-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
   Module     : Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DocumentInput
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2005 Uwe Schmidt
   License    : MIT

   Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
   Stability  : experimental
   Portability: portable

   State arrows for document input

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DocumentInput
    ( getXmlContents
    , getXmlEntityContents
    , getEncoding
    , getTextEncoding
    , decodeDocument
    , addInputError

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Arrow.ArrowIf
import           Control.Arrow.ArrowIO
import           Control.Arrow.ArrowList
import           Control.Arrow.ArrowTree
import           Control.Arrow.ListArrow

import           Data.List                            (isPrefixOf)
import           Data.String.Unicode                  (getDecodingFct,

import           System.FilePath                      (takeExtension)

import qualified Text.XML.HXT.IO.GetFILE              as FILE

import           Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Interface

import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ParserInterface   (parseXmlDocEncodingSpec, parseXmlEntityEncodingSpec,
import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow
import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState
import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState.TypeDefs

-- ----------------------------------------------------------

protocolHandlers        :: AssocList String (IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree)
    = [ ("file",        getFileContents)
      , ("http",        getHttpContents)
      , ("https",       getHttpContents)
      , ("stdin",       getStdinContents)

getProtocolHandler      :: IOStateArrow s String (IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree)
    = arr (\ s -> lookupDef getUnsupported s protocolHandlers)

getUnsupported          :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = perform ( getAttrValue a_source
                arr (("unsupported protocol in URI " ++) . show)
                applyA (arr issueFatal)
      setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "accessing documents"

getStringContents               :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = setCont $< getAttrValue a_source
      addAttr transferMessage "OK"
      addAttr transferStatus "200"
    setCont contents
        = replaceChildren (txt contents')
          addAttr transferURI (take 7 contents)                 -- the "string:" prefix is stored, this is required by setBaseURIFromDoc
          addAttr a_source (show . prefix 48 $ contents')       -- a quoted prefix of the content, max 48 chars is taken as source name
        contents'  = drop (length stringProtocol) contents
        prefix l s
            | length s' > l = take (l - 3) s' ++ "..."
            | otherwise     = s'
            s' = take (l + 1) s

getFileContents         :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = applyA ( ( getSysVar theStrictInput
                 ( getAttrValue transferURI
               traceValue 2 (\ (b, f) -> "read file " ++ show f ++ " (strict input = " ++ show b ++ ")")
               arrIO (uncurry FILE.getCont)
               ( arr (uncurry addInputError) -- io error occured
                 arr addTxtContent      -- content read

getStdinContents                :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = applyA (  getSysVar theStrictInput
                arrIO FILE.getStdinCont
               ( arr (uncurry addInputError) -- io error occured
                 arr addTxtContent           -- content read

addInputError                :: Attributes -> String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
addInputError al e
    = issueFatal e
      seqA (map (uncurry addAttr) al)
      setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "accessing documents"

addMimeType     :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = addMime $< ( ( getSysVar theFileMimeType
                     isA (not . null)
                   ( getAttrValue transferURI
                     ( uriToMime $< getMimeTypeTable )
    addMime mt
        = addAttr transferMimeType mt
    uriToMime mtt
        = arr $ ( \ uri -> extensionToMimeType (drop 1 . takeExtension $ uri) mtt )

addTxtContent   :: Blob -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
addTxtContent bc
    = replaceChildren (blb bc)
      addAttr transferMessage "OK"
      addAttr transferStatus "200"

getHttpContents         :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = withoutUserState $ applyA $ getSysVar theHttpHandler

getContentsFromString   :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = ( getAttrValue a_source
        isA (isPrefixOf stringProtocol)

getContentsFromDoc      :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = ( ( addTransferURI $< getBaseURI
        ( setAbsURI $< ( getAttrValue a_source
                         ( \ src-> (if null src then "stdin:" else src) )   -- empty document name -> read from stdin
      setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "getContentsFromDoc"
    setAbsURI src
        = ifA ( constA src >>> changeBaseURI )
          ( issueFatal ("illegal URI : " ++ show src) )

    addTransferURI uri
        = addAttr transferURI uri

        = applyA ( getBaseURI                           -- compute the handler and call it
                   traceValue 2 (("getContentsFromDoc: reading " ++) . show)
          this                                          -- don't change tree, when no handler can be found

setBaseURIFromDoc       :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = perform ( getAttrValue transferURI
                isA (isPrefixOf stringProtocol)         -- do not change base URI when reading from a string

{- |
   Read the content of a document.

   This routine is usually called from 'Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ProcessDocument.getDocumentContents'.

   The input must be a root node (constructed with 'Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow.root'), usually without children.
   The attribute list contains all input parameters, e.g. URI or source file name, encoding preferences, ...
   If the source name is empty, the input is read from standard input.

   The source is transformed into an absolute URI. If the source is a relative URI, or a file name,
   it is expanded into an absolute URI with respect to the current base URI.
   The default base URI is of protocol \"file\" and points to the current working directory.

   The currently supported protocols are \"http\", \"file\", \"stdin\" and \"string\".

   The latter two are internal protocols. An uri of the form \"stdin:\" stands for the content of
   the standard input stream.

   \"string:some text\" means, that \"some text\" is taken as input.
   This internal protocol is used for reading from normal 'String' values.


getXmlContents          :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = getXmlContents' parseXmlDocEncodingSpec

getXmlEntityContents            :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = traceMsg 2 "getXmlEntityContents"
      addAttr transferMimeType text_xml_external_parsed_entity  -- the default transfer mimetype
      getXmlContents' parseXmlEntityEncodingSpec
      addAttr transferMimeType text_xml_external_parsed_entity
      ( removeEncodingSpec
        changeText normalizeNL                  -- newline normalization must be done here
      )                                         -- the following calls of the parsers don't do this
      traceMsg 2 "getXmlEntityContents done"

getXmlContents'         :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
getXmlContents' parseEncodingSpec
    = ( getContentsFromString    -- no decoding done for string: protocol
        ( getContentsFromDoc
          [ isXmlHtmlDoc  :-> ( parseEncodingSpec
          , isTextDoc     :-> decodeDocument
          , this          :-> this
          perform ( getAttrValue transferURI
                    traceValue 1 (("getXmlContents: content read and decoded for " ++) . show)
          traceDoc "getXmlContents'"

isMimeDoc               :: (String -> Bool) -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
isMimeDoc isMT          = fromLA $
                          ( ( getAttrValue transferMimeType >>^ stringToLower )
                            isA (\ t -> null t || isMT t)
                          `guards` this

isTextDoc, isXmlHtmlDoc :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree

isTextDoc               = isMimeDoc isTextMimeType

isXmlHtmlDoc            = isMimeDoc (\ mt -> isHtmlMimeType mt || isXmlMimeType mt)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

getEncoding     :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree String
    = catA [ xshow getChildren                  -- 1. guess: guess encoding by looking at the first few bytes
             arr guessEncoding
           , getAttrValue transferEncoding      -- 2. guess: take the transfer encoding
           , getAttrValue a_encoding            -- 3. guess: take encoding parameter in root node
           , getSysVar  theInputEncoding        -- 4. guess: take encoding parameter in global state
           , constA utf8                        -- default : utf8
      >. (head . filter (not . null))           -- make the filter deterministic: take 1. entry from list of guesses

getTextEncoding :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree String
    = catA [ getAttrValue transferEncoding      -- 1. guess: take the transfer encoding
           , getAttrValue a_encoding            -- 2. guess: take encoding parameter in root node
           , getSysVar theInputEncoding         -- 3. guess: take encoding parameter in global state
           , constA isoLatin1                   -- default : no encoding
      >. (head . filter (not . null))           -- make the filter deterministic: take 1. entry from list of guesses

decodeDocument  :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    = choiceA
      [ ( isRoot >>> isXmlHtmlDoc )   :-> ( decodeX   $< getSysVar theExpat)
      , ( isRoot >>> isTextDoc )      :-> ( decodeArr $< getTextEncoding )
      , this                          :-> this
    decodeX             :: Bool -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    decodeX False       = decodeArr $< getEncoding
    decodeX True        = noDecode  $< getEncoding         -- parse with expat

    noDecode enc        = traceMsg 2 ("no decoding (done by expat): encoding is " ++ show enc)
                          addAttr transferEncoding enc

    decodeArr   :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
    decodeArr enc
        = maybe notFound found . getDecodingFct $ enc
        found df
            = traceMsg 2 ("decodeDocument: encoding is " ++ show enc)
              ( decodeText df $< getSysVar theEncodingErrors )
              addAttr transferEncoding enc

            = issueFatal ("encoding scheme not supported: " ++ show enc)
              setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "decoding document"

{- just for performance test
        decodeText _ _ = this
        decodeText df withEncErrors
            = processChildren
              ( getText                                                 -- get the document content
                -- the following 3 lines
                -- don't seem to raise the space problem in decodeText
                -- space is allocated in blobToString and in parsec
                >>> arr df                                              -- decode the text, result is (string, [errMsg])
                >>> ( ( fst ^>> mkText )                                -- take decoded string and build text node
                      ( if withEncErrors
                        ( arrL snd                                      -- take the error messages
                          arr ((enc ++) . (" encoding error" ++))       -- prefix with enc error
                          applyA (arr issueErr)                         -- build issueErr arrow and apply
                          none                                          -- neccessary for type match with <+>
                        else none

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