-- Copyright 2014, Open Universiteit Nederland. This file is distributed
-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information,
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)
--  $Id: Sequential.hs 6535 2014-05-14 11:05:06Z bastiaan $

module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Sequential
   ( Sequential(..)
   , Process
   , Builder, build
   , empty, firsts, scanChoice, prune
   , fromAtoms
   , Sym(..)
   , atomic, concurrent, (<@>)
   , withPath, replay
   , uniquePath, tidyProcess
   ) where

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Path

class Sequential f where
   ok, stop :: f a
   single   :: a -> f a
   (~>)     :: a -> f a -> f a
   (<|>)    :: f a -> f a -> f a
   (<?>)    :: f a -> f a -> f a
   (<*>)    :: f a -> f a -> f a
   choice   :: [f a] -> f a
   -- default implementation
   single a = a ~> ok
   a ~> p   = single a <*> p
   p <?> q  = p <|> q -- angelic by default
   choice   = foldr (<|>) stop

infixr 3 :~>, ~>

data Process a
   = Process a :|: Process a   -- choice (p or q)
   | Process a :?: Process a   -- non-deterministic choice (behaves as either p or q)
   | a   :~> Process a         -- prefix (a then p)
   | Ok                        -- successful termination
   | Stop                      -- failure
   deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Sequential Process where
   ok    = Ok
   stop  = Stop
   (~>)  = (:~>)
   (<?>) = (:?:)
   (<|>) = (:|:)

   p <*> Ok = p
   p <*> q  = fold (Alg (<|>) (:?:) (:~>) q Stop) p

newtype Builder a = B (Process a -> Process a)

instance Sequential Builder where
   ok          = B id
   stop        = B (const Stop)
   single a    = B (a ~>)
   a ~> B f    = B ((a ~>) . f)

   B f <|> B g = B (\p -> f p <|> g p)
   B f <?> B g = B (\p -> f p <?> g p)
   B f <*> B g = B (f . g)

build :: Builder a -> Process a
build (B f) = f Ok

data Menu a = Menu { empty :: Bool, firstsSeq :: S.Seq (a, Menu a) }

firsts :: Menu a -> [(a, Menu a)]
firsts = toList . firstsSeq

instance Sequential Menu where
   ok      = Menu True  S.empty
   stop    = Menu False S.empty
   a ~> m  = Menu False (S.singleton (a, m))

   Menu b1 xs <|> Menu b2 ys = Menu (b1 || b2) (xs <> ys)

   Menu b xs <*> m
      | b         = m <|> ys
      | otherwise = ys
      ys = Menu b $ fmap (\(a, p) -> (a, p <*> m)) xs  -}

data Alg a b = Alg
   { forChoice :: b -> b -> b
   , forEither :: b -> b -> b
   , forPrefix :: a -> b -> b
   , forOk     :: b
   , forStop   :: b

instance Monoid (Process a) where
   mempty  = stop
   mappend = (<|>) -}

--instance Functor Process where
--   fmap f = fold (Alg (:|:) (:?:) ((:~>) . f) Ok Stop)

instance Monad Process where
   return  = (:~> ok)
   fail _  = Stop
   p >>= f = fold (Alg (:|:) (:?:) ((<*>) . f) Ok Stop) p -}

fold :: Alg a b -> Process a -> b
fold alg = rec
   rec (p :|: q) = forChoice alg (rec p) (rec q)
   rec (p :?: q) = forEither alg (rec p) (rec q)
   rec (a :~> p) = forPrefix alg a (rec p)
   rec Ok        = forOk alg
   rec Stop      = forStop alg

join :: Process (Process a) -> Process a
join = fold (Alg (:|:) (:?:) (<*>) Ok Stop)

-- angelic for non-deterministic choice
empty :: Process a -> Bool
empty = fold $ Alg (||) (||) (\_ _ -> False) True False

-- angelic for non-deterministic choice
firsts :: Process a -> [(a, Process a)]
firsts = ($ []) . rec
   rec (p :|: q) = rec p . rec q
   rec (p :?: q) = rec p . rec q
   rec (a :~> p) = ((a, p):)
   rec Ok        = id
   rec Stop      = id

run :: Process a -> [[a]]
run p =
   [ [] | empty p ] ++
   [ a:as | (a, q) <- firsts p, as <- run q ] -}

scanChoice :: (a -> b -> [(a, c)]) -> a -> Process b -> Process c
scanChoice f = rec
   rec a (p :|: q) = rec a p :|: rec a q
   rec a (p :?: q) = rec a p :?: rec a q
   rec a (b :~> p) = choice [ c :~> rec a2 p | (a2, c) <- f a b ]
   rec _ Ok        = Ok
   rec _ Stop      = Stop

-- remove left-biased choice
prune :: (a -> Bool) -> Process a -> Process a
prune f = fst . fold Alg
   { forChoice = \ ~(p, b1) ~(q, b2) -> (p <|> q, b1 || b2)
   , forEither = \p q -> if snd p then p else q
   , forPrefix = \a ~(p, b) -> (a ~> p, f a || b)
   , forOk     = (ok, True)
   , forStop   = (stop, False)

useFirst :: Sequential f => (a -> Process a -> f b) -> f b -> Process a -> f b
useFirst op e = rec
   rec (p :|: q) = rec p <|> rec q
   rec (p :?: q) = rec p <?> rec q
   rec (a :~> p) = op a p
   rec Ok        = e
   rec Stop      = stop

data Sym a = Single a | Composed (Process a)

fromAtoms :: Process (Sym a) -> Process a
fromAtoms (Single a   :~> q) = a ~> fromAtoms q
fromAtoms (Composed p :~> q) = p <*> fromAtoms q
fromAtoms (p :|: q)          = fromAtoms p <|> fromAtoms q
fromAtoms (p :?: q)          = fromAtoms p <?> fromAtoms q
fromAtoms Ok                 = ok
fromAtoms Stop               = stop

atomic :: Sequential f => Process (Sym a) -> f (Sym a)
atomic = single . Composed . fromAtoms

concurrent :: Sequential f => (a -> Bool) -> Process a -> Process a -> f a
concurrent switch = normal
   normal p q = stepBoth q p <|> (stepRight q p <|> stepRight p q)

   stepBoth  = useFirst stop2 . useFirst stop2 ok
   stop2 _ _ = stop

   stepRight p = useFirst op stop
      op a = (a ~>) . (if switch a then normal else stepRight) p

-- Alternate combinator
(<@>) :: Sequential f => Process a -> Process a -> f a
p <@> q = useFirst (\a r -> a ~> (q <@> r)) bothOk p
   bothOk = useFirst (\_ _ -> stop) ok q

abc, de :: Process  Char
abc = 'a' :~> 'b' :~> 'c' :~> ok
de  = 'd' :~> 'e' :~> ok

go = run (concurrent undefined undefined abc de)

indep :: Char -> Char -> Bool
indep x y = x `elem` "abc" && y `elem` "def"

(%) :: Sequential f => Process a -> Process a -> f a
(%) = concurrent (const True)
withPath :: Process a -> Process (a, Path)
withPath = rec emptyPath
   rec path (p :|: q) = rec (toLeft path) p :|: rec (toRight path) q
   rec path (p :?: q) = rec (toLeft path) p :?: rec (toRight path) q
   rec path (a :~> p) = let next = tick path
                        in (a, next) :~> rec next p
   rec _    Ok        = Ok
   rec _    Stop      = Stop

replay :: Monad m => Path -> Process a -> m ([a], Process a)
replay = flip (rec [])
   rec acc process path
      | path == emptyPath = return (acc, process)
      | otherwise =
           case process of
              p :|: q -> choose p q
              p :?: q -> choose p q
              a :~> p -> untick path >>= rec (a:acc) p
              _       -> fail "replay: invalid path"
      choose p q = leftOrRight path >>= either (rec acc p) (rec acc q)


filterP :: (a -> Bool) -> Process a -> Process a
filterP p = fold idAlg
   { forPrefix = \a q -> if p a then a ~> q else stop }

idAlg :: Sequential f => Alg a (f a)
idAlg = Alg
   { forChoice = (<|>)
   , forEither = (<?>)
   , forPrefix = (~>)
   , forOk     = ok
   , forStop   = stop

tidyProcess :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> Process a -> Process a
tidyProcess eq cond = step2 . step1
    step1 = fold idAlg { forChoice = rmChoiceUnitZero
                       , forPrefix = rmPrefix

    step2 = fold idAlg { forChoice = rmSameChoice }

    rmChoiceUnitZero p q =
        case (p, q) of
          (Stop, _) -> q
          (_, Stop) -> p
          (Ok, _)   -> ok
          (_, Ok)   -> ok
          _         -> p <|> q

    rmPrefix a p | cond a    = p
                 | otherwise = a ~> p

    rmSameChoice p q = if cmpProcesses eq p q
                       then p
                       else p <|> q

-- | Structural comparison of processes
cmpProcesses :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Process a -> Process b -> Bool
cmpProcesses f = rec
    rec (p :|: q) (r :|: s) = rec p r && rec q s
    rec (p :?: q) (r :?: s) = rec p r && rec q s
    rec (a :~> p) (b :~> q) = f a b   && rec p q
    rec Ok        Ok        = True
    rec Stop      Stop      = True
    rec _         _         = False

-- | The uniquePath transformation changes the process in such a way that all
--   intermediate states can only be reached by one path. A prerequisite is that
--   symbols are unique (or only used once).
uniquePath :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Process a -> Process a
uniquePath cond eq = rec
      rec (p :|: q) = let f x = not $ any (eq x) (map fst $ firstsWith cond p)
                      in  rec p <|> rec (filterP f q)
      rec (p :?: q) = rec p :?: rec q
      rec (a :~> p) = a :~> rec p
      rec Ok        = Ok
      rec Stop      = Stop

prefixes :: Process a -> [[a]]
prefixes p = concatMap (\(a, q) -> [a] : (map (a:) $ prefixes q)) $ firsts p

--uniquePath_prop :: Eq a => Process a -> Property
uniquePath_prop pred eq = unique_prop . prefixes . uniquePath pred eq
    unique_prop xs = forAll (elements xs) $ \x -> filter (== x) xs == [x] -}

-- | This functions returns the first symbols that hold for predicate p
firstsWith :: (a -> Bool) -> Process a -> [(a, Process a)]
firstsWith p = concatMap f . firsts
    f (r, q) | p r       = [(r, q)]
             | otherwise = firstsWith p q