module Scripting.Parallel.ThreadPool ( -- * Helpers for parallel scripting, i.e. prepping input to `hydraPrint` parForM ) where import Data.IORef import Control.Monad (forM) import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Chan import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A import Prelude as P import qualified System.IO.Streams as S -- import System.IO.Streams (InputStream, OutputStream) import System.IO.Streams.Concurrent (chanToInput, chanToOutput) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A helper for parallel scripting. Run work items in parallel on N worker threads -- (a thread pool), creating only ONE output stream per worker, not one per parallel -- task. Specifically, each invocation of the user's function is given an -- OutputStream that it holds a "lock" on -- it is the only thread accessing that -- output stream. -- -- This function returns immediately with -- (1) a list of input streams that will carry results on the fly, as they are produced, and -- (2) a barrier action that waits for all parallel work to be finished and yields the final results. -- The first list is `numWorkers` long, and the second is `numTasks`. -- -- Additional contracts: parForM :: Int -> [a] -> (S.OutputStream c -> a -> IO b) -> IO ([S.InputStream c], IO [b]) parForM numWorkers inputs action = do let numTasks = P.length inputs answers <- sequence$ P.replicate numTasks newEmptyMVar workLeft <- newIORef ( inputs answers) chans <- sequence $ P.replicate numWorkers newChan resultStrms <- mapM chanToInput chans outStrms <- mapM chanToOutput chans ------------ -- That didn't seem to work.... let's try a different way of creating an input/output pair. ------------ asyncs <- forM (zip outStrms [(0::Int)..]) $ \ (strm,idx) -> A.async $ do -- B.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr (B.pack$ "INSIDE ASYNC, "++show idx++" of "++show (P.length outStrms)) let pfloop = do -- Pop work off the queue: x <- atomicModifyIORef workLeft (\ls -> if P.null ls then ([], Nothing) else (P.tail ls, Just ((\ (h:_)->h) ls))) -- B.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr (B.pack$ "POPPED work "++show (idx, fmap (const ()) x)) case x of Nothing -> S.write Nothing strm -- End the stream. Just (input,mv) -> do result <- action strm input putMVar mv result pfloop pfloop let barrier = do mapM_ A.wait asyncs -- For exception handling. mapM readMVar answers return (resultStrms, barrier)