# HyperLogLogPlus [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ezhulenev/hyperloglogplus.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/ezhulenev/hyperloglogplus) Haskell implementation of HyperLogLog++ with MinHash for efficient cardinality and intersection estimation using constant space. See original AdRoll paper for details: [HyperLogLog and MinHash](http://tech.adroll.com/media/hllminhash.pdf) ```Haskell -- Example: :set -XDataKinds :load Data.HyperLogLogPlus type HLL = HyperLogLogPlus 12 8192 mempty :: HLL size (foldr insert mempty [1 .. 75000] :: HLL) size $ (foldr insert mempty [1 .. 5000] :: HLL) <> (foldr insert mempty [3000 .. 10000] :: HLL) intersection $ [ (foldr insert mempty [1 .. 15000] :: HLL) , (foldr insert mempty [12000 .. 20000] :: HLL) ] ``` ## Testing ``` stack test ```