{ {-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-} {- Copyright (C) HyLoRes 2002-2007. See AUTHORS file This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -} module HyLo.InputFile.OldParser ( parse ) where import HyLo.InputFile.OldLexer ( Token(..), FilePos, line, col ) import HyLo.Signature.Simple ( PropSymbol(..), NomSymbol(..), RelSymbol(..) ) -- since ghc 6.10, "Down" is defined in GHC.Exts, that is included -- (unqualified) in the parser. we need to use Formula.Down instead of -- simply Down to avoid ambiguities... import HyLo.Formula as Formula ( Formula(..) ) } %name parse %tokentype { (Token, FilePos) } %token begin { (TokenBegin , _) } end { (TokenEnd , _) } at { (TokenAt , _) } at2 { (TokenAt2 , _) } down { (TokenDown , _) } prop { (TokenProp $$ , _) } nom { (TokenNom $$ , _) } var { (TokenVar $$ , _) } true { (TokenTrue , _) } false { (TokenFalse , _) } neg { (TokenNeg , _) } and { (TokenAnd , _) } or { (TokenOr , _) } dimp { (TokenDimp , _) } imp { (TokenImp , _) } box { (TokenBox $$ , _) } ibox { (TokenIBox $$ , _) } ubox { (TokenUBox , _) } dbox { (TokenDBox , _) } dia { (TokenDia $$ , _) } idia { (TokenIDia $$ , _) } udia { (TokenUDia , _) } ddia { (TokenDDia , _) } '(' { (TokenOB , _) } ')' { (TokenCB , _) } ';' { (TokenSC , _) } '.' { (TokenDot , _) } %right imp %right dimp %left or %left and %left box ibox ubox dbox dia idia udia ddia neg %right down %right at %% Input :: { [Formula NomSymbol PropSymbol RelSymbol] } Input : begin Formulas end { $2 } Formulas :: { [Formula NomSymbol PropSymbol RelSymbol] } Formulas : Formula { [$1] } | Formula ';' Formulas { $1:$3 } Formula :: { Formula NomSymbol PropSymbol RelSymbol } Formula : true { Top } | false { Bot } | var { Nom $1 } | nom { Nom $1 } | prop { Prop $1 } | dia Formula { Diam $1 $2 } | idia Formula { IDiam $1 $2 } | udia Formula { E $2 } | ddia Formula { D $2 } | box Formula { Box $1 $2 } | ibox Formula { IBox $1 $2 } | ubox Formula { A $2 } | dbox Formula { B $2 } | Formula dimp Formula { $1 :<-->: $3 } | Formula imp Formula { $1 :-->: $3 } | neg Formula { Neg $2 } | Formula and Formula { $1 :&: $3 } | Formula or Formula { $1 :|: $3 } | nom at Formula { At $1 $3 } | at2 nom Formula %prec at { At $2 $3 } | var at Formula { At $1 $3 } | at2 var Formula %prec at { At $2 $3 } | down '(' var Formula ')' { Formula.Down $3 $4 } | down var '.' Formula %prec down { Formula.Down $2 $4 } | '(' Formula ')' { $2 } { happyError :: [(Token, FilePos)] -> a happyError ((_, fp):_) = error ("Parse error near line " ++ (show $ line fp) ++ ", col. " ++ (show $ col fp)) }