{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
   Module     : Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2008 Uwe Schmidt
   License    : MIT

   Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
   Stability  : stable
   Portability: portable

   The core data types of the HXT DOM.


-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs
    ( module Data.AssocList
    , module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs
    , module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.QualifiedName


import Control.DeepSeq

import Data.AssocList
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs
import Data.Typeable

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.QualifiedName

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Basic types for xml tree and filters

-- | Node of xml tree representation

type XmlTree	= NTree    XNode

-- | List of nodes of xml tree representation

type XmlTrees	= NTrees   XNode

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- XNode

-- | Represents elements

data XNode	= XText		  String			-- ^ ordinary text				(leaf)
		| XCharRef	  Int				-- ^ character reference			(leaf)
		| XEntityRef	  String			-- ^ entity reference				(leaf)
		| XCmt		  String			-- ^ comment					(leaf)
		| XCdata	  String			-- ^ CDATA section				(leaf)
		| XPi		  QName XmlTrees		-- ^ Processing Instr with qualified name	(leaf)
								--   with list of attributes.
								--   If tag name is xml, attributs are \"version\", \"encoding\", \"standalone\",
								--   else attribute list is empty, content is a text child node
		| XTag		  QName XmlTrees		-- ^ tag with qualified name and list of attributes (inner node or leaf)
		| XDTD		  DTDElem  Attributes		-- ^ DTD element with assoc list for dtd element features
		| XAttr		  QName				-- ^ attribute with qualified name, the attribute value is stored in children
		| XError	  Int  String			-- ^ error message with level and text
		  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable)

instance NFData XNode where
    rnf (XText s)		= rnf s
    rnf (XCharRef i)		= rnf i
    rnf (XEntityRef n)		= rnf n
    rnf (XCmt c)		= rnf c
    rnf (XCdata s)		= rnf s
    rnf (XPi qn ts)		= rnf qn `seq` rnf ts
    rnf (XTag qn cs)		= rnf qn `seq` rnf cs
    rnf (XDTD de al)		= rnf de `seq` rnf al
    rnf (XAttr qn)		= rnf qn
    rnf (XError n e)		= rnf n  `seq` rnf e

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- DTDElem

-- | Represents a DTD element

data DTDElem	= DOCTYPE	-- ^ attr: name, system, public,	XDTD elems as children
		| ELEMENT	-- ^ attr: name, kind
				--  name: element name
				--  kind: \"EMPTY\" | \"ANY\" | \"\#PCDATA\" | children | mixed
		| CONTENT	-- ^ element content
				--  attr: kind, modifier
				--  modifier: \"\" | \"?\" | \"*\" | \"+\"
				--  kind: seq | choice
		| ATTLIST	-- ^ attributes:
		                --  name - name of element
				--  value - name of attribute
				--  type: \"CDATA\" | \"ID\" | \"IDREF\" | \"IDREFS\" | \"ENTITY\" | \"ENTITIES\" |
				--        \"NMTOKEN\" | \"NMTOKENS\" |\"NOTATION\" | \"ENUMTYPE\"
				--  kind: \"#REQUIRED\" | \"#IMPLIED\" | \"DEFAULT\"
		| ENTITY	-- ^ for entity declarations
		| PENTITY	-- ^ for parameter entity declarations
		| NOTATION	-- ^ for notations
		| CONDSECT	-- ^ for INCLUDEs, IGNOREs and peRefs: attr: type
				--  type = INCLUDE, IGNORE or %...;
		| NAME		-- ^ attr: name
				--  for lists of names in notation types or nmtokens in enumeration types
		| PEREF		-- ^ for Parameter Entity References in DTDs
		  deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Read, Typeable)

instance NFData DTDElem

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Attribute list
-- used for storing option lists and features of DTD parts

type Attributes	= AssocList String String

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Constants for error levels

-- | no error, everything is ok
c_ok	:: Int
c_ok	= 0

-- | Error level for XError, type warning
c_warn  :: Int
c_warn  = c_ok + 1

-- | Error level for XError, type error
c_err   :: Int
c_err   = c_warn + 1

-- | Error level for XError, type fatal error
c_fatal :: Int
c_fatal = c_err + 1

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | data type for representing a set of nodes as a tree structure
-- this structure is e.g. used to repesent the result of an XPath query
-- such that the selected nodes can be processed or selected later in
-- processing a document tree

data XmlNodeSet	= XNS { thisNode	:: Bool		-- ^ is this node part of the set ?
		      , attrNodes	:: [QName]	-- ^ the set of attribute nodes
		      , childNodes	:: ChildNodes	-- ^ the set of child nodes, a list of pairs of index and node set 
		  deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

type ChildNodes	= [(Int, XmlNodeSet)]

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------