-- | -- HUnit - Haskell XML Toolbox examples and tests -- -- Author: Uwe Schmidt uwe@fh-wedel.de -- -- Version : $Id: HUnitExample.hs,v 1.8 2005/04/14 12:52:51 hxml Exp $ module Main where import System import Test.HUnit import Text.XML.HXT.Parser import Data.Char aMinimalDoc :: XmlTree aMinimalDoc = mkRootTree [] (xtext "") aSimpleXHTMLDoc :: XmlTree aSimpleXHTMLDoc = mkRootTree ( xattr a_source "simple.xml" ) ( xtext ( concatMap (++ "\n") [ "" , "" , " A Simple XHTML Document" , " " , " " , "" ] ) ) mkMinimalDoc :: String -> XmlTree mkMinimalDoc cont = mkRootTree [] (xtext cont) mkInputDoc :: String -> XmlTree mkInputDoc src = mkRootTree ( xattr a_source src) [] mkDoc :: String -> XmlTree mkDoc cont = mkRootTree ( xattr a_source "a test") ( xtext ("\n" ++ cont) ) -- | -- compare trees testEqualTrees :: XmlTrees -> XmlTrees -> Test testEqualTrees e1 e2 = TestCase $ assertEqual "" e1 e2 -- | -- testDocFilter creates a test for the application of a pure -- functional filter to a XML tree. The result is converted into -- the external string representation and compared with the expected -- result. -- -- see also: 'testStateFilter' and 'testEditFilter' testDocFilter :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlTree -> Test testDocFilter expected xfilter doc = TestCase $ assertEqual "" expected (xshow $ xfilter doc) -- | -- testStateFilter creates a test for monadic filters, doing IO and using -- the internal state, consisting of program options and status information -- The filter is applied to a XML tree, the result is converted to a string -- and this result is compared with the expected result. -- -- see also: 'testEditFilter' for pure functional filters testStateFilter :: String -> XmlStateFilter () -> XmlTree -> Test testStateFilter expected xfilter input = TestCase $ do res <- run' $ xfilter input assertEqual "" expected (xshow res) -- | -- The test bed for edit filter for external documents. -- The input tree must specify the external document to be read. -- This document is checked for wellformedness, canonicalized -- (char refs substituted, ...) and processed with the edit filter. -- The result is transformed into the string representation and compared -- with the expected string. testEditFilter :: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlTree -> Test testEditFilter expected xfilter input = TestCase $ do res <- run' $ ( getWellformedDoc -- read the document .>> liftMf canonicalizeAllNodes -- normalize the document and remove decl .>> liftMf ( processChildren xfilter ) -- apply the editing filter only to the 'real' document .>> -- nodes, not to nodes surrounding the document tag putXmlTree -- just trace output .>> liftMf getChildren -- just for comparing the document contents ) input assertEqual "" expected (xshow res) -- | -- ausiliary function to make haskell string constants with quotes more readable singleToDoubleQuote :: String -> String singleToDoubleQuote = map (\ c -> if c == '\'' then '"' else c) -- | -- the complete set of test cases allTests :: Test allTests = TestList [ constructionTests , treeConstructionTests , parseTests , inputTests , removeTests , simpleSelectionTests , namespaceTests ] -- | -- tree versus filter construction tests -- documents may be constructed by tree operations -- or with the more flexible filter operations applied to an arbitray tree treeConstructionTests :: Test treeConstructionTests = TestLabel "tree and filter construction tests" $ TestList $ map (\ (t, f) -> testEqualTrees t (f undefined) ) [ (xtext "xyz", txt "xyz" ) , (xcmt "cmt", cmt "cmt" ) , (xtag "img" [] [], tag "img" [] [] ) , (xtag "img" [] [], etag "img" ) , (xtag "img" (xattr "b" "13") [], tag "img" [sattr "b" "13"] [] ) , (xtag "img" (xattr "b" "13") [], atag "img" [sattr "b" "13"] ) , (xtag "t" (xattr "a" "42" ++ xattr "b" "id") (xtext "abc"), tag "t" [sattr "a" "42", sattr "b" "id"] [txt "abc"] ) ] -- | -- construction tests are all applied to the empty document, -- no information is used from that document, -- but construction is lifted to the filter level. -- this is more general than explicit construction. -- in more complex examples some information may be extracted from -- the source, some can be constant. -- -- see also: 'testDocFilter' constructionTests :: Test constructionTests = TestLabel "document construction tests" $ TestList $ map (\ (res, f) -> testDocFilter res f undefined) -- undefined or something else, e.g. emptyRoot [ ("" , mkXTag "x" none none ) , ("" , tag "x" [] [] ) -- syntactically more comfortable shortcut for mkXTag , ("" , stag "x" [] ) -- shortcut for tags without attributes , ("" , atag "x" [] ) -- shortcut for empty tags with attributes , ("" , etag "x" ) -- shortcut for empty tags without attributes , ("" , mkXTag "x" (mkXAttr "a" (mkXText "1")) none ) , ("42" , mkXTag "x" (mkXAttr "a" (mkXText "1")) (mkXText "42") ) , ("42" , tag "x" [ attr "a" $ txt "1" ] [ txt "42" ] ) , ("42" , tag "x" [ sattr "a" "1" ] [ txt "42" ] ) , ("" , atag "x" [ sattr "a" "1" ] ) , ("4243" , tag "x" [ sattr "a" "1" , sattr "b" "2" ] [ txt "42" , etag "y" , txt "43" ] ) , ("" , mkXCmt $ txt " a comment " ) , ("" , cmt "a comment" ) -- short cut for uncomputed comment , ("" , cmt " an illegal XML comment containing 2 -- in comment text " ) , ("*" , mkXCharRef 42 ) , ("<" , mkXEntityRef "lt" ) , ("]]>" , mkXCdata $ txt "") , ("]]>" -- short cut for uncomputed cdata content , cdata "") , ("" , mkXPi "abc" $ txt "xyz" ) , ("" , spi "abc" "xyz" ) -- short cut for an uncomputed pi content ] -- | -- simple selection tests simpleSelectionTests :: Test simpleSelectionTests = TestLabel "simple tree selection tests" $ TestList $ map (\ (res, f) -> testDocFilter (singleToDoubleQuote res) f simpleDoc) [ (src , this ) , ("1" , getValue "a" ) , ("" , getValue "b" ) , (body1 , getChildren ) -- text selection , ("xyz" , getChildren .> isXText ) , ("xyz" , getChildren .> isText "xyz" ) , ("" , getChildren .> isText "abc" ) , ("xyz" , getChildren .> isOfText (>="x") ) , ("" , getChildren .> isOfText (<"x") ) , ("" , getChildren .> isWhiteSpace ) -- tag selection , ("abc" , getChildren .> isXTag ) -- comment selection , ("" , getChildren .> isXCmt ) -- text OR tag selection , ("abcxyz" , getChildren .> (isXTag +++ isXText) ) -- generalised OR , ("abcxyz" , getChildren .> cat [isXTag, isXText] ) , ("abc" , getChildren .> getChildren ) -- atribute value selection , ("1" , getValue "a" ) , ("abc" , getChildren .> isTag "t" ) -- attribute selection , ("abc" , getChildren .> hasAttr "a" ) , ("42" , getChildren .> getValue "a" ) , ("42" , getChildren .> hasValue "a" (all isDigit) ) , ("13" , getChildren .> hasValue "b" (all isDigit) ) , ("" , getChildren .> isTag "t" .> hasValue "b" (all isDigit) ) , ("42" , getChildren .> hasValue "a" (== "42") ) , ("" , getChildren .> hasValue "a" (== "43") ) , ("42" , getChildren .> hasValue "a" (\ str -> ((read str)::Int) > 40) ) , ("42" , getChildren .> hasValue "a" (not . null) ) , ("id13" , getChildren .> hasValue "b" (const True) ) , ("13" , getChildren .> isTag "img" .> hasValue "b" (const True) ) , ("" , getChildren .> hasValue "c" (const True) ) , (" a='42' b='id' b='13' x='0'" , getChildren .> getAttrl ) , (" a='42' b='id'" , getChildren .> isTag "t" .> getAttrl ) , ("42id" , getChildren .> isTag "t" .> getAttrl .> getChildren ) , (" b='id' b='13'" , getChildren .> getAttrl .> isAttr "b" ) , (" b='13'" , getChildren .> isTag "img" .> getAttrl .> isAttr "b" ) , ("13" , getChildren .> isTag "img" .> getAttrl .> isAttr "b" .> getChildren ) , ("13" , getChildren .> isTag "img" .> getValue "b" ) , ("timgyz" , getChildren .> getName ) , ("t" , getChildren .> isTag "t" .> getName ) , ("abbx" , getChildren .> getAttrl .> getName ) , ("bb" , getChildren .> getAttrl .> isAttr "b" .> getName ) , ("ab" , getChildren .> isTag "t" .> getAttrl .> getName ) , ("b" , getChildren .> isTag "t" .> getAttrl .> isAttr "b" .> getName ) -- deep search for text or tags , ("abcxyz" , deep isXText ) , ("abc" , deep (isTag "t") .> deep isXText ) ] where src = "" ++ body1 ++ "" body1 = "" ++ "abc" ++ "" ++ "xyz" ++ "" ++ "" sDocFilter = tag "r" [ sattr "a" "1" ] [ cmt "cmt" , tag "t" [ sattr "a" "42", sattr "b" "id" ] [ txt "abc" ] , atag "img" [ sattr "b" "13" ] , txt "xyz" , atag "y" [ sattr "x" "0" ] , etag "z" ] simpleDoc = head $ sDocFilter undefined -- | -- simple tests with namespaces namespaceTests :: Test namespaceTests = TestLabel "namespace tests" $ TestList $ map (\ (res, f) -> testDocFilter (singleToDoubleQuote res) f simpleDoc) [ (src , this ) -- select all "t" tags, even nested ones (multi) and extract the text from the body , ("sssaaa" , multi (isTag "t" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) -- select all text within all tags of a specific namespace , ("sssaaazzzeee" , multi (isXTag .> hasNamespace "dns" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) , ("bbb" , multi (isXTag .> hasNamespace "n1" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) , ("cccdddfffggg" , multi (isXTag .> hasNamespace "n2" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) -- select all text within all tags with a specific local name , ("sssaaabbbcccdddzzz" , multi (isXTag .> hasLocalPart "t" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) , ("eee" , multi (isXTag .> hasLocalPart "e" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) -- select all text within all tags with a specific prefix , ("bbbddd" , multi (isXTag .> hasPrefix "x" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) , ("ccc" , multi (isXTag .> hasPrefix "y" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) , ("zzz" , multi (isXTag .> hasPrefix "z" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) , ("sssaaaeeefffggg" , multi (isXTag .> hasPrefix "" .> getChildren .> isXText) ) -- select all attribute values of a specific namespace -- !!! the default namespace is not propagated to attribute names , ("z5" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> hasNamespace "dns" .> getChildren) ) , ("2z4" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> hasNamespace "n1" .> getChildren) ) , ("x3y3u4" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> hasNamespace "n2" .> getChildren) ) , ("dnsn2" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> hasLocalPart "xmlns" .> getChildren) ) -- select namespaces from all namespace declarations , ("dnsn1n2dnsn2n2" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> isNamespaceDecl .> getChildren) ) -- all default namespace declarations , ("dnsn2" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> hasLocalPart "xmlns" .> getChildren) ) -- all none default namespace declarations , ("n1n2dnsn2" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> hasPrefix "xmlns" .> getChildren) ) , ("n1n2" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> hasPrefix "xmlns" .> hasLocalPart "x" .> getChildren) ) , ("n2" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> hasPrefix "xmlns" .> hasLocalPart "y" .> getChildren) ) , ("dns" , multi (isXTag .> getAttrl .> hasPrefix "xmlns" .> hasLocalPart "z" .> getChildren) ) ] where -- the text representation of the tree -- with ' instead of " for readablility of the string constants src = "" ++ "sss" ++ "aaa" ++ "bbb" ++ "ccc" ++ "ddd" ++ "zzz" ++ "eee" ++ "fffggg" ++ "" -- the filter for generating the test document sDocFilter = tag "t" [ sattr "xmlns" "dns" -- 4 namespace declarations , sattr "xmlns:x" "n1" , sattr "xmlns:y" "n2" , sattr "xmlns:z" "dns" ] [ txt "sss" , tag "t" [ sattr "a" "1" , sattr "x:a" "2" ] [ txt "aaa" ] , tag "x:t" [ sattr "a" "x1" , sattr "y:a" "x3" ] [ txt "bbb" ] , tag "y:t" [ sattr "a" "y1" , sattr "y:a" "y3" ] [ txt "ccc" ] , tag "x:t" [ sattr "xmlns:x" "n2" -- redefinition of prefix x: , sattr "x:a" "u4" ] [ txt "ddd" ] , tag "z:t" [ sattr "x:a" "z4" , sattr "z:a" "z5" ] [ txt "zzz" ] , tag "e" [ sattr "b" "42" ] [ txt "eee" ] , tag "f" [ sattr "xmlns" "n2" -- redefinition of default namespace ] [ txt "fff" , tag "g" [ ] [ txt "ggg" ] ] ] -- create document and propagate namespaces simpleDoc = head $ (sDocFilter .> propagateNamespaces) undefined -- | -- minimal tests for parsing data. -- -- the tests are document trees with a root -- node containing a single text node with the document source. -- That tree is passed to the parser, which substitutes the text node with the parsed xml tree. -- In general this may be a list of trees containing also the -- surrounding parts like the xml declaraion, the document type definition -- possibly comments and processing instructions. -- -- see also: 'testStateFilter' parseTests :: Test parseTests = TestLabel "minimal parser tests" $ TestList [ testStateFilter "" parseXmlDoc mini -- the tree inclusive root node , testStateFilter "" (parseXmlDoc .>> liftMf getChildren) mini -- only the content , testStateFilter "" (parseXmlDoc .>> liftMf getChildren) min2 -- same content , testStateFilter "" (parseXmlDoc .>> liftMf getChildren) minErr -- syntax error: content empty , testStateFilter errr (parseXmlDoc .>> liftMf (getValue a_status)) minErr -- syntax error reported in a_status ] where errr = show c_err mini = mkMinimalDoc "" min2 = mkMinimalDoc "" minErr = mkMinimalDoc "" -- | -- simple external file containing one tag mini1 :: XmlTree mini1 = newDocument "mini1.xml" -- test documents -- | -- simple external file containing one tag mini2 :: XmlTree mini2 = newDocument "mini2.xml" -- | -- simple not existing external file notThere :: XmlTree notThere = newDocument "notThere.xml" -- does not exist -- | -- These test check the access to external files -- and error reporting in case of input or parse errors -- Some test issue tree like trace output of the documents read -- to show the internal structure and nesting inputTests :: Test inputTests = TestLabel "input tests" $ TestList [ testStateFilter "mini1.xml" ( putXmlTree .>> liftMf (getValue a_source) ) mini1 , testStateFilter ok ( liftMf (getValue a_status) ) mini1 , testStateFilter "" ( liftMf getChildren ) mini1 , testStateFilter "" ( getXmlContents .>> putXmlTree .>> liftMf getChildren ) mini1 , testStateFilter ok ( getXmlContents .>> liftMf (getValue a_status) ) mini1 , testStateFilter "4" ( getXmlContents .>> liftMf getContentLength .>> putXmlTree .>> liftMf (getValue a_contentLength) ) mini1 , testStateFilter ok ( getXmlContents .>> liftMf (getValue a_status) ) mini2 , testStateFilter "" ( getXmlContents .>> putXmlTree .>> liftMf getChildren ) notThere , testStateFilter fat ( getXmlContents .>> liftMf (getValue a_status) ) notThere ] where ok = show c_ok fat = show c_fatal -- | -- A few tests for removing parts of a document tree. -- As input tree the document in file mini2.xml is used. removeTests :: Test removeTests = TestLabel "document transformation tests" $ TestList [ testEditFilter allText getAllText mini2 , testEditFilter allData (removeAllWhiteSpace .> getAllText) mini2 , testEditFilter allImp (removeIgnorableData .> getAllText) mini2 , testEditFilter allDat (removeMeta .> getAllText) mini2 ] where getAllText = deep isXText containsUnknownOrIgnore = getChildren .> ( isText "unknown" +++ isText "ignore" ) removeIgnorableData = processTopDown ( none `when` ( isTag "data" .> containsUnknownOrIgnore ) ) removeMeta = processTopDown ( none `when` ( isTag "data" .> hasValue "class" ( == "meta" ) ) ) allText = " ignore unknown important important " allData = "ignoreunknownimportantimportant" allImp = " important important " allDat = " ignore important " ys :: XmlTree ys = head $ tag "s:Envelope" [ sattr "xmlns:s" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", sattr "xmlns:xenc" "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#", sattr "xmlns:eg" "http://example.org/paymentv2", sattr "xmlns:wsse" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2002/12/secext" ] [ stag "s:Header" [ stag "wsse:Security" [ tag "wsse:BinarySecurityToken" [ sattr "ValueType" "wsse:Kerberosv5ST", sattr "EncodingType" "wsse:Base64Binary" ] [ txt "QMwcAG ..." ] ] ], stag "s:Body" [ stag "eg:OrderCurrency" [ stag "eg:Name" [ txt "John Smith" ], tag "eg:Amount" [ sattr "Currency" "'USD'" ] [ txt "1000" ], tag "eg:CreditCard" [ sattr "Limit" "'5000'", sattr "Currency" "'GBP'" ] [ stag "xenc:EncryptedData" [ atag "xenc:EncryptionMethod" [ sattr "Algorithm" "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc" ] ], stag "xenc:CipherData" [ stag "xenc:CipherValue" [ txt "r5KipsDV ..." ] ] ] ] ] ] .> propagateNamespaces .> indentDoc $ undefined main :: IO () main = do c <- runTestTT allTests putStrLn $ show c let errs = errors c fails = failures c System.exitWith (codeGet errs fails) codeGet :: Int -> Int -> ExitCode codeGet errs fails | fails > 0 = ExitFailure 2 | errs > 0 = ExitFailure 1 | otherwise = ExitSuccess -- ----------------------------------------------------------