-- Copyright 2013, Open Universiteit Nederland. This file is distributed
-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information,
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)
-- A collection of strategy combinators: all lifted to work on different
-- data types
module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Combinators where

import Ideas.Common.Id
import Ideas.Common.Rule
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Abstract
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Configuration
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Core
import Prelude hiding (not, repeat, fail, sequence)
import qualified Prelude

--- Strategy combinators

-- Basic combinators --------------------------------------

infixr 2 <%>
infixr 3 <|>
infixr 4  |>
infixr 5 <*>

-- | Put two strategies in sequence (first do this, then do that)
(<*>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a
(<*>) = liftCore2 (.*.)

-- | Choose between the two strategies (either do this or do that)
(<|>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a
(<|>) = liftCore2 (.|.)

-- | Interleave two strategies
(<%>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a
(<%>) = liftCore2 (.%.)

-- | The strategy that always succeeds (without doing anything)
succeed :: Strategy a
succeed = fromCore Succeed

-- | The strategy that always fails
fail :: Strategy a
fail = fromCore Fail

-- | Makes a strategy atomic (w.r.t. parallel composition)
atomic :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
atomic = liftCore Atomic

-- | Puts a list of strategies into a sequence
sequence :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
sequence = foldr ((<*>) . toStrategy) succeed

-- | Combines a list of alternative strategies
alternatives :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
alternatives = foldr ((<|>) . toStrategy) fail

-- | Merges a list of strategies (in parallel)
interleave :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
interleave = foldr ((<%>) . toStrategy) succeed

-- | Allows all permutations of the list
permute :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
permute = foldr ((<%>) . atomic) succeed

-- EBNF combinators --------------------------------------

-- | Repeat a strategy zero or more times (non-greedy)
many :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
many = liftCore Many

-- | Apply a certain strategy at least once (non-greedy)
many1 :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
many1 s = s <*> many s

-- | Apply a strategy a certain number of times
replicate :: IsStrategy f => Int -> f a -> Strategy a
replicate n = sequence . Prelude.replicate n

-- | Apply a certain strategy or do nothing (non-greedy)
option :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
option s = s <|> succeed

-- Negation and greedy combinators ----------------------

-- | Checks whether a predicate holds for the current term. The
--   check is considered to be a minor step.
check :: (a -> Bool) -> Strategy a
check = toStrategy . checkRule "check"

-- | Check whether or not the argument strategy cannot be applied: the result
--   strategy only succeeds if this is not the case (otherwise it fails).
not :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
not = liftCore (Not . noLabels)

-- | Repeat a strategy zero or more times (greedy version of 'many')
repeat :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
repeat = liftCore Repeat

-- | Apply a certain strategy at least once (greedy version of 'many1')
repeat1 :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
repeat1 s = s <*> repeat s

-- | Apply a certain strategy if this is possible (greedy version of 'option')
try :: IsStrategy f => f a -> Strategy a
try s = s |> succeed

-- | Left-biased choice: if the left-operand strategy can be applied, do so. Otherwise,
--   try the right-operand strategy
(|>) :: (IsStrategy f, IsStrategy g) => f a -> g a -> Strategy a
(|>) = liftCore2 (:|>:)

-- | Repeat the strategy as long as the predicate holds
while :: IsStrategy f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Strategy a
while p s = repeat (check p <*> s)

-- | Repeat the strategy until the predicate holds
until :: IsStrategy f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Strategy a
until p = while (Prelude.not . p)

-- | Apply a strategy at least once, but collapse into a single step
multi :: (IsId l, IsStrategy f) => l -> f a -> LabeledStrategy a
multi s = collapse . label s . repeat1

-- | Apply the strategies from the list exhaustively (until this is no longer possible)
exhaustive :: IsStrategy f => [f a] -> Strategy a
exhaustive = repeat . alternatives

-- | A fix-point combinator on strategies (to model recursion). Powerful
-- (but dangerous) combinator
fix :: (Strategy a -> Strategy a) -> Strategy a
fix f = fromCore (coreFix (toCore . f . fromCore))