module Text.Iconv
       Fuzziness(Fuzzy, Strict),

import Prelude hiding (ioError)
import Control.Exception (bracket, ioError)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Foreign.C.Error (getErrno, errnoToIOError, eINVAL, eILSEQ, e2BIG)
import Foreign.C.String (CString, withCString, withCStringLen, peekCStringLen)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt, CSize)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr, plusPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

type Charset = String
type Bytes = String

data ConversionResult = ConversionSuccess Bytes
                      | ConversionFailed
                      | ConversionUnsupported
    deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)

-- We should get this from C, but there isn't a nice way to do so

type Iconv = Ptr IconvInternals
data IconvInternals

foreign import ccall unsafe "static iconv.h iconv_open"
  c_iconv_open :: CString -> CString -> IO Iconv
foreign import ccall unsafe "static iconv.h iconv"
  c_iconv :: Iconv -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize
                   -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe "static iconv.h iconv_close"
  c_iconv_close :: Iconv -> IO CInt

iconv_open :: Charset -> Charset -> IO (Maybe Iconv)
iconv_open from to
 = withCString from $ \c_from ->
   withCString to $ \c_to ->
   do i <- c_iconv_open c_to c_from
      if i == plusPtr nullPtr (-1) -- Ugly hack again!
        then do e <- getErrno
                if e == eINVAL
                  then return Nothing
                  else ioError (errnoToIOError "iconv_open" e Nothing Nothing)
        else return (Just i)

iconv :: Bool -> Iconv -> Bytes -> IO (Maybe Bytes)
iconv ignore_ilseq i xs
 = withCStringLen xs $ \(c_xs, len) ->
   alloca $ \p_xs ->
   alloca $ \p_len ->
   allocaBytes bs $ \res ->
   alloca $ \p_res ->
   alloca $ \p_res_len ->
   do poke p_xs c_xs
      poke p_len (fromIntegral len)
      let iconv_core :: Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize -> IO (Maybe Bytes)
          iconv_core p_xs' p_len'
           = do poke p_res res
                poke p_res_len bs
                r <- c_iconv i p_xs' p_len' p_res p_res_len
                m_e <- if r == -1 then liftM Just getErrno else return Nothing
                case m_e of
                    Just e
                     | e == eINVAL || (e == eILSEQ && not ignore_ilseq) ->
                        return Nothing
                     | e /= e2BIG && e /= eILSEQ ->
                        ioError (errnoToIOError "iconv" e Nothing Nothing)
                    _ -> do unused_len <- peek p_res_len
                            let res_len = bs - fromIntegral unused_len
                            liftM Just $ peekCStringLen (res, res_len)
      let f = do m_res_init <- iconv_core p_xs p_len
                 case m_res_init of
                     Nothing -> return Nothing
                     Just res_init ->
                         do rem_inp_len <- peek p_len
                            m_rest <- if rem_inp_len == 0
                                      then iconv_core nullPtr nullPtr
                                      else f
                            return $ case m_rest of
                                         Nothing -> Nothing
                                         Just rest -> Just (res_init ++ rest)
    where bs :: Integral a => a
          bs = 1024

convert :: Fuzziness -> Charset -> Charset -> Bytes -> ConversionResult
convert fuzziness from to xs
 = unsafePerformIO $
   bracket (iconv_open from' to')
           (\m_i -> case m_i of
                        Nothing -> return ()
                        Just i ->
                            do -- Don't bother checking c_iconv_close suceeeds
                               c_iconv_close i
                               return ())
           (\m_i -> case m_i of
                        Nothing -> return ConversionUnsupported
                        Just i ->
                            do m <- iconv ignore_ilseq i xs
                               case m of
                                   Nothing -> return ConversionFailed
                                   Just x -> return $ ConversionSuccess x)
    where (from', to', ignore_ilseq) = account_for_fuzziness fuzziness from to

canConvert :: Fuzziness -> Charset -> Charset -> Bool
canConvert fuzziness from to = unsafePerformIO $
    do m_i <- iconv_open from to
       case m_i of
           Nothing -> return False
           Just i -> do -- Don't bother checking c_iconv_close suceeeds
                        c_iconv_close i
                        return True
    where (from', to', _) = account_for_fuzziness fuzziness from to

data Fuzziness = Fuzzy | Strict
    deriving Eq

account_for_fuzziness :: Fuzziness -> Charset -> Charset
                      -> (Charset, Charset, Bool)
account_for_fuzziness Strict from to = (from, to, False)
account_for_fuzziness Fuzzy from to = (from, to ++ "//IGNORE//TRANSLIT", True)