicates an error ~<check whether the error level attribute in the system state E is set to error, in this case the children of the document root are f removed and the module name where the error occured and the error level are added as attributes with }S  else nothing is changed Ucheck whether tree is a document root and the status attribute has a value less than k Xset the base URI of a document, used e.g. for reading includes, e.g. external entities, # the input must be an absolute URI )read the base URI from the globale state Bchange the base URI with a possibly relative URI, can be used for G evaluating the xml:base attribute. Returns the new absolute base URI. 8 Fails, if input is not parsable with parseURIReference  see also: S, S Aset the default base URI, if parameter is null, the system base ( file:///<cwd>/  ) is used, @ else the parameter, must be called before any document is read get the default base URI aremember base uri, run an arrow and restore the base URI, used with external entity substitution set the global trace level read the global trace level arun an arrow with a given trace level, the old trace level is restored after the arrow execution 0apply a trace arrow and issue message to stderr <trace the current value transfered in a sequence of arrows. PThe value is formated by a string conversion function. This is a substitute for / the old and less general traceString function an old alias for S  issue a string message as trace Bissue the source representation of a document if trace level >= 3 =for better readability the source is formated with indentDoc @issue the tree representation of a document if trace level >= 4 trace a main computation step k issue a message when trace level >= 1, issue document source if level >= 3, issue tree when level is >= 4 trace the global state 7compute the absolut URI for a given URI and a base URI arrow variant of S , fails if S returns Nothing oarrow for expanding an input URI into an absolute URI using global base URI, fails if input is not a legal URI Yarrow for selecting the scheme (protocol) of the URI, fails if input is not a legal URI. #See Network.URI for URI components ]arrow for selecting the registered name (host) of the URI, fails if input is not a legal URI ?arrow for selecting the port number of the URI without leading ':'$, fails if input is not a legal URI >arrow for selecting the user info of the URI without trailing '@'$, fails if input is not a legal URI Tarrow for computing the path component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI Uarrow for computing the query component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI Xarrow for computing the fragment component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI Tarrow for computing the path component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI Kset the table mapping of file extensions to mime types in the system state Default table is defined in !Text.XML.HXT.DOM.MimeTypeDefaults. Z This table is used when reading loacl files, (file: protocol) to determine the mime type Rset the table mapping of file extensions to mime types by an external config file /The config file must follow the conventions of etc%mime.types on a debian linux system, : that means all empty lines and all lines starting with a # are ignored. The other lines N must consist of a mime type followed by a possible empty list of extensions. X The list of extenstions and mime types overwrites the default list in the system state  of the IOStateArrow TIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~TKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZJI[\]^`_abcdfeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Tportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) Read the content of a document. $This routine is usually called from 6Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ProcessDocument.getDocumentContents. 0The input must be a root node (constructed with A), usually without children. m The attribute list contains all input parameters, e.g. URI or source file name, encoding preferences, ... G If the source name is empty, the input is read from standard input. aThe source is transformed into an absolute URI. If the source is a relative URI, or a file name, L it is expanded into an absolut URI with respect to the current base URI. ' The default base URI is of protocol "file". and points to the current working directory. &The currently supported protocols are "http", "file", "stdin" and "string". :The latter two are internal protocols. An uri of the form "stdin:" stands for the content of  the standard input stream. "string:some text" means, that " some text" is taken as input. : This internal protocol is used for reading from normal  ot values. Uportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)a filter for DTD processing $inclusion of external parts of DTD,  parameter entity substitution  conditional section evaluation Binput tree must represent a complete document including root node Vportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)6write the tree representation of a document to a file 1write a document with indentaion and line numers Wportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)!substitution of general entities 4input: a complete document tree including root node Xportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) XML parser _Input tree must be a root tree with a text tree as child containing the document to be parsed. PThe parser generates from the input string a tree of a wellformed XML document, Kprocesses the DTD (parameter substitution, conditional DTD parts, ...) and Zsubstitutes all general entity references. Next step is character reference substitution. &Last step is the document validation. 4Validation can be controlled by an extra parameter.  Example:  9 parseXmlDocument True -- parse and validate document  A parseXmlDocument False -- only parse document, don't validate IThis parser is useful for applications processing correct XML documents.  HTML parser _Input tree must be a root tree with a text tree as child containing the document to be parsed. _The parser tries to parse everything as HTML, if the HTML document is not wellformed XML or if Qerrors occur, warnings are generated. The warnings can be issued, or suppressed.  Example:  parseHtmlDocument True % : parse document and issue warnings VThis parser is useful for applications like web crawlers, where the pages may contain garbitray errors, but the application is only interested in parts of the document, e.g. the plain text. Document validation 5Input must be a complete document tree. The document +is validated with respect to the DTD spec. 0Only useful for XML documents containing a DTD. EIf the document is valid, it is transformed with respect to the DTD, Ynormalization of attribute values, adding default values, sorting attributes by name,... 6If no error was found, result is the normalized tree, 7else the error status is set in the list of attributes of the root node "/"4 and the document content is removed from the tree. Namespace propagation CInput must be a complete document tree. The namespace declarations Care evaluated and all element and attribute names are processed by >splitting the name into prefix, local part and namespace URI. @Naames are checked with respect to the XML namespace definition ;If no error was found, result is the unchanged input tree, 7else the error status is set in the list of attributes of the root node "/"4 and the document content is removed from the tree. .creates a new document root, adds all options 0 as attributes to the document root and calls T. DIf the document name is the empty string, the document will be read  from standard input. For supported protocols see T Yportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)&the main filter for writing documents 5this filter can be configured by an option list like ,Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ReadDocument.readDocument usage: & writeDocument optionList destination  if  destination  is the empty string or "-"", stdout is used as output device available options are   > : indent document for readability, (default: no indentation)  J : remove all redundant whitespace for shorten text (default: no removal)  $ : encoding of document, default is  or E  0 : (default) issue XML: quote special XML chars >,<,",',& where neccessary 2 add XML processing instruction 7 and encode document with respect to , W if explicitly switched of, the plain text is issued, this is useful U for non XML output, e.g. generated Haskell code, LaTex, Java, ...  ] : issue XHTML: quote alle XML chars, use HTML entity refs or char refs for none ASCII chars   : do not write the short form <name .../> for empty elements. When  is set,  the always empty HTML elements are still written in short form, but not the others, as e.g. the script element. 6 Empty script elements, like < script href="..."/>/, are always a problem for firefox and others. z When XML output is generated with this option, all empty elements are written in the long form.   : suppress generation of < ?xml ... ?> processing instruction  8 : show tree representation of document (for debugging)  : : show Haskell representaion of document (for debugging) .a minimal main program for copying a document  has the following structure:   module Main  where   import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow   main :: IO ()  main  = do + runX ( readDocument [] "hello.xml"  >>> ) writeDocument [] "bye.xml"  )  return () Tan example for copying a document to standard output with tracing and evaluation of error code is:  module Main  where   import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow  import System.Exit   main :: IO ()  main  = do 5 [rc] <- runX ( readDocument [ (a_trace, "1") 2 ] "hello.xml"  >>> E writeDocument [ (a_output_encoding, isoLatin1) E ] "-" -- output to stdout  >>> # getErrStatus  ) ! exitWith ( if rc >= c_err % then ExitFailure 1 # else ExitSuccess  ) AConvert a document into a string. Formating is done the same way ! and with the same options as in Y. indent and format output ZportablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)`normalize a document for validation with Relax NG: remove all namespace declaration attributes, d remove all processing instructions and merge all sequences of text nodes into a single text node ;Validates a xml document with respect to a Relax NG schema = 1.parameter : the arrow for computing the Relax NG schema < 2.parameter : list of options for reading and validating " 3.parameter : XML document URI  arrow-input : ignored # arrow-output : list of errors or 9 ;Validates a xml document with respect to a Relax NG schema  1.parameter : XML document ! arrow-input : Relax NG schema # arrow-output : list of errors or 9 tests whether a /- contains a particular   3tests whether a pattern matches the empty sequence Gcomputes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a XML-Child and a 1- Acomputes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a text node KTo compute the derivative of a pattern with respect to a list of strings, P simply compute the derivative with respect to each member of the list in turn. Fcomputes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a start tag open RTo compute the derivative of a pattern with respect to a sequence of attributes, G simply compute the derivative with respect to each attribute in turn. Gcomputes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a start tag close SComputing the derivative of a pattern with respect to a list of children involves G computing the derivative with respect to each pattern in turn, except - that whitespace requires special treatment. ?computes the derivative of a pattern with respect to a end tag Kapplies a function (first parameter) to the second part of a after pattern [portablestableUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) 4Return all reachable defines from the start pattern -Returns the list of simplification errors or 9 -Creates the simple form of a Relax NG schema  (see also: ) \+validate a document with a Relax NG schema / 1.parameter : the option list for validation / 2.parameter : the URI of the Relax NG Schema R arrow-input : the document to be validated, namespaces must have been processed { arrow-output : the input document, or in case of validation errors, an empty document with status information in the root 6options evaluated by validateDocumentWithRelaxSchema:  KR : check Relax NG schema restrictions when simplifying the schema (default: on)  MP : validate a Relax NG schema referenced by a externalRef-Pattern (default: on)  OP : validate a Relax NG schema referenced by a include-Pattern (default: on) Hall other options are propagated to the read functions for schema input  example: P validateDocumentWithRelaxSchema [(a_check_restrictions, "0")] "testSchema.rng" ;validate an XML document with respect to a Relax NG schema < 1.parameter : the valid and simplified schema as XML tree - arrow-input : the document to be validated x arrow-output : the validated and unchanged document or the empty document with status information set in the root node .normalize a document for Relax NG validation,  call the Z# function for doing the hard work,  and issue errors 3 1.parameter : the arrow for computing the schema - arrow-input : the document to be validated  arrow-output : nothing Document validation <Validates a xml document with respect to a Relax NG schema. First, the schema is validated with respect to the Relax NG Spezification. If no error is found, the xml document is validated with respect to the schema. F 1.parameter : list of options; namespace progagation is always done  2.parameter : XML document % 3.parameter : Relax NG schema file available options:  e m : do not check Relax NG schema restrictions (includes do-not-validate-externalRef, do-not-validate-include)  LI : do not validate a Relax NG schema referenced by a externalRef-Pattern  ML : validate a Relax NG schema referenced by a externalRef-Pattern (default)  NE : do not validate a Relax NG schema referenced by a include-Pattern  OH : validate a Relax NG schema referenced by a include-Pattern (default)  P6 : output Pattern transformations in case of an error  QC : stop Relax NG simplification after the first error has occurred  all ,Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ReadDocument.readDocument options  example: K validate [(a_do_not_check_restrictions, "1")] "test.xml" "testSchema.rng" Relax NG schema validation HValidates a Relax NG schema with respect to the Relax NG Spezification. 5 1.parameter : list of available options (see also: \) % 2.parameter : Relax NG schema file Document validation GValidates a xml document with respect to a Relax NG schema. Similar to \m, but the Relax NG Specification is not created. Can be used, to check a list of documents more efficiently. 5 1.parameter : list of available options (see also: \)  2.parameter : XML document % 3.parameter : Relax NG schema file 7 arrow-input : Relax NG Specification in simple form  example: . Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Schema.relaxSchemaArrow  >>> 4 ( validateWithSpezification [] "foo.xml" "foo.rng"  &&& 4 validateWithSpezification [] "bar.xml" "bar.rng"  ) Relax NG schema validation see \ and \ 5 1.parameter : list of available options (see also: \) ( 2.parameter : Relax NG schema file 7 arrow-input : Relax NG Specification in simple form Document validation NValidates a xml document with respect to a Relax NG schema, but the schema is notb validated with respect to a specification first. Should be used only for valid Relax NG schemes. 5 1.parameter : list of available options (see also: \)  2.parameter : XML document % 3.parameter : Relax NG schema file ]portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)the main document input filter Athis filter can be configured by an option list, a value of type  Attributes available options:  1: use HTML parser, else use XML parser (default)  9 : use light weight and lasy parser based on tagsoup lib  6 : select the parser by the mime type of the document X (pulled out of the HTTP header). When the mime type is set to "text/html" : the HTML parser (parsec or tagsoup) is taken, when it' s set to  "text/xml" or "text/xhtml". the XML parser (parsec or tagsoup) is taken. L If the mime type is something else no further processing is performed, R the contents is given back to the application in form of a single text node. ' If the default document encoding (4) is set to isoLatin1, this even enables processing  of arbitray binary data.  A : validate document againsd DTD (default), else skip validation  JH : validate document with Relax NG, the options value is the schema URI d this implies using XML parser, no validation against DTD, and canonicalisation  > : check namespaces, else skip namespace processing (default)  ? : canonicalize document (default), else skip canonicalization  M : preserve comments during canonicalization, else remove comments (default)  W : remove all whitespace, used for document indentation, else skip this step (default)  J : indent document by inserting whitespace, else skip this step (default)  Q : issue warnings, when parsing HTML (default), else ignore HTML parser warnings  N : issue all error messages on stderr (default), or ignore all error messages  C: ignore all encoding errors, default is issue all encoding errors  &: ignore document contents of none XML/HTML documents. { This option can be useful for implementing crawler like applications, e.g. an URL checker. K In those cases net traffic can be reduced.   : trace level: values: 0 - 4  . : proxy for http access, e.g. www-cache:3128  T : obsolete and ignored, HTTP acccess is always done with curl bindings for libcurl  ) : file input is done strictly using the Data.ByteStringV input functions. This ensures correct closing of files, especially when working with e the tagsoup parser and not processing the whole input data. Default is off. The  ByteString. input usually is not faster than the buildin  hGetContents  for strings.  = : deprecated but for compatibility reasons still supported. > More options passed to the curl binding. c Instead of using this option to set a whole bunch of options at once for curl 1 it is recomended to use the curl-.*! options syntax described below.   : default document encoding (E, 4, C, 5, ... , B, ...). Q Only XML and HTML documents are decoded, documents with none XML/UHTML mime types are not decoded. The whole content is returned in a single text node   : set the mime type table for file input with given file. The format of this config file must be in the syntax of a debian linux " mime.types" config file  curl options : the HTTP interface with libcurl can be configured with a lot of options. To support these options in an easy way, there is a naming convetion: 4 Every option, which has the prefix curlp and the rest of the name forms an option as described in the curl man page, is passed to the curl binding lib.  See &Text.XML.HXT.IO.GetHTTPLibCurl.getContW for examples. Currently most of the options concerning HTTP requests are implemented. yAll attributes not evaluated by readDocument are stored in the created document root node for easy access of the various options in e.g. the input/output modules ?If the document name is the empty string or an uri of the form "stdin:",, the document is read from standard input.  examples:   readDocument [ ] "test.xml" reads and validates a document "test.xml"@, no namespace propagation, only canonicalization is performed  " readDocument [ (a_validate, "0") ( , (a_encoding, isoLatin1) + , (a_parse_by_mimetype, "1") , ] "http://localhost/test.php" reads document "test.php"u, parses it as HTML or XML depending on the mimetype given from the server, but without validation, default encoding 4.  $ readDocument [ (a_parse_html, "1") ( , (a_encoding, isoLatin1)  ] "" hreads a HTML document from standard input, no validation is done when parsing HTML, default encoding is 4, @parsing is done with tagsoup parser, but input is read strictly  ( readDocument [ (a_encoding, isoLatin1) 4 , (a_mime_type, "/etc/mime.types") & , (a_tagsoup, "1") & , (a_strict_input, "1")  ] "test.svg" reads an SVG document from standard input, sets the mime type by looking in the system mimetype config file, default encoding is 4, Rparsing is done with the lightweight tagsoup parser, which implies no validation.  ( readDocument [ (a_parse_html, "1") 5 , (a_proxy, "www-cache:3128") ( , (a_curl, "1") ( , (a_issue_warnings, "0") * ] "http://www.haskell.org/" treads Haskell homepage with HTML parser ignoring any warnings, with http access via external program curl and proxy " www-cache" at port 3128  + readDocument [ (a_validate, "1") + , (a_check_namespace, "1") + , (a_remove_whitespace, "1") + , (a_trace, "2") & ] "http://www.w3c.org/" yread w3c home page (xhtml), validate and check namespaces, remove whitespace between tags, trace activities with level 2 "for minimal complete examples see .Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.WriteDocument.writeDocument and ]S4, the main starting point for running an XML arrow. the arrow version of ]$, the arrow input is the source URI :read a document that is stored in a normal Haskell String Fthe same function as readDocument, but the parameter forms the input.  All options available for ] are applicable for readString. VDefault encoding: No encoding is done, the String argument is taken as Unicode string the arrow version of ]$, the arrow input is the source URI Vparse a string as HTML content, substitute all HTML entity refs and canonicalize tree 2 (substitute char refs, ...). Errors are ignored. A simpler version of ] but with less functionality.  Does not run in the IO monad _parse a string as XML content, substitute all predefined XML entity refs and canonicalize tree  (substitute char refs, ...) ^portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)%The class for overloading ^, the default pickler <conversion of an arbitrary value into an XML document tree. ?The pickler, first parameter, controls the conversion process. : Result is a complete document tree including a root node ?Conversion of an XML document tree into an arbitrary data type The inverse of ^. ( This law should hold for all picklers: ' unpickle px . pickle px $ v == Just v . 8 Not every possible combination of picklers make sense. C For reconverting a value from an XML tree, is becomes neccessary,  to introduce "enough"! markup for unpickling the value The zero pickler 0Encodes nothing, fails always during unpickling Lift a value to a pickler QWhen pickling, nothing is encoded, when unpickling, the given value is inserted.  This pickler always succeeds. !Lift a Maybe value to a pickler. Nothing is mapped to the zero pickler, Just x is pickled with xpLift x. pickle/-unpickle combinator for sequence and choice.  When the first unpickler fails, W the second one is taken, else the third one configured with the result from the first 0 is taken. This pickler is a generalisation for ^ and ^ . TThe schema must be attached later, e.g. in xpPair or other higher level combinators #Combine two picklers sequentially. If the first fails during ' unpickling, the whole unpickler fails #combine tow picklers with a choice .Run two picklers in sequence like with xpSeq. - When during unpickling the first one fails, 5 an alternative pickler (first argument) is applied. 9 This pickler is only used as combinator for unpickling. 6map value into another domain and apply pickler there %One of the most often used picklers. like ^?, but if the inverse mapping is undefined, the unpickler fails ;Map a value into another domain. If the inverse mapping is * undefined (Nothing), the unpickler fails %pickle a pair of values sequentially 2Used for pairs or together with wrap for pickling * algebraic data types with two components Like ^ but for triples Like ^ and ^ but for 4-tuples Like ^ and ^ but for 5-tuples Like ^ and ^ but for 6-tuples &Pickle a string into an XML text node :One of the most often used primitive picklers. Attention:  For pickling empty strings use ^. If the text has a more ( specific datatype than xsd:string, use ^ &Pickle a string into an XML text node =Text pickler with a description of the structure of the text 9 by a schema. A schema for a data type can be defined by 1.  In  Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle.Schema, there are some more functions for creating  simple datatype descriptions. 1Pickle a possibly empty string into an XML node. BMust be used in all places, where empty strings are legal values. L If the content of an element can be an empty string, this string disapears B during storing the DOM into a document and reparse the document. W So the empty text node becomes nothing, and the pickler must deliver an empty string, + if there is no text node in the document. MPickle a possibly empty string with a datatype description into an XML node. Like ^9 but with extra Parameter for datatype description as in ^. <Pickle an arbitrary value by applyling show during pickling  and read during unpickling.  Real pickling is then done with ^. B One of the most often used pimitive picklers. Applicable for all  types which are instances of Read and Show $Pickle an XmlTree by just adding it @Usefull for components of type XmlTree in other data structures iPickle a whole list of XmlTrees by just adding the list, unpickle is done by taking all element contens. )This pickler should always combined with ^. for taking the whole contents of an element. fPickle a string representing XML contents by inserting the tree representation into the XML document. 3Unpickling is done by converting the contents with  kB into a string, b this function will escape all XML special chars, such that pickling the value back becomes save.  Pickling is done with ] GEncoding of optional data by ignoring the Nothing case during pickling H and relying on failure during unpickling to recompute the Nothing case $The default pickler for Maybe types 'Optional conversion with default value 6The default value is not encoded in the XML document, F during unpickling the default value is inserted if the pickler fails DEncoding of list values by pickling all list elements sequentially. ?Unpickler relies on failure for detecting the end of the list. F The standard pickler for lists. Can also be used in combination with ^ ' for constructing set and map picklers (Encoding of a none empty list of values 9Attention: when calling this pickler with an empty list,  an internal error "head of empty list is raised". Standard pickler for maps 2This pickler converts a map into a list of pairs. A All key value pairs are mapped to an element with name (1.arg), > the key is encoded as an attribute named by the 2. argument, E the 3. arg is the pickler for the keys, the last one for the values Pickler for sum data types. CEvery constructor is mapped to an index into the list of picklers. \ The index is used only during pickling, not during unpickling, there the 1. match is taken Pickler for wrapping/$unwrapping data into an XML element SExtra parameter is the element name given as a QName. THE pickler for constructing  nested structures  Example:  & xpElemQN (mkName "number") $ xpickle will map an (42::Int) onto  <number>42</number>  convenient Pickler for xpElemQN  xpElem n = xpElemQN (mkName n) Pickler for wrapping/Gunwrapping data into an XML element with an attribute with given value NTo make XML structures flexible but limit the number of different elements, it' s sometimes D useful to use a kind of generic element with a key value structure  Example:  ! <attr name="key1">value1</attr> ! <attr name="key2">value2</attr> ! <attr name="key3">value3</attr> (the Haskell datatype may look like this  > type T = T { key1 :: Int ; key2 :: String ; key3 :: Double } .Then the picker for that type looks like this  xpT :: PU T @ xpT = xpWrap ( uncurry3 T, \ t -> (key1 t, key2 t, key3 t) ) $ E xpTriple (xpElemWithAttrValue "attr" "name" "key1" $ xpickle) E (xpElemWithAttrValue "attr" "name" "key2" $ xpText0) E (xpElemWithAttrValue "attr" "name" "key3" $ xpickle) Pickler for storing/retreiving data into/from an attribute value HThe attribute is inserted in the surrounding element constructed by the ^ pickler  convenient Pickler for xpAttrQN  xpAttr n = xpAttrQN (mkName n) ;Add an optional attribute for an optional value (Maybe a). %Add an attribute with a fixed value. 5Useful e.g. to declare namespaces. Is implemented by ^ 7 5_portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) 5store an arbitray value in a persistent XML document HThe pickler converts a value into an XML tree, this is written out with   Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.writeDocument. The option list is passed to  Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.writeDocument %An option evaluated by this arrow is _.  If _ is set (\ @), the pickler DTD is added as an inline DTD into the document. >Option for generating and adding DTD when document is pickled ,read an arbitray value from an XML document The document is read with Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.readDocument. Options are passed  to Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.readDocument/. The conversion from XmlTree is done with the  pickler. 7 xpickleDocument xp al dest >>> xunpickleDocument xp al' dest  is the identity arrow ] when applied with the appropriate options. When during pickling indentation is switched on, 3 the whitespace must be removed during unpickling. 4Write out the DTD generated out of a pickler. Calls  xpicklerDTD 2The arrow for generating the DTD out of a pickler =A DTD is generated from a pickler and check for consistency. ' Errors concerning the DTD are issued. An arrow for checking picklers @A value is transformed into an XML document by a given pickler, ? the associated DTD is extracted from the pickler and checked, < the document including the DTD is tranlated into a string, = this string is read and validated against the included DTD,  and unpickled. / The last step is the equality with the input. AIf the check succeeds, the arrow works like this, else it fails. *The arrow version of the pickler function ,The arrow version of the unpickler function (Compute the associated DTD of a pickler 77u~    +ijkl,-m.nopqrstuvwxyz{/|}~0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV;<=>?@ABCD`portable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)0 calculate an ID for a NODE D returns : a list of numbers, one number for each level of the tree BTests whether the number of current function arguments is correct OEach table entry consists of the function and the expected function arguments. .All functions are stored in a function table. HType signature for all functions which can be used in the XPath module. The core-functions library @Returns the table of keys, needed by xslt, from the environment 4Returns the table of variables from the environment  RReturns the conversion function for the XPath results: string, boolean and number ! A nodeset can not be converted.  6Filter for ordering a list of Nodes in document order  >Filter for ordering a list of Nodes in reverse document order  :Filter for removing identical fragment trees in a nodeset  PCheck whether a node is not a part of a node list. Needed to implement matching & testing in xslt. @Calculates the position of a node in a tree (in document order) Evaluates a function. b Calculation of the function value is done by looking up the function name in the function table, @ check the number of arguments and calculate the funtion, if no ' argument evaluation returns an error. ! returns : the function value as ) Converts a list of different ) types in a list of one ) type. , 1.parameter fct : the conversion function anumber last(): returns a number equal to the context size from the expression evaluation context inumber position(): returns a number equal to the context position from the expression evaluation context Mnumber count(node-set): returns the number of nodes in the argument node-set 9node-set id(object): selects elements by their unique ID Dreturns all IDs from the variable environment as a list of strings. , the IDs are stored in the variable: idAttr string local-name(node-set?): R returns the local part of the expanded-name of the node in the argument node-set # that is first in document order. i If the argument node-set is empty or the first node has no expanded-name, an empty string is returned. ` If the argument is omitted, it defaults to a node-set with the context node as its only member !!string namespace-uri(node-set?): U returns the namespace URI of the expanded-name of the node in the argument node-set " that is first in document order. I If the argument node-set is empty, the first node has no expanded-name, + or the namespace URI of the expanded-name C is null, an empty string is returned. If the argument is omitted, D it defaults to a node-set with the context node as its only member "string name(node-set?): P returns a string containing a QName representing the expanded-name of the node  in the argument node-set Q that is first in document order. If the argument node-set is empty or the first  node has no expanded-name, T an empty string is returned. If the argument it omitted, it defaults to a node-set + with the context node as its only member.  Tim Walkenhorst: #some helper functions $Returns the string-value of a node, 0 the value of a namespace node is not supported 7string string(object?): converts an object to a string $Sstring concat(string, string, string*): returns the concatenation of its arguments %&boolean starts-with(string, string): 3 returns true if the first argument string starts > with the second argument string, and otherwise returns false &"boolean contains(string, string): P returns true if the first argument string contains the second argument string,  and otherwise returns false ')string substring-before(string, string): Z returns the substring of the first argument string that precedes the first occurrence of  the second argument string Y in the first argument string, or the empty string if the first argument string does not $ contain the second argument string ((string substring-after(string, string): Y returns the substring of the first argument string that follows the first occurrence of  the second argument string Y in the first argument string, or the empty string if the first argument string does not $ contain the second argument string )+string substring(string, number, number?): P returns the substring of the first argument starting at the position specified  in the second argument V with length specified in the third argument. If the third argument is not specified,  it returns the substring d starting at the position specified in the second argument and continuing to the end of the string. *number string-length(string?): M returns the number of characters in the string. If the argument is omitted, " it defaults to the context node M converted to a string, in other words the string-value of the context node. +!string normalize-space(string?): M returns the argument string with whitespace normalized by stripping leading 2 and trailing whitespace and replacing sequences I of whitespace characters by a single space. If the argument is omitted, 9 it defaults to the context node converted to a string, 6 in other words the string-value of the context node. F The string is parsed by a function parseStr from XPathParser module. <-- No longer! Tim Walkenhorst ,*string translate(string, string, string): ~ returns the first argument string with occurrences of characters in the second argument string replaced by the character at 9 the corresponding position in the third argument string Bboolean boolean(object): converts its argument to a boolean value -Qboolean not(boolean): returns true if its argument is false, and false otherwise .boolean true(): returns true /boolean false(): returns false 0boolean lang(string): r returns true or false depending on whether the language of the context node as specified by xml:lang attributes U is the same as or is a sublanguage of the language specified by the argument string :number number(object?): converts its argument to a number 1number sum(node-set): L returns the sum, for each node in the argument node-set, of the result of 6 converting the string-values of the node to a number 2enumber floor(number): returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) number that is not greater * than the argument and that is an integer 3enumber ceiling(number): returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) number that is not less * than the argument and that is an integer 4number round(number): M returns the number that is closest to the argument and that is an integer. _ If there are two such numbers, then the one that is closest to positive infinity is returned. 5node-set key(string, object): 1 does for keys what the id function does for IDs 3 The first argument specifies the name of the key. F When the second argument is of type node-set, then the result is the F union of the result of applying the key function to the string value 0 of each of the nodes in the argument node-set. @ When the second argument is of any other type, the argument is  converted to a string 6/string format-number(number, string, string?): I converts its first argument to a string using the format pattern string F specified by the second argument and the decimal-format named by the N third argument, or the default decimal-format, if there is no third argument           aportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)3Select parts of a document by an XPath expression. =The main filter for selecting parts of a document via XPath. P The string argument must be a XPath expression with an absolute location path, 5 the argument tree must be a complete document tree. W Result is a possibly empty list of XmlTrees forming the set of selected XPath values. G XPath values other than XmlTrees (numbers, attributes, tagnames, ...)  are convertet to text nodes. BSelect parts of a document by a namespace aware XPath expression.  Works like a8 but the prefix:localpart names in the XPath expression A are interpreted with respect to the given namespace environment 3Select parts of an XML tree by a XPath expression. HThe main filter for selecting parts of an arbitrary XML tree via XPath. P The string argument must be a XPath expression with an absolute location path, 0 There are no restrictions on the arument tree. =No canonicalization is performed before evaluating the query VResult is a possibly empty list of XmlTrees forming the set of selected XPath values. G XPath values other than XmlTrees (numbers, attributes, tagnames, ...)  are convertet to text nodes. Same as a+ but with namespace aware XPath expression 'compute the node set of an XPath query 6compute the node set of a namespace aware XPath query 75parse xpath, evaluate xpath expr and prepare results "The main evaluation entry point.  Each XPath-)* is mapped to an evaluation function. The z)0-parameter contains the set of global variables  for the evaluator, the )F-parameter the root of the tree in which the expression is evaluated. 8*filter for evaluating a filter-expression 9Hreturns the union of its arguments, the arguments have to be node-sets. :OEquality or relational test for node-sets, numbers, boolean values or strings, 4 each computation of two operands is done by relEqEv' ;/Equality or relational test for two node-sets. R The comparison will be true if and only if there is a node in the first node-set J and a node in the second node-set such that the result of performing the : comparison on the string-values of the two nodes is true <2Comparison between a node-set and different type. Y The node-set is converted in a boolean value if the second argument is of type boolean. e If the argument is of type number, the node-set is converted in a number, otherwise it is converted  in a string value. =FNo node-set is involved and the operator is equality or not-equality. R The arguments are converted in a common type. If one argument is a boolean value c then it is the boolean type. If a number is involved, the arguments have to converted in numbers, * else the string type is the common type. >9Filter for accessing the root element of a document tree ?/Filter for accessing all nodes of a XPath-axis " 1.parameter as : axis specifier @Axis-Function-Table. H Each XPath axis-specifier is mapped to the corresponding axis-function Aevaluates a location path, > evaluation of an absolute path starts at the document root, ' the relative path at the context node Bevaluate a single XPath step ! namespace-axis is not supported CLfilter for selecting a special type of nodes from the current fragment tree Bthe filter works with namespace activated and without namespaces. E If namespaces occur in XPath names, the uris are used for matching,  else the name prefix  Bugfix : *7 (or any other name-test) must not match the root node D*tests whether a node is of a special type E:the filter selects the NTree part of a navigable tree and 1 tests whether the node is of the necessary type a 1.parameter fct : filter function from the XmlTreeFilter module which tests the type of a node F=evaluates a boolean expression, the evaluation is non-strict G returns the value of a variable Hevaluates a function,  computation is done by XPathFct.evalFct which is defined in XPathFct. I#evaluates an arithmetic operation. *1.parameter f : arithmetic function from XPathArithmetic J>Convert list of ID attributes from DTD into a space separated ) KDExtracts all ID-attributes from the document type definition (DTD). v$%&'()bportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) KSelect parts of a whole XML document with root node by a XPath expression. =The main filter for selecting parts of a document via XPath. OThe string argument must be a XPath expression with an absolute location path, 5 the argument tree must be a complete document tree. ABefore evaluating the xpath query, the document is canonicalized  with gB VResult is a possibly empty list of XmlTrees forming the set of selected XPath values. G XPath values other than XmlTrees (numbers, attributes, tagnames, ...)  are convertet to text nodes. Same as b4 but with namespace environment for the XPath names =Select parts of an arbitrary XML tree by a XPath expression. HThe main filter for selecting parts of an arbitrary XML tree via XPath. P The string argument must be a XPath expression with an absolute location path, 1 There are no restrictions on the argument tree. =No canonicalization is performed before evaluating the query VResult is a possibly empty list of XmlTrees forming the set of selected XPath values. G XPath values other than XmlTrees (numbers, attributes, tagnames, ...)  are convertet to text nodes. Same as b4 but with namespace environment for the XPath names HSelect a set of nodes via an XPath expression from an arbitray XML tree The result is a set of "pointers"# to nodes. This set can be used to D access or modify the values of the subnodes in subsequent calls to "b or %b. gThis function enables for parsing an XPath expressions and traversing the tree for node selection once \ and reuse this result possibly many times for later selection and modification operations. LSame as b4 but with namespace environment for the XPath names  Ucompute a node set from a tree, containing all nodes selected by the predicate arrow 2computation of the set of element nodes with name "a" is done with  getElemNodeSet (hasName "a") !Ocompute a node set from a tree, containing all nodes including attribute nodes  elected by the predicate arrow "@select all subtrees specified by a previously computed node set the following law holds: / getFromNodeSet $< getElemNodeSet f == multi f #5process all subtrees selected by an XPath expression the following law holds: T processXPathTrees p xpathExpr == processFromNodeSet p $< getXPathNodeSet xpathExpr $Same as #b4 but with namespace environment for the XPath names %Uprocess all subtrees specified by a previously computed node set in bottom up manner the follwoing law holds:  J processFromNodeSet g $< getElemNodeSet f == processBottomUp (g `when` f) 3when attributes are contained in the node set (see !b), these are processed / after the children and before the node itself wthe advantage of processFromNodeSet is the separation of the selection of set of nodes to be processed (e.g. modified) j from the real proccessing. The selection sometimes can be done once, the processing possibly many times.  !"#$%  !"#$%cportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)'Same Functionality as +Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XPath.getXPathTreesInDoc (Same Functionality as 4Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XPath.getXPathTreesInDocWithNsEnv )Same Functionality as &Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XPath.getXPathTrees *Same Functionality as /Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XPath.getXPathTreesWithNsEnv ,4The xpath interpreter for simple xpath expressions. BIn case of a too complicated or illegal xpath expression an error 7 node is returned, else the list of selected XML trees 0&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU0&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUdportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)ZZ[ \    ] !"#$%&'()*+,^-./0123_`4a56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIbcdJeKLMNOPQ ()*458I\^`h& VWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~*ZY[\]^_abh`cdefgWXijklVmnoqprstuvwxyz{|}~eportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)9 M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | }fportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)G ~              (gportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)hportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)iportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) Uarrow for applying a pure partial function, catch the error case and issue the error lift prepareXSLTDocument read an XSLT stylesheet MNormalize stylesheet, expand includes, select imports and assemble the rules 1read an include and check for recursive includes SCompile a document representing an XSLT stylesheet into an internal representation KThe internal representation is an abstract syntax tree for the XSLT rules. S XSLT imports and includes are evaluated and the rules are normalized and prepared  for easy application. JA convinient function for combining reading a stylesheet and compilation. FReading an XSLT stylesheet is always done without validation but with B namespace propagation. Comments are removed from the stylesheet. :apply a compiled XSLT stylesheet to a whole document tree 4The compiled stylesheet must have been created with i  or i Bapply an XSLT stylesheet given by an URI to a whole document tree 8The string parameter is the URI of the XSLT stylesheet. M In case of an error during stylesheet compilation or stylesheet application / all children of the root node are removed and W the error status is set in the attribute list of the root node of the input document. wportable experimentalUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)Z[ \    ] !"#$%&'()*+,^-./0123_`4a56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIbcdJeKLMNOPQfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|RSTUVW !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkl      !"#$%&'(=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$% xyz{|}~                 !"#$$%$&'()*+,-./0123456789:;</&'(=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~&'(+),-*      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0/&'123456789:;<=>?@A B 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