-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
   Module     : Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeFunctions
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2008 Uwe Schmidt
   License    : MIT

   Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
   Stability  : stable
   Portability: portable

   Basic XmlTree functions


-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeFunctions
    ( module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeFunctions
    , module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.ShowXml

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeTypes
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlKeywords
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.ShowXml

import Data.Maybe

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- XNode Predicates

isXCdataNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isXCdataNode (XCdata _)		= True
isXCdataNode _			= False

isXCharRefNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isXCharRefNode (XCharRef _)	= True
isXCharRefNode _		= False

isXCmtNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isXCmtNode (XCmt _)		= True
isXCmtNode _			= False

isXDTDNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isXDTDNode (XDTD _ _)		= True
isXDTDNode _			= False

isXAttrNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isXAttrNode (XAttr _)		= True
isXAttrNode _			= False

isXEntityRefNode		:: XNode -> Bool
isXEntityRefNode (XEntityRef _)	= True
isXEntityRefNode _		= False

isXErrorNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isXErrorNode (XError _ _)	= True
isXErrorNode _			= False

isXPiNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isXPiNode (XPi _ _)		= True
isXPiNode _			= False

isXTagNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isXTagNode  (XTag _ _)		= True
isXTagNode _			= False

isXTextNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isXTextNode (XText _)		= True
isXTextNode _			= False

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

isRootNode			:: XNode -> Bool
isRootNode			= isTagNode t_root

isTagNode			:: String -> XNode -> Bool
isTagNode n			= isOfTagNode ((== n) . qualifiedName)

isOfTagNode			:: (TagName -> Bool) -> XNode -> Bool
isOfTagNode p (XTag n _)	= p n
isOfTagNode _ _			= False

isAttrNode			:: String -> XNode -> Bool
isAttrNode n			= isOfAttrNode ((== n) . qualifiedName)

isOfAttrNode			:: (AttrName -> Bool) -> XNode -> Bool
isOfAttrNode p (XAttr n)	= p n
isOfAttrNode _ _		= False

isTextNode			:: String -> XNode -> Bool
isTextNode t			= isOfTextNode (== t)

isOfTextNode			:: (String -> Bool) -> XNode -> Bool
isOfTextNode p (XText t)	= p t
isOfTextNode _ _		= False

isPiNode			:: String -> XNode -> Bool
isPiNode n			= isOfPiNode ((== n) . qualifiedName)

isOfPiNode			:: (TagName -> Bool) -> XNode -> Bool
isOfPiNode p (XPi n _)		= p n
isOfPiNode _ _			= False

isDTDElemNode 			:: DTDElem -> XNode -> Bool
isDTDElemNode e	(XDTD n _)	= n == e
isDTDElemNode _ _		= False

isErrorNode 			:: Int -> XNode -> Bool
isErrorNode l (XError l'  _)    = l == l'
isErrorNode _ _  = False

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

textOfXNode			:: XNode -> String
textOfXNode (XText t)		= t
textOfXNode _			= ""

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- XmlTree constructors

-- |
-- Create a tree with a tag node.
--    * 1.parameter n :  the name of the tag
--    - 2.parameter al :  the tag attribte list
--    - 3.parameter cs :  the list of children
--    - returns : the new tree

mkXTagTree		:: String -> XmlTrees -> XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkXTagTree n al cs	= mkNode (XTag (mkName n) al) cs

-- | Version with qualified name of 'mkXTagTree'

mkQTagTree		:: QName -> XmlTrees -> XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkQTagTree q al cs	= mkNode (XTag q al) cs

-- |
-- create a tree with a namespace aware tag node.
--    * 1.parameter n :  the prefix:localpart of the tag
--    - 2.parameter ns:  the namespace uri
--    - 3.parameter al :  the tag attribte list
--    - 4.parameter cs :  the list of children
--    - returns : the new tree
-- see also: 'mkXTagTree'

mkXNsTagTree		:: String -> String -> XmlTrees -> XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkXNsTagTree n ns al cs	= mkNode (XTag (mkNsName n ns) al) cs

-- |
-- creates a new document tree with empty contents.
--   * 1.parameter al : the attribute list for the root node
-- returns a single node tree with tag name \"\/\" indicating a root and
-- with empty list of children
-- see also : 'emptyRoot'

newRoot			:: XmlTrees -> XmlTree
newRoot al		= mkXTagTree t_root al []

-- | the empty document tree
-- see also : 'newRoot'

emptyRoot		:: XmlTree
emptyRoot		= newRoot []

-- |
-- create a new empty document with source name as parameter

newDocument		:: String -> XmlTree
newDocument n
    = newDocument' [(a_source, n), (a_status, show c_ok)]

-- |
-- create a new empty document with a list of attributes for source location and options
-- see also : 'newDocument'

newDocument'		:: Attributes -> XmlTree
newDocument' al
    = newRoot (fromAttrl al)

-- |
-- create a document root tree.
--    * 1.parameter al :  the attribute list for the root. This list must contain at
--		  least an attribute \"source\" that contains the URI of the document to be processed
--    - 2.parameter cs :  the list for the document content
--    - returns : the document root

mkRootTree		:: XmlTrees -> XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkRootTree al cs	= mkXTagTree t_root al cs

-- |
-- create a leaf for a text element.
--    * 1.parameter txt :  the text
--    - returns : the tree with the single node containing the text

mkXTextTree		:: String -> XmlTree
mkXTextTree s		= mkLeaf (XText s)

-- |
-- create a leaf for a char reference.
--    * 1.parameter i :  the integer representing the Unicode char
--    - returns : the tree with the single node containing the char reference

mkXCharRefTree		:: Int -> XmlTree
mkXCharRefTree s	= mkLeaf (XCharRef s)

-- |
-- create a leaf for an entity reference.
--    * 1.parameter n :  the name of the entity reference
--    - returns : the tree with the single node containing the entity reference

mkXEntityRefTree	:: String -> XmlTree
mkXEntityRefTree s	= mkLeaf (XEntityRef s)

-- |
-- create a leaf for a comment,
--    * 1.parameter c :  the comment text
--    - returns : the tree with the single node containing the comment

mkXCmtTree		:: String -> XmlTree
mkXCmtTree c		= mkLeaf (XCmt c)

-- |
-- create a tree for a part of a DTD
--    * 1.parameter d :  the type of the DTD part
--    - 2.parameter al :  the attribute list for the DTD part
--    - 3.parameter ds :  the possibly empty list of components for the DTD part
--    - returns : the tree with the composed DTD part

mkXDTDTree		:: DTDElem -> Attributes -> XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkXDTDTree d al	ds	= mkNode (XDTD d al) ds

-- |
-- create an attribute tree as part of a tag attribute list of tag nodes
--    * 1.parameter al : the attribute name
--    - 2.parameter av : the attribute value as tree list, usually containing a single text node

mkXAttrTree		:: String -> XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkXAttrTree an av	= mkNode (XAttr (mkName an)) av

-- | Qualified version of 'mkXAttrTree'

mkQAttrTree		:: QName -> XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkQAttrTree aq av	= mkNode (XAttr aq) av

-- |
-- create an attribute tree with a namespace
--    * 1.parameter al : the attribute name
--    - 2.parameter ns : namespace uri
--    - 3.parameter av : the attribute value as tree list, usually containing a single text node
-- see also: 'mkXAttrTree', 'mkXNsTagTree'

mkXNsAttrTree		:: String -> String -> XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkXNsAttrTree an ns av	= mkNode (XAttr (mkNsName an ns)) av

-- |
-- create a parameter entity reference DTD part.
--    * 1.parameter ref :  the name of the reference
--    - returns : the DTD part for a PERef

mkXPERefTree		:: String -> XmlTree
mkXPERefTree ref	= mkLeaf (XDTD PEREF [(a_peref, ref)])

-- |
-- create a processing instruction tree.
--    * 1.parameter n :  the name of the PI
--    - 2.parameter str :  the content of a PI
--    - returns : the processing instruction tree with a single attribute \"value\"
--      with the str parameter as attribute value, with @valueOf a_value@ applied to the result tree
--      the content of the PI can be selected

mkXPiTree	:: String -> String -> XmlTree
mkXPiTree n str	= mkLeaf (XPi (mkName n) (xattr a_value str))

-- |
-- create xml declaration

mkXmlDeclTree	:: XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkXmlDeclTree al = mkLeaf (XPi (mkName t_xml) al)

-- |
-- create a CDATA section tree.
--    * 1.parameter s :  the content of the CDATA section
--    - returns : the tree for the CDATA section

mkXCdataTree		:: String -> XmlTree
mkXCdataTree s		= mkLeaf (XCdata s)

-- |
-- create an error tree.
--    * 1.parameter l :  the level of the error (warning, error fatal)
--    - 2.parameter msg :  the error message
--    - 3.parameter cs :  the context, where the error was detected

mkXErrorTree		:: Int -> String -> XmlTrees -> XmlTree
mkXErrorTree l s cs	= mkNode (XError l s) cs

maybeString2XText	:: Maybe String -> XmlTrees
maybeString2XText	= map mkXTextTree . maybeToList

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- text selection

showXText	:: XmlTrees -> String
    = concatMap showT
      showT (NTree (XText      t) _) = t
      showT _                        = ""

showXCharRef	:: XmlTrees -> String
    = concatMap showT
      showT (NTree (XCharRef   r) _) = "&#" ++ show r ++ ";"
      showT _                        = ""

showXEntityRef	:: XmlTrees -> String
    = concatMap showT
      showT (NTree (XEntityRef r) _) = "&" ++ r ++ ";"
      showT _                        = ""

showXErrors	:: XmlTrees -> String
    = concatMap showE
      showE (NTree (XError level str) _) = msg level ++ ": " ++ str ++ "\n"
      showE _                            = ""

      msg :: Int -> String
      msg l
          | l == c_warn = "Warning"
          | l == c_err  = "Error"
          | otherwise   = "Fatal error"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- the toString conversion functions

-- |
-- old name for 'xshow' (deprecated)

xmlTreesToString	:: XmlTrees -> String
xmlTreesToString	= xshow

-- |
-- conversion of a filter result into a text node
-- see also : 'xshow'

xmlTreesToText		:: XmlSFilter
xmlTreesToText ts@[(NTree (XText _) _)]	= ts		-- special case optimisation
xmlTreesToText ts@[]			= ts
xmlTreesToText ts			= xtext . xshow $ ts

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

xmlContentModelToString	:: XmlTree -> String
xmlContentModelToString (NTree (XDTD ELEMENT al) cs)
    = showElemType (lookup1 a_type al) cs ""

xmlContentModelToString _
    = ""

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- string access functions

-- |
-- select the name of a node. For tags, attributes and pi\'s the name string
-- is returned, else the empty string.

nameOf				:: XmlTree -> String
    = selName . getNode
      selName (XTag  n _)	= qualifiedName n
      selName (XAttr n  )	= qualifiedName n
      selName (XPi   n _)	= qualifiedName n
      selName _			= ""

-- |
-- select the local part of a name of a node. For tags, attributes the name string
-- is returned, for pi's the whole name, else the empty string.

localPartOf				:: XmlTree -> String
    = selName . getNode
      selName (XTag  n _)	= localPart n
      selName (XAttr n  )	= localPart n
      selName (XPi   n _)	= qualifiedName n
      selName _			= ""

-- |
-- select the namespace URI of a tag or an attribute tree, else the empty string is returned
-- see also : 'nameOf'

namespaceOf				:: XmlTree -> String
    = selName . getNode
      selName (XTag n _)	= namespaceUri n
      selName (XAttr n )	= namespaceUri n
      selName _			= ""

-- |
-- select the namespace prefix of a tag or an attribute tree, else the empty string is returned
-- see also : 'nameOf', 'localPartOf'

prefixOf				:: XmlTree -> String
    = selName . getNode
      selName (XTag n _)	= namePrefix n
      selName (XAttr n )	= namePrefix n
      selName _			= ""

-- |
-- select the universal name (namespace uri ++ localPart) of a tag or an attribute tree, else the empty string is returned
-- see also : 'nameOf', 'namespaceOf'

universalNameOf				:: XmlTree -> String
    = selName . getNode
      selName (XTag n _)	= universalName n
      selName (XAttr n )	= universalName n
      selName _			= ""

-- |
-- select the attributes of a dtd tree

attrlOfDTD				:: XmlTree -> Attributes
attrlOfDTD (NTree (XDTD _ al) _)	= al
attrlOfDTD _				= []

-- |
-- select a special attribute of a DTD part

valueOfDTD		:: String -> XmlTree -> String
valueOfDTD n		= lookup1 n . attrlOfDTD

-- |
-- test an attribute of a DTD part

ofDTDequals	:: String -> String -> XmlTree -> Bool
ofDTDequals n v	= (== v) . valueOfDTD n

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- convenient functions

xcmt		:: String -> XmlTrees
xcmt cmt	= [ mkXCmtTree cmt ]

xerr		:: String -> XmlTrees
xerr msg	= [ mkXErrorTree c_err msg []]

xwarn		:: String -> XmlTrees
xwarn msg	= [ mkXErrorTree c_warn msg []]

xtext		:: String -> XmlTrees
xtext t		= [ mkXTextTree t]

xtag		:: String -> XmlTrees -> XmlTrees -> XmlTrees
xtag t al cl	= [ mkXTagTree t al cl ]

xattr		:: String -> String -> XmlTrees
xattr n v	= [ mkXAttrTree n (xtext v) ]

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- conversion functions: XmlTrees <-> Attributes

toTreel		:: XmlTrees -> AssocList String XmlTrees
    = concatMap toTree
      toTree (NTree (XAttr n) cs) = [(qualifiedName n, cs)]
      toTree _			  = []

toAttrl		:: XmlTrees -> Attributes
    = map (\ (k,tl) -> (k, xshow tl)) . toTreel

fromTreel	:: AssocList String XmlTrees -> XmlTrees
    = map (\ (k,tl) -> mkXAttrTree k tl)

fromAttrl	:: Attributes -> XmlTrees
    = fromTreel . map (\ (k,v) -> (k, xtext v))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------