-- | Run a hierarchical benchmark suite, collecting results.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Hyperion.Run
  ( -- * Run benchmarks
    -- * Benchmark transformations
  , shuffle
  , reorder
    -- * Sampling strategy selectors
  , filtered
  , uniform
    -- * Sampling strategies
  , SamplingStrategy(..)
  , defaultStrategy
  , fixed
  , sample
  , geometric
  , timeBound
    -- * Strategy helpers
  , geometricSeries
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Lens (foldMapOf)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow, bracket)
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, evalStateT, get, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans(..))
import Data.Int
import Data.List (mapAccumR)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Sequence (ViewL((:<)), viewl)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Unboxed
import Hyperion.Analysis (identifiers)
import Hyperion.Benchmark
import Hyperion.Internal
import Hyperion.Measurement
import qualified System.Clock as Clock
import System.Random (RandomGen(..))
import qualified System.Random.Shuffle as SRS
import Text.Show.Functions ()

-- | Local private copy of 'StateT' to hang our otherwise orphan 'Monoid'
-- instance to. This instance is missing from transformers.
newtype StateT' s m a = StateT' { unStateT' :: StateT s m a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow, MonadState s, MonadTrans)

instance (Monad m, Monoid a) => Monoid (StateT' s m a) where
  mempty = lift (return mempty)
  mappend m1 m2 = mappend <$> m1 <*> m2

-- | Sampling strategy.
newtype SamplingStrategy = SamplingStrategy (Batch () -> IO Sample)
  deriving (Monoid, Show)

-- | Provided a sampling strategy (which can be keyed on the 'BenchmarkId'),
-- sample the runtime of all the benchmark cases in the given benchmark tree.
  :: (BenchmarkId -> Maybe SamplingStrategy)
  -- ^ Name indexed batch sampling strategy.
  -> Benchmark
  -- ^ Benchmark to be run.
  -> IO (HashMap BenchmarkId Sample)
runBenchmark istrategy bk0 =
  -- Ignore the identifiers we find. Use fully qualified identifiers
  -- accumulated from the lens defined above. The order is DFS in both cases.
  evalStateT (unStateT' (go bk0)) (foldMapOf identifiers return bk0)
    go (Bench _ batch) = do
      ident <- pop
      case (istrategy ident) of
        Nothing -> return HashMap.empty
        Just (SamplingStrategy f) ->
          HashMap.singleton ident <$> lift (f batch)
    go (Group _ bks) = foldMap (go) bks
    go (Bracket ini fini g) =
      bracket (lift (ini >>= evaluate . force)) (lift . fini) (go . g . Resource)
    go (Series xs g) = foldMap (go . g) xs

    pop = do
      x :< xs <- viewl <$> get
      put xs
      return x

-- | Time an action.
chrono :: IO () -> IO Int64
chrono act = do
    start <- Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
    end <- Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
    return $ fromIntegral $ Clock.toNanoSecs $ Clock.diffTimeSpec start end

-- | Sample once a batch of fixed size.
fixed :: Int64 -> SamplingStrategy
fixed _batchSize = SamplingStrategy $ \batch -> do
    _duration <- chrono $ runBatch batch _batchSize
    return $ Sample $ Unboxed.singleton Measurement{..}

-- | Run a sampling strategy @n@ times.
sample :: Int64 -> SamplingStrategy -> SamplingStrategy
sample n strategy = mconcat $ replicate (fromIntegral n) strategy

-- | Sampling strategy that creates samples of the specified sizes with a time
-- bound. Sampling stops when either a sample has been sampled for each size or
-- when the total benchmark time is greater than the specified time bound.
-- The actual amount of time spent may be longer since hyperion will always
-- wait for a 'Sample' of a given size to complete.
  :: Clock.TimeSpec -- ^ Time bound
  -> [Int64] -- ^ Sample sizes; may be infinite
  -> SamplingStrategy
timeBound maxTime batchSizes = SamplingStrategy $ \batch -> do
    start <- Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
    go batch start batchSizes mempty
    go batch start (_batchSize:bss) smpl = do
      _duration <- chrono $ runBatch batch _batchSize
      let smpl' = smpl `mappend` (Sample $ Unboxed.singleton Measurement{..})
      now <- Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
      if Clock.diffTimeSpec start now > maxTime
        then return smpl'
        else go batch start bss smpl'
    go _ _ _ s = return s

-- | Sampling strategies that ignore the name index, i.e. are uniform across all
-- benchmarks.
uniform :: SamplingStrategy -> (BenchmarkId -> Maybe SamplingStrategy)
uniform = const . Just

-- | Sampling strategies that filters the benchmarks based on a predicate: a
-- benchmark is included iff the predicate is 'True'.
  :: (BenchmarkId -> Bool)
  -> SamplingStrategy
  -> (BenchmarkId -> Maybe SamplingStrategy)
filtered p ss bid =
    if p bid then Just ss else Nothing

-- | Default to 100 samples, for each batch size from 1 to 20 with a geometric
-- progression of 1.2.
defaultStrategy :: SamplingStrategy
defaultStrategy = geometric 100 20 1.2

-- | Batching strategy, following a geometric progression from 1
-- to the provided limit, with the given ratio.
  :: Int64 -- ^ Sample size.
  -> Int64 -- ^ Max batch size.
  -> Double -- ^ Ratio of geometric progression.
  -> SamplingStrategy
geometric nSamples limit ratio =
    foldMap (\size -> sample nSamples (fixed size)) (geometricSeries ratio limit)

  :: Double -- ^ Geometric progress.
  -> Int64 -- ^ End of the series.
  -> [Int64]
geometricSeries ratio limit =
    if ratio > 1
      takeWhile (<= limit) $
      squish $
      map truncate $
      map (ratio^) ([1..] :: [Int])
      error "Geometric ratio must be bigger than 1"

-- | Our series starts its growth very slowly when we begin at 1, so we
-- eliminate repeated values.
-- NOTE: taken from Criterion.
squish :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
squish ys = foldr go [] ys
  where go x xs = x : dropWhile (==x) xs

-- | Convenience wrapper around 'SRS.shuffle'.
shuffle :: RandomGen g => g -> [a] -> [a]
shuffle gen xs = SRS.shuffle' xs (length xs) gen

splitn :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> [g]
splitn n gen = snd $ mapAccumR (flip (const split)) gen [1..n]

  :: RandomGen g
  => (g -> [Benchmark] -> [Benchmark])
  -> (g -> [Benchmark] -> [Benchmark])
reorder shuf gen0 bks0 =
    shuf gen0 (zipWith go (splitn (length bks0) gen0) bks0)
    go _ bk@(Bench _ _) = bk
    go gen (Group name bks) =
        Group name (shuf gen (zipWith go (splitn (length bks) gen) bks))
    go gen (Bracket ini fini f) =
        Bracket ini fini (\x -> go gen (f x))
    go gen (Series xs f) =
        Series xs (\x -> go gen (f x))