import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( withPrograms, compiler ) import Distribution.Simple.Program ( runProgram, lookupProgram, ghcPkgProgram ) import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( fromFlag, configVerbosity, buildVerbosity ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( notice, die ) import Control.Exception ( bracket ) import Control.Monad ( join, when, forM_, liftM2 ) import Data.Bits ( xor ) import Data.Word ( Word ) import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory , removeDirectoryRecursive, removeFile , doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist , getDirectoryContents ) import System.Environment ( getArgs ) import System.FilePath ( (), takeExtension ) import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T main :: IO () main = join $ liftM2 mainWith getArgs getCurrentDirectory mainWith :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO () mainWith cmdLineArgs cwd = defaultMainWithHooksArgs hooks cmdLineArgs where hooks = simpleUserHooks { postConf = \args flags pd lbi -> do configureRts lbi flags (postConf simpleUserHooks) args flags pd lbi , buildHook = \pd lbi hs flags -> do buildRts lbi flags makeRtsRelocatable lbi flags makeTarball "embedded-rts.tgz" cwd [dirToEmbed] (buildHook simpleUserHooks) pd lbi hs flags , preClean = \args flags -> do onRtsDir $ runSetupClean (preClean simpleUserHooks) args flags } dirToEmbed = "embedded-rts" pkgDbPath = dirToEmbed "pkgdb" onRtsDir = withCurrentDirectory "ide-backend-rts" rawRunSetup args lbi verbosity = do let args' = args ++ [rtsBuildDirArg lbi] notice verbosity $ "Running cabal with " ++ show args' defaultMainArgs args' runSetup cmd lbi verbosity = rawRunSetup [cmd] lbi verbosity rerunSetupWith flags lbi verbosity = rawRunSetup (cmdLineArgs ++ flags) lbi verbosity -- NB. we must set builddir explicitly (and as the final arg) -- since when rerunning the command during configuration, the default -- builddir may be changed by a flag (e.g. as "stack" does), and if we -- are not aware of the right builddir on the subsequent calls, we won't -- find the configuration info and fail. rtsBuildDirArg lbi = "--builddir=dist/buildinfo-" ++ show (hashString $ show (compiler lbi)) -- NB. We make the builddir a function of the compiler being used -- (approximated by the local build info). This is only relevant for -- people hacking on this library: we are trying to avoid the scenario -- where one first builds the server using compiler A and then, on the same -- directory, rebuilds the server using compiler B, but the "Setup build" step -- on the rts directory finds that the rts is already built (but with compiler A!), -- leaves it as is, and one ends up with a server for B with an embedded rts for A. -- Using a different builddir for A and B, this won't happen. -- Note also that we put all the local build dirs under the same root dist, so we -- know what to remove during cleanup runSetupClean = defaultMainArgs ["clean", "--builddir=dist"] -- Run "Setup configure" on the directory of the rts. -- We ensure that we pass exactly the same command line arguments -- we received (since those can be indicating the version of ghc -- with which we are compiling the server) but override the location -- of the output, since we want the package-db on "embedded-rts" configureRts lbi flags = do let verbosity = fromFlag (configVerbosity flags) notice verbosity "configuring rts..." let dirToEmbedFullPath = cwd dirToEmbed pkgDbFullPath = cwd pkgDbPath outOfTheWay dirToEmbed runGhcPkg ["init", pkgDbPath] lbi verbosity onRtsDir $ rerunSetupWith [ "--package-db=" ++ pkgDbFullPath , "--libdir=" ++ (dirToEmbedFullPath "lib") , "--bindir=" ++ (dirToEmbedFullPath "bin") , "--datadir=" ++ (dirToEmbedFullPath "share") , "--docdir=" ++ (dirToEmbedFullPath "doc") , "--htmldir=" ++ (dirToEmbedFullPath "doc") , "--haddockdir=" ++ (dirToEmbedFullPath "doc") , "--enable-library-for-ghci" ] lbi verbosity -- Builds the rts, which will end up in embedded-rts, and -- registers it to a package-db contained there as well buildRts lbi flags = do let verbosity = fromFlag (buildVerbosity flags) notice verbosity "building rts..." onRtsDir $ do runSetup "build" lbi verbosity notice verbosity "locally registering rts..." onRtsDir $ do runSetup "copy" lbi verbosity runSetup "register" lbi verbosity -- This hack is a workaround to Cabal not having yet (as of 1.22) -- a clear story regarding relocatable packages. We just replace -- every occurrence of 'cwd dirToEmbed' by the string "${pkgroot}" -- everywhere in the installed-package-conf and run 'ghc-pkg recache' -- afterwards. makeRtsRelocatable lbi flags = do let verbosity = fromFlag (buildVerbosity flags) notice verbosity "making rts a relocatable package..." pkgDb_files <- getDirectoryContents pkgDbPath let conf_files = filter ((== ".conf").takeExtension) pkgDb_files -- we expect only one conf file, if we couldn't find it the hack -- has failed (better to detect here than at runtime!) when (null conf_files) $ die "Couldn't file a conf file to hack" forM_ (map (pkgDbPath ) conf_files) $ \conf_file -> do -- NB. ghc-pkg expects conf files to be in utf-8 contents <- T.decodeUtf8 `fmap` BS.readFile conf_file -- we do a simple text substitution instead of parsing the conf file -- using Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo; the text substitution is -- safe enough and arguably more future-proof. let hack = T.replace (T.pack $ cwd dirToEmbed) (T.pack "${pkgroot}") new_contents = hack contents -- make sure that we have indeed made a substitution, otherwise this -- will blow at runtime.... when (contents == new_contents) $ die "No substitution, hack failed" BS.writeFile conf_file $ T.encodeUtf8 (new_contents) -- Update the package cache runGhcPkg ["recache", "--package-db=" ++ pkgDbPath] lbi verbosity runGhcPkg args lbi verb = let Just ghc_pkg = lookupProgram ghcPkgProgram (withPrograms lbi) in runProgram verb ghc_pkg args -- Available in directory- withCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a withCurrentDirectory dir action = bracket getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory $ \_ -> do setCurrentDirectory dir action -- Removes the given file or directory outOfTheWay :: FilePath -> IO () outOfTheWay fileOrDir = do is_dir <- doesDirectoryExist fileOrDir if is_dir then removeDirectoryRecursive fileOrDir else do is_file <- doesFileExist fileOrDir when is_file $ removeFile fileOrDir makeTarball :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO () makeTarball tarball base contents = LBS.writeFile tarball . GZip.compress . Tar.write =<< Tar.pack base contents -- Based on the Hashable String instance hashString :: String -> Word hashString = List.foldl' (\salt x -> salt `combine` hashChar x) 0x087fc72c where hashChar = fromIntegral . fromEnum combine h1 h2 = (h1 * 16777619) `xor` h2