# $Id: Makefile,v 1.9 2006/11/11 15:36:03 hxml Exp $ HXT_HOME = ../../.. PKGFLAGS = GHCFLAGS = -Wall -O2 GHC = ghc $(GHCFLAGS) $(PKGFLAGS) DIST = $(HXT_HOME)/dist/examples/arrows DIST_DIR = $(DIST)/hparser prog = ./HXmlParser all : $(prog) prof : ghc --make -o $(prog) -Wall -prof -auto-all -O -fglasgow-exts -ignore-package hxt -ignore-package HTTP -i../../../src $(prog).hs local : ghc --make -o $(prog) $(GHCFLAGS) -fglasgow-exts -ignore-package hxt -i../../../src $(prog).hs $(prog) : HXmlParser.hs $(GHC) --make -o $@ $< force : $(GHC) --make -o $(prog) $(prog).hs test : $(prog) @echo "===> run a few simple test cases with the validating parser" @echo "===> first see all command line options" $(prog) --help @echo $(MAKE) test0 test1 test2 test3 test4 EX1 = ./example1.xml EX1a = ./example1CRLF.xml EXi = ./invalid.xml EX2 = ../../xhtml/xhtml.xml EX3 = ./namespace0.xml EX3a = ./namespace1.xml EX4 = ./lousy.html EX4a = ./emptyElements.html EX = $(wildcard example*.xml) $(wildcard lousy*.html) $(wildcard empty*.html) $(wildcard *valid*.xml *valid*.rng) $(wildcard namespace*.xml) test0 : @echo "===> a 1. simple valid document" $(prog) $(EX1) @echo @echo "===> the dom tree of the same document (without any redundant whitespace)" $(prog) --show-tree --remove-whitespace $(EX1) @echo @echo "===> the next test case contains validation erors, it must fail" $(prog) --verbose $(EXi) || true @echo @echo "===> same source, but only wellformed check" $(prog) --do-not-validate $(EXi) || true @echo @echo "===> only validation, no output of an XHTML source" $(prog) --verbose --no-output $(EX2) @echo test1 : @echo "===> the source of a very simple valid document" ; echo ; sleep 2 cat $(EX1) @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> parser will emit UTF-8" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --output-encoding=UTF-8 $(EX1) @echo @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> once again with ISO-8859-1 (latin1) output" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --output-encoding=ISO-8859-1 $(EX1) @echo @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> once again with US-ASCII output" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --output-encoding=US-ASCII $(EX1) @echo @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> once again with hdom tree output" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --show-tree --output-encoding=ISO-8859-1 $(EX1) @echo @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> once again, but without any markup" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --action=only-text --output-encoding=ISO-8859-1 $(EX1) @echo @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> same source, but with CRLF, parser will emit UTF-8" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --output-encoding=UTF-8 $(EX1a) @echo test2 : @echo "===> the source of a xhtml document" ; echo ; sleep 2 cat $(EX2) @echo "that document has" `cat $(EX2) | wc -l` "lines" @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> parser will validate this document and try to indent the output" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --indent $(EX2) @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> once again, but remove all markup" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --action=only-text --remove-whitespace $(EX2) @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> once again with hdom tree output" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --show-tree --remove-whitespace $(EX2) test3 : @echo "===> namespace processing examples" ; echo ; sleep 2 @echo "===> namespace propagation test" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --verbose --check-namespaces --indent --output-encoding=UTF-8 $(EX3) @echo @echo ; sleep 2 ; echo "===> namespace propagation test: tree output with attached namespaces" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --verbose --check-namespaces --remove-whitespace --show-tree --output-encoding=ISO-8859-1 $(EX3) @echo @echo ; sleep 2 ; echo "===> namespace validation test: this test produces namespace errors" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --verbose --do-not-validate --check-namespaces --indent --output-encoding=ISO-8859-1 $(EX3a) || true @echo test4 : @echo "===> HTML parsing examples" ; echo ; sleep 2 @echo "===> the source of a lousy html document" ; echo ; sleep 2 cat $(EX4) @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> parser accepts this document and tries to build a document tree" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --indent --preserve-comment --parse-html $(EX4) @echo "===> the source of another lousy html document containing empty elements" ; echo ; sleep 2 cat $(EX4a) @sleep 2 ; echo ; echo "===> parser accepts this document and tries to format this as a HTML document without any dangarous empty elements" ; echo ; sleep 2 $(prog) --indent --preserve-comment --parse-html --output-xhtml $(EX4a) @echo dist : [ -d $(DIST_DIR) ] || mkdir -p $(DIST_DIR) cp $(EX) Makefile $(prog).hs $(DIST_DIR) clean : rm -f $(prog) *.o *.hi .PHONY : all test test0 test1 test2 test3 test4 dist clean prof local force