-- Copyright 2013, Open Universiteit Nederland. This file is distributed
-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information,
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)
module Ideas.Main.BlackBoxTests (blackBoxTests) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.List
import Ideas.Common.Utils (useFixedStdGen, snd3)
import Ideas.Common.Utils.TestSuite
import Ideas.Encoding.ModeJSON
import Ideas.Encoding.ModeXML
import Ideas.Service.DomainReasoner
import Ideas.Service.Request
import System.Directory
import System.IO

-- Returns the number of tests performed
blackBoxTests :: DomainReasoner -> String -> IO TestSuite
blackBoxTests dr path = do
   putStrLn ("Scanning " ++ path)
   -- analyse content
   xs0 <- getDirectoryContents path
   let (xml,  xs1) = partition (".xml"  `isSuffixOf`) xs0
       (json, xs2) = partition (".json" `isSuffixOf`) xs1
   -- perform tests
   ts1 <- forM json $ \x ->
             doBlackBoxTest dr JSON (path ++ "/" ++ x)
   ts2 <- forM xml $ \x ->
             doBlackBoxTest dr XML (path ++ "/" ++ x)
   -- recursively visit subdirectories
   ts3 <- forM (filter ((/= ".") . take 1) xs2) $ \x -> do
             let p = path ++ "/" ++ x
             valid <- doesDirectoryExist p
             if not valid
                then return (return ())
                else liftM (suite $ "Directory " ++ simplerDirectory p)
                           (blackBoxTests dr p)
   return $
      sequence_ (ts1 ++ ts2 ++ ts3)

doBlackBoxTest :: DomainReasoner -> DataFormat -> FilePath -> IO TestSuite
doBlackBoxTest dr format path = do
   hSetBinaryMode stdout True
   b <- doesFileExist expPath
   return $ if not b
      then warn $ expPath ++ " does not exist"
      else assertIO (stripDirectoryPart path) $ do
         -- Comparing output with expected output
         (h1, h2, txt, expt) <- liftIO $ do
            useFixedStdGen -- fix the random number generator
            h1   <- openBinaryFile path ReadMode
            txt  <- hGetContents h1
            h2   <- openBinaryFile expPath ReadMode
            expt <- hGetContents h2
            return (h1, h2, txt, expt)
         out  <- case format of
                    JSON -> liftM snd3 (processJSON False dr txt)
                    XML  -> liftM snd3 (processXML dr Nothing txt)
         -- Force evaluation of the result, to make sure that
         -- all file handles are closed afterwards.
         let result = out ~= expt
         liftIO $ result `seq` (hClose h1 >> hClose h2 >> return result)
         \_ -> return False
   expPath = baseOf path ++ ".exp"
   baseOf  = reverse . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '.') . reverse
   x ~= y  = filterVersion x == filterVersion y -- compare line-based

   filterVersion =
      let p s = not (null s || "version" `isInfixOf` s)
      in filter p . lines . filter (/= '\r')

simplerDirectory :: String -> String
simplerDirectory s
   | "../"   `isPrefixOf` s = simplerDirectory (drop 3 s)
   | "test/" `isPrefixOf` s = simplerDirectory (drop 5 s)
   | otherwise = s

stripDirectoryPart :: String -> String
stripDirectoryPart = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse

logicConfluence :: IO ()
logicConfluence = reportTest "logic rules" (isConfluent f rs)
   f    = normalizeWith ops . normalFormWith ops rs
   ops  = map makeCommutative Logic.logicOperators
   rwrs = Logic.logicRules \\ [Logic.ruleOrOverAnd, Logic.ruleCommOr, Logic.ruleCommAnd]
   rs   = [ r | RewriteRule r <- concatMap transformations rwrs ]
   -- eqs  = bothWays [ r | RewriteRule r <- concatMap transformations Logic.logicRules ]