module Text.XML.HXT.Helper
,XmlEncoding, xmlEncodingFromString, xmlEncodingToString
,serializeXml, parseXml, ParseXmlConfig(..), defaultParseXmlConfig, xmlEncoding
,pickle, pickleWithEnc, pickleStr, unpickle, unpickleStr, unpickleDocM
,PUCase, xpOne, xpMany, xpTagSwitch, xpCase, xpCaseConst, xpSwitch
,xpTextFixed, xpConsumeAll, xpExhaustiveList, xpIgnoreOnUnpickle, xpEither
,_ISO8859_1_, _ISO8859_2_, _ISO8859_3_, _ISO8859_4_, _ISO8859_5_
,_ISO8859_6_, _ISO8859_7_, _ISO8859_8_, _ISO8859_9_, _ISO8859_10_
,_ISO8859_11_, _ISO8859_13_, _ISO8859_14_, _ISO8859_15_, _ISO8859_16_
,_USASCII_, _UCS2_, _UTF8_, _UTF16_, _UTF16BE_, _UTF16LE_, _ISOLATIN1_
import Control.Monad.Error ()
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Control.Arrow.ArrowIf (when)
import Control.Arrow.ArrowList (this,none)
import Control.Arrow.ArrowTree (processChildren, processTopDown)
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs (NTree(..))
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow
( XmlTree
, runLA, constA, (>>>), arr
, replaceChildren,xshow,mkText,escapeXmlDoc
, getChildren)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Namespace (propagateNamespaces,uniqueNamespacesFromDeclAndQNames)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle (PU(..), unpickleDoc,
pickleDoc ,xpElem, xpList, xpAlt, xpWrap,
xpWrapMaybe, xpText, xpText0)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle.Schema (scFixed)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle.Xml (St(..))
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ParserInterface (parseXmlDoc,substXmlEntityRefs)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Edit (canonicalizeContents, removeDocWhiteSpace, removeAllComment
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow (ArrowXml, root, isPi, hasName)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DocumentOutput (encodeDocument')
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs (XNode(..))
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlKeywords
,iso8859_1, iso8859_2, iso8859_3, iso8859_4, iso8859_5, iso8859_6
,iso8859_7, iso8859_8, iso8859_9, iso8859_10, iso8859_11, iso8859_13
,iso8859_14, iso8859_15, iso8859_16, usAscii, ucs2, utf8, utf16, utf16be
,utf16le, unicodeString, isoLatin1)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLChar
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Encoding (DynEncoding, encodingFromStringExplicit, decodeLazyByteStringExplicit)
type XmlValidator = BSLChar.ByteString -> Either String ()
newtype XmlEncoding = XmlEncoding { xmlEncodingName :: String } deriving (Eq)
instance Show XmlEncoding where
show (XmlEncoding name) = name
_UNICODE_ :: XmlEncoding
_UNICODE_ = XmlEncoding unicodeString
_ISO8859_1_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_1_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_1
_ISO8859_2_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_2_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_2
_ISO8859_3_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_3_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_3
_ISO8859_4_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_4_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_4
_ISO8859_5_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_5_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_5
_ISO8859_6_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_6_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_6
_ISO8859_7_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_7_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_7
_ISO8859_8_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_8_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_8
_ISO8859_9_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_9_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_9
_ISO8859_10_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_10_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_10
_ISO8859_11_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_11_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_11
_ISO8859_13_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_13_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_13
_ISO8859_14_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_14_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_14
_ISO8859_15_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_15_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_15
_ISO8859_16_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISO8859_16_ = XmlEncoding iso8859_16
_USASCII_ :: XmlEncoding
_USASCII_ = XmlEncoding usAscii
_UCS2_ :: XmlEncoding
_UCS2_ = XmlEncoding ucs2
_UTF8_ :: XmlEncoding
_UTF8_ = XmlEncoding utf8
_UTF16_ :: XmlEncoding
_UTF16_ = XmlEncoding utf16
_UTF16BE_ :: XmlEncoding
_UTF16BE_ = XmlEncoding utf16be
_UTF16LE_ :: XmlEncoding
_UTF16LE_ = XmlEncoding utf16le
_ISOLATIN1_ :: XmlEncoding
_ISOLATIN1_ = XmlEncoding isoLatin1
xmlEncodingFromString :: String -> Either String XmlEncoding
xmlEncodingFromString name =
case map toLower name of
"latin1" -> return _ISOLATIN1_
"latin9" -> return _ISO8859_15_
"iso-8859-1" -> return _ISO8859_1_
"iso-8859-2" -> return _ISO8859_2_
"iso-8859-3" -> return _ISO8859_3_
"iso-8859-4" -> return _ISO8859_4_
"iso-8859-5" -> return _ISO8859_5_
"iso-8859-6" -> return _ISO8859_6_
"iso-8859-7" -> return _ISO8859_7_
"iso-8859-8" -> return _ISO8859_8_
"iso-8859-9" -> return _ISO8859_9_
"iso-8859-10" -> return _ISO8859_10_
"iso-8859-11" -> return _ISO8859_11_
"iso-8859-13" -> return _ISO8859_13_
"iso-8859-14" -> return _ISO8859_14_
"iso-8859-15" -> return _ISO8859_15_
"utf8" -> return _UTF8_
"utf-8" -> return _UTF8_
"utf16" -> return _UTF16_
"utf-16" -> return _UTF16_
"ascii" -> return _USASCII_
"us-ascii" -> return _USASCII_
"unicode" -> return _UNICODE_
_ -> fail $ "Can't parse unsupported XmlEncoding name `" ++ name ++ "'."
xmlEncodingToString :: XmlEncoding -> String
xmlEncodingToString = show
xmlEncoding :: Monad m => BSL.ByteString -> m DynEncoding
xmlEncoding bs =
let enc = case parseProlog of
Nothing -> "UTF-8"
Just s -> s
in case encodingFromStringExplicit enc of
Just e -> return e
Nothing -> fail $ "unknown encoding: " ++ enc
parseProlog =
do M.when (BSLChar.take 5 bs /= BSLChar.pack "<?xml") $ fail "no xml prolog"
(header, _) <- breakSubstring' (BSLChar.pack "?>") bs
(_, rest) <- breakSubstring' (BSLChar.pack "encoding") header
let notQuote = \c -> c /= '"' && c /= '\''
enc = (BSLChar.takeWhile notQuote .
BSLChar.drop 1 .
BSLChar.dropWhile notQuote)
return $ BSLChar.unpack enc
breakSubstring' x bs =
let (prefix, y) = breakSubstring x bs
in if x `BSL.isPrefixOf` y
then return (prefix, BSL.drop (BSL.length x) y)
else fail ("breakSubstring failed: substring " ++ show x
++ " not contained in " ++ show bs)
breakSubstring x bs =
if x `BSL.isPrefixOf` bs
then (BSL.empty, bs)
else case BSL.uncons bs of
Nothing -> (BSL.empty, BSL.empty)
Just (c, bs') ->
let (bs1, bs2) = breakSubstring x bs'
in (BSL.cons c bs1, bs2)
xpOne :: PU a -> PU a
xpOne = id
xpMany :: String -> PU a -> PU [a]
xpMany rootName pu = xpElem rootName (xpList pu)
xpByteString :: PU BSL.ByteString
xpByteString = xpWrap (BSLChar.pack, BSLChar.unpack) xpText0
pickle :: PU a -> a -> BSLChar.ByteString
pickle pu = serializeXml _UTF8_ . pickleDoc pu
pickleWithEnc :: XmlEncoding -> PU a -> a -> BSLChar.ByteString
pickleWithEnc enc pu = serializeXml' noProlog enc . pickleDoc pu
where noProlog = enc == _UNICODE_
unpickle :: Monad m => PU a -> BSLChar.ByteString -> m a
unpickle pu bsl = parseXml defaultParseXmlConfig bsl >>= unpickleDocM pu
validateAndUnpickle :: XmlValidator -> PU a -> BSLChar.ByteString -> Either String a
validateAndUnpickle val pu bsl =
case val bsl of
Left s -> Left s
_ ->
case parseXml defaultParseXmlConfig bsl of
Right t -> unpickleDocM pu t
Left s -> Left s
pickleStr :: PU a -> a -> String
pickleStr pu = BSLChar.unpack . pickleWithEnc _UNICODE_ pu
unpickleDocM :: Monad m => PU a -> XmlTree -> m a
unpickleDocM pu t =
case unpickleDoc pu t of
Nothing -> fail "Unpickling failed."
Just x -> return x
unpickleStr :: Monad m => PU a -> [Char] -> m a
unpickleStr pu = unpickle pu . BSLChar.pack
serializeXml :: XmlEncoding -> XmlTree -> BSLChar.ByteString
serializeXml enc xml = serializeXml' False enc xml
serializeXml' :: Bool -> XmlEncoding -> XmlTree -> BSLChar.ByteString
serializeXml' indent enc xml =
let [str] = runLA (constA xml >>> encodeA) (error "serializeXml': undefined")
in (BSLChar.pack (strip str))
where rmpi = enc == _UNICODE_
encodeA =
processChildren (uniqueNamespacesFromDeclAndQNames)
(if indent then processChildren indentDoc else this)
encodeDocument' rmpi (xmlEncodingName enc)
replaceChildren (xshow getChildren >>> arr encode >>> mkText)
xshow getChildren
encode = id
strip = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
isSpace = (`elem` " \n\t")
data ParseXmlConfig = ParseXmlConfig { pxml_removeProcessingInstructions :: Bool
, pxml_removeNonSignificantWhitespace :: Bool
, pxml_removeComments :: Bool }
defaultParseXmlConfig :: ParseXmlConfig
defaultParseXmlConfig = ParseXmlConfig True True True
parseXml :: Monad m => ParseXmlConfig -> BSLChar.ByteString -> m XmlTree
parseXml cfg bstr =
do enc <- xmlEncoding bstr
case decodeLazyByteStringExplicit enc bstr of
Left err -> fail (show err)
Right str ->
let trees = runLA (pipe str) (error "parseXml: undefined")
in case trees of
[] -> fail "empty result"
(NTree _ ((NTree (XError _ msg) _) : _) : _) -> fail msg
trees' -> return (last trees')
where pipe str = root [] []
>>> replaceChildren (parse str)
>>> (if pxml_removeProcessingInstructions cfg then removeXmlPi else this)
>>> (if pxml_removeNonSignificantWhitespace cfg then removeDocWhiteSpace else this)
>>> (if pxml_removeComments cfg then removeAllComment else this)
parse str = constA ("urn:Data.ByteString", str)
>>> parseXmlDoc
>>> substXmlEntityRefs
>>> canonicalizeContents
>>> propagateNamespaces
removeXmlPi :: ArrowXml a => a (NTree XNode) (NTree XNode)
removeXmlPi = processTopDown (none `when` (isPi >>> hasName t_xml))
data PUCase a = PUCase { case_value :: a
, case_spec :: PU a }
xpCase :: (a -> b, b -> a) -> PU a -> PUCase b
xpCase wrapfuns@(aToB,_bToA) specA = PUCase value spec
where value = aToB (error "xpCase: tagging function requires evaluation")
spec = xpWrap wrapfuns specA
xpCaseConst :: a -> PU () -> PUCase a
xpCaseConst a pu = xpCase (const a, const $ error undef) pu
where undef = error "xpCaseConst: this value should have been ignored"
xpSwitch :: Show a => [PUCase a] -> PU a
xpSwitch = xpTagSwitch (takeWhile (/= ' ') . show)
xpTagSwitch :: Eq t => (a -> t) -> [PUCase a] -> PU a
xpTagSwitch tag cases = xpAlt idx (map case_spec cases)
where idx = fromMaybe err . flip elemIndex tags . tag
err = error $ "xpTagSwitch: no case matched"
tags = map (tag . case_value) cases
xpTextFixed :: String -> PU ()
xpTextFixed text =
(xpWrapMaybe (\t -> if t == text then Just () else Nothing, const text)
xpText) { theSchema = scFixed text }
xpConsumeAll :: PU a -> PU a
xpConsumeAll pu =
PU { appPickle = appPickle pu
, appUnPickle = \s1 -> case appUnPickle pu s1 of
r@(Nothing, _) -> r
r@(Just _, s2) ->
case contents s2 of
[] -> r
_ -> (Nothing, s2)
, theSchema = theSchema pu
xpIgnoreOnUnpickle :: (PU a -> PU a) -> PU a -> PU a
xpIgnoreOnUnpickle tf pu =
PU { appPickle = appPickle (tf pu)
, appUnPickle = appUnPickle pu
, theSchema = theSchema pu
xpExhaustiveList :: PU a -> PU [a]
xpExhaustiveList = xpConsumeAll . xpList
xpEither :: (Show a, Show b) => PU a -> PU b -> PU (Either a b)
xpEither xpL xpR =
[ xpCase (Left, \(Left l) -> l) xpL
, xpCase (Right, \(Right r) -> r) xpR